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Drunk thread

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i need a tattoo on my hand of a water glass. i always forget and end up hungover for no good reason

edit: threatrhytum cc is awesome


I'm pretty good about staying hydrated while boozing. I mean other than booze the only liquids I consume are water/sparkling water. Drink at least a gallon a day. Love a tall, cool glass of the clear stuff.


Gonna half ass it so hard at work tomorrow because it's the last day of work of the week for me.

Sipping on high lifes and listening to Prince all dang night.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Whoa whats wrong with dsfix.. everything is fine for me..

at leats it was, are there any new developments in the last 96 hours?


Eggnog (homemade ofc) complete!


erotic butter maelstrom
I've got good news and bad news. 👍📰👎

The bad news is everything.

The good news is I got paid early, so I can drink it up 2nite. 👌✨ Snagging a grow🐻ler of porter on the way out of work then going ou later. TBH probably gonna pop off after being holed up the past four or five nights. It's gonna get ugly, wait for it. 👺

Hardly a peep in here these days.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit I have a lot going on. Drining a beer at this moment though.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Whoa snuggler i dont remember anything about our text conversation last night. holy crap dude. I was drunk.. but I only had 4 ipas and two tallboys of pbr. I think I was like experiencing a lapse in conciousness or something. Whoa.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
hoggert i always forget if were instagram friends or not
btw man we gotta play some more destiny ihave yet to finish teh dark below and that guy from work we were playing with just got it.

we should hook it up soon

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm thinking about what type of home I want to have.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
mylo destroy rock and roll is such a timeless album ive listened to that multiple times weekly for like 6 years

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
that one goes deep beneath the surface
good for a night like this


Pacific north west beers and cider with family ain't bad happy holidays 💩

I was told I was going to get a stuffed emoji poop but they sold out before my sister could get one 👎


erotic butter maelstrom
We're having a cat treat party. I opened up the bottle of pounce for my little cat who likes them broken up small so she can eat them but the big boys smelt it and showed up so I just emptied them all into my hand and threw that shit everywhere. I'm on the floor. This is my life.


erotic butter maelstrom
I was laying face down for a bit but then realized I'm actually pretty okay. I did accidentally knock over a beer tho. I wish you guys could tune into my iTunes pl's they're so fucking sick, fuck.


Got called into my boss's office after work today. Thought I might be in trouble for accidentally looking at this one cute girl's butt but I guess actually I was basically like the savior of my department over this past month and got a sick raise and shit. Weird.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Just went out for burritos with acorn. Now I'm at my Dad's to eat steak and drink beer but he's just on the phone. Older people have no phone ettiquette.

Have two days off, and then my schedule changes for the new year so I have two more days off on Mon/Tues which is my new weekend. Theres a big Keith Haring exhibit at the DeYoung in SF that acorn and I are gonna go to on Friday before she goes back to Oregon.

Things are scary right now. The wilderness is a dark place. I carry the travellers light at all times and perservere. 🙌⚪
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