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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


You ALL get +1 XP for acquiring the treasure. It doesn't matter who got it, as long as someone in the party got it. Same for learning about stuff, same for defeating things. Dungeon World is a really party-based experience and the way levelling works is less about straight DPS and so on, so it benefits to distribute that XP this way.

I might take a little bit off for a bit, since I'd like to plan out an environment before tossing you in there (in the more traditional D&D sense of designing a couple of rooms and more monsters, etc). Maybe I'll restart this weekend? We can montage a few scenes of in-between round stuff, but I might limit you to just one or two actions so we don't get bogged down.


By the way, Ein, I know it's your first time playing and you're busy with school, but you've really improved in terms of describing what you're doing and linking it in with everybody else's actions. That said, if you could post more often that would be a big help; I'm not sure if you're on a different timezone to everyone (I think sproutella is the only one on a significantly misaligned timezone) but it's noticeably less than especially thrak, way and serrick.


Looking at my Drive, I could gain XP depending on the answer to the following questions:

Ein: as a kind of poet did my actions inspire you to acknowledge my greatness?

To the rest of the group: As people, did my actions inspire you to acknowledge my greatness?


Okay, added +1 XP!


The initial encounter by itself is worthy of a song.

You were so confident in your and your friends' abilities that you headed unwavering towards unknown danger.
And when everything went wrong, for no one could foresee wizard thieves, you broke their spell with your own willpower, a feat no normal man could do!

Maybe the first bit was not due to your greatness, but the second one clearly is.


Waymore has definitely gained more respect and reverence for Thrakdur's abilities, especially for coming through with getting the rest of the group together and saving his ass. I'd like to think that even though Waymore wasn't explicitly planning on going right to the meeting, Thrakdur knew to get the rest of the group together ASAP just in case he got into the shit too deep. I would say that either progresses or resolves your bond with him on your sheet, protecting him from himself and what not.

Also I'm legit conflicted on whether or not to refer to my character in 3rd person or 1st when talking OOC.
The Heart belonged to a tribe/village/commune known as Sowen of the most ardent Eshikilik - a relatively minor religious group out west. A good amount Eshikilik have gone into business or politics in the Kingdoms, spreading their messages of temperance and equality under their God Ato, and integrating into larger society. That is not the case with those in Sowen, located in a remote mountain valley, whose inhabitants are all fish in Ato's great river. Under Ato's rules the group lived in near utopic harmony, with promoting the health of the community being the highest end any member sought. The heart was the embodiment of that, every single person contributed something of theirs toward the upkeep of the heart as often as necessary, it was no one's and everyone's, and its beating gave the community its life.

I pick up the heart and feel the power echoing from it with each beat. Arthur will have to see this.
Deken takes +1 xp for his drive, for locating this Cabal and confirming his suspicions about their power, he also gained some insight into how they wield their magic.

With that I level and take Counterspell (which would have been quite useful today).
When you attempt to counter an arcane spell that would otherwise affect you, stake one of your prepared spells on the defense and roll +Int. 10+ Spell is countered with no effect. 7-9+ Spell is countered but I forget staked spell. The effect is limited to me, I can't protect others with the move.

I also grab Dispel Magic.


Yeah, I only had two. I'm too good at this game I guess.

Also I don't know if we decide if dwarves exist or what, but i started having ideas for dwarves if we want to talk about stuff while we're waiting for the next part. Although I never know if it's preferred to come up with this kind of stuff now or wait until it comes up in game.


Looking at the notes I wrote after not being sleep deprived, I think my ideas make dwarves too powerful and maybe don't fit into the world that well. I'll post them later if that's something we want to do, but maybe it's better to wait to see if it comes up naturally in the campaign?.


It wasn't the first time, no, but the reason I changed was because I was reading the script to Aliens again as I do once in a while and it struck me that a script is a good way to get everyone involved in the action.

It kinda sucks for player conversations though... I'm really not sure how to do those better outside of having a live component or having to generalise more.


As someone who have never played XCOM, that looks insanely great and foreign.

We can try to write in a simpler, more objective way, but maybe it will be harder for us to present our thoughts? We could use OOC talk for that.


Mechanically speaking, the most interesting parts of a conversation are what are you trying to get out of a conversation, so if you want to try and make them as efficient as possible you should try and describe things in that light


Episode Six: TBC

Back in Xingchu for the moment; it's around 2 hours past sunrise, according to the gongs and chimes of the Street of Mercy. Deken, you've an appointment with Arthur Rykart tommorrow morning to officially pledge your loyalty to the Imperium in return for Imperial Support behind what is being unofficially termed by rumour-mongers and scuttlebutt a return to the days of Inquisition. There will be a ceremony. It is very public.

If you spend a few hours in uninterrupted sleep somehow, heal half your max HP and tell me where and how you do it (and how much you pay for it if applicable). However, if you spend the entirety of the next day sleeping in comfort and safety, recover all HP and tell me how much it costs you and where (sorry Serrick, even a druid cannot spend an entire day uninterrupted in Xingchu).

