I am more of worried about Amazon buying take 2 or ea. If they do it, that is straight to their cloud luna.
Future games are now bleak, since we have tencent, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon fighting. Sony or Nintendo have no legs in this fight, since they can be out right be bought, and nothing can stop them do that (I can see Microsoft unable to acquire those 2, but others can, and Japanese law can't stop them, since they can bribe their leaders).
Calm down. That's not how any of this works. For starters, the whole notion of bribing a nation's leaders to allow them to break the law and buy a major Japanese company is silly. It would be political and business suicide. It would cause a shitstorm none of those companies or politicians would want to be a part of.
Having money doesn't mean you get to buy whatever you want. Sony's market cap is almost $125 billion and Nintendo's is over $74 billion. Even for Microsoft, Tencent, Google, or Amazon that is an EXTREMELY risky proposition to buy either company. That's a fuck ton of money to spend on a company in the hopes it dramatically increases your market share permanently. Sony employs over 111,000 people. Microsoft's employee count, for example, would suddenly swell by over 66%. It would be an organizational nightmare.
This assumes that Sony would even be open to being bought, which they would not. Neither would Nintendo. Yes, Japanese law does indeed prohibit the sale of Sony to a foreign company. They are a Tier 1 company. Which makes them incredibly protected by the Japanese government. Nintendo doesn't have the same protections but it would be extremely difficult to convince the Japanese government to allow a foreign entity to buy them. There would also be, without a doubt, huge legal battles over potential monopolies. Just look at Sony being tripped up in legal investigations over their purchase of Crunchyroll and how that might give Sony too much power in the anime streaming market.
Microsoft has been trying for 20 years now to stand at the top of the industry and they're still not even close. Google and Amazon have both proven to be completely incompetent in the industry because they have no one managing their forays who has a fucking clue what it takes. Tencent, by virtue of being a Chinese company, has even greater hurdles to overcome. Sony and Nintendo have both been doing this dance for decades. They've dominated the market and survived every attempt to take them out of the picture. Not just survived, but either immediately or eventually beat the shit out of the competitor.
T2 and EA aren't likely going anywhere either. They're not going to sell to a Chinese company in the current geopolitical climate. Amazon and Google are too inept to trust with the future of those companies and even if they DID buy them chances are that they'd remain third party after a few attempts at exclusives because no one has bought into Stadia or Luna anyways. Both companies are finding out very quickly that being a first party in this industry is brutal enough, nevermind being the new kid against three brands that now have anywhere from 20 to 40+ years of history in the industry.
We've heard this tune before. "Someone has a lot of money so they can buy it all and win". It doesn't work that way. It has never worked that way. Xbox would have already been the only console on the market if it did.