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DS Video - Puppy Times is Killer App

My daughter is sitting on my lap as we speak, making some hideous laughing "skreeeeWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAApbptpbptpbtpbtppbtpbtpbtp" sound whenever I scroll the window.

And when in the history of I dunno, EVERYTHING, has image NOT been important?

That also sorta sums up the Nintendo fanboy posting strategy, too.
You obviously wouldn't know what a good game is if it threw you over the hobbyhorse and made you call it Big Pappy.

Hence your avatar. BUY A PS2. Also, stop bein' such a damn furry.


Drinky Crow said:
My daughter is sitting on my lap as we speak, making some hideous laughing "skreeeeWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAApbptpbptpbtpbtppbtpbtpbtp" sound whenever I scroll the window.


border said:
Collection" games are awful, by and large. I tend to categorize them as anti-games or non-games =)

And Animal Crossing is even worse, because there is literally -nothing- to offer any challenges. There's no monsters. There's no difficult mini games to complete in order to finish a task. There's no variety in the tasks - it's always go from point A to point B and then sometimes you need to go to Point C - and the fishing/digging mini-games are just awful.

The SOLE thing in Animal Crossing that was worth a damn is the Nintendo games you can collect. And even THAT isn't worth the horrible tedious nature of the anti-gameplay.


border said:
"Collection" games are awful, by and large. I tend to categorize them as anti-games or non-games =)

With all due respect, I don't believe you're the authority on what constitutes a game. The general implication is that there has to be something. Look at the actual definition at dictionary.com.

Games are what you make of them, and to me Animal Crossing was brilliant to me. I have reviews on my side. I have rewards on my side. And sales.


Drinky Crow said:

That also sorta sums up the Nintendo fanboy posting strategy, too.
I'm certainly not a Nintendo fanboy, and I happen to think Animal Crossing was a well designed game. It tends to lie somewhere near to The Sims in that it's more of a toy without immediate aims, kinda like Harvest Moon. And these games are crafting out their own market. You know. For people that don't like FPS games.


Can Animal Crossing really be anyone's favorite game? Is in, out of all games ever made? Of all the ho-hum anti-games centered around stat-building or collecting, it's the one that has been the most gutted of game elements. Pokemon and The Sims and Gran Turismo at least have some pretense of purpose and gameplay.
Drinky Crow said:
Animal Crossing isn't a GAME, it's an obsessive-compulsive disorder for chronic collectors and furries.



Koshiro said:
I'm certainly not a Nintendo fanboy, and I happen to think Animal Crossing was a well designed game. It tends to lie somewhere near to The Sims in that it's more of a toy without immediate aims, kinda like Harvest Moon. And these games are crafting out their own market. You know. For people that don't like FPS games.

Even Sims offers a modicum of challenge by the endless multitasking you must do. There's a low level of strategy behind it.
Where's the three-page bitchfest about Doko Demo Issho? Shouldn't Sony be spending its energy creating "real games" instead of that?


Will start substantiating his hate
I think it's fair to not like certain games, entertainment software or whatever. Still, it's worth considering that there are lots of people who are very much into e.g. virtual pets such as Nintendogs. Whether or not it will be successful remains to be seen but to me it looks like it has a lot of potential. It could be the big thing.
Harvest Moon, for all of my utter distate for it, has a sort of challenge in it in that you hafta MAKE MONEY BY FARMING and optionally chase after some doe-eyed hyperencephalitic chicas.

Animal Crossing has NOTHING. Everything you do is perfunctory and meaningless. There is no challenge; just a sort of numbing virtual existence that revolves around the mindless acculmulation of ITEMS. I guess if you're into anti-capitalist satire, it's genius, but, y'know, I prefer my critiques of establishment materialism to work my gamepad a little harder (preferably with explosions).


Stop the AC hate.

Everyone who loves it is in one camp.

Everyone who hates it is in another camp.

It's been released. For all intents and purposes, the second camp has lost. It's over. Sorry.


I'm surprised people here are still walking right into Drinky Crow's traps :) Just let the man live in his own world.


Kobun Heat said:
Where's the three-page bitchfest about Doko Demo Issho? Shouldn't Sony be spending its energy creating "real games" instead of that?

Most of that 3 pages are about "Manko", if you know what I mean.


Speevy said:
Stop the AC hate.

Everyone who loves it is in one camp.

Everyone who hates it is in another camp.

It's been released. For all intents and purposes, the second camp has lost. It's over. Sorry.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that financial success denotes quality.

