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DUKE NUKEM FOREVER |OT| Spank One For The Good Guys

Call of Duty is one long corridor. You shoot your way through it, then there's a scripted explosion, then you shoot through another corridor—and then maybe you see another scripted explosion —and then someone tells you to go plant explosives on a wall by pressing X because that's edgy. With no exploration, no sense of joy at discovering something, there's no real way to forge your own path in the game. It's all point A to point B.

9/10 Editor's Choice


sk3tch said:
I should be getting over 100+ fps. It's just uneven. The demo would be 100+ fps in some sections and others it'd dip super low. This game is ancient. Should not push my hardware like that at all.

around 60fps sounds.. more than good enough? just lock it or something.

I can see how the performance isnt stellar, but not every engine is gonna run the same for you, a game "around 60fps" sounds perfect for me. You cant even register more than that with your eye, why would you want 100+fps?


dream said:
Calling a pack of cigarettes "Faggs" is just straight out of 1997 -- it's boring, not shocking, and really just way too easy.


Its the most common term for a pack of cigarettes here in the UK, most smokers nip to the shops for a pack of fags.


Choc said:
you can finish it sure. but there are points in the game (namely the fight with the big alien thing in the hive) where it becomes a slideshow quite often.
I can only think of a few moments and I must be getting near the end. Unplayable to me is loading up Fallout New Vegas and finding out my save won't load. Or renaming my band in Guitar Hero 2 subsequently corrupting my save. Or one of the many game breaking bugs I'v encountered in games this generation.

Duke is just patchy....unpolished...maybe even unfinished. Unplayable it is not.


SalsaShark said:
around 60fps sounds.. more than good enough? just lock it or something.

I can see how the performance isnt stellar, but not every engine is gonna run the same for you, a game "around 60fps" sounds perfect for me. You cant even register more than that with your eye, why would you want 100+fps?

I wasn't complaining about the gameplay - more of a negative comment at the un-optimized nature of the engine. If modern games run at 80-100+ fps on my rig I don't understand why DNF is struggling to breach 60. Just makes me a bit concerned for the rest of the game. Will it dip below 60? Doesn't make sense.


The Xtortionist said:
Call of Duty is one long corridor. You shoot your way through it, then there's a scripted explosion, then you shoot through another corridor—and then maybe you see another scripted explosion —and then someone tells you to go plant explosives on a wall by pressing X because that's edgy. With no exploration, no sense of joy at discovering something, there's no real way to forge your own path in the game. It's all point A to point B.

9/10 Editor's Choice
I don't quite understand. You're trying to defend DNF's linearity while mocking CoD's linearity?


jackdoe said:
I don't quite understand. You're trying to defend DNF's linearity while mocking CoD's linearity?

He's saying that the reviewer could say the same thing about COD but that game still gets a 9.0
jackdoe said:
I don't quite understand. You're trying to defend DNF's linearity while mocking CoD's linearity?

Unlike a lot of people here, I could give a shit less whether a game is linear or not. It's just stupid when Duke gets called out on it when these other franchises receive high marks for sequel after sequel after sequel of the exact same bullshit.
First hour and a half has been pretty enjoyable. Obviously, it's not mechanically or technically very strong, but it definitely has a ton of charm.


The Xtortionist said:
Unlike a lot of people here, I could give a shit less whether a game is linear or not. It's just stupid when Duke gets called out on it when these other franchises receive high marks for sequel after sequel after sequel of the exact same bullshit.
Meh. Who gives a shit about score? I just read the actual content of the review, and what the reviews portray is a game that I do not want to buy. After the lackluster demo, the reviews pretty much paint the game as a technical mess and one with a cobbled together campaign (reminiscent of MW2, the game which turned me off on the CoD franchise completely) while eschewing the classic design elements of Duke 3D (two weapon system, regenerating health, more linear experience).


snack said:
I successfully received a refund from D2D for DNF. Now I can spend it on a game worth getting.

Sucks that you pay so much attention to reviews. If you wanted the game beforehand enough to pre-order it you would have probably liked it. Demo didnt do a stellar job on selling it either.


