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DS Video - Puppy Times is Killer App


GaimeGuy said:
Judging by this thread, it's official:

People Always Need a Reason to Bitch About Nintendo™

Hey, we can always sit around not bitching and see Nintendo dig its own grave.

Wouldn't that be interesting!

For serious, I love Nintendo. I don't want to see them lose their handheld market too. But they're going down a baaaaaad road, and they have to consider PSP.


Queen of Denmark
The Take Out Bandit said:
"We're not kiddy!"

Then they advertise Donkey Konga with a bunch of "cool looking" 20 somethings playing it. Hey Nintendo, how about a little honesty and showing that same group FUCKING CRINGING when Diddy Kong's Ditties comes up in random play mode?
Well, I don't think that particular advertisement was misguided. I know a great deal of 20-somethings who greatly enjoy Donkey Konga as a party game...myself included. I agree that the few childish songs in the game could've been left out, but overall I think the game was marketed to an appropriate demographic.

Nintendo doesn't know what in the hell it wants to be outside of a portable market monopolizing behemoth.
There's no doubt that the company is in a transitional period right now, but I think Nintendo does know what it wants to be: a more mature company, evidenced by the hardware design of the GBA SP, DS, and most likely the Revolution. Actually becoming that company is a different matter entirely.


It looks nice, but there really doesn't appear to be much of a game there. Still, the kids should eat this up.


I'm a whore for PF.Magic. I own Ballz, the fighter, for the SNES, and the Petz games. Dogz 1,2,3 and 4, Catz 1, 2, and Oddballz.

I'm ready for this.

FYI, the best one is probably Dogz/Catz 4. Petz 5 put in too many restrictions about what toys went from room to room and only came out after Mattel bought PF.Magic and made them force it out.


Drinky Crow said:
It's official: jaded Nintendo fans hate gaming.

"well, all the good REAL games are on THOSE OTHER consoles now; let's hype stylus-enabled family-friendly shovelware!"

The people who find the Spike TV Game of the Year Awards appealing hate gaming.

The people who have made it so the only "gaming tournaments" one can participate in are Halo and Madden hate gaming.

Drinky Crow, I saw a 10 year old buying Katamari Damacy yesterday. In the world where REAL games are defined as anything, that kid has nothing to play.
Every 6-15 year old girl is going to want it, and that is not an understatement.

I've been saying for months that Puppy Times is the DS's biggest killer app, and I'm eagerly awaiting to be proven correct.

Hey, if that's the major purchasing demographic you want for your special new hardware, by all means, BE MY GUEST. Just don't whine when the next round of DS titles all target that demographic -- I'm sure you'll relish all the clones of Puppy Times, The Urbz, and Animal Crossing, not to mention wholly original Barbie content.

"nice makeup compact"

"it's not, it's a Nintendo DS!"

"dude, you don't see DUDES with that"

"whatever, you just don't appreciate innovation"



God, I won't even have to WORK at trolling.
Well, I don't think that particular advertisement was misguided. I know a great deal of 20-somethings who greatly enjoy Donkey Konga as a party game...myself included. I agree that the few childish songs in the game could've been left out, but overall I think the game was marketed to an appropriate demographic.

Hey, I bought the game. I'm a fan of music games, but god damn do the Nintendo themes just make me f'ing cringe. I know, just don't play them, but that pretty much eliminates certain game modes. What games like this need is a tracks editor like Tony Hawk, in which I can select what songs I want to play; and what songs I never want to hear ever again.

I still say they marketed it inappropriately, as the only 20 something I can see gleefully hammering away at bongos while Diddy Kong's Ditties is playing is Kobunheat.

There's no doubt that the company is in a transitional period right now, but I think Nintendo does know what it wants to be: a more mature company, evidenced by the hardware design of the GBA SP, DS, and most likely the Revolution.

The problem is you can have the sexiest hardware on the planet, but it will still play Nintendo games. With Nintendo's target demographic still being children.

