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Drunk thread

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erotic butter maelstrom
It was definitely the up down boat rock motion as opposed to the shake you to death kind.. Was pretty damn substantial where I'm at. At least it seemed that way to me, I am currently sleeping on the floor because of my back.
Don't you ever worry that the earth is gonna open up under you and you're gonna get sucke down into the abyss. It could just happen anytime while you're sleeping or soundclouding or whatever. No quakes here in The North. ⛄️


im going back into the woods 4⃣ever. exroomies bf stole all my condoms and girl wasnt impressed by the empties in the bathroom of the new place


This is what happens when you play Johann Sebastian Joust, drunk, with your best friend that's really competitive...


I feel like a bag of shit today.

Also I'm too hungover to figure out why it keeps flipping the picture when I post it.
EDIT: I guess it fixed it's self


Last time I tried playing a game drunk, I'm pretty sure I got hep b from a homeless person.

Turns out it's really easy to get drunk after not drinking for abit.

jtwo save me.


erotic butter maelstrom
Copernicus sure loves his homeless people. He's on some dances with wolves shit out there with them. 💃💋🐺


You guys ever watched Moon with Sam (descedant of Norman) Rockwell?

I wake up every morning wishing that was me, instead of the me who remembers everything.


Would it be in bad taste to ask a mod to change my name again?

I just noticed someone is named kess, and it's way too phonetically similar. Makes me uncomfortable.
Moon was a horrible movie. And fuck that pos master splinter goon. Acts like an annoying 18 yr old girl.

Oh my rape dungeon just go Sheetrock'd yesterday. All I need is some soundproofing. I'm gonna swing by a guitar store and see what they have.


I like really hate fantasy sports but I've been helping my dad do his NFL one with his old man friends since like middle school and I had to go with him to the draft thing today.

shit took fuckin forever and the beer they had there was blue moon and I despise that stuff and could only choke down 2

I'm now finally back at my place and able to get drunk on this fine Sunday.... I also have tomorrow off
Oblivion is the movie with tom cruise. Moon has the same concept, but is horrible.
I don't care if everyone despises me on here, I would actually agree with most people here. I may be a happy camper, but there's no doubt I'm a huge asshole.


Hmm...sunday night.

Snuggs, I guess all the cockroaches scattered cause of workweek night.

You with me and my guiness 6 pack?


I once took an amtrak to Washington DC while locked in a serious bender. I had no plan and it was freezing cold outside. Booze does funny things to me. I'm ashamed to admit I've got 100 similar stories. I should right a book about my drunken escapades.

Also, does anyone else just hate movies when they've been drinking? A friend of mine threw a barrel down an isle at the theater because both he and I thought Napoleon Dynamite was offensive to 2/5 of our senses. I saw it when it was released on DVD and got some good kicks out of it.


I fucking HATE Napolean Dynamite. I've never seen more than a minute of it. I can't fucking stand the lighting, sound, wardrobe, dialogue.

I might kill a person is they tell me they were involved in anything with that movie.


I fucking HATE Napolean Dynamite. I've never seen more than a minute of it. I can't fucking stand the lighting, sound, wardrobe, dialogue.

I might kill a person is they tell me they were involved in anything with that movie.

Lol I know where you're coming from. When ever someone on 4chan uses the term "autist", I instantly think Napoleon Dynamite. I will say that his scumbag uncle was pretty funny. Just, thank Christ the cartoon didn't make it anywhere... That was terrible...

Edit: I know what autism is, I actually have a good friend that has asperger's. Just in case anyone might be offended by my comment. I mean, 4chan almost never uses the term "autist" to describe someone with autism... I'm looking at you /b/.


erotic butter maelstrom
Brawl just broke out at the bar over pool. People started punching each other then out of nowhere someone chucked their glass which whizzed just inches over my head and burst. Face was covered in vodka and tonic but somehow dodged the glass. Intense. It would only make sense that the least aggresive person in the entire bar would get caught in the crossfire.


I'm doing coke on the reg lately and I know I shouldn't I feel like I let manny down

i care about being honest tho

I was doing quite a bit of coke the last month in Bolivia. It was only $13/gram. I met this beautiful, rich, smart Chilean girl at the bar one night after a few lines with my buddy in the hostel. Talked to her for 2+ hours, then eventually worked up the courage to kiss her but my mouth was so numb I didn't feel anything. I think she had a gap, but yoga pants might just create artificial gaps so I can't guarantee NEthing. IDevenK. Add it to the list of missed opportunities...


so i've been going on a lot of stoned late night jogs recently...

always feels like i'm in a david lynch movie the entire time while on one

highly recommended!


so i've been going on a lot of stoned late night jogs recently...

always feels like i'm in a david lynch movie the entire time while on one

highly recommended!
Yes! Late night runs are fantastic. Hadn't made the David Lynch connection but you're on point. Put on some moody ambient music and you're there.


erotic butter maelstrom
I don't know. There is this girl in the crew who is a friend's gf and a friend to me as well, but I had this random, intense sex dream about her being naked and riding my big dick while I laid on the floor and now it's hard to look at her normal. I don't know.

Prob be very long time if ever I get back in that game. Zero expectations 4 4ever.


Shingles? What areyou 80?


I was looking up some porn and ended up on a "chubby" tag. People's perception of weight is so fucking warped man.

Some of the finest looking women showed up in the "chubby" tags. Fucking people man.

Slippery In Net

Neo Member
I feel that I am of the mental status required by this thread.
I also feel like I am in the right frame of mind to make an important decision for someone. Do you need to make a decision? I would be happy to make it for you.

Otherwise, Coheed and Cambria is the best band ever.


erotic butter maelstrom
I feel that I am of the mental status required by this thread.
I also feel like I am in the right frame of mind to make an important decision for someone. Do you need to make a decision? I would be happy to make it for you.

Otherwise, Coheed and Cambria is the best band ever.

Should I walk out of my stupid fucking job and go start my life in the forest today? I will have to migrate at least 1000 miles by foot in the next few months since the homeless die out here and at least one cat will be traveling with me.
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