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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


"Runners will be sent ahead of you," says the Admiral. "When you arrive, look for Lt. Hieronymus. He should get you up to speed."
"Using a local legend? We can't let them soil the myth. Perhaps the caper could slip up in escaping if he completely copies the olde tale?"

Sprout Lore roll using (+CHA) due to Bardic Lore 4+2+(2)=8

"Zhao was a poor lass of 4, do what he could to survive.
Market was filled, full of dust and disease.
One look at the palace, everyone gasped in amazement,
Lined with gold and decorated with gems,
With the village drained from taxes.
Held with disgust, Zhao put on a mask with his family
On his face, a phoenix, his brother a bear,
another a tiger, and for his sister, a turtle.
Animal crys were heard, before the caravan was struck.
Out in the distance, the ruckus faded as they spread
Giving back the taxes they had frisked.

Eventually I heard, tax usage was better allocated. Roads got better and clean, so Zhao and his family were no longer needed. "


I'd love a map, if possible, Jintor.

And I like that, sproutella. Every skinchanger carries within his body a speck of the "self" no matter his present skin, visible by anyone who delves in similar powers.
But since Hiram only found out I was one after changing into a moose in front of him, I wanna say that not any kind of magic user can see this speck, only those that actually studied this art.

Good question. Serrick, what is the Empire's influence on the squabbling inland States of the Chuunian Kingdoms?

As explorers and scholars before all else, the Empire has been strategically adding dozens of quarters throughout all the Kindgoms since Xingchu's creation.
They're not large enough to worry Chuu (not like they could do anything, crumbling as they are), but let the Empire aware of any important events and provide manpower to assess and, if possible, solve them.
Though not deeply favored by the population, as what is new and unknown can cause fear, the Empire tries to help them in matters deemed impossible by Chuu due to their expertise in magic, making the Kingdoms' rulers look useless in the eyes of the smallfolk. If that is the Empire's goal, only time will tell.


"Well," she says, clapping her hands. "Lieutenant Rycert will accompany you partway. I would prepare for a perilous journey as you approach the edge of the Kazhgai. It is a small outpost, but it is, nonetheless, Imperial. The Lieutenant leaves at dawn. Best be prepared by then."


Undertake a Perilous Journey
When you travel through hostile territory, choose one member of the party to act as trailblazer, one to scout ahead, and one to be quartermaster. Each character with a job to do rolls+Wis. On a 10+:

- the quartermaster reduces the number of rations required by one
- the trailblazer reduces the amount of time it takes to reach your destination (the GM will say by how much)
- the scout will spot any trouble quick enough to let you get the drop on it

✴On a 7–9, each role performs their job as expected: the normal number of rations are consumed, the journey takes about as long as expected, no one gets the drop on you but you don’t get the drop on them either.

You can’t assign more than one job to a character. If you don’t have enough party members, or choose not to assign a job, treat that job as if it had been assigned and the responsible player had rolled a 6.

Distances in Dungeon World are measured in rations. A ration is the amount of supplies used up in a day. Journeys take more rations when they are long or when travel is slow.

A perilous journey is the whole way between two locations. You don’t roll for one day’s journey and then make camp only to roll for the next day’s journey, too. Make one roll for the entire trip.

The journey to Outpost Theta will take 2 rations, approximately two days of travel.

You can go get some last minute supplies or info or research or whatever you need, but we should get a move on soon.


Before we go I ask the Imperials if they recognize the cloak, either by its material or who would be wearing it. And what does Ein know about the material?


I volunteer to act as the scout for the journey, and will ride ahead to make sure the way is safe. Waymore and I are tied for the third highest Wis, if he wants to do it instead and if it's ok with Jintor I've spoilered my roll so we don't have to wait to decide.

Perilous Journey: Scout:


Thrakdur is a bit sturdier than Waymore, plus he's more of an outdoorsman. I think he's better off handling it. What are some of the other jobs needed for the journey?


I'm more familiar with the northern forests than the others, so my job in this journey will be to look at our surroundings and find newer and shorter paths from above and below.

Perilous Journey: Trailblazer, 2d6+WIS. (2+6) + 2 = 10


Not all my plans involve running away from bears. I was just going to say that since we have a fancy covered wagon we could easily disguise ourselves as merchants and provide a tempting target.

But that gives me another idea for a plan. Surely any real folk hero would try to save a poor innocent villager being attacked by a bear?

