Unspeakable Evil
There's a Justified joke hereWHAT
Edit: Besides the Bojack joke
There's a Justified joke hereWHAT
I mean, if we take that list at face-value they've already dealt with it. But I can also see one of the ducklings accidentally discovering and activating her. But personally I think it's just a reference that's not going to get any screentime. That goes for the other stuff on the list, too.What? No Robotica episode?
Gravity Falls was one of Disney XD's biggest breakout hits.What are the chances they are gonna a physical release for this? Would love to buy a collectors edition of this
They mention her name a couple of times in the show: Quackfaster. She's Scrooge's secretary in the original Barks/Don Rosa comics:
They changed her name to Featherby in the old Ducktales cartoon, but given the many tributes to the comics it makes sense to change it back to her original name. Although, of course, her personality in this episode isn't like her old incarnations at all - I'm thinking it might be a bait & switch and they'll reveal her to be Magica, working undercover at the moneybin. This is totally how she would act. The disguises, the smoke/disappearance, the spooky disembodied voice and music, and I swear there was just a tinge of a (cartoony) Italian accent coming through at the end. That would also explain why they haven't talked about Magica at all, even though she's one of the biggest villains. Or they could be saving her for season 2 of course, but I'm betting this might be her, and the Quackfaster name is just a red herring.
Lots of fun references to Don Rosa in the last episode. 'The Life and Times of Delia Duck', and showing the origin of the lucky dime with art very similar to how it was portrayed in Life & Times and the later comic where Magica travels back in time to steal it when he first gets it.
I don't think he's going to be? Project Blatherskite is a reference to his catchphrase and Gizmoduck, and he's probably not going to become Gizmoduck himself since they already have Lin-Manuel Miranda to voice him. I think the intention was more 'insane genius whose inventions always turn out wrong' rather than 'evil genius' in that last scene.
Without spoilers, because I'm hopeful but wary - I was told by a friend whose opinion I value that they really changed Scrooge to not be, well, a scrooge. True?
Without spoilers, because I'm hopeful but wary - I was told by a friend whose opinion I value that they really changed Scrooge to not be, well, a scrooge. True?
Without spoilers, because I'm hopeful but wary - I was told by a friend whose opinion I value that they really changed Scrooge to not be, well, a scrooge. True?
This Donald is unintelligible. Had to turn on captions. Need a translator.
This Donald is unintelligible. Had to turn on captions. Need a translator.
I don't if it's because KH had subtitles or that I just noticed it or changed but holy shit I can't understand him sometimesBut... it's the same Donald?
But... it's the same Donald?
Yeah, I know. He must be losing it or something.
I said "this" as in "this show's"
In retrospect that should've been obvious. I haven't had much trouble with understanding him yet, but he's definitely taking a different approach to it than his standard voice it seems.
It's not really a movie but yeah that's a pilotOk, so I need to watch the movie before I watch the first episode, right?
You canOk, so I need to watch the movie before I watch the first episode, right?
You can
It's free on amazon and YouTube i believe
Any links workable in EU?
Anselmo can do the same thing Nash did for him and mentor the new guy for a few years in a transitional phase.
Thank you for these. There were a ton of laugh out loud moments on the show. Webby creepily singing the slogan for Funso's while luring Ma into the ballpit was hilarious.
So do you guys think they will play the "i am a spy" in the alfred way to the "actual working for an enemy" way ?
Seeing as Ma Beagle seemed to recognize Beakley, I can imagine them having a past. She was probably some sort of spy, but a "good" one. I was going through the Ducktales/Disney wikis last night, and apparently there was a SHIELD-like spy organization called S.H.U.S.H. in Darkwing Duck. Beakley was/is probably an agent of that organization or whichever similar one was used in the first Ducktales. Maybe she was assigned to Scrooge to keep an eye on him, but stayed with him once she realized he was a good dude.
If the reboot is going to have Darkwing Duck, then they could also incorporate F.O.W.L. as the show's Hydra or SPECTRE. It was SHUSH's rival organization and one of the main adversaries for Darkwing.
I'd love a gif of the cage full of chickens skateboarding in the bad neighborhood
I'm surprised with all the made up locales, Beakley just name drops New Zealand. Now I imagine it being depicted with anthropomorphized kiwis, keas and the like. I want to see that.
Great pair of episodes either way. I don't think you'll see anyone clamoring for old Beakley. She's just an improvement in every single way.
So far I think every episode has been a winner.