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Drunk thread

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Seems pretty chill Minus. I feel like I need to get into cigars to compensate for my lack of tobacco (quit cigs 3 and a half years now)...I think I could do like a weekly weekend cigar and be cool. I mean I loove weed, and will always smoke it, but its just not the same sort of relaxation I'm looking for when I just wanna kick it on the back patio w/ a drink (ie I don't wanna be stoned). Quitting cigs has been a huge net positive on my life but I do really miss tobacco at times....I have cig dreams constantly.


Vanille Wodka is weird.


flavored vodka is bullshit....just get regular stuff and flavor it to whatever your heart desires

thats the beauty of vodka.

im not supposed to like tame impala right

They're one of those bands that I thought I would loathe but actually don't mind if someones got them on but I like also never actively go out of my way to play any of their stuff myself¯....theres like a whole massive subcategory of groups that fit that description for me tho.... ¯\_(ツ)_/


I have like 3 places to be where there's people there that I kinda barely know through friends but still want me to go

uhhhhhh im drinkin enough rum tho to just go and see. all places are near each other

starting to rain too but idgaf


how do people like tlou so much lol

eh I mean on paper I should hate everything about UC and TLOU (dialogue and cut scene heavy, on rails/linear as fuck, stories/settings played out and generic as hell) but idk I can't hate because ND still manages to craft them really well and I can respect that. I don't regard them as like GOAT status games but they do what they do very well.


hoping some one else releases a bitchin summer album here soon because I'm afraid I might burn myself out from Carly Rae's 🔥🔥 too soon.

J. Bravo

Little brother just said gay marriage is gross. Heartbreaking. When I tried to say that everyone should have the right to be married and that he was wrong, my mom said that I was wrong. Moving out asap. Goddamn.

J. Bravo

damn dude...damn

Best of luck.
thanks. I'll be fine, it's my 2 little bros I'm nervous about. don't want them growing up bigoted because of my parents.
hm is your brother cute?

edit: and of age

lmao. he's 14. and I know what you're trying to say, but unless he straight up tells me, it's too early to know if he's gay. also, if he is, I kind of hope he stays closeted (at least to our parents) until he's 18 and can move out. my mom has said she doesn't know what she'd do if she had a gay child, and that she for sure wouldn't approve of any relationship they had. mormonism is not exactly a welcoming culture for a gay kid to grow up in.

I'm gonna start living like I'm living on my own and paying bills to expedite the process of getting the fuck out. not sure why I wasn't doing this before.


how do you deal with a super popular gf who hangs out with dudes all the time

jesus christ

how do you have the humility, how do you have the honor, how do you keep the peace when you're a big whining pussy?
how do you deal with a super popular gf who hangs out with dudes all the time

jesus christ

how do you have the humility, how do you have the honor, how do you keep the peace when you're a big whining pussy?
I don't know about that last part but just be cool man. Just have faith that she's only into you. I used to hate the fact that my girl had tons of guy friends. Now they are all my friends. Some of them wanted her but they had to learn their place.


Barely had any hype for MGSV, just watched the 40 minute E3 demo. Hype is through the roof, my body is ready.

same here....as a person who hated IV w/ a passion and had tuned out the development of this one and all MGS related stuff after it this looks incredible.

think Im just gonna go around and collect tapes and never actually finish the main game tho...


the only thing I'm kinda worried about is that even based on that badass 40 minute demo you seem to spend a bunch of time dicking around pause/setting/customization screens...like I'm all for tons of options but not if I'm spending 75% of the time on them.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
same here....as a person who hated IV w/ a passion and had tuned out the development of this one and all MGS related stuff after it this looks incredible.

think Im just gonna go around and collect tapes and never actually finish the main game tho...

TBH I tried to play 2&3 in the HD collection, but couldn't cause the controls sucked. Played GZ after getting it for $6, really liked it. Saw how much more expansive it will be in its full release and can't wait. Fuck the story.


Beat TLOU. Pretty good, especially the environments. Is that Left Behind DLC worth a playthrough? Definitely gonna try the multiplayer on your guys recommendation even though I hated the combat in sp.

I'm sick of being sick. It's been 12 days since my last drink since my cold keeps coming back. Fuck summer colds. I'll probably make myself a margarita or a whiskey sour tonight if I have the right amount of shit.
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