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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


Seeing Bleakwood still acting and speaking with an arrow sticking straight out of his eye infuriates me beyond measure. I need to assist my disabled comrades, but the nerve of that old bastard to not die is simply too much. He needs to stay until he's dealt with. Without taking a moment further to think, I knock one more arrow and launch it at Aedred's head before he completes his ritual.



Damage: 4


Serrick gains 1 hold and the form of a Strider Moose, gaining the following moves: Antler Charge, Stomp Upon The Fallen and Vicious Back Kick. He immediately spends 1 hold to Antler Charge.



Serrick takes the form of a Moose as Ein, face STRAINED with effort, manages to stagger up, swinging his blade and just barely scratching Victoria. WHAM! A TOSS of the suddenly-appearing Serrick's antlered head, and Victoria goes flying away from the barrier as we hear the TRAILING SOUND of an ARROW. PAN to Aedred's head. A SECOND ARROW has sprouted in Aedred's forehead.

CUT TO Waymore, smiling a grim smile of satisfaction and lowering his bow.

CUT BACK TO Aedred. His eyes roll backwards and the chanting ceases.

Hiram, they got Aedred-

Bleakwood is grappling with the moose head as Serrick shifts unwillingly back to human form, teeth gritted in pain until he is suddenly grabbed and thrust into a headlock by the older man. Victoria is groaning on the floor, still partially bound by Bleakwood's magic.

A skinchanger! There is... no time... more's the pity...

The threads of power remain! Retrieve Vict-

A good thief knows... when to... cut their losses! We leave!​

Bleakwood TOSSES Serrick overarm out of the barrier and steps back. One hand whips behind his back for a split second before returning, a dazzling light and concussive SOUND ERUPTING from the hand. Everyone, Defy Danger or be blinded by the emergency Hikari nut barrage.

(shouting) The barrier holds!

Waymore! This is... a... setback...! Nothing... MORE!​

He GESTURES curtly. The threads of power from Aedred's body and head coaelesce, suddenly visible; a snag disentangles itself from Victoria, who LEAPS at the barrier in sudden desperation and bounces off, looking as if she has run full-tilt into a concrete wall. Elizabeth has strengthened the barrier now that Bleakwood stands within; another effort will be required to weaken it. Bleakwood begins chanting, faster, more urgently.

No! Bleakwood! Elizabeth! You utter BASTARDS-

Thrakdur and Deken remain paralysed. Elizabeth and Bleakwood stand within a barrier of woven magic and power. Serrick is collapsed on the ground. Ein and Waymore stand ready. Victoria is pounding on the barrier with her fists, howling.

One last chance to act. The moment is now. WHAT DO YOU DO?


Aedred had precisely 4 hp left


Recognizing the Hikari Nut (both from them using one earlier and Ein's use of them) I quickly turn my head as much as possible and shut my eyes before it bursts.

Defy Danger Wis:(5+4)+0=9

It is probably a bit late for this, but is there something I could do to try to break the paralysis? Defy Danger Con maybe?


Recognizing the Hikari Nut (both from them using one earlier and Ein's use of them) I quickly turn my head as much as possible and shut my eyes before it bursts.

Defy Danger Wis:(5+4)+0=9

It is probably a bit late for this, but is there something I could do to try to break the paralysis? Defy Danger Con maybe?

Of course, but bear in mind failing a roll opens you up to... consequences. Roll when you wish. You too, Deken.

/edit actually might retcon that to being because Bleakwood is focusing more on teleporting than keeping you pinned


My eyes still shut against the blinding light of Hikari, my teeth gritted in effort, and my brow soaked in sweat, I try to break the spell and rise to my feet, for no magic can contain Thrakdur the Mighty!

Defy Danger Con:(6+2)+2=10


I draw my axe and charge at the one outside the barrier. If she's staying behind it would be best to disable her.