All the reviewers hung up on the humor are not people I can listen to. Not because I think that the humor in Forever is good, but because the reviewer is focusing on the most ridiculously unimportant shit. It's the same kind of feeling that I get when I see people repulsed at Bayonetta due to the main character or consider Bioshock to be special due to its plot. I just cannot get anything of value out of their opinions.


Honestly, his game is very good. The PC version runs completely smooth, has great AA so the dated graphics don't looks horrible, and the load screens take about a second each for me. It is a shame most outlets review console versions these days because the PC version is fun. I don't mind the sprinting either.

I am about two hours in and these are my pros/cons so far.

Dialogue - funny, I've actually laughed during parts.

Guns - each one is pretty fun to use so far

Environments - kinda fun to mess with

Boss fights - sorta short but fun.

Multiplayer - This could actually be fun if you guys patch in push-to-talk and maybe expand on it a bit. I've been wanting a new FPS release with a quaker mp. Please don't abandon the multiplayer Gearbox. I will actually play it if it gets some patches.

two weapons - I hate this

laundry list game - Feels a little too scripted. I go from room to room, shoot some guys and mess with an item in the environment for a laugh. I'm going to expand on this later. This is the game's main flaw.

graphics - at times they are ugly.

I got a good deal on this game ($25) so I may not be feeling the sting if i paid $60 for say the 360 version. This is a must play once this game goes for $30 during a steam sale.


Well I've now decided to wait for this game to drop below $10 on steam. Bad reviews and bad demo impressions have pushed me to this. Better to be safe than sorry.
I'm warming up to it on PC. It's as rough as all hell, and it was clearly tuned for controllers, but I was captivated for 2 hours without realizing it.
-enters thread-

Wait, people are still talking about Did-Not-Finish?

C'mon guys, anyone knows that Gearbox is shipping an unfinished game, the Duke Nukem they are shipping/have shipped cut a lot of features, like the playable female sidekick. The game's clearly unfinished.

So I will always refer to this game as DNF "Did not finish".
Meh. Who gives a shit about score? I just read the actual content of the review, and what the reviews portray is a game that I do not want to buy. After the lackluster demo, the reviews pretty much paint the game as a technical mess and one with a cobbled together campaign (reminiscent of MW2, the game which turned me off on the CoD franchise completely) while eschewing the classic design elements of Duke 3D (two weapon system, regenerating health, more linear experience).

I don't feel the review was particularly well-written. They complain about linearity when nearly every other shooter released these days gets a pass for the same thing. They complain about technical issues when the game runs just fine on PC and PS3. Then's there's the comments about how DNF "should play" (2 weapon limit, regenerating health, etc...). How do they know what DNF should play like?

I must sound like a total fanboy but honestly that's unintentional. I'm not saying DNF is game of the year or even a great game in general. Truth is, the game is not unplayable, it's not broken, and it's not terrible. It's an average, maybe a bit above average shooter with hit or miss humor that will either significantly elevate the experience or turn you off from the beginning. Nearly all the "problems" highlighted by critics are present in the vast majority of shooters released these past few years (no iron sights in L4D/Halo for instance). Duke is really only inferior in presentation, production value, and features. I personally don't believe those particular shortcomings warrant the backlash this game is getting. End of story.
So this game took like 74 years to make, and turns out to be complete shit?
Well done.

Conclusion from arstechnica.com

No reason to play this

Multiple developers have worked on this game for over a decade, so I don't know who to blame for the unplayable, glitchy, ugly, offensive mess it has become. No humor can make up for the game's rampant hatred of women, and the terrible writing and one-liners can't even be compensated for by good gameplay. The game's jokes about other titles are laughable when you see how putrid Duke is upon release.

Scribble in this kid's book for a health boost!
Sure, it may still sell millions of copies due to the name alone, but it will disappoint buyers and make anyone with half a brain feel uncomfortable. I have no clue how a game so all-encompassingly ugly can suffer from so many framerate issues, but Duke finds a way. From a business and gaming history perspective, the fact that the title exists at all is fascinating; for everyone else asked to spend $60 on it, it's merely sad.