Alternatively, what is the smallest animal Serrick can turn into and would he be willing to hide in someone's mouth?


You reach the edges of the Kazhgai a half-day sooner than expected, taking less supplies than budgeted for; Mark off one ration. The journey is largely uneventful, possibly due to Liutenant Rykert and her escort. The road runs North alongside the treeline; very soon you will be within view of Outpost Theta, easily identifiable by its massive relay sempahore tower (one of the very few in the region).

Thrakdur, you are riding ahead of the others; you feel uneasy in this forest, but it's better than the smells and stench of the cities. An unseasonable frost clings to the edges of leaves, sparkling cold in the midday sun. Horse picks up a strange scent, and you cautiously follow his lead to a small grove just off the main road.

The scene appears pastoral, but slightly off. Trusting your senses, you notice hastily-scuffed dirt and evidence of disturbance. A moment's work with a stick confirms your suspicions as you uncover two objects hastily buried beneath the ground; the remains of a horse, and the remains of an elf.

What do you do?


I examine the Elf, the horse, and the surrounding area to try to find out more about what happened here and how recently it happened.

Discern Realities: (6+5)+0=11 and I ask the following:

-What happened here recently?
-What is about to happen?
-What here is useful or valuable to me?


How are you looking for stuff? What's Thrakdur's background in forensics?

The more detail I have to work with, the more interesting things will be!

The rest of you, Thrakdur has disappeared into the brush somewhere ahead of you and hasn't checked back in like he said he would. What do you do?


Looking at the bodies to see if I can tell what killed them, how rotted/bloated they are, looking for tracks from animals or people. Some clue as to the Elf's identity such as a rank symbol of the Imperium. Was the elf robbed after it was killed or does it still have valuables?


It's my first time seeing that, so: what do you mean by "mark off one ration"? This doesn't matter to Serrick as nature gives him energy, but is it supposed to be an item in our inventory? Because I think no one has food with them.

While we're waiting for his report, I ask Lt. Rykert what are her goals once she reaches Theta, if she's willing to say to me.


You uncover the bodies; they are shallowly buried, in a rush, inexpertly so. The horse was an Imperial breed, used exclusively by the Messenger Corps; they guard their secrets well. The elf, likewise, is wearing the blood-soaked garb of an Imperial messenger; no trim, no unnecessary rainments, just a blue tunic and a dark red armband.

The horse has been hamstrung, and then its belly ripped open. The elf's throat has been torn out. You don't think the corpse is fresh, but the smell isn't as foul as anything over a week old. You'd guess within the last two to three days.

You surmise that the messenger was ambushed by something wild and vicious while on the road, then dragged off and buried inexpertly. The messenger has nothing but his clothes; the horse is unsaddled.

Both you and Horse strain your ears, but you can hear nothing but birdsong and the sound of your companions on the road. You don't think anything important is imminent.

What do you do?


It's my first time seeing that, so: what do you mean by "mark off one ration"? This doesn't matter to Serrick as nature gives him energy, but is it supposed to be an item in our inventory? Because I think no one has food with them.

While we're waiting for his report, I ask Lt. Rykert what are her goals once she reaches Theta, if she's willing to say to me.

You guy should all still have dungeon rations from char gen.

"Imperial business," she says, avoiding the question lightly, and changes the subject.


Oh, my bad. Wild Shaman's sheet doesn't mention rations, hence my confusion.

Thought she'd answer like that. It was just smalltalk anyways.


I ride back to the group and tell them what I found.

"An Imperial messenger was killed up ahead. It looked like he and his horse were killed by a wild beast, but he had nothing left on him but his clothes and his horse had no saddle. And someone or something tried to bury them quickly."

And furthermore, when I came up with the name by stealing it off a WFRP character generator, I clearly said it was Reichert. Now I don't know what a Rykert or a Ryckert is, but it sounds like someone that is horrible


"So, we're dealing with a beast that likes to loot, but one with a guilty conscience and a sense of respect for the dead? A priest-turned-werewolf, perhaps?" I scoff, half-heartedly. I look to Ein and jest "Any stories or legends of a man of the cloth that turns into a savage beast every full moon?"
Oh the cloth. The cloth is made from Dryad silk worms that is soft, yet resistant to fires and the elements also embroidery material from wild lions both only local to the south of the continent.

"With a good nature intent maybe. Perhaps its just a beast ashamed of what its done and tried to hide it!" I joked back.


"Of course" I say and start to ride back to where I found the body.

