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DUKE NUKEM FOREVER |OT| Spank One For The Good Guys


Gold Member
[Nintex] said:
I finished it and this game is just... bizarre total insanity even. The mythical Duke Nukem Forever 2001 version will always be better but I do like the game. It's not earth shattering or ground breaking or anything and it doesn't even follow the leaked script so I feel that despite this taking 12 years to build they still removed some stuff to dare I say it... rush it out the door.
if you watch old gameplay vids or screenshots you can see that most of it never made it into the final game :D
i hope we get some singleplayer dlc. i want to fight the shrimp monsters from the screenshots.


i like it its a fun little shooter i think everyone knew it wasnt gonna be Gears or COD standard of game but its fun


I finished it this afternoon and I have to admit I'm crawling back on my initial, somewhat positive, reaction. After the Duke Burger level, the whole game falls to shit. The level that follows isn't that bad, but drags on way too long and the final part of the game is just a ridiculously boring looking affair. There wasn't even
a moon level, or space ship level!, what the hell
. The Duke himself manages to get out if this mess unscathed, but even I gotta admit: your game sucks. I had fun at moments, but it's sad to see how few levels there are that I want to play. Duke, for me, is all about stripclubs, porn theaters, alien space ships, city streets, supermarkets etc. I don't want brown and gray tunnels for fucks' sake. The linearity is just the final nail in the coffin.

Still I'm glad we're past this. The DNF chapter has finally been closed, time for the Duke to star in a real sequel to DN3D. Do it Gearbox, make the Duke relevant again.


I got the ps3 version. Yeah it's much better then the demo for sure but single player is still pretty weak.
Some fun shooting, hot babes and oldschool trip mines, but the fucking levels are tiny! 1/8 of duke3d. When you start having fun it's over.

What really kills this game are the fucking loadings. It's ridiculous especially when the game installs 5 gigs! It beats not installed Nier! Play 5 minutes, load 2,5 minutes. Gearbox should go to jail for this.

Multiplayer seems like whole different case. I played 2 capture the babe games and it was FUCKING OLDSCHOOL AWESOME! I had smile from ear to ear the whole time playing.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Man, it seems like no one can come to a general consensus on this game. Some say it's good-great while others say it's abysmal. Seems like there's very little inbetween.


Was the Digital Foundry face-off ever posted? Sorry if dupe.


Some choice quotes:

What we're seeing here looks like an 1152x640 framebuffer on both console versions, without the benefit of any kind of anti-aliasing whatsoever. The game is a mess of shimmering jaggies and high-contrast edges and there's very little in the way of post-processing (for example, motion blur or bloom) that would help to mitigate the very visible aliasing, which is only exaggerated as the game is upscaled by the consoles to a 720p output.

In truth, there is very little to separate the two versions of the game in terms of artwork and effects - as you might hope, bearing in mind the overall antiquity of the visuals. The biggest difference seems to be in the implementation of the shadows - in many places, there's a feeling that they are missing on the Xbox 360 version of the game. It takes a bit of effort, but you can see that they are there, albeit very faintly, suggesting that there is an offset bias issue at work, similar to what we think is happening with Final Fantasy XIII where the shadows are pushed back into the surface they should be cast onto.

Overall, the games appear to be fairly evenly matched on console in terms of imagery, but it's a whole different ballgame when it comes to performance. The Xbox 360 version of Duke Nukem Forever is nothing short of unmitigated disaster in this area, and easily one of the ugliest and most poorly performing shooting games we've tested in quite some time.

More at the link. Ouch.
Destructoid's review just went up. They totally trashed it. 2/10.

The reality of Duke Nukem Forever is that it's absolute garbage that should have stayed confined to the bowels of Development Hell.

The game will sell well based on pure hype and audacity, but history will not look favorably upon this game. Nor should it. Nobody should think kindly of such a miserable, lifeless, grotesque little game.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
[Nintex] said:
I finished it and this game is just... bizarre total insanity even. The mythical Duke Nukem Forever 2001 version will always be better but I do like the game. It's not earth shattering or ground breaking or anything and it doesn't even follow the leaked script so I feel that despite this taking 12 years to build they still removed some stuff to dare I say it... rush it out the door.

The last thing this game needed was more time in the oven.

What it needed was a competant dev team.


Duke Nukem Forever is a festering irrelevance with nothing to offer the world. It's a game with an odious personality, one that could only endear itself to the sociopathic and mentally maladjusted.

lol Jim Sterling.


MrOogieBoogie said:
Man, it seems like no one can come to a general consensus on this game. Some say it's good-great while others say it's abysmal. Seems like there's very little inbetween.

Sounds about right to me, I recognize that it's flawed (mostly that it's technically dated) but I still really like it.

Although people should definately get the PC version if possible.


LOL these reviews are ridiculous. Even off the mediocre demo there is no way this game is a 2 or 3. They're just giving it outrageously harsh reviews because it's DNF.



