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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


I added the horses to the party loot page.

Waymore probably knows a guy we can sell the extra ones to. And then Thrakdur can happen to wander by and act as an impartial Steppeland Horse expert, We'll be rich!


Aside from getting paid and selling horses, what kinda stuff you think you lot will be doing when you get back to town?

Any particular plot threads you'd like to follow up on? I know Deken has a meeting with an Imperial Mage...


I'm going to want to buy a new bow. And then find the patchwork man based on Serrick's vision and see what he knows about the Vasces harvesting and the disappearances at the Braying Mare.
Aside from getting paid and selling horses, what kinda stuff you think you lot will be doing when you get back to town?

Any particular plot threads you'd like to follow up on? I know Deken has a meeting with an Imperial Mage...

Deken definitely wants to arrange a meeting with the Mage, he's kind of nervous about it and wants to try and impress them. Maybe trying to score a reservation at a hot gourmet restaurant.

Also are we going to do a follow-up with the Admiral?

Deken's also increasingly annoyed at the diviner, yet also really happy they lead him to this. He'd probably check in at their place.


Eep. I just realised I essentially gave this move to everybody already with the custom Hit the Street move. Mind getting a different move?

/edit or it could be that I just allowed Hit the Street for that bit temporarily, while you get the specific version that you can use any time you're in civilisation. How's that sound?

Hmmm, no the Hit the Street thing I think can stay, I forgot about that. Instead, I think I'll take

Cheap Shot:
When using a precise or hand weapon, your backstab does an extra 1d6 damage.

As for how we proceed, I can definitely help find someone willing to buy the horses. For inquiring about the patchwork man, I say we ask The Admiral about it first. If she doesn't have information on him, then I can ask my sources about it.


Thrakdur would be for telling her since he thinks the fort and everything under it should be destroyed for good and the Admiralty would potentially be able to do that. If you have reasons for not trusting the Admiral, like that they use boats and boats go on water and Shorn is all about water, follow the money, he might be willing to change his mind.


Serrick doesn't care at all, the only things on his mind right now is where the fishfolk came from and the wolfie at Audencho.

I ask because you're the one who knows her; if you trust her, he's cool with that.


Wait, Thrakdur doesn't know her does he? I thought the only connection to our group was that she knew Deken's parents. I thought she hired Thrakdur and by extension everyone else cause the harvesters were Steppelanders, and Thrakdur is a "good fight man"


Ooh, I thought Thrakdur knew her since you gave her a name and a small background :p

edit: so unless someone has something against it, we tell her just fine.


We know we have humans and elves. Racially/Specially thinking, what does the rest of our world look like? We had Dwarves but I'm not sure that we still do.

Also what are our elves like? When Thrakdur said they were supes tall I've been thinking of them almost like... I dunno, tall and spindly?


I think human-animal hybrids pretty much exist in the world, secluded in their small, hidden societies.
And after fighting Shorn's avatar, I assume every god from Thrakdur's faith (and maybe every kind of faith) is real. There could be some demigods living around the country too.

About the elves... what if the Big Suits were made for them?

The Bosmer, or even the Dunmer if you want to go metaphysical, would be nice inspiration to our elves.


I was thinking more lithe than spindly/gangly. Nobody would trust a gangly Elf. Maybe the Dwarves could, like the Elves, be another part of the Imperium.

I'm not against there being weird gangly elves who are Elder Scrolls style speaking in math alien, like Jim said, but I don't know I think they would be seperate from the Elves allied/in/colonized by the Imperium.


I kinda like the idea of wood elves from TES. How their homeland has cities built in perpetually walking giant trees. Obviously we can't just take whole hog from their lore, but I like the idea of elven society being almost alien. Think Morrowind vs. Oblivion.


In an alternate universe Deken is a newtype.

edit: sorry. And I'm super happy that you posted the right link.


It looks like an industrialized world, so one way or another I like that we're going for human-like races, and not monster-like.


Please keep anime talk in the Official Neogaf Anime Thread

I don't know about what other races to have. I generally like a lot human diversity and then have some Elves and Dwarves etc on the fringes being weirdos.

I'm not against having other races I just don't really have ideas unless you count copying other things. In which case lizard people and cat people.

Bird people?

Thinking about it more, I like the idea of non-humans actual being alien. Maybe the Elves who are part of the Imperium are more "assimilated." Maybe they're using a glamour to appear less gangly. And if you go to wherever Elves don't have to be around humans they are super weird and less human. But those that are part of the Imperium try to fit in. Because no one would trust a gangly elf.
My one thought with regards to elves would be that their magic is much different than mine. Maybe not in actual effect (we can both do the fireballs), but in practice, custom, and source of power. I guess I was thinking as Deken and his magical colleagues as academics, elves would be more monastic in their ways.