She makes a brief motion with her hand as your horses approach the grove, and scans the body quickly. "Not one of ours," she says. "By which I mean, not from the Xingchu Corp, I think. No message? Whoever attacked him took it, or someone after the fact. Hmm."

Dismounting, she rummages in her pockets for a second, withdrawing two Imperial silvers. "I'm not sure how much more he has to tell us," she says, face serious, "but when we are finished, I shall inter him before the carrion come."

What do you do?


"Has this happened before?" I ask, "Your messengers in this area being intercepted I mean."

Im assuming she is about to do some sort of magic thing. So I'm waiting for that before doing more.


"Has this happened before?" I ask, "Your messengers in this area being intercepted I mean."

Im assuming she is about to do some sort of magic thing. So I'm waiting for that before doing more.

That will be a problem since she's waiting for you to finish whatever you're doing before she does whatever she's doing.

"Not as reported to Xingchu," she says, examining the body. "But, of course, if someone is targeting messengers - I hardly believe a wild animal did this, at least without a handler of some kind... see, no gnawing, no indications of eating... this was a deliberate attack - if someone is targeting messengers, perhaps it is unsurprising we have no knowledge of it."

She sighs, and stands up. "The semaphore tower at Theta was supposed to have been working by last month. It works fantastic on the mainland, a network of information, faster than the fleetest of foot. I don't know why they have such problems here... of course, this kind of thing doesn't help in the slightest."


I don't think I have anything else to do other than show her where the body was.

Could I use a forward from my Discern realities on a Spout Lore to know more about what/who did this? The forest is somewhat near the steppe, so maybe I would be familiar with the people in the area, if they're shape changers or beast tamers or something?

Spout Lore:(6+5)-1+1=11


You've heard the song Ein told you about before, but it was... a version closer to the Steppes. The masks of the rebellious heroes were infused with the spirits of animals; those who wore them took their form or their powers, the song isn't entirely clear.

Of course, this is the Kazhgai we're talking about. Fire Cats aren't too difficult to tame if you know what you're doing and have enough spirit to run the buggers down.

Elven hives are also nearby; who knows what secrets the Wild Elves keep?


Two of the Liutenant's escort rapidly dismount and begin clearing a hole. Rykert stoops, gathers the fallen elf in her arms, and places him gently in the hole, arranging his hands to cross over his chest. Between his fingers she places the two coins. She steps back up, and the two soldiers rapidly begin to fill in the hole.

"Peace be with you, loyal servant," she mutters, and turns back to her horse.


Outpost Theta is perhaps a solid two hours travel away. You will pass through the town of Fangchuu on the way there, though the larger town of Ryouto is on the other side of the Outpost. An Elven hive is in close proximity to your current location, perhaps four hour's hacking through dense brush and cavernous woods. What do you do?


Didn't the admiral say Reichart would accompany us partway? I think we're off to do what we want now.
edit: but she'll probably want to report this finding to Theta.

As we pass through Fangchuu, I take a walk through the village and talk to the locals, claiming I'm a new merchant through these areas and pointing to our wagon, and see what I can discover about this region, the strange phenomenons and the elves (not that I expect much from smallfolk).

Hit the Street, 2d6+CHA. (4+4) + 1 = 9
  • They've got what you want right now.


First I head to the stablemaster, Cory, and give him 5 coins to feed our horses and let them rest for a bit. Cory's a young man, I'd guess son of the real stablemaster. Even though he has a dark complexion, a stern face and is almost as tall as an elf, after I begin talking to him I see he's extremely friendly and kind.
I ask him about the roads and this so-called hero famous even in Xingchu.

After exchanging a few jokes, I head to the central plaza where I see a woman in her forties playing with her two toddlers. I learn that her name is Bessa and she's happy for this sunny weather, so rare these days. I use that to start a conversation, and slowly move towards these strange phenomenons of late.
Before leaving, I show my telescoping staff trick to the kids and they get all excited. I let them play with it as well.

Finally, already at the gate, I ask the guard about the nearby elves. I dare not to stare at him nor to ask personal questions, but I do notice his full leather armor, including a helmet.


So we're passing through Fangchuu on the way to the outpost? I'm following the flow of the story, just not seeing much opportunity to interject Waymore at this point.


So we're passing through Fangchuu on the way to the outpost? I'm following the flow of the story, just not seeing much opportunity to interject Waymore at this point.