Fuckin loved it. Everything i wanted it to be.

Gonna do another run on the now unlocked Insane difficulty once i get my PC upgraded next month or so.

Only lackluster thing was the end credits being just plain text, but the scene afterwards and the rewards for beating the game more than make up for it.

Ignore the console reviews, get the PC version and enjoy.


Kusagari said:
LOL these reviews are ridiculous. Even off the mediocre demo there is no way this game is a 2 or 3. They're just giving it outrageously harsh reviews because it's DNF.
Nah, it's pretty damn bad. It feels empty most of the time, there are times where the quietness of it all makes it really boring, plus the gameplay is nothing to write home about it's just there and it doesn't even get the "90's feel" right, which is basically the only thing people are expecting from this game.
Kusagari said:
LOL these reviews are ridiculous. Even off the mediocre demo there is no way this game is a 2 or 3. They're just giving it outrageously harsh reviews because it's DNF.
I agree, they're probably being overly snarky just to be dicks. Quite frankly you just can't review this game in any traditional sense.

I was talking to my dad about the game today (he remembers the old game and knows about the crazy delay of this one) and I was telling him about the bad reviews it's been getting. He said "Well you can't review the Mona Lisa." I'm not quite sure what he meant by that but I think it probably applies somehow.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Neuromancer said:
I agree, they're probably being overly snarky just to be dicks. Quite frankly you just can't review this game in any traditional sense.

I was talking to my dad about the game today (he remembers the old game and knows about the crazy delay of this one) and I was telling him about the bad reviews it's been getting. He said "Well you can't review the Mona Lisa." I'm not quite sure what he meant by that but I think it probably applies somehow.

- Mona looks kinda hot
- Nice visuals
- Looks like a painting (although not one come to life)

- It's not really a woman, just the developer in drag
- Runs at a steady 0 FPS
- No replayability



Neuromancer said:
I agree, they're probably being overly snarky just to be dicks. Quite frankly you just can't review this game in any traditional sense.

I think you have to review it as the game it is, not for the history behind it. When people pay $50 or $60 for a game, they don't want it be dogshit.
dream said:
I think you have to review it as the game it is, not for the history behind it. When people pay $50 or $60 for a game, they don't want it be dogshit.
Ordinarily I'd agree with you but I think this game is it's own special case. Quite frankly people should just be amazed it ever came out at all.


Neuromancer said:
Ordinarily I'd agree with you but I think this game is it's own special case. Quite frankly people should just be amazed it ever came out at all.

I don't think that gives it a free pass though. You either factor in it's long, troubled development cycle, the outcome of which is a bad game and a not a good successor to the Duke legacy and you give it a low score OR you review it as it's own game, distancing yourself from the legacy and hype, in which case it's a bad game at a full price point sharing shelf space with other games that are more worthy of your cash.

My point is, how people approach the review doesn't matter. If they think it's bad, they think it's bad. Had I been reviewing it having completed the PC version, I'd give it a solid 4. I imagine the 3 and 2 scores are probably for console, which seems about right from what I've heard.

I believe the divide with this game will stem from what people liked about Duke3D. I liked the gameplay and that's all but gone in Forever. What that leaves is the Duke character which hasn't changed from Duke3D, except now there's more pointless vulgarity in an attempt to bridge the 15 year gap, or at least that's my guess.The humour is lame to me now, so both aspects of the game fell flat. It's a long, dull and boring shooter that doesn't play all that well and with little inspiration anywhere.

However, I have no doubt that Duke being Duke is enough for some people. In that case, have a blast and enjoy. Just don't bash the reviews or people hating. We have solid reason for doing so.


luka said:
I had no idea that I'm a mentally maladjusted sociopath. What an eye opener.

Thanks, Jim!
You're probably uneducated too so I'd definitely look into that as well.

randomwab said:
However, I have no doubt that Duke being Duke is enough for some people. In that case, have a blast and enjoy. Just don't bash the reviews or people hating. We have solid reason for doing so.
That's totally fair. I'm fine with people not liking the game. I don't like plenty of games that other people adore, it's just taste. What does get to me is the suggestion some posters have made that games like this are outdated and shouldn't be made anymore. And the suggestion that I have something wrong with me for liking it. I mean WTF how fucking conceited do you have to be to think other people have something wrong with them just because you don't like something.


Yeah, that line is particularly incredible.

Almost as much as the idea that a game should "offer something to the world," at least in the sense that Jim Sterling is thinking. Keep fighting that desperate, nasty, misguided little fight, Jim.


The thing with this game is that it would never have lived up to it's dev time. I think we can all accept that. It also isn't anywhere near a masterpiece. What it is though is a fun game with childish/vulgar humour that appears to be near unplayable on consoles.

