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Drunk thread

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i wrote some long winded shit about being drunk and shit but with a late summer sale at eastdane i feel the aesthetic cockslurpers in this thread deserved better. actually it was more in line with holy shit im a bitter person why am i so nice to people when i trashed. im like the buddha except to bums that randomly approach me and ask for five bucks for crack (actually happened 15 minutes ago)


so i went to see the fault in our stars or whatever it is called with this korean nurse

this chick has like the worst luck ever

Chick gets cancer at early age, recovers. BAM! Gets shitty lungs

Chick is going to fly to Europe to see her fav writer. BAM! Shitty lungs get shittier and she ends up in the icu

Whatever, she recovers and makes it to Europe, gets to see her fav writer. BAM! Dude is a fucking dick

Whatever, he paid for her shit. She is happy she finally got laid. BAM! Dude tells her that his cancer is back

i mean, i see tons of models on the street, but it's not like i can go up to them and hit them up. even i have my limits.

you can

as for what'll happen next? baby steps, worry about that later


erotic butter maelstrom
I have no recollection of of the walk home but otherwise it was a nice party and I made it into next day. Only 13-14 hours before I'm done with work. This is basically my life for the rest of my life however long it is (hopefully not too long). Have a nice day.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I want to see the fault in our stars just to laugh at how dumb it is.


erotic butter maelstrom
I googled it and apparently she doesn't die in the end? What a waste of time.

❋ ♨❋ FIREDANCE is amazing poss best mx ev but saving it for the coming of autumn. Leaves are already starting to change here atm.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I think her man dies and then she experiences true loss which is even worse than the cancer. V.poetic. You'd need to take night classes to truly understand the intricacies of its allegory.


erotic butter maelstrom
Sounds p deep. She should have died tho. Not of cancer but ironically like falling into a volcano or something spontaneous like that. Dying of cancer is nothing special, we all die of cancer or some malignant curse that sucks our life away. Quick unexpected death is a mercy, no withering away or staring in2 the eyes of mortality unless you're like me and spend your life doing that neways. 👀

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So one of my cashier pseudo-friends from the supermarket came to the art store I work at yesterday. I think we're playing tag now. I think she's really interesting.

J. Bravo

Weed is all that keeps me going at the end of the day. Once my supply runs out I have no idea wtf I'm gonna do. Too poor to justify buying more. I mean its $50 for a month worth of smoking every night. But I don't even have 50 right now.

Fucking EMT school and other debts man.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Dang cq. That sucks. I've been taking cannabis pills lately. They have 35mg of thc in each capsule which is quite a bit. It's a really great a subtle long lasting effect. But when you smoke after having taken them it can be crazy intense. Yeah my life runs on cannabis since I quit habitually drinking. My life has improved a thousand fold since I quite drinking 15+ beers every single day.


erotic butter maelstrom
So one of my cashier pseudo-friends from the supermarket came to the art store I work at yesterday. I think we're playing tag now. I think she's really interesting.

Is she cute? 💆 GL with that. 👌

Personally I'm basic over that aspect of life. Procreated 👶 and had my fair share of ups and downs, any new exp atp would just be redundant. I'm too broken neways. Plus there's no time for that kinda shit when your'e out foraging for nuts and berries.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like she's hyper cute but not exactly my type. She kinda has the blonde Barbie thing going on, but her hair is dyed grey like an old lady. Like literally old lady hair with a slight silver sheen to it. She wears glasses and is very very disinterested seeming and mousy. But a total white girl. I know we vibe each other when I'm at her store and we do chat. But it's hard for me to tell what is real and what is just part of work. That's why it was so interesting she came into my store. I know her friend knows I work there. And the last time I talked with the silver haired girl, her friend/coworker that knows I work at the art store was present. And when I left I could see them obviously talking about what I assumed was me. She kinda seemed like she was expecting to see me too. The first thing she said was "oh how the tables have turned."

iDevenk. I'm not really dating right now either and I've definitely considered hitting on her multiple times in the last few months but always told myself she wasn't really what I was looking for. But of course now that I'm pretty certain our vibes are a thing I'm all "omg she's great" when just last week after talking to her about anime I was like "eh she's really cool but not what I'm looking for"

Who knows. Im sure I'll see her tonight when I buy a couple beers. I'm just gonna say it was great to see her in my store and that I've always thought she was pretty interesting and it will pretty much work itself out from there.


I feel like she's hyper cute but not exactly my type. She kinda has the blonde Barbie thing going on, but her hair is dyed grey like an old lady. Like literally old lady hair with a slight silver sheen to it. She wears glasses and is very very disinterested seeming and mousy. But a total white girl. I know we vibe each other when I'm at her store and we do chat. But it's hard for me to tell what is real and what is just part of work. That's why it was so interesting she came into my store. I know her friend knows I work there. And the last time I talked with the silver haired girl, her friend/coworker that knows I work at the art store was present. And when I left I could see them obviously talking about what I assumed was me. She kinda seemed like she was expecting to see me too. The first thing she said was "oh how the tables have turned."

iDevenk. I'm not really dating right now either and I've definitely considered hitting on her multiple times in the last few months but always told myself she wasn't really what I was looking for. But of course now that I'm pretty certain our vibes are a thing I'm all "omg she's great" when just last week after talking to her about anime I was like "eh she's really cool but not what I'm looking for"

Who knows. Im sure I'll see her tonight when I buy a couple beers. I'm just gonna say it was great to see her in my store and that I've always thought she was pretty interesting and it will pretty much work itself out from there.