If you are looking for supplies, tell me what you want to buy and roll Hit the Street if seeking something rare or unusual. (I'm replacing Supply entirely with Hit the Street)

What do you do?


Also if possible tell me how you learn your new abilities. You may take some days if you wish, just try and keep it roughly in line with the others.


After leaving I underground city I recover my horse from Basso and bid a temporary farewell to my companions I ride to the market district, looking to buy various tools and equipment to use in our adventures (3 charges of adventurer's kit) and some more arrows.

After resupplying, I ride out of the city, back to the spot I found a few days ago to get some rest and to let my horse graze. (I use a dungeon ration and recover 12 hp)

I think you've got something on your face Jintor


Now that I'm thinking about it, since Deken'll meet with Reichart tomorrow I don't need to go with him. "Officially", "loyalty", "Imperium", blergh.

I go to the morning fair and search for a new weapon. A cane, gun (the staff, not the firearm), any long, thrusting and non-lethal weapon.

Hit the Street, 2d6+CHA. (6+3) + 1 = 10

After that, I'll spend the entire afternoon sleeping in the city's grove.


Choose 3

  • They've got what you want right now.
  • You get a little something extra
  • It doesn't attract unwanted attention, complications or consequences
  • The price is fair
  • It doesn't cost you right now


I had forgotten the exact rules for this move.

  • They've got what you want right now.
  • You get a little something extra
  • The price is fair


"It's a telescoping staff," says the wizard, conspiratorily. He is young and pimply and has glasses - you know all about glasses, you might be from the sticks, but you're not stupid - that perch awkwardly across his face as if they weren't fitted quite right. "Very handy if you want to stow it away for whatever reason. Just push here and here-"

He does so.

"-and it will slide back into its casing! Boom! Like so."

He hands you the stick of bamboo. You run a finger along a grove and press down. Both ends shoot out until you've a stout, solid stick about 6 feet in height, suitable for whacking foes or leaning on, if you're any judge.

"15 coins," says the wizard, leaning on the counter. "No warranty included".

(Telescoping staff, close, reach, two-handed, 1 weight)


"F-fantastic, thank you so much erm.. wizard, I'll put it to good use. Have a nice day, you!"


Now to the grove, where I can finally rest my bones for some time.
Alright I'll definitely be posting more since I have more time. Imma get more practice in Tabletop games/rpgs as well
edit: what does that move do, UT?[/I]
When I heal others with my music, it heals me as well

I go off to the sprawling marketplace to look for a small compact clean mirror. I think I can to temporarily blind people and maybe other things.

Hit the Street, 2d6+CHA roll 6+3+(2)=11
  • The price is fair
  • They've got what you want right now.
  • It doesn't cost you right now

After buying the mirror, I plan to buy an abnormal amount of rounds of alcohol and rent a room for a day.


After escaping the complex through the back exit, I make my way back towards Basso's. As I enter, I see a relieved look cross his face. I toss 5 gold onto the bar and walk towards the back, asking "I trust the cot in back is available? Don't worry, you'll hear the details."

After a few hours of surprisingly restful sleep, and then a few more hours of regaling Basso with the story of what happened down there, I bid my friend farewell and head to the fletcher to buy a quiverfull of arrows.

Should I write out a scene of returning the ring to Liana, or would that fall more under your jurisdiction at this point? Also, how much do the arrows cost me?


After escaping the complex through the back exit, I make my way back towards Basso's. As I enter, I see a relieved look cross his face. I toss 5 gold onto the bar and walk towards the back, asking "I trust the cot in back is available? Don't worry, you'll hear the details."

After a few hours of surprisingly restful sleep, and then a few more hours of regaling Basso with the story of what happened down there, I bid my friend farewell and head to the fletcher to buy a quiverfull of arrows.

Should I write out a scene of returning the ring to Liana, or would that fall more under your jurisdiction at this point? Also, how much do the arrows cost me?

Just 1 coin.

Go ahead and write it up. She'll pay 150 for the ring. Also give me a flat 2d6 roll for... reasons.


Hit the Street, 2d6+CHA roll 6+3+(2)=11
  • The price is fair
  • They've got what you want right now.
  • It doesn't cost you right now

After buying the mirror, I plan to buy an abnormal amount of rounds of alcohol and rent a room for a day.

10 coins for a keg of ale, 3 coins for a room for the night. As for the mirror... expertly crafted glasswear is a rare and costly thing, but the apprentices around the foundry district often craft spare plate to a mirror sheen for the fun of it. A song or two and a promise of future favours is easily traded for what is considered a foppish vanity. Take a compact (0 weight).


I rolled an 8

I return to the Crippled Crone, later in the evening. We hadn't exactly agreed upon it, but I don't know where Liana lives and I'd like to get this ring out of my hands as soon as possible. As the door shuts behind me, the ever-kindly inkeep looks up to me, his face instantly falling into a scowl. "You again? The hell do you want?"

"I have business, once more, good sir. Is my client here?" I'm minding my manners as best I can, snappy comebacks are a bit beyond me currently.