I think it might deserve the low scores on consoles due to it's all around jankyness (I have not experienced the console version myself so I'm assuming it's very bad). The PC version though runs very well, looks like a game from a few years ago and plays like a hybrid of an old-school FPS and a modern day one (with corridor shooting and 2 weapons etc).

I personally don't think it's been worth the wait, almost no game could, but I am pleased with it and think it was worth the money. A lot of the complaints against this game I see people use can easily be applied to most modern shooter games like the CoD series (apart from the complaints about the character/humour).

My biggest complaint against the game actually stems from the multiplayer. It's near unplayable with all the lag and the lack of dedicated servers. If it was smooth though the multiplayer would be a refreshing experience. I think it plays just like Duke 3D multiplayer. Well, pretty damn close anyway. When you get a relatively lag free game it's damn good fun.

I can see why some people might not like this game though. Sucks that the console versions seem to be utter shit. Maybe if they were competent ports then people wouldn't be hating on the game as much.


Zomba13 said:
I think it might deserve the low scores on consoles due to it's all around jankyness (I have not experienced the console version myself so I'm assuming it's very bad).
It's really not that bad. Sure it doesn't look fantastic and it suffers from occasional slowdown but "unplayable" is a complete and utter misnomer since I've played ~8 hours of the thing.


I think they are overreacting regarding the console ports. I have it on 360 and while it is obviously worse than PC the only problems are loading and pop-in. The game is far from broken.


SalsaShark said:
Ignore the console reviews, get the PC version and enjoy.

The PC version is just a bad console port. When you've got a loading screen every 30 feet in the game you know it has been cut into console-memory-footprint-sized-chunks. Some modern console games have learned to hide this somewhat with streaming. DNF hasn't.

Basically it feels about the same level of technology as Undying.


Woo-Fu said:
The PC version is just a bad console port. When you've got a loading screen every 30 feet in the game you know it has been cut into console-memory-footprint-sized-chunks. Some modern console games have learned to hide this somewhat with streaming. DNF hasn't.

Basically it feels about the same level of technology as Undying.
Meh, I found the loading to be reasonably spaced and at least on my system was very quick at loading. Didn't bother me at all.


Woo-Fu said:
The PC version is just a bad console port. When you've got a loading screen every 30 feet in the game you know it has been cut into console-memory-footprint-sized-chunks. Some modern console games have learned to hide this somewhat with streaming. DNF hasn't.

Basically it feels about the same level of technology as Undying.

Portal 2 does the same, Portal 2 is amazing.

Nobody's saying its perfect, of course it has its shortcomings, but one could easily say that the PC version is the best one out there. Havent came across any reviews that reviewed the PC version.
The game appears to be perfectly competent on PS3.

And "unplayable" is a vague term. Literally unplayable, or unplayable like Sonic '06? Because DNF is well above both of those definitions.

Portal 2 does the same, Portal 2 is amazing.

Exactly. I'd be willing to bet money that Portal 2's (on consoles) single player has more total loading than DNF's. And Portal 2's individual coop load screen are just as long as DNF's, if not longer (the hub ughhhhhhhh).


SalsaShark said:
Portal 2 does the same, Portal 2 is amazing.

Nobody's saying its perfect, of course it has its shortcomings, but one could easily say that the PC version is the best one out there. Havent came across any reviews that reviewed the PC version.
Not to mention Duke has relatively less loading screens than portal 2 :O


MNC said:
Not to mention Duke has relatively less loading screens than portal 2 :O
I'd agree with that.....except in Portal 2 when you die you respawn pretty much instantly. In DNF its that every time you die you get the same load screen with the same load time as the initial level load. Really provides incentive to not die later on in the game because theres nothing fun about watching that load screen every few minutes.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
saunderez said:
I'd agree with that.....except in Portal 2 when you die you respawn pretty much instantly. In DNF its that every time you die you get the same load screen with the same load time as the initial level load. Really provides incentive to not die later on in the game because theres nothing fun about watching that load screen every few minutes.
Loading in DNF isn't the problem. It takes like 10 seconds max on PC for me. The bigger issue is the lack of quick save and shitty checkpoints.


Anyone here saying Duke Nukem Forever should be looked at in a different light has no credibility. Duke Nukem 3D sure as hell wasn't and it still became classic. Prey wasn't. Final Fantasy 13 wasn't. Maybe MGS4 was, but that changed very quickly.
Riposte said:
Anyone here saying Duke Nukem Forever should be looked at in a different light has no credibility. Duke Nukem 3D sure as hell wasn't and it still became classic. Prey wasn't. Final Fantasy 13 wasn't. Maybe MGS4 was, but that changed very quickly.
This game has been in development for 14 years and finally just now came out. How can you possibly not look at in a different light?


Dance In My Blood said:
Loading in DNF isn't the problem. It takes like 10 seconds max on PC for me. The bigger issue is the lack of quick save and shitty checkpoints.

I must be doing something wrong then, I've got it installed to an SSD and the load times are longer than that, much longer.
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