I don't know if I needed to do a hack and slash roll since she is occupied, but I did one to try to activate my Smash! move
Hack and Slash:(6+3)+2=11, missed the Smash! Dmg=4
After seeing a hikari nut fly through the air, I dashed to the ground and desperately face and eyes from the burst of light. Hopefully, before the burst.

Defy Danger(Dex?) 3+3+(1)=7


A partial on the defy danger means taking a -1 forward to subsequent rolls; you've avoided the worst of it (you're not completely disorientated) but you're still not at 100%. Sound good?


I'm with my head on the floor, enduring the pain.
With my eyes still closed I remember what the spirits told me at the grove; I must live through this day to help them.

I use all my accumulated powers of regrowth and use them on myself for a final stand.

Balance, 1d4 + 1d4 = 1 + 2 = 3
I'm using these more to heal my "pain" story-wise than to heal my HP.

I get up and assess the situation.

Defy Danger, 2d6+INT. (2+4) + 1 = 7

Ein and Deken maybe won't have time to help us, Thrakdur is taking care of the woman, Waymore still has his bow in hands, all of them are inside that wall... wait.
I can't see it, but I'm sure Ein was thrown at a wall just like that girl. I'd bet that this barrier only protects them from the land, otherwise it'd be more like a dome.
At worse they'll escape anyway.

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (2+3) + 2 = 7

I change into the eagle, once again, and fly until I'm above them, and ready myself to get down and grab that head with my claws.

I'm waiting for your input, Jintor. If everything went right with my rolls then I'll try to grab that head now.
And Serrick doesn't know what a cube is.


The last thing I want is for Bleakwood to get away. Still, I don't think bashing my sword against a magical barrier would be an effective use of my efforts.

Does the barrier cover the entire height of the passage? Or could it potentially be vaulted over? Or is it like a dome shield sort of thing?
Defy danger Wis to avoid disorienting effects of the nut 4+3+1=8

With my arcane sense I make out Serrick's eagle form plunging at the cabal from above - the magic there seems weaker! - I attempt to make it more so as I grunt out an incantation, hawking clotting blood from my lips in the general direction of the shield - hoping to inject a corroding charm into their barrier.

Roll to aid 6+1+1=8 If I take the same penalty from the nut, still a 7 with -1.


I'm with my head on the floor, enduring the pain.
With my eyes still closed I remember what the spirits told me at the grove; I must live through this day to help them.

I use all my accumulated powers of regrowth and use them on myself for a final stand.

Balance, 1d4 + 1d4 = 1 + 2 = 3
I'm using these more to heal my "pain" story-wise than to heal my HP.

I get up and assess the situation.

Defy Danger, 2d6+INT. (2+4) + 1 = 7

Ein and Deken maybe won't have time to help us, Thrakdur is taking care of the woman, Waymore still has his bow in hands, all of them are inside that wall... wait.
I can't see it, but I'm sure Ein was thrown at a wall just like that girl. I'd bet that this barrier only protects them from the land, otherwise it'd be more like a dome.
At worse they'll escape anyway.

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (2+3) + 2 = 7

I change into the eagle, once again, and fly until I'm above them, and ready myself to get down and grab that head with my claws.

I'm waiting for your input, Jintor. If everything went right with my rolls then I'll try to grab that head now.
And Serrick doesn't know what a cube is.

The head's already dead, switch your target (unless you want to rp going for the heads anyway)


Oh, I thought it was alive... change of plans!

I saw him going inside the barrier; it doesn't work for them, probably. I'll change back to human and push them all outside as I drop from above.


No, with my arms and legs. I just want to push them, not even cause damage.
And how are they prepared from an attack from above?

Hack and Slash, 2d6+STR. (6+1) - 1 = 6
Hack and Slash, 2d6+STR. (5+4) - 1 = 8
A partial on the defy danger means taking a -1 forward to subsequent rolls; you've avoided the worst of it (you're not completely disorientated) but you're still not at 100%. Sound good?
Yeah thats good.

Probably thinking that the hikari nuts would severely damage morale, I wield my Oud to play an uplifting tune.