"'Good sir,' he says. Don't patronize me, you bloody taffer." He takes a moment further to grumble to himself. "Yeah, she's here. I'll show you back there, but if I see your grimy paws touching any damned thing in my establishment, you'll be rotting in the jail within the hour." With that, he guides me back towards her room, grumbling and growling along the way. He indicates her door, and waddles past me with his sausage finger in my face. As his stench wafts away down the corridor, I take a deep breath and knock on her door. After a few uncomfortable moments of complete silence, I hear a quiet voice. "Y-yes?"

"It's done."


"I should certainly hope so."

The door swings open. Liana has a frazzled look about her, as though she hasn't been sleeping well. She stands, expectantly, without saying anything. I produce the two rings and hand them to her, instantly feeling my load lightened. She takes the pair and examines them, holding them to the light, turning them and comparing their various angles. Eventually, she smiles and seems satisfied. "You're very good at what you do, sir. Were there difficulties? What about the... plotting?"

I lean back and stretch a bit, "There were difficulties, indeed. But none that you should concern yourself with, my lady. As far as the conspiring goes... well... let's just say that there have been significant impediments placed in their way. I really shouldn't say more than that, but you did the right thing by bringing this to my attention. You should be able to rest easier now... though perhaps you should give yourself a bit of a holiday for a few weeks. Just to distance yourself from all this ugliness."

She looks down at her feet, contemplatively. "Perhaps, perhaps a holiday is in order. Between the separation, and all the trouble around these rings, I could do for some fairer weather. Thank you for helping me, Master Waymore. This is for your trouble. I... I hope I shan't need your services again, and I mean that in the best way."

I take the hefty pouch of gold from her, and stuff it into my pack. "Hopefully you won't, miss. A lady such as you ought not dirty her shoes by walking through the dark alleys I walk. Take care."
I head back to the room I've rented since moving to the city, thoughts of the patchwork magic racing through my head. I think back to the stunt I pulled to try and crack their spells, a janky work of a lesser mage than I, but they had a kernal of a good idea. I grab Votelliet's Logos and Soch's Directions and chart out a framework of countercharms that utilize the injection theory I used against the patchwork cabal. Finally I draw up plans for an atomizer, preferring a more elegant dispersing mechanism than my mouth. I'll bring it to Reichart and see if he or another magister can find a suitable engineer.

I copy my spell description and the atomizer design to a clean sheet of stationary, affix my signature and place it in an envelope. I address it to my son at the Xalkin College. Before I seal it I pen a short note about what I thought of the theory and asking him to make sure the spells used are "up to date" and if my citations were in order, and then asking him to submit the article to the Xalkin Registrar of Spell Craft. Worried that he'll wonder what I'm up to upon seeing that I'm in Xingchu I add a short addendum that I'm visiting an old friend.

I pick out my outfit for tomorrow and then I sleep
With regard to the price of boarding let me know what you think. It would be a room at an inn or maybe a member of the College knew someone who has a room for rent.


Please decide this now; I'm in the process of writing up a few mini custom moves for each of you, and it will be handy to know where you are over the next few (ingame) days


You all owe another 2 coins for horse stabling overnight, by the way

The ceremony is public, but not as spectacular as you had been lead to believe. Thrakdur grouches irritably, forced by one of the admiral's Chamberlains into a formal-looking robe and an itchy woolen shirt. Before an assemblage of officials, nobles and other notables, you approach the Magister Rykert. If you swear allegience to the Imperium, Roll +CHA. On a 10+ pick one, on a 7-9 pick two, on a 3 all three:

- You attract the attention of someone who is already searching for you
- Fears of an inquisition harden attitudes towards the Imperium across the Chuu Kingdoms
- The College denounces such a move and withdraws from Imperial affairs entirely

If you do not swear allegience, tell me and we'll see what we can do.

Question: What is your relationship with your children?

You scan the crowd idly, bored out of your mind, when - with a start - you recognise the face of Ganod rak Gharzag, the missing owner of the Braying Mare. He blanches when he sees you have seen him, and disappears into the crowd. Pick 1:

Do you:
- Give chase?
- Ask around?
- Do nothing for now?

If you give chase Roll +DEX; if you ask around roll +CHA. If you do nothing, roll nothing.

Question: Who from your tribe travelled into the outside world before you departed?

You've been meditating in the garden for some time, and think you may have achieved a... deeper connection with Xingchu's natural spirits. Roll +WIS. On a 10+, pick two; on a 7-9, pick one; on a miss, I choose one and twist.

- The merfolk are created beings, but even they have spirits: you can attempt to open communication with them in future
- Spirits of alley and brick reveal themselves to you. You may ask boons in urban environments.
- Haven demands sanctuary, and promises you a boon if you can find a way to ensure that it is protected in future.

Question: What enemies did your father make before you were born?

The Guild is no more and you're the hotshit name in town again - somehow. Roll +INT. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose 1.

- You're the go-to guy for break-ins and thievery. Take another 50 gold from