If Nintendo can manage to pull out of this nose dive, and assist Sony by putting Microsoft in third place next generation; I'm all for it. At this point I'm not counting on it.
I still want to know more about the gameplay. I'm sure there's more to it than touching your pet. You probably have to go to the store and buy pet food and supplies and stuff.

In any case, I'd even buy as it is. This is the kind of toy you bring to parties and chicks will go nuts over it.


The DS is gonna be popular around girls. If people have a problem with that i feel sorry for them. I guess insecurity is strong among GAFFERS :)


seismologist said:
I still want to know more about the gameplay. I'm sure there's more to it than touching your pet. You probably have to go to the store and buy pet food and supplies and stuff.

In any case, I'd even buy as it is. This is the kind of toy you bring to parties and chicks will go nuts over it.


Yeah, you'll get all the chicks playing PUPPY TIME!

<You> Hey, look ridiculously hot girl that I have no chance with! I'm playing Puppy Times! Aren't those dogs so cute!!
<Girl> Oh, that's nea-- hey, why the hell are you playing Puppy Times!?
<You> It's totally a chick magnet!
<Girl> *blink*
<Guy with hot car pulls up>
<Girl> Well, later. *geek* Hahaha
<Guy drives off with girl>

Seriously, if you think that gets the girls you're never going to get laid ever.


Amir0x said:
Seriously, if you think that gets the girls you're never going to get laid ever.

Yeah, a real man would go to a party with a PSP and FUTA the first girl in sight.


lockii said:
Yeah, a real man would go to a party with a PSP and FUTA the first girl in sight.

Clearly that's what my statement implied. Clearly.

Except that if you think Puppy Times is going to attract girls you are the dumbest person ever to live.


Queen of Denmark
The Take Out Bandit said:
The problem is you can have the sexiest hardware on the planet, but it will still play Nintendo games. With Nintendo's target demographic still being children.
Yeah, that's the problem currently, although I don't think Nintendo specifically goes out of their way to target children -- I think that in most cases, they believe that their franchise games (Mario, Zelda, Starfox) still appeal to everyone. Whether or not that's actually the case (outside of the hardcore Nintendo faithful) is up for debate.

I am extremely interested to see what the launch software for the Revolution is like. It has the potential to be the first Nintendo product in history that actually has the software to back up its edgy marketing and older-skewing design (assuming that's the direction they're going to take with it, which seems logical). I don't mean a complete abandonment of the old standbys, but rather a supplementing with plenty of "mature" games (not just a few bones like Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil).

Reggie said it best: the demographic to target is around 17 or so, because they set the precedent for a lot of the kiddies as well as having the potential to draw older gamers backwards. IMO, this should be Nintendo's software strategy from now on (again, while not abandoning the franchises and gameplay that made them so popular to begin with), so that their latest advertising and hardware designs can actually make sense.


Amir0x said:
Except that if you think Puppy Times is going to attract girls you are the dumbest person ever to live.

Not exactly, I do however, think that Puppy Times will be the next cultural phenomenon -- if that has a side effect of attracting girls, then so be it.


ohamsie said:
I wish they would keep the title as Nintendogs, Puppy Times sounds so generic and stupid.

"Doggy Style" would be much more appropriate. Perhaps a Feel the Magic/Doggy Style Bundle could come of this.


lockii said:
Not exactly, I do however, think that Puppy Times will be the next cultural phenomenon -- if that has a side effect of attracting girls, then so be it.

You think Puppy Times will be a cultural phenomenon? No words can describe the laughter welling up inside me.

Seriously, I'm not trying to diss you but you honestly have very little grasp in reality if you think Puppy Times will be either a cultural phenomenon or a chick magnet.

If this is the way you think you can attract girls, I feel very sorry for you and I hope the best for you in all your utter failures.

Musashi Wins!

I'm going to guess the "I'm getting chicks with Nintendogs" fantasy is inspired more by bad manga and less by experience with actually meeting "chicks".