My advice: I will bend over backwards if you've a good idea for something to do.

That said, I haven't really set you all up with a proper goal yet, so it's tough. Sorry.


First I head to the stablemaster, Cory, and give him 5 coins to feed our horses and let them rest for a bit. Cory's a young man, I'd guess son of the real stablemaster. Even though he has a dark complexion, a stern face and is almost as tall as an elf, after I begin talking to him I see he's extremely friendly and kind.
I ask him about the roads and this so-called hero famous even in Xingchu.

After exchanging a few jokes, I head to the central plaza where I see a woman in her forties playing with her two toddlers. I learn that her name is Bessa and she's happy for this sunny weather, so rare these days. I use that to start a conversation, and slowly move towards these strange phenomenons of late.
Before leaving, I show my telescoping staff trick to the kids and they get all excited. I let them play with it as well.

Finally, already at the gate, I ask the guard about the nearby elves. I dare not to stare at him nor to ask personal questions, but I do notice his full leather armor, including a helmet.

Cory only knows the local rumours - the roads seem safe for merchants, but local Imperials and government officials without an escort are being attacked all over. The first outposts know of such things are when the victims fail to report back. Rumour has it that the Masqued have returned to liberate the region from the Imperial yoke, though its teeth is blunted by the fact that the Imperials do not, in fact, have much of a yoke going on - the tax collectors work directly for the local lords, actually. That said, nobody's actually seen the Masqued, as far as Cory knows - it's always secondhand reports...

Bessa is pensieve; her family is between meals frequently, and if the next harvest is delayed any further, belts will have to be tightened even more. She shrugs; weather is weather, who knows what luck the gods favour? Perhaps tis just an ill-omened year.

The guard grunts, but explains patiently that specialised Elven traders occasionally pass by, trading wooden trinkets and carved (or grown?) furniture or other useful items made entirely of wood, bones and resins for metals and other gear. Beyond that, he doesn't know much about them. "They keep to themselves," he says.


Reichart bids you farewell here. "I must confer with the local council here; perhaps I will meet you further on in Theta," she says. "Ah, one last thing. I was asked to give this note to you, Magister, by a Seer of some kind."

She takes her leave. Deken, you recognise Bao Gong's spindley handwriting immediately. Unfolding the note, you read these words; "Avoid spilling your blood".


Outpost Theta is actually quite a ways off the main road, a giant semaphor tower looming precariously in the distance as you approach. It is afternoon. As you approach, you hear a distance WHUMP as a dazzling light erupts from the roof of the semaphor tower, blasting into the sky, visible for miles around. A flare.

What do you do?


I was getting confused by this journey due to the number of things going on so I wrote this down to make things easier. I may be completely wrong about this, even more so to Jintor who knows what actually is about to happen, so I did this mostly for myself.

  • Kazhgai Forest - Elven (non-Imperial), has fire cats. As far as we (the characters, not the players) know, irrelevant to our mission.
  • Fangchuu - Human.
  • Ryouto - Human, undiscovered.
  • Outpost Theta - Imperial, has a river nearby.
The hero(es) may be hiding in any of the human towns, or within the forest, or changing from place to place. Probably hard to find.

  • Stop the weather phenomenons.
  • Take care of this/these hero(es), possibly in a non-bloody way.

  • The region is experiencing a revolt; people are unhappy.
  • This/these hero(es) attacking Imperial forces. Maybe they're skinchangers? Even if they are, only Thrakdur would know that.
  • Whoever is behind the phenomenons.
  • Hedge mages near the towns.

What can Serrick do, or what does he want to do?:
  • Pretend he's an Imperial merchant/official to draw the attention of this/these hero(es), easier than trying to locate them.
  • Trade his wooden carvings with the elves for information.
  • Learn how to change into a Fire Cat. Probably won't have enough time? Maybe one of the heroes can teach him? Is Cougar language close to Fire Cat?


Wait, why do I know if they are Skin Changers? I thought it was still unclear.

And I guess the next thing to do would be to go meet with Hieronymus, but since Deken is the Imperial Agent I think he should take the lead on that I somehow missed the flare part. That's probably a reason to go in without waiting to be official right?


You heard about the song, right? If they are skinchangers, then only you would know. But they may be not; that's why I put as a question.


Well, from the looks of it they know we're here. Let's get inside, shall we?



One of the principles of Dungeon World is 'make maps, but leave blanks' so this is not a definition of fact, as such - at least not the whole facts.
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