2+4+(2)-(1)=7 and choose -Deken’s wounds are ignored and they heal +1d8

While a fights a brew,
Soldiers hacks a few
The King's cook makes a stew
The land's feast came a-brew!


No, with my arms and legs. I just want to push them, not even cause damage.
And how are they prepared from an attack from above?

Hack and Slash, 2d6+STR. (6+1) - 1 = 6
Hack and Slash, 2d6+STR. (5+4) - 1 = 8

They're in the middle of an important ritual being attacked from all sides, they're trying to keep track of everyone

I actually fowled up the multiple attack rules (that's what I get for drunkposting at 4am), so I'll be generous and take the higher.


Not sure if y'all were waiting on me to move or not, but I figured I'd go for it.

"To hell with this," I mutter and charge the barrier with my sword, attempting to slash through the shield and get to Bleakwood before he disappears.


Edit: Forgot to defy danger. Let's say Waymore tries to turn away from the flash.

Defy Danger DEX: (6+3)+2=11


Serrick takes to the skies. A stumbling Thrakdur slashes his axe through Victoria's back - she arches in agony - as Ein plays a dramatic power chord on his oud.

While a fight's a'brew,
Soldiers hack a'few-

Ul avrain par plavform fur goeuk awauusan from katu...

Energy courses through Deken's veins (heal d8 and you are free from paralysis) as he mumbles to himself-

(under his breath) All things break; all things bend
Let the time of standing tall
now come unto an end...

Pleauke ukavand prap avhe kiiro liner...!

The King's cook makes a'stew-​

Deken SPITS BLOOD at the patchwork pair as Waymore hammers desperately on the barricade with his sword. Suddenly, Serrick plummets downwards, shifting as he falls, thrusting both arms out.

The land's feast comes a-brew!

(muttered, fierce) BREAK!

Ukavand clervake, dooruk cloukaumn-

Three things happen at once. Serrick lands roughly between the pair, shoving at Elizabeth and Bleakwood, though Elizabeth grabs Bleakwood's hand, maintaining contact. Glowing red cracks, hanging in thin air, spread across the 'barricade', as Waymore - seeing Bleakwood stumble towards him - raises his sword and THRUSTS. The barricade SHATTERS. The sword slides into Bleakwood's chest smoothly.

Waymore sees, for a half second, a contorted face of rage and anger pass across Bleakwood's face as he stares into Waymore's eyes, before he and Elizabeth both BURST INTO FOG - and the fog streams straight upwards, into the darkness. Away.

The point of Waymore's sword drops to the ground; embedded on it is a PATCHWORK HEART. Victoria collapses to the ground, howling.


She doesn't seem prepared to fight any longer.

What do you do?


I look Victoria over, assessing her lack of an immediate threat, then collapse to the ground, breathing heavily. The muscles used in heavy combat remain rather under-utilized for such exertion. My arms are lead, my ribs ache, and I can't seem to draw a full breath without a cough or a wheeze. Still, I smile rather darkly seeing the patchwork heart impaled on the end of my sword. It's a puzzling thing, especially given Hiram's vanishing act, but surely a man missing a heart is a man that is no longer with us. Right? I spit onto the floor, mostly to see if I'm coughing up blood or not, then look to my companions.

"Are we alright, lads?"

That was a great fucking scene, Jintor. Good show, sir.


I'm staying near Victoria with my axe ready. They can teleport and survive their heads being cut off, I'm not convinced the danger is over.
Healing 8 damage.

A stretch and a crack of my neck as I rise. A nod at Serrick for a job well done and-

"Well what do we have here?" I say as I draw close to the heart, pulling a painted dowel from my bag and waving it over the heart.

(Discerning Realities 5+5+1=11, 1 - What here is useful/valuable to me? 2 - What here is not as it appears to be? 3 - What should I be on the look out for? B - What here is secretly magical?)

(Since I'm studying a single object this could be Spout Lore? - Not sure but I'm fine with either)
Gasping for air, I put away my Oud and take back out my sword in hand, readying it as I try to recover my fallen bow.

