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DS informarion from EDGE


Found this on OA.
Posted by babaganoosh.

"Info from EDGE. Stolen from txb."

-Wireless voice chat protocols are already being developed by Nintendo themselves.

-Other companies are already developing internet browsing interfaces and protocols.

-Bandai revealed that they already have the DS interacting with PC's.

-Square Enix have been experimenting with their own "PlayOnline" service and the DS.

-While Nintendo guaranteed that the DS can support up to 8 players wirelessly, other companies have had success with 32 machines connecting together.



Good Nintendo news from the TXB forums? People must really feel bad for Nintendo these days.

Hopefully this is true.


works for Gamestop (lol)
captainbiotch said:
Looks like the DS is gonna shut up people complaining about Nintendo not going online.



Knows the Score
I don't see any of that in the DS feature in this months Edge. As my copy arrived yesterday, I'd assume it's supposed to be from that.


Nevermind, found it in the front section.
It's true. Top left of page 11 in the current issue of Edge.

Excellent issue as well... the cover is double its width folded in on itself. This forms a backing page. On this page, there is an image of the DS open. On the front, there is an image of a closed DS, and the lid is a flap that you can lift so you see this underneath. Really nice touch.

The half life 2 review is awesome, and the Majora's Mask feature was good to see. On the coverage of Nintendo's (Tokyo) Japanese Gamer's Summit.

"Other than the game announcements, what was perhaps most exciting about the Tokyo event was the range of possibilities discussed for DS's technological future. Many ideas are still to be designed and tested, but the first to come out of prototyping should be wireless voice chat - and protocols are already being designed by Nintendo. This could be an important step for the machine, in light of Japan's typically rapid adoption of wireless...."
"Other companies are already developing internet browsing interfaces and protocols, and Bandai revealed that it already has the DS successfully interacting with PCs.
Square Enix also intimated that it is experimenting with enabling the device to interact with it's own PlayOnline service (which supports Final Fantasy XI among other titles)
...other developers confirmed they already have 32-machine networks operational, a massive step up from the conservative eight players Nintendo is currently willing to guaruntee.


Hates quality gaming
captainbiotch said:
Looks like the DS is gonna shut up people complaining about Nintendo not going online.
Not until Nintendo implements a similar system for their home consoles.
Well they won't for GC, thats for sure, but can you imagine them not doing this for Revolution ? It seems like a given at this point.


AIM + Handwriting recognition == Killar App.

Buddy list on left side of top screen, right 2/3 dedicated to tabbed AIM windows. Touch screen used for handwriting recognition ala the Apple Newton, or more recently, TabletPC's.
I think the Revolution will borrow the feature from the DS, allowing wireless lan and only needing one copy of a title to play multiplayer. The Revolution should be online, their approach may be different than that of Sony and MS. It may have something similar to the Demasked service, meaning the service will be on the disc embedded in the titles multiplayer section.


fugimax said:
You joke, but imagine a FF based MMORPG ala Ultima Online for DS/PSP. That'd open up a whole new world of possibilities..
Yes, it would rock totally. But the scary thing is that people wouldn't need to stop playing for anything. You could play it on the toilet, on the train, underneath the desk at work... very scary.


Jonnyram said:
Yes, it would rock totally. But the scary thing is that people wouldn't need to stop playing for anything. You could play it on the toilet, on the train, underneath the desk at work... very scary.

Lol, I can see something like this being just as bad as the pachinko problem in Japan.

Buggy Loop

Jonnyram said:
Yes, it would rock totally. But the scary thing is that people wouldn't need to stop playing for anything. You could play it on the toilet, on the train, underneath the desk at work... very scary.

hehe, so true, an mmorpg on an handheld would indeed be scary for those with social lifes, even when i was addicted to EQ, i would wake up and play EQ, go to school, come back and play EQ, sometimes even skipping class to come home earlier.. to play EQ, eat rapidly and go back to EQ and play it until sleep, which would sometime pass the 3am (with school in the morning). I would invent excuses to my friends as to why i didnt have time to go to a party or go to a bar etc. It was about time i quit i think and i never looked back.

But an mmorpg on an handheld *bites tongue* that would be the worst


Unconfirmed Member
fugimax said:
If the gamecube had a built in network-adapter, yes, it would have been much more online than it was.
Oh I agree. And I do think the support will be there regardless with the DS.

The thing is Nintendo is going to be the catalyst again, if they pimp the ability out, more and more third parties are going to use it. Nintendo guarantees a user base for a feature. More companies could have used the hardware on the cube, with the exception that it wasn't a built in, but they didn't because nintendo didn't break the ice.


LowTecky said:
If Nintendo wont go online, someone else will make sure they do it for them.

Been saying that for ages. It's going to happen, and with Nintendo already stating in one of those infamous NDS shows from last month that they're already in talks with a number of wireless development companies, certainly one of them will have something.


Hmm.. this DS is becoming more and more interesting to me. It's like, it's a game console, but it's not just a game console, it's more than a game console and not in a "It plays MP3's and warms your coffee too!" way, but in a.. "You don't 'play' games on DS; you 'experience' them." sorta way. :D


rollin' in the gutter
This is great news. Hopefully Nintendo will help other companies make these things a reality.
Heh, are they serious? Wowies, awesome news for the DS, hopefully we'll end up taking this to gaming with quite a few online titles. What has me most interested is the wireless voice and Square's playonline thing, it'll probably just be the interfave, but hell maybe they'll incorporate it for gaming as well. At least Tetra Master anyways. :p Pretty big news overall though. I'm so hyped.


Knows the Score
Vieo said:
Hmm.. this DS is becoming more and more interesting to me. It's like, it's a game console, but it's not just a game console, it's more than a game console and not in a "It plays MP3's and warms your coffee too!" way, but in a.. "You don't 'play' games on DS; you 'experience' them." sorta way. :D

The PSP warms your coffee. And your lap, your brain, your arms and your room.

All I want is the ability to play Advance Wars DS online, even if its just against one other player.

I mean c'mon, this game isn't that advanced for an online title even by 1995 standards.


rollin' in the gutter
Deg said:
Info is false. Dont set your hopes up.

Why is it false if it was published in edge? I know it should be taken with a grain of salt, but can you elaborate please?


Other companies are already developing internet browsing interfaces and protocols.

oh I can only hope something comes of this, not just lip service or experimental stuff. come on give us a decent internet brower for DS. if it happens i will suck Nintendo's dick


WarPig said:
I'm told by someone with a copy of the new issue that none of this is mentioned in it.

It's in the Japan DS conference article (on page 11, like radioheadrule says), not the American DS conference article.

Although obviously everything reported from both conferences is false.
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