I'd be cool with imperial elves all being constantly glamoured. Makes sense that they want to appear pleasan, they tkind of sent out an expeditionary/trade legion to settle this somewhat far off continent.
Just throwing things out there, but maybe sentient ants? Ants casting spells and building things more than just ant hills seems interesting? Swarms of sentient attack ants would be annoying and deadly.


I always like the idea of different traditions/interpretations of magic. Like where wizards would be approaching magic from a scientific angle, experimenting and testing to find the best way to make The air combust into a fireball in the right place, a cleric would pray and view the resulting magic as being their God intervening. For the Steppelanders, their magic tradition is based on making various deals with minor nature spirits and, in the cases of more powerful magic, the gods. So in the fireball example, they would make a small sacrifice (spell ingredients) to either a fire spirit or Aspect of Arkahz in exchange for a fireball happening.

I think sentient ants could be cool. One random idea I had was to do the standard fantasy version of a hive mind and since the individuals don't matter, their buildings and what not would be made out of the still living bodies of worker ants. Like army ants but on a larger scale. And then if you want to make it all anime, you have the soldiers fight by combining into giant constructs wielding weapons made out of ants ready to bite and sting.


I guess the Chuu Kingdoms could be inhabited and ruled by humans while other nations are occupied by elves (Imperium), dwarves, the human-animal hybrids and this ant race (continent's periphery).


I didn't view the Imperium as being solely Elvish. I was thinking of them being mostly human but allied with a variety of other races. Like, elves have a long tradition of sailing and sea exploration so they are the dominant force in the Imperium's navy. And it's only a small number of Elves that are allied with/part of the Imperium. The ones that are with the Imperium are basically acting like tall fancy humans, while the ones that aren't are getting up to weird gangly elf stuff back wherever Elves come from.


Oh yeah... I forgot to ask what that the title of Episode Two was. Suggestions?

Episode Three

Between the raw vasces one of the Big Ones was dragging, a few good nights of rest, and not having to walk everywhere on your new herd of horses, you make good time returning to the city of Xingchu. You are all healed to full.

The city walls loom large, the noise and smoke of the big city apparent even from a few miles down the road before the Gate of Threefold Harmony. As you approach the gates, a guard strolls out and informs you that you are all, of course, permitted to enter - but your extra horses aren't. "Drive them around to the Stockhold Gate, if you must," says a bespectacled guard, who has more the look of a scholar than a defender of men. "You can usually find someone to watch your horses, or sell them for you there. Only personal mounts are permitted through here."

Thrakdur, the horse you fed the other day has seemingly grown attached to you. You've been riding it all day - though it hardly looks as imposing as you'd like, it's a determined, reliable little beast. Did you name it? What do you do?

As a herd, the horses won't obey anybody but Thrakdur, but the rest of you are free to take a horse as a personal mount should you so wish. "Though I'd be careful going down some of the side streets in the Crow's Quarter with those," sighs the guard. "Stick to the main thoroughfares, that's my advice."

What do you do?


The Codfather


I get down from my horse and lead him by hand towards this Stockhold Gate to sell him.
"Thank you for bringing me here, friend. I hope they find someone to take good care of you" I whisper to my horse, away from everyone, while moving and observing the scenery. Spirit Tongue


DungeonGaf Chapter 2: Ken Levine Presents Bioshock

"I'll take my horse to the Stockhold gate and let it rest there. I won't have much use for her in the city, but if we have any further expeditions outside the gates then I'm surely not walking."
I dismount from my horse to lead him and the other horses to the Stockhold gate. I'll keep one for future travels.

"Let me see if I can sell a couple of them. Im sure I can fetch a good price for them!"
I keep my horse and ride ahead, calling out to the rest," I have some minor business to attend to before our meeting with the Admiral. Shall we meet her in 2 horn's time?"

Barring a negative response I direct my horse to my boarding, to quickly wash and change out of my road wear. Then I set out the posh district and begin evaluating the local restaurant scene. I want to find a place where the imperial and I can have a good conversation and a good meal. A little eccentric menu wouldn't hurt either.


I get down from my horse and lead him by hand towards this Stockhold Gate to sell him.

"Thank you for bringing me here, friend. I hope they find someone to take good care of you" I whisper to my horse, away from everyone, while moving and observing the scenery. Spirit Tongue

"I'll take my horse to the Stockhold gate and let it rest there. I won't have much use for her in the city, but if we have any further expeditions outside the gates then I'm surely not walking."

I dismount from my horse to lead him and the other horses to the Stockhold gate. I'll keep one for future travels.

"Let me see if I can sell a couple of them. Im sure I can fetch a good price for them!"

I'll go with Ein to help sell the extra horses.