"Bit badly brused, but I think I'll manage."


Healing 8 damage.

A stretch and a crack of my neck as I rise. A nod at Serrick for a job well done and-

"Well what do we have here?" I say as I draw close to the heart, pulling a painted dowel from my bag and waving it over the heart.

(Discerning Realities 5+5+1=11, 1 - What here is useful/valuable to me? 2 - What here is not as it appears to be? 3 - What should I be on the look out for? B - What here is secretly magical?)

(Since I'm studying a single object this could be Spout Lore? - Not sure but I'm fine with either)

I think it's more a spout lore, since you're studying not the environment but a single object.

Patchwork Heart - 0 Weight
A small, beating heart made from ragged scraps and metal. It continually pumps fluid from an intake to an outtake, with no need for a source of power.

Crafted by an unknown sect, who dedicated themselves to the ideal of strength from unity, it was eventually stolen by a man who abused the strength of others - a perverse application of such a creed.


In some Chuunian Kingdoms, as with many places in this world, it is considered good and proper to contribute to the upkeep of sacred places. Temples and gates thousands of years old are, in reality, an amalgamation of carefully designed materials, renewed and restored through the ages, taking away a bit at a time and replacing it with materials carefully crafted and hewn so as to not disrupt the character, the reality, of a place. Eventually, there comes a point where there is no trace of any of the original material of such a place left. Yet the place endures. The idea of the place endures.

Such is this Patchwork Heart, a bloody, beating thing that seems to function as a heart despite quite obviously not being natural in any way. Rough strips of leather, nails and stitches, tubes of cloth and fibre, strange runes of glowing fire, quite unlike a normal human organ... and yet; if you look at it, all you can think is: Heart.

Deken, what do you know of the sect that created the Patchwork Heart?


You're still in the entrance hall to The Zen. Victoria continues sobbing on the ground. Aedred's body lies collapsed outside where the barrier was; Aedred's head was taken with the two when they fled. Burke is very slowly attempting to crawl behind a wrecked table without attracting much attention. Stairs lead upstairs and doors lead to the Assemblyroom or back Outside. What do you do?


I walk over to Burke and rap him across the temple with my blackjack.

"Don't need anyone tailing us, after all."


I'm not sure if my blackjack does damage, or just knocks out in successful uses, but if there's a damage roll for it I got 3.


I'm going to miss my shillelagh; I made it myself and it served me for good months. I can't craft another in the middle of the city...

They can deal with the girl, I was never good with comforting people. I head inside, now that we're not in danger anymore, and investigate the building and its rooms.

Discern Realities, 2d6+WIS. (4+2) + 2 = 8
  • What here is useful or valuable to me?
And sorry if I'm forgetting, but how is the place illuminated? Lamps, torches, some cracks above through which the moon shines? I wanna set that body on fire.


I walk over to Burke and rap him across the temple with my blackjack.

"Don't need anyone tailing us, after all."


I'm not sure if my blackjack does damage, or just knocks out in successful uses, but if there's a damage roll for it I got 3.

Nah, you just knock him out. He collapses to the floor with a sigh. What do you do?

Serrick, the place mostly isn't illuminated by anything. There's some candles in the Assemblyroom, a few blown out by the struggles. (There's also Roger's corpse). In Burke's waiting room, for instance, the stove is still on; elsewhere at strategically important locations there is the occasional heavy iron brazier burning hot, carefully placed so as to prevent sparks from flying into the rest of the place.

As for what is valuable... in the house, Roger is carrying a purse of 23 coins, Burke 14. Aedred's body has a small set of lockpicks but nothing else of value on it. Judging from the look of the place, you might be of the opinion that this is a temporarily meeting house and not a place for them to stash their loot, if any.

What are the rest of you doing while Serrick is searching the hotel?


Nah, you just knock him out. He collapses to the floor with a sigh. What do you do?