Seriously. That is like the ultimate anti-chick magnet.

Hey, three steps to never getting laid!

- Smell Really Bad
- Make references to obscure cult phenomenons
- Try to show off by playing Puppy Times!

You know how to get chicks? BUY A REAL PUPPY. DORK. Plus, a real puppy is a lot more rewarding and actually says something about your fuckin' character.


Amir0x said:
You think Puppy Times will be a cultural phenomenon? No words can describe the laughter welling up inside me.

Seriously, I'm not trying to diss you but you honestly have very little grasp in reality if you think Puppy Times will be either a cultural phenomenon or a chick magnet.

If this is the way you think you can attract girls, I feel very sorry for you and I hope the best for you in all your utter failures.

You're a guidance councillor, right?

I don't want anything to do with the 'chick magnet' meme, I didn't bring it up, and I won't argue it. As to the cultural phenomenon, you might have said the same thing about that quirky Japanese RPG, Pokemon.
Pokemon is actually a very well designed game.

Puppy Times is analogous at BEST to Tamagotchi, minus the timely novelty. Rather, it's closer to a portable Dogz, and that demographic doesn't do anything RESEMBLING gaming. They spent 30 minutes every week dicking around with their interactive screensaver-slash-pet simulator, and then they play Solitaire.

You're really dredging the bottom of the demographic trough. If you want girls aged 8-15 and grandmothers, by all means, TAKE THEM.


lockii said:
You're a guidance councillor, right?

I don't want anything to do with the 'chick magnet' meme, I didn't bring it up, and I won't argue it. As to the cultural phenomenon, you might have said the same thing about that quirky Japanese RPG, Pokemon.

If you think "cultural phenomenon" means "ten year old going wild", then yes I'd agree. But as you can see, it obviously didn't transcend any boundaries. Every Pokemon movie did poorly. And Pokemon had good games to back it up, relatively speaking. However, It takes a little more than selling well to 15 million children to become a cultural phenomenon. But I guess TeleTubbies was a cultural phenomenon too.

Is that really the type of phenomenon you want Puppy Time to bring?


Meeting girls with a game? Oh, God. Can you people see why Nintendo fans are such easy targets now? :lol

It's like anime or something.

"Wai wai wai! You have the Puppy Times game?! WOWOW!"

"Yeah, Hinkshu, it's a really great! It levels up both my mind and other things!"

"Wowowow! Great game! (Thought: I'll marry him if he lets me play it.) Can I play it, Goeku?"

"(Super Huge Grin) Yeah yeah yeah! Hinkshu, it's all yours!"

"I love you!"


I don't see how any handheld game could be a showstopper at any party. "Hey everybody, crowd around me and stare at this 3 inch screen!"

I think most people will wonder why you brought a portable game to a social gathering....it kind of flags you as the sad, introverted type. Puppy Times kind of flags you as the sad, introverted, conspicuously effeminate type. In any case, I don't think playing a cute videogame with puppies is going to score you a blowjob.


Jesus, you're a mod here? Is there any obvious vehemance in my words?

I think encouraging a demographic who doesn't play any games at all to actually, you know, play games, is a good thing for the industry, not just Nintendo.
lockii said:
Jesus, you're a mod here? Is there any obvious vehemance in my words?

I think encouraging a demographic who doesn't play any games at all to actually, you know, play games, is a good thing for the industry, not just Nintendo.

So you think a parent is really going to pay out 200 dollars so their kid can play 1 game?
I think encouraging a demographic who doesn't play any games at all to actually, you know, play games, is a good thing for the industry, not just Nintendo.

It sure as fuck isn't if the end result is more shit like The Urbz and Animal Crossing.


Drinky Crow said:
It sure as fuck isn't if the end result is more shit like The Urbz and Animal Crossing.

Yeah, 3x AIAS award winner, highly rated million seller, I hope no kid wants that.


Drinky Crow said:
It sure as fuck isn't if the end result is more shit like The Urbz and Animal Crossing.