Okay, so Waymore and Serrick will sell their mounts; Thrakdur is keeping Horse, as is Waymore, yes?

Serrick, as you walk with your horse it continues its long, boring story about how much better things used to be when it was a young foal as opposed to nowadays, but nonetheless, it's great to get to walk once in a while dont'cha know, and at that time horses all walked around with onions in their mouths, as was the style at the time, and you realise after a while that this horse doesn't really have that much interesting to say. But you thank it nonetheless.

You all pass through the Stockhold Gate with no trouble. It's a much wider gate than that of Threefold Harmony, mainly to allow for the passage of trundling wagons, droves of sheep and herds of cattle, among other things. There is dust everywhere, dirty wagoneers laughing and unloading goods and slapping one another on the back and getting into traffic arguments and good-old-fashioned sorting-it-out fisticuffs as guards vainly attempt to stop them or, more likely in Xingchu, begin taking bets.

After some time you make your way to the most likely place you'll be able to offload your extra horses, Honest Jo's No Questions Asked Previously Owned Horse Emporium and Stables. The pens outside are packed full of placid-looking horses idly feeding from troughs, though they have the distinctive look of city horses who haven't had to do much walking recently but aren't exactly getting fed the premium feed either.

Inside, Honest Jo rubs his hands together and smiles widely. He's a short fellow, whose face radiates the honesty inherent to his profession. "Afternoon, gents! What can I do you for?" he grins.

What do you do?

I keep my horse and ride ahead, calling out to the rest," I have some minor business to attend to before our meeting with the Admiral. Shall we meet her in 2 horn's time?"

Barring a negative response I direct my horse to my boarding, to quickly wash and change out of my road wear. Then I set out the posh district and begin evaluating the local restaurant scene. I want to find a place where the imperial and I can have a good conversation and a good meal. A little eccentric menu wouldn't hurt either.

All ley lines in Xingchu lead ultimately to (or possibly away from) Valentia Peak, at the top of which stands the towering, sprawling semi-magical place of learning that is Yenipaki College. Surrounding this storied institution is everything else that makes Xingchu a sparkling jewel for both the Chuunian Kingdoms and the Imperium; traditional Chuunian teahouses (among them the Golden Koi, unfortunately undergoing renovation) rubbing shoulders with foreign boutiques and emporiums. As you wander further away from the Road of the Scholars, the crowds begin to thin out from the roaring crush it normally is into something approaching a comfortable level.

The street you are on, The Path of Forward Views, hosts a bevy of interesting restaurants, among them Charlie Chan's (a well-known speakeasy lounge club), The Wizard's Staff (a classic Imperial-style bar and favored haunt of Yenipaki students and the more liberal-minded faculty), Noodlegirl (a tiny but unexpectedly popular noodle bar staffed entirely by female chefs and chefs-in-training) and The Peak (an elegant high-class restaurant with incredible views over the harbour, specialising in seafood despite being empirically the least convenient place in the city to get it).

What do you do?


I have an idea for something to do if we want to be jerks. It involves Serrick turning into a horse. And then selling five* horses. And then "Honest" Jo realizing the next morning that he only has four* new horses. If you guys are into being jerks that is.

Presumably this is something we discussed before reaching Honest Jo


I think I'm the only one selling my own horse, Jintor.


Well, he's clearly not
honest, but I don't know if he's an ass for me to do this. I'd have to sleep in a stable, possibly be caught during this scam, and we don't even know how much he pays for an extra horse.

The only way I'd see myself doing this would be if he had some vendetta against someone that we could take advantage of.

Either way, Ein is the most charismatic one; he should be one to talk with this man.


You don't have to sleep in a stable, you just turn back into a human and then into a bird when no one is looking. But since the plan depends entirely on you, we won't do it if you're not into it.

While Ein is doing the majority of the sales pitch I will add in things like:

"These are authentic Steppe Horses, much better than any horse you already have."

"Oh yes, despite their size they're very strong. And they can travel a hundred miles in a single day!"

"They'll cost you almost nothing to feed. They just need a place to graze. You can even rent them out to trim the grass in the city parks."

And potentially:

"What? A single one of these horses would sell for that price, not four!"


Okay... let's see... I think you're only selling 4 horses.

Much like Thrakdur here, I'd like you to write up some examples of the talky-talk as you try and sell off your horses, but when you close the deal someone should roll... let's see... 4d20 + CHA and gain that plus 80 coins.

Thrakdur, roll 2d6 + bond with Ein to aid him and I'll throw in another d20 on the bonus.
19+12+16+12+(5(for the assist))+(2)=66 for rolls and 80 coins added on to that is 146 in total.

"These horses have seen death straight in the eyes. Guaranteed not to panic when you need them the most."