Serrick, the place mostly isn't illuminated by anything. There's some candles in the Assemblyroom, a few blown out by the struggles. (There's also Roger's corpse). In Burke's waiting room, for instance, the stove is still on; elsewhere at strategically important locations there is the occasional heavy iron brazier burning hot, carefully placed so as to prevent sparks from flying into the rest of the place.

As for what is valuable... in the house, Roger is carrying a purse of 23 coins, Burke 14. Aedred's body has a small set of lockpicks but nothing else of value on it. Judging from the look of the place, you might be of the opinion that this is a temporarily meeting house and not a place for them to stash their loot, if any.

What are the rest of you doing while Serrick is searching the hotel?

I grab the lockpicks off of the corpse, since I'm bound to be handiest with them anyhow. Looking around the premises, I sigh. No loot for our bloodshed. Still, we came out the better end of it. I look to the sobbing Victoria then to Thrakdur, motioning to her and holding up my blackjack as if to ask "Should I?"


I assume those stairs are the ones Waymore used to get here. I'll just grab the coins for now. Added 37 coins to my inventory

"Guys, we know these... bodies can be used by anyone. Does anyone have something against me throwing it on the brazier?"

To make things quicker, if no one speaks up I'll drag him and light him on fire.

After that, I'll check Fitz and Ko's bodies as well.


Oh yeah, I thought they were unconscious. The only one that's probably dead (or will be soon) is Roger, bleeding in the corner.

I mention their disappearances to my friends and advise them to decide what to do with the girl fast.


I walk over to Victoria, though maintaining a safe distance and blackjack in hand, and try asking her a few questions. "Look, my dearest sympathies and what not, but what exactly was going on here? What's with the pathworked skin and... organs? This place doesn't even resemble a guild of proper thieves anymore."


She sniffles. "Bleakwood got it into his head that he wasn't the best, and that he wanted to be the best," she explains, in between sobs. "He started raiding the Collegiate, got his hand on some of them White Books. Read 'em. Told Mistress Elizabeth. Told the council. They thought it was a good idea. Magic thievery, right? It sounded good, sounded useful. See, he wanted to steal something. Something from the Imperium. I dunno what. He wouldn't say."

Victoria pauses, and looks at you through red-rimmed eyes (one green, one yellow). "You're... Waymore, right? He was a-feared of you, old timer. No... not a-feared. Jealous, maybe."

She stands, slowly, totters unsteadily over to Aedred's body, and collapses by it.


You should probably decide what you're going to do above ground when you get back (and what to do with any loose ends), and then we can finish up for the moment.


Since she's provided valuable intel and seems to pose no threat, I toss her a small coin purse with 10 gold. "For your trouble, against my better judgement. Get the hell out of this city, get a fresh start, and get back to some honest thievery. There's pride in it. Just stay away from the Southern coast by Hangman's Harbor."

I return to the rest of the group and smile wearily. Making sure I'm good distance away from Victoria, I say in a low voice, "I do appreciate your very timely assistance. I think next, I need to return the ring back to my client and you all ought to warn Reichart. If what my client overheard was true, he could still be in some danger. After that, I do believe we all owe a certain tavern owner some business for sticking his neck out for the lot of us."


Did she say who Reichart wants to kill, or how she learned that?

I'll try to buy a staff, or a sword cane if I'm lucky, when I get back and then visit the Magister with Deken.

edit: Maybe visit him first, and then buy a new weapon.


Did she say who Reichart wants to kill, or how she learned that?

I'll try to buy a staff, or a sword cane if I'm lucky, when I get back and then visit the Magister with Deken.

edit: Maybe visit him first, and then buy a new weapon.

She overheard it through the ring. It had an eavesdropping enchantment of sorts. The Guild was planning to take him out.


Victoria doesn't touch the gold as you leave her crying by Aedred's corpse.


A dishevelled room, sheets covering furniture, visible dust motes filling the air. Fog streams out of a hole in the wall, and Bleakwood and Elizabeth APPEAR with a WHUMP of displaced air, Bleakwood's hands scabbling desperately at his chest, Elizabeth panting, exhausted, dropping Aedred's head to the floor. Bleakwood HOWLS in fury, LASHING OUT, knocking over a chair, and YANKS the arrow out of his eye.