God, all hyperbole aside... I believe Animal Crossing is a horrible, horrible game. It is, imho, the worst game Nintendo has ever created and is frankly an insult to anyone who likes real gameplay.

The game consists of going up to an animal, getting a task, and then walking across town to talk to another animal. If you're fortunate, you'll get a rug! And you have to hope the rug isn't something you already have! It's the worst excuse for gameplay ever. And then there's the hilariously bad fishing and digging "mini-games" (if you can call them that) that require no skill whatsoever. Gameplay to me consists of a little more than going from point A to point B with no challenge whatsoever in between and then pressing the "A" button to talk to a towns person.


"Hey man, nice makeup mirror."

"It's a PSP."

"You don't see grown men with that!"

"Whatever, you just don't like the Playstation's quality titles."

"Guess not...METAL GEAR AC!D"



You're right, I guess opening doors for demographics that don't exist yet is wrong and stupid.

Oh wait, the PSP is supposedly targetting a market that doesn't exist yet? WHERE IS TEH GAF OUTRAGE!!!1one

Kon Tiki

SolidSnakex said:
So you think a parent is really going to pay out 200 dollars so their kid can play 1 game?

Yes. If it mean they do not have to spend money on MORE games. Not a blanket stament of course, but those parents exist.


Amir0x said:
God, all hyperbole aside... I believe Animal Crossing is a horrible, horrible game. It is, imho, the worst game Nintendo has ever created and is frankly an insult to anyone who likes real gameplay.

The game consists of going up to an animal, getting a task, and then walking across town to talk to another animal. If you're fortunate, you'll get a rug! And you have to hope the rug isn't something you already have! It's the worst excuse for gameplay ever. And then there's the hilariously bad fishing and digging "mini-games" (if you can call them that) that require no skill whatsoever. Gameplay to me consists of a little more than going from point A to point B with no challenge whatsoever in between and then pressing the "A" button to talk to a towns person.

You just insulted a heck of a lot of game developers.
Why would I be trying to advertise that I'm playing a handheld?

I'd go to a party to, y'know, PARTY, not sell consoles.

Animal Crossing isn't a GAME, it's an obsessive-compulsive disorder for chronic collectors and furries.


lockii said:
You're right, I guess opening doors for demographics that don't exist yet is wrong and stupid.

Oh wait, the PSP is supposedly targetting a market that doesn't exist yet? WHERE IS TEH GAF OUTRAGE!!!1one

This method of marketing is magic. The target just spontaneously appears and incorporates the product into its daily life. Forget what you know, or what research tells you.


Drinky Crow said:
Why would I be trying to advertise that I'm playing a handheld?

I'd go to a party to, y'know, PARTY, not sell consoles.

Animal Crossing isn't a GAME, it's an obsessive-compulsive disorder for would-be mothers and furries.

Animal Crossing is most certainly a game, and happens to be my favorite one.


SolidSnakex said:
So you think a parent is really going to pay out 200 dollars so their kid can play 1 game?
Love the generalisations, and your ability to see into the future as to what other games will ever be released on DS.

Seriously, saying something so blatently stupid just to win an arguement on an internet forum is pretty fucking pathetic. Stop and think before you next post, it might save you some embarassment.

(for the record I will be highly surprised if Puppy Times is BIG)


Will start substantiating his hate
Drinky Crow:

> There's just something fundamentally tragic about a DS fanboy, sitting by himself in a
> darkened dorm room, stroking polygonal virtual puppies with a stylus.

Indeed. Though not quite as sad as some old guy making an ass of himself online instead of being with his family.

The Take Out Bandit:

> The problem is you can have the sexiest hardware on the planet, but it will still play
> Nintendo games. With Nintendo's target demographic still being children.

Nintendo's target group is gamers of all ages. They rarely aim specifically for younger gamers just like they rarely aim specifically for older gamers. Unfortunately we live in a time where the quality of a game is not judged by its entertainment value but rather its image.
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