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DS Video - Puppy Times is Killer App

Floyd said:
You care far too much about what Nintendo fans do or don't say. Why do i get the feeling your an angry little man thats failed in everything he has ever done in life.

You come across as so highly strung and uptight considering the subject matter. You need sex or at the least jerk off before coming online.

Or im taking your too seriously and your a joke character. If so then yey. Nice. Funni, tee hee.

Remember one thing about Drinky before you post. He doesn't really believe anything he posts. He just says anything he can think of tho get a rise out of people who love games.

Its a little game for him.


People (mostly N-fans) are now paying attention because of the title, good ! Ha ha ha ha ! :lol

And that proves RE4 is no longer the spotlight to be defended by the N-fans.


krypt0nian said:
No one knows what you're talking about at this point. You go on and on and it just get more and more self-deluded. Hilarious enough for you?

That was spiffy! It would be even better if it had any basis in reality.

krypt0nian said:
I'm done arguing with people who's only intention is causing flames on a VG board. Have fun.

Yeah. It has nothing to do with spreading ones own opinion on a gaming forum. Because you can't have an opinion that goes against the curve, dude! It's all about flaming!


krypt0nian said:
Yet another DS thread turned into a 14yr old girl IGN thread of haters, and people who have no intention on buying a Nintendo product.

Troll paradise and getting worse all time. Pffft.

I'm surprised people here haven't learned to stop feeding the trolls. No wonder Drinky cow keeps posting in Nintendo threads. Everyone makes it so easy.

Funny stuff though.



Speevy said:
I really don't think it's worth defending a game to people who don't feel it has any worth to begin with.
And yet your last 10-15 posts have been spent defending the game from people who don't feel it had any worth. You are a contrary fellow ;)
SaitoH said:
I'm surprised people here haven't learned to stop feeding the trolls. No wonder Drinky cow keeps posting in Nintendo threads. Everyone makes it so easy.

Funny stuff though.


Here's the thing...unless these trolls are little kids, there is no basis for doing it to begin with. Immaturity at its finest.

It was funny years ago.
I've never banned anyone for making fun of ME directly. The flak I get, I earn, and I'm fuckin' PROUD of it.

Negative and/or polarizing opinions aren't trolls, and neither does having an opinion automatically grant you respect.


border said:
And yet your last 10-15 posts have been spent defending the game from people who don't feel it had any worth. You are a contrary fellow ;)

I mean, actually addressing specific aspects of the game.

If someone hates Metal Gear Solid, someone saying it has "great stealth action" isn't going to persuade them.

I don't like Halo, so a person describing their killer online match doesn't mean anything to me.

It's a pointless argument. I think we can all agree that each of us has played the game, and that's good enough for me.
I don't know if Puppy Time is a system seller. It may sell well, but this game won't sell the Nintendo DS. Now, people well say that the pet devices are popular, so why wouldn't Puppy Time be popular. The reason the price. Items like Tomogatchi are about ten dollars. The perfect price for the pick up and go cosumer. The DS and Puppy Time will more likely be about 180 dollars ( 150 for the DS & 30 for Puppy time).
No lock; I'm not done beating up on DS fanboys. Opportunities MUST be seized.

Besides, you guys can have a field day on my ass when I admit that I'm really liking Under The Skin.
Drinky Crow said:
No lock; I'm not done beating up on DS fanboys. Opportunities MUST be seized.

Besides, you guys can have a field day on my ass when I admit that I'm really liking Under The Skin.

You are free to like what you like. That's the beauty of gaming. :)


krypt0nian said:
Remember one thing about Drinky before you post. He doesn't really believe anything he posts. He just says anything he can think of tho get a rise out of people who love games.

Its a little game for him.

Ahh hehe. Sorry Drinky.


krypt0nian said:
Here's the thing...unless these trolls are little kids, there is no basis for doing it to begin with. Immaturity at its finest.

It was funny years ago.

I'm not going to argue about whether it's immature, or not, but this:

There's just something fundamentally tragic about a DS fanboy, sitting by himself in a darkened dorm room, stroking polygonal virtual puppies with a stylus.

"you little guys love me, don't you? I'm gonna name you Link and you Zelda, and we'll be the beeeeest of friiiiieeeeends..."

was damn funny.



I'm pretty sure that Drinky legitimately hates Animal Crossing.