"These horses' hooves are bred to climb in any slippery surface!"

"The most stable horses here! Tired of horses shaking you up and down too much while riding? These are the horses for you!"

"The fur(hair?) are well groomed, so you don't even need a saddle on them!"


Honest Jo wheedles and bargains aggressively as you trade terms and conditions, and you are forced to threat alternately to stomp off and sell your prize horses to Dishonest Gai's (Where You Know Where You Stand), or to simply take the horses off to the slaughterhouse district entirely rather than let him get the better of you. But in the end he takes custody of four of the horses for his own, tossing you a small bag of coins while grumbling ferociously - not out of spite, exactly, though you can hear a small litany of complaints along the lines of "Highway robbery, damnable Steppelander bargain-shoppers" and "How am I going to look my children in the face, that's what I'd like to know," and other such ineffectual comments. Add 146 coins to the party inventory. Remember that 100 coins = 1 weight when dividing them up, too.

He also throws in half-price on stabling your horses until you need them - "2 coins a day, and I'll feed and water 'em for free, too," he grins, the stress of negotiation apparently already forgotten. "You won't get that bargain anywhere else in this city!"


You are all once again at liberty in glorious Xingchu, where the air is balmy, the crowds wall-to-wall, the opportunities profuse and the chances of a sudden, violent death relatively minimal. What do you do?


I want to buy a new bow, but it would be best to get paid by the Admiral first. I tell my companions I'd be happy to join them if they have business to attend to before we have to go meet the Admiral.


I agree to pay the stable fee to stow my horse, at least for now. But if this guy thinks he can get away with highway robbery with me, he has another thing coming. I made sure to take a mental note of where he keeps his coin purse.

Looking at the rest of the party, I suggest "First things first, I say we meet with the Admiral, no? It should be quite the debriefing."
What do you do?

I head into The Peak, and strike up a conversation with the front of house. I inquire about the VIP seating in the restaurant, not so subtly hinting that an Imperial Battlemage would be my guest.
I pay the stable fee for my horse. "Seems a bit high for that price, but we got no time looking all day for another person.''
"Admiral comes first in my opinion." I agreed "We need to get the rest of that gold before we spend it!"


I head into The Peak, and strike up a conversation with the front of house. I inquire about the VIP seating in the restaurant, not so subtly hinting that an Imperial Battlemage would be my guest.

Just for my writing's sake tomorrow, will you head over to the others once you've finished your conversation? You can quite easily book a room, but don't expect it to be cheap - even if you're hosting a battlemage you'll have to cover the deposit.
Just for my writing's sake tomorrow, will you head over to the others once you've finished your conversation? You can quite easily book a room, but don't expect it to be cheap - even if you're hosting a battlemage you'll have to cover the deposit.

Yes and cool, I'll do that


I head into The Peak, and strike up a conversation with the front of house. I inquire about the VIP seating in the restaurant, not so subtly hinting that an Imperial Battlemage would be my guest.

A private room, opulent and decidedly comfortable, will run you at least 10 coins merely as a deposit - probably a good meal for two will cost about twice that . If you don't have that on hand, the promissory note from the Admiral will do quite nicely, but you will be - of course - in her debt for the time being. How do you wish to pay?

However you settle things, you make your way down through the Road of the Scholars back to the gates of the Admirality, where your companions have agreed to meet you.

I want to buy a new bow, but it would be best to get paid by the Admiral first. I tell my companions I'd be happy to join them if they have business to attend to before we have to go meet the Admiral.

I agree to pay the stable fee to stow my horse, at least for now. But if this guy thinks he can get away with highway robbery with me, he has another thing coming. I made sure to take a mental note of where he keeps his coin purse.

Looking at the rest of the party, I suggest "First things first, I say we meet with the Admiral, no? It should be quite the debriefing."

I pay the stable fee for my horse. "Seems a bit high for that price, but we got no time looking all day for another person.''
"Admiral comes first in my opinion." I agreed "We need to get the rest of that gold before we spend it!"

"Let's. And hopefully she'll have something to say about Kulon."

Those stabling your horses, deduct 2 coins for today.

Lt. Reichert meets you all at the gates of the Admirality and welcomes you all in. "Follow me," she says curtly, and marches off through the busy compound, passing sharply-dressed officers and the rougher-looking sailors under their command, busy moving barrels, unfurling sails, and the other thousand miscellaneous tasks that need doing in any military institution.

The Admiral is standing silently on the docks, watching the harbour. She turns as you approach, and nods. Isolde withdraws quietly.

"My sea-speakers tell me of some disturbance recently originating from the Bay of Longdu," says the Admiral, after a moment of contemplation. "I suspect your investigation is involved in some fashion. Am I correct?"

What do you do?
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