We don't account for perfunctory devotions, nor do we account for horrible gameplay without merit. Good sales doesn't and never will indicate quality.
I hope that Speevy is prepared to acknowledge that the GTA series are the greatest games ever put to media, then.

'cuz I sure as fuck ain't.


Here's a perplexing thought for everyone.

The IGN Animal Crossing board has probably been one of the busiest game boards ever. It's still #4, and was at #1 for an insane number of months.

In addition, the game sold over 1 million copies worldwide.

In addition, the game received as many nominations as the GOTY winner (BF 1942) for 2002 and won 3.

In addition, the game has an 88 on Gamerankings.

There have also been several sites dedicated to Animal Crossing community, item distribution, pattern design, and general game talk.

So either:

1) The reviewers, gamers, and developers who bought and loved the game are retarded.


2) Animal Crossing is clearly not for everyone, but is by no means definitely a "horrible" game.


If they have it bundled/built-in like Pictochat on a smaller, more feminine styled version of the DS then Nintendog will definitely move some hardware with the girls. That'll definitely expand the handheld gaming market, which is what DS and PSP are about, isn't it?


Drinky Crow said:
I hope that Speevy is prepared to acknowledge that the GTA series are the greatest games ever put to media, then.

'cuz I sure as fuck ain't.

Vice City is fun, but compared to top games on the Xbox it's second-rate.

I haven't played San Andreas.


Drinky is the reason I wish Nintendo & fans a long life :lol
This thread is more and cheaper fun than any game, thanks guys.


Speevy said:
Here's a perplexing thought for everyone.

The IGN Animal Crossing board has probably been one of the busiest game boards ever. It's still #4, and was at #1 for an insane number of months.

In addition, the game sold over 1 million copies worldwide.

In addition, the game received as many nominations as the GOTY winner (BF 1942) for 2002 and won 3.

In addition, the game has an 88 on Gamerankings.

There have also been several sites dedicated to Animal Crossing community, item distribution, pattern design, and general game talk.

So either:

1) The reviewers, gamers, and developers who bought and loved the game are retarded.


2) Animal Crossing is clearly not for everyone, but is by no means definitely a "horrible" game.

Nothing I underlined indicates universal quality. At all. If you're going around fellating yourself over its popularity at IGN, then there's more than a little sorrow to go around.

"Hey guys, do you wanna trade RUG PATTERNS? This game is sooooo cool!'


Kobun Heat said:
Where's the three-page bitchfest about Doko Demo Issho?
I dunno, maybe we should start a thread about how it will be a killer app, cultural phenomenon and chick magnet......though I'd imagine that reactions would be much the same.
cybamerc said:
it's worth considering that there are lots of people who are very much into e.g. virtual pets such as Nintendogs
To me at least, it seems like the virtual pet fad died at least 3-4 years ago.
Speevy said:
I have reviews on my side. I have rewards on my side. And sales.
If you are going to whine about AC haters, then at least defend the game substantively. Appealing to popular opinion is one of the most pathetic and illogical rhetorical devices.


border said:
I dunno, maybe we should start a thread about how it will be a killer app, cultural phenomenon and chick magnet......though I'd imagine that reactions would be much the same.

To me at least, it seems like the virtual pet fad died at least 3-4 years ago.

If you are going to whine about AC haters, then at least defend the game substantively. Appealing to popular opinion is one of the most pathetic and illogical rhetorical devices.

This post is filled with undeniable truth.

And it's not just to you, the virtual pet fad died even longer than 3-4 years ago. It has a small following left in Japan, but that's not even near enough to drive sales well.

And on your last point, that is ultimate truth. Anyone who defends a game by saying "IT GOT GUD REVIEWZ AND SOLD ONE MILLION!!" has nothing based on reality to defend the game.


Amir0x said:
Nothing I underlined indicates universal quality. At all. If you're going around fellating yourself over its popularity at IGN, then there's more than a little sorrow to go around.

"Hey guys, do you wanna trade RUG PATTERNS? This game is sooooo cool!'

Actually, that was more directed at the idea that there's nothing to do in AC. So thousands and thousands of posts about nothing. I see.
Yet another DS thread turned into a 14yr old girl IGN thread of haters, and people who have no intention on buying a Nintendo product.

Troll paradise and getting worse all time. Pffft.


Speevy said:
Actually, that was more directed at the idea that there's nothing to do in AC. So thousands and thousands of posts about nothing. I see.