Speevy said:
If someone hates Metal Gear Solid, someone saying it has "great stealth action" isn't going to persuade them..
But going on about how it won awards and sold a million copies and got good reviews....that'll make 'em change their mind!
I do in fact hate Animal Crossing, and think that the Nintendo DS completes the Nintendo Retarded Hardware Design trifecta along with the Virtual Boy and the 64DD.
explodet said:
Okay, I was wondering how a thread on Puppy Times could possibly go to 175 replies.

Now I get it.

:lol That's exactly what I was thinking when I first saw this thread. You know, I can stand Drinky's posts honestly, as I usually just ignore them, but it gets a little sickening to see that classic circle of wannabes around as well.
You know, people ARE free to agree with me. It's not like I haven't mixed it up with many of the people you're calling my "wannabes" around here.


Will start substantiating his hate

> I do not think PT is worthy of a purchase.

Have you tried it?

> It should come with Pictochat on the system.

Would you use it then?

Listen, it's really simple. Some people like this stuff and they will buy it. Why give it away for free when you can make money on it? Plus, the reaction to the DS shipping with a built-in puppy simulator would be anything but pretty.
Drinky Crow said:
You know, people ARE free to agree with me. It's not like I haven't mixed it up with many of the people you're calling my "wannabes" around here.

Oh of course, but this is high school all over again in some cases.


Can I just put a single idea forward, and you guys can mull it over while I go let Fleet rape my bank account with this credit card payment:

Puppy Times isn't going to be the DS' killer app. The game that lets you do an FPS deathmatch over WiFi - and yes, I'm talking about playing over the actual Internet (I know that's crazy talk when you're discussing Nintendo) will make this thing the must-have for Joe Casual Gamer. Animal Crossing Online (if it really exists) is a start, but it's not really a game you show off to people, or admit to playing at all unless you're surrounded by people as geeky as you.

So, you know, hop to it EA. Goldeneye DS over EA Online would be a good thing.


explodet said:
Okay, I was wondering how a thread on Puppy Times could possibly go to 175 replies.

Now I get it.

Wow, you're telling me - completely ridiculous. The video of the game is impressive and it sparks my interest in the DS capabilities. Whether or not it could succeed as a game - personally it probably would get old. Sure, people will like it, hell I might pick it up if it gets interesting reviews and seems to have some replay value. Who cares?

If anyone has problems here it's Drinky Cow who needs to constantly troll every Nintendo thread in order to satisfy whatever insecurities he has. It's really not necessary to post anymore - we all know your opinion on the video.

Animal Crossing may not be a game you talk about liking - but most of it's success was acheived through word of mouth. It had charm that most games can't match. I got a pretty big group of people in my highschool to pick up the game - and they liked it.
tt_deeb said:
If anyone has problems here it's Drinky Cow who needs to constantly troll every Nintendo thread in order to satisfy whatever insecurities he has. It's really not necessary to post anymore - we all know your opinion on the video.



Yay, I love Ackbar.


So was I the only one who found Animal Crossing to be a terribley boring game but still apreciated it for its humor as a postmodern critique of the video game industry?
tt_deeb said:
If anyone has problems here it's Drinky Cow who needs to constantly troll every Nintendo thread in order to satisfy whatever insecurities he has. It's really not necessary to post anymore - we all know your opinion on the video.

Thus was the troll himself trolled. But.....!!!!!!......will he allow himself to become trolled thus failing in his own social experiment?

Stay tuned.....


You know, looking back at the video, I can't help but burst out laughing that a flame war broke out over a bunch of cute little puppies playing with a skipping rope. :lol


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I've always wanted to make a game called "Spy Cats".

It would be about this group of badd-ass commando kitties who use stealth and technology to take out the terrorists. In between missions I'd have live action footage of cats getting geared up in cammo and equiping thier weaponary.

It's be like Mission: Impossible... but with cats. It'd be like Metal Gear Solid... but fun.


The people getting all hot bothered defending their favorite video game company is making for some priceless reading :lol

And btw this is the first time I've heard popularity of a game on the IGN game board equated to quality of a game..priceless :lol


kpop100 said:
The people getting all hot bothered defending their favorite video game company is making for some priceless reading :lol

And btw this is the first time I've heard popularity of a game on the IGN game board equated to quality of a game..priceless :lol

I'll say it again. There were several posts indicating that there's nothing to do in Animal Crossing. I was simply replying that with so many popular boards and sites dedicated to the game, there must be something to do.

In any case, I know AC is a quality game because I've played it, if none of the other 3 reasons is compelling to you.


I knew what you meant, and I'm not even saying the game is good or bad in my mind..just that there are a lot of suspect games that have large community boards..etc
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