I'm a fan of humor that's willing to push the boundaries, but nothing is being sent up, mocked, or lampooned here. There's just no reason for what you see and hear. This is an ugly game that exists to celebrate ugliness. The people involved should be ashamed.

The Good

The game doesn't last very long
The Bad

Everything else
The Ugly

I have to install and play this piece of garbage on the PC to see how that version holds up, and make sure there's nothing to be salvaged from the multiplayer
Verdict: Skip
Whoever thought it would be a good idea to repeatedly have to mash space bar and have SO many quick time events in Duke Nukem needs to be punched in the groin, over and over.


Paradoxal_Utopia said:
So this game took like 74 years to make, and turns out to be complete shit?
Well done.

Conclusion from arstechnica.com
have you played the final game out on PC yet?


Ars Technica said:
I'm a fan of humor that's willing to push the boundaries, but nothing is being sent up, mocked, or lampooned here. There's just no reason for what you see and hear. This is an ugly game that exists to celebrate ugliness. The people involved should be ashamed.

What kind of grade A bullshit is this? Nearly all the jokes are parodying movies and games. It's just a downright lie to say that nothing is being sent up, mocked or lampooned. The Ars Technica article might be the most unprofessional review I've ever read on the site. If they won't bother to write a factual article then I won't bother giving them ad impressions ever again.



was this guy just picked up off a random message board because he writes like somebody from one


my biggest worry is that the majority of folks buying this do not know the story behind it. they are expecting a AAA game. most people i know are accepting the game with expectations in check. the thing is a glorious train wreck. it is more a moment in gaming history than a legitimate release. they should have went the budget title route but i understand why they couldn't. anyway, the people that purchase it without the whole story will make some assumptions based on duke that they shouldn't. for instance, they will think gearbox is the worst fucking developer ever and never buy another of their titles. and they will never give another duke game a chance due to it. this game should have a disclaimer screen or something explaining that it is not representative of gearbox's work.
Got my email from Amazon stating my Balls of Steel edition shipped and will be here in the morning.....still can't believe DNF is coming out. So excited.


i have a funny feeling that should it have been reviewed today in the same way DN3D (even with impressive gfx etc) would still get bad reviews

society has moved on from sexism in video gaming and stuff like aliens raping women, gaming has grown up and matured

I am not saying that this is the right way for journalists to act on DNF, but I think that even DN3D would cop it based on what they are giving it grief for.

especially hte ars one
Wow. The reviewers are dead wrong on this game and I can't believe it. I came into this with pretty low expectations because of all the horrible reviews but I'm having a blast.

Playing the PC version and so far I've encountered no bugs, very short load times and the game (for the most part) looks pretty great. The game has gotten SO many laughs out of me and I've only played a few hours. I also played a few rounds of multiplayer which reminded me alot of oldschool multiplayer shooters like quake 3 / nukem 3d. I went around shrinking people and stepping on them as they ran away from me and it was glorious. The multiplayer gameplay is fast and frantic and I couldnt of asked for any better. I love it all and I havent even checked out the duke home / duke customization - which I assume youll unlock stuff by playing and leveling in multiplayer.

The fact that Brink has been better received than this game blows my mind - because Brink is a broken unfun mess with no single player to speak of.

Some funny moments in spoilers -

The Christian Bale rant / Power armor - You've got time to play with yourself at the pinball machine (nice throwback!). Leeroy Jenkins LOL It just keeps getting better.
legbone said:
my biggest worry is that the majority of folks buying this do not know the story behind it. they are expecting a AAA game. most people i know are accepting the game with expectations in check. the thing is a glorious train wreck. it is more a moment in gaming history than a legitimate release. they should have went the budget title route but i understand why they couldn't. anyway, the people that purchase it without the whole story will make some assumptions based on duke that they shouldn't. for instance, they will think gearbox is the worst fucking developer ever and never buy another of their titles. and they will never give another duke game a chance due to it. this game should have a disclaimer screen or something explaining that it is not representative of gearbox's work.

Well put sir


Freakinchair said:
Wow. The reviewers are dead wrong on this game and I can't believe it. I came into this with pretty low expectations because of all the horrible reviews but I'm having a blast.