You're missing the point. It's not that there isn't a lot of items to collect. That much is true. But item collection without gameplay and without any even remote challenge is quite possibly the least rewarding thing ever to grace videogames.


border said:

If you are going to whine about AC haters, then at least defend the game substantively. Appealing to popular opinion is one of the most pathetic and illogical rhetorical devices.

I ha da detailed Animal Crossing review, but TeamXbox clipped it. However, IGN has a very nice writeup of the game.

I really don't think it's worth defending a game to people who don't feel it has any worth to begin with.


krypt0nian said:
Yet another DS thread turned into a 14yr old girl IGN thread of haters, and people who have no intention on buying a Nintendo product.

Troll paradise and getting worse all time. Pffft.

I'm sorry, I didn't know that disliking Nintendogs indicates being a troll. Similarly, I didn't realize that if you don't agree with the ridiculous notion that Puppy Time will be a cultural phenomenon or a chick magnet makes you a troll. I also didn't realize that making fun of the horrible Animal Crossing makes one a troll.

Time to rewrite the books!

Don't let your Nintendo love blind yourself to the truth.

For the record, I full intend to buy a Nintendo DS. That's why I have it pre-ordered. But I just don't intend to buy Puppy Time or Animal Crossing DS at all, and in fact would quite prefer they didn't shit up the handheld at all.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
After watching the vids I'm somewhat impressed. Whoever said it was like having a bunch of puppies behind a sheet of glass hit the nail on the head. If I were going to get a DS I would buy this but I'm getting a PSP instead. Btw, I like the old name, "Nintendogs", a hell of a lot more than "Puppy Times".
Amir0x said:
I'm sorry, I didn't know that disliking Nintendogs indicates being a troll. Similarly, I didn't realize that if you don't agree with the ridiculous notion that Puppy Time will be a cultural phenomenon or a chick magnet makes you a troll. I also didn't realize that making fun of the horrible Animal Crossing makes one a troll.

Time to rewrite the books!

Don't let your Nintendo love blind yourself to the truth.

For the record, I full intend to buy a Nintendo DS. That's why I have it pre-ordered. But I just don't intend to buy Puppy Time or Animal Crossing DS at all, and in fact would quite prefer they didn't shit up the handheld at all.

The fact that no one was named yet you self-identified speaks volumes.

"Hey guys, do you wanna trade RUG PATTERNS? This game is sooooo cool!'

What if this is the most popular thing that people want to do? Does that make it stupid to you? You have yet to make one point yet. You're one of the many internet creeps that carry on an argument with zero intention of ever backing down regardless of logic.


Amir0x said:
I'm sorry, I didn't know that disliking Nintendogs indicates being a troll. Similarly, I didn't realize that if you don't agree with the ridiculous notion that Puppy Time will be a cultural phenomenon or a chick magnet makes you a troll. I also didn't realize that making fun of the horrible Animal Crossing makes one a troll.

Time to rewrite the books!

Don't let your Nintendo love blind yourself to the truth.

For the record, I full intend to buy a Nintendo DS. That's why I have it pre-ordered. But I just don't intend to buy Puppy Time or Animal Crossing DS at all, and in fact would quite prefer they didn't shit up the handheld at all.


krypt0nian said:
The fact that no one was named yet you self-identified speaks volumes.

Listen, you may think that people are stupid, but if you're trying to hide the fact that your post implied that both me and Drinky were being trolls, then you have quite a bit to learn.

You need to be a retard not to know that.

Now I can't wait to hear your hilarious retort, preferrably with lots of denials.
Amir0x said:
Listen, you may think that people are stupid, but if you're trying to hide the fact that your post implied that both me and Drinky were being trolls, then you have quite a bit to learn.

You need to be a retard not to know that.

Now I can't wait to hear your hilarious retort, preferrably with lots of denials.

No one knows what you're talking about at this point. You go on and on and it just get more and more self-deluded. Hilarious enough for you?

I'm done arguing with people who's only intention is causing flames on a VG board. Have fun.


Drinky Crow said:
I wouldn't troll Nintendo fans if they didn't honestly say the Dumbest Fucking Shit on The Internets (tm).

You care far too much about what Nintendo fans do or don't say. Why do i get the feeling your an angry little man thats failed in everything he has ever done in life.

You come across as so highly strung and uptight considering the subject matter. You need sex or at the least jerk off before coming online.

Or im taking your too seriously and your a joke character. If so then yey. Nice. Funni, tee hee.
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