Of all the- gods damnit!

(panting) You shouldn't have underestimated him. Again.

Shut it, woman! Damnit...

He pushes open a door and strides through, Elizabeth scurrying in his wake. Bleakwood has pulled off his coat and is examining the wound in a full length mirror. The cut looks disturbingly surgical... or perhaps it would be more accurate to say his body looks disturbingly artificial.

Hiram the Heartless, they'll call you.

Well, I can deal with that. At least he didn't get... this.

He reaches into his body. An unnatural glow begins to shine from within. Elizabeth places one hand on his shoulder and smiles at him. He grins back - bloody, feral, and utterly mad.



Thus ends Episode Five: Of Patchwork Made

  • Gain +1 XP for someone in the group learning something new and important about the world (Patchwork magery)
  • Gain +1 XP for defeating notable opponents (slaying a Patchwork Mage and driving off his fellows)
  • Gain +1 XP for acquiring the Patchwork Heart
  • Take a look at your bonds. If you feel like a bond has changed or been resolved in some fashion, post about it, delete the bond, and gain +1XP. (Max 1 bond)
  • If you feel like your character has learned something about another character, you may write 1 new bond. (Includes characters you already have a bond with so long as it doesn't overlap on the previous bond).
  • If you feel like you've taken a step towards your character's Drive in some way, post about it and gain +1 XP.
  • If you haven't already, gain +1XP for each 6 or less you've rolled

I got a little too loose with this one, I feel. Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless - I really enjoyed doing the script format and may stick with that for action visualisation stuff.
The new format helped make it look a lot less clutterend and I really appreciate it.

I finally leveled up to 2, so I took the "Let me help you, help me" move. It would have been really helpful during this chapter.
"After visiting the Magister, I need to got pick up some more arrows and look more into healing balm/supplies. I have a feeling we need it."


I want to introduce a new bond with Thrakdur, same as the one with Ein:

"Thrakdur has much to learn about the wild things."

Before showing him a spirit, he needs to understand the seriousness of my gifts.
I ain't your circus bear, man!


I didn't add a XP for acquiring the heart since that was mostly Waymore (even though I pushed Hiram).

I know we were in a limited environment, but I think we explored our creativity nicely in this chapter. That whole bear scene :D

And I really, really loved your new format, Jintor; it's streamlined, shorter and more pleasant to our eyes. Was that your first try doing that?

edit: what does that move do, UT?


i liked the script format, as it you said it's a good way to help visualize the action.

I think my bond with Serrick changes to something like: Serrick has a great power, he shouldn't be afraid of it.

After get back above ground, I would like to resupply my arrows and Adventuring kit. And since I left my horse with Basso I hope it didn't kick him to death.


I really like the new script format, Jintor. It helps establish the flow of each of our individual actions as a sequence with continuity. It helps make it feel like we're not each just playing our own chapter. The plot itself was fun, too. It had a real feeling of "Shit, we're in way over our heads, aren't we?" The patchwork reveal was rather spectacular and well done.

I was kinda playing fast and loose with my arrow usage that chapter, so we'll just say Waymore is out and needs to buy a new quiver-full.

I don't think I resolved anything on the bond front or created any new ones, although I suppose Waymore is glad that the plan worked out well. Especially given the unexpected rush to the meeting. It could be said that he has an increased trust in and appreciation for his companions. He's starting to see the benefits of not working alone on everything.

Eliminating or at least disrupting a large portion of his professional competition I would say certainly warrants a step towards Waymore's professional pride.

I gave Waymore 4 more XP total, as well as adding XP along the way for low rolls. By my count, it puts me at level 3. For my new move, I'll take:

Contortionist: You are adept at bending your body in ways it was not meant to bend, and you can fit into uncomfortably small spaces without trouble. When you Defy Danger by dramatically dodging out of the way, take +1.
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