Playing the PC version

There's your problem. Well not a problem :)

it has been stated many times that the default disc 2K is sending out is Xbox 360 promos

The journalists are not getting the PC version. They shouldn't have to ask fo it. If 2K wants a PC review they would send htem that

in many ways the debarcle is 2K's fault.


Freakinchair said:
Wow. The reviewers are dead wrong on this game and I can't believe it. I came into this with pretty low expectations because of all the horrible reviews but I'm having a blast.

Playing the PC version and so far I've encountered no bugs, very short load times and the game (for the most part) looks pretty great. The game has gotten SO many laughs out of me and I've only played a few hours. I also played a few rounds of multiplayer which reminded me alot of oldschool multiplayer shooters like quake 3 / nukem 3d. I went around shrinking people and stepping on them as they ran away from me and it was glorious. The multiplayer gameplay is fast and frantic and I couldnt of asked for any better. I love it all and I havent even checked out the duke home / duke customization - which I assume youll unlock stuff by playing and leveling in multiplayer.

The fact that Brink has been better received than this game blows my mind - because Brink is a broken unfun mess with no single player to speak of.

Some funny moments in spoilers -

The Christian Bale rant / Power armor - You've got time to play with yourself at the pinball machine (nice throwback!). Leeroy Jenkins LOL It just keeps getting better.
Completely agree. I impulsively purchased Brink for PC day one. Still have no idea why I did since I never do shit like that. Hated the game and demanded a refund like an asshole. One of the reasons why I got DNF for cheap. This game is definitely better than I would say six out of ten modern day shooters.
So what exactly is the issue with the 360 version? I've heard that dropping the resolution greatly helped the PS3 version's performance, does the same thing happen for the 360 version at 480p?


Neo Member
legbone said:
my biggest worry is that the majority of folks buying this do not know the story behind it. they are expecting a AAA game. most people i know are accepting the game with expectations in check. the thing is a glorious train wreck. it is more a moment in gaming history than a legitimate release. they should have went the budget title route but i understand why they couldn't. anyway, the people that purchase it without the whole story will make some assumptions based on duke that they shouldn't. for instance, they will think gearbox is the worst fucking developer ever and never buy another of their titles. and they will never give another duke game a chance due to it. this game should have a disclaimer screen or something explaining that it is not representative of gearbox's work.

Gearbox really shouldn't have dipped their hands in it if that was a concern, though. I mean yeah this game isn't representative of the rest of Gearbox's work, but it is at least representative of their decision-making skills.


BoobPhysics101 said:
This is one of the best things I've ever read on this forum. Fucking hilarious.


fair point :)

what i meant was in general the stories etc are trying to be more mature, maybe not gaming itself ;)


Choc said:

fair point :)

what i meant was in general the stories etc are trying to be more mature, maybe not gaming itself ;)
most of them fall on their face doing so or just flat out suck. not really related to your point though I guess.


Nickoten said:
Gearbox really shouldn't have dipped their hands in it if that was a concern, though. I mean yeah this game isn't representative of the rest of Gearbox's work, but it is at least representative of their decision-making skills.

this is definately a heart over brain issue for Pitchford.

He worked on Duke 3D, and loves the character.

That clouded his (and possibly Gearbox as a wholes judgement). Pitchford said GB as a whole wanted it after a meeting

but can you imagine it. Your boss walks into a team meeting and says guys iwant to buy DNF and i want to finish it. are you with me?

everyone wouuld be like fuck yeah, awesome. If they pulled it off well it would be amazing and the team would be heroes to gamers (i really don't like using the world heroes in that context, but :| )

The fact they delivered DNF is amazing in itself.

thing is, the Duke franchise itself is a good purchase for GB. DNF is not.
I think I see a pattern

if you're easily offended, it sux
if you aren't easily offended, it's fun

You know it was a long time in development when gamers are either from a different generation or have simply forgotten what to expect from a duke nukem game.

It's a fun game, I think the enemy encounters are so much better than most shooters, challenging with some good variety.
a lot more stimulating than the boring baddies in games like killzone, prey, cod etc
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