This is so darn adorable. God I love the feeling of meeting a new girl.


erotic butter maelstrom


I had to use this jank ass alternative because Souncloud booted my shit. Like okay, I get copyright laws, but this is a pl of obscure drone folk music, give me a break you dicks. NEways I just wanted to share my soundtrack of The Forest. Listen 2 this shit while you wander the woods, in body and/or in spirit. It's really powerful stuff. I want to be out there but I have literally zero seconds of free time today. 😔


every single match that talks to me on tinder has the following 3 things in common 1) tattoos 2) nose stud 3) is a hair stylist

guess i have a type or something

meeting with one this weekend...kinda wanted to go on a little road trip with my doggs this weekend but I'm more interested in trying to break my dry spell.

J. Bravo

The girl I was bitching about last Friday/Saturday texted me today haha.

First contact other than snapchats we send to a ton of other people.
Just bought the sony gold headphones. Man what a deal. 80 bucks for decent quality sound, wireless, built in mic, and I can use it with just about anything.


RIP Manny.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member


I had to use this jank ass alternative because Souncloud booted my shit. Like okay, I get copyright laws, but this is a pl of obscure drone folk music, give me a break you dicks. NEways I just wanted to share my soundtrack of The Forest. Listen 2 this shit while you wander the woods, in body and/or in spirit. It's really powerful stuff. I want to be out there but I have literally zero seconds of free time today. 😔
Dude I've started seeing promoted tracks in my soubdcloud timeline.. saw one last night in the iOS app.


I feel like she's hyper cute but not exactly my type. She kinda has the blonde Barbie thing going on, but her hair is dyed grey like an old lady. Like literally old lady hair with a slight silver sheen to it. She wears glasses and is very very disinterested seeming and mousy. But a total white girl. I know we vibe each other when I'm at her store and we do chat. But it's hard for me to tell what is real and what is just part of work. That's why it was so interesting she came into my store. I know her friend knows I work there. And the last time I talked with the silver haired girl, her friend/coworker that knows I work at the art store was present. And when I left I could see them obviously talking about what I assumed was me. She kinda seemed like she was expecting to see me too. The first thing she said was "oh how the tables have turned."

iDevenk. I'm not really dating right now either and I've definitely considered hitting on her multiple times in the last few months but always told myself she wasn't really what I was looking for. But of course now that I'm pretty certain our vibes are a thing I'm all "omg she's great" when just last week after talking to her about anime I was like "eh she's really cool but not what I'm looking for"

Who knows. Im sure I'll see her tonight when I buy a couple beers. I'm just gonna say it was great to see her in my store and that I've always thought she was pretty interesting and it will pretty much work itself out from there.

sounds like my waifu



aaaand of course it looks like I got my bi-annual cold sore coming on :/

damn you whatever random college make out session, beer pong game or shared weed pipe that gave me this annoying shit that always pops up at the worst times
I can't disguise I was hypnotized
Lost the track, struggled back
I'd wanted easy stuff to please me
Something in the dark began to squeeze me

The universal nature of that verse astounds me. I dare anyone to say they haven't had a similar moment in their lifetime.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
This is so darn adorable. God I love the feeling of meeting a new girl.
Yeah its kinda interesting. She just sold me two beers, a sparkling water, falafel and some dried mango. It was pretty busy and the lines were stacked so we only had about a minute to chitchat. I did get to tell her that it was great to see her outside of work and that I've always thought she was cool. She genuinely seemed a little flattered but also a kinda stoic, though there were like a dozen people within 3 feet of us so yeah.

Its always so unique how important all these tiny minute things seem when you're feeling out a potential romantic/sexual partner. Its a totally imaginary layer that *is* there but it doesn't do any good to process it. There is this being that is wholly external to yourself causing this insane physiological reaction within your entire structure and your mind just goes into rapidfire trying to piece together all these unrelated observations in an effort to form some sense of cohesion. Thats why hookups are so easy. It doesn't matter what you think of the other person because you're not wanting them to be a reflection of yourself. But I'm definitely looking for companionship so theres just a lot to think about.

Thats basically it. Its just a time will tell type of thing. But right now -right this second- I have no idea which way its gonna go.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Be careful J2. ✋ You're getting close to the danger zone.

Eh, I'll be ok. Its really like.. I'm not too invested.

I think I just have a lot of confused issues. I've been dealing with a lot of unwanted attention from customers at work and stuff which is a very new thing for me.. I've never had a public facing job before. So I'm hyper-hyper-aware of what its like to have to deal with customers you want nothing to do with who are maybe just a little too happy to be talking to you. Somehow that is getting confused into this. TBH though, I really don't want to ask for her number when other employees are around. Everyone there knows me. EVERYONE. I live a block away and its my only grocery store. I'm not ashamed to admit I do think its a little embarrassing. I'm pretty private and its just weird for me because there are so many people around. Its a fun exercise in subtlety. A lot of our communication is made through eye contact and pauses.

Whatever. Maybe I'll watch shopgirl with claire danes tonight.


I'm getting fat on beer again because I can't smoke anymore


edit: manny got banned? I wonder what he and his gf did on saturday


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm getting fat on beer again because I can't smoke anymore


edit: manny got banned? I wonder what he and his gf did on saturday
I carried my winter weight into summer. Was really sweating it but then over the past several weeks I dropped like twenty pounds. Looking slim and it feels great.
Yo GAF, wrong thread but some friendly gaffers can point me in the right place I hope. Preferably someone who is a bit of a psychonaut if you know what I'm talking about right now I'm sorry :( Trying to keep positive vibes up for sure so if someone experienced could just message me right now and talk me through this it would be much appreciated. Again, I'm in a safe place so no concern just want some friendly trip advice ;) mods even?

Edit: This reminds me of a more positive version of PT but its like time is weird and everything is almost like a loop
Just a form of psychadelics, sorry GAF bros just trying not to incriminate(?). You're all super rad though, thanks for riding it out with me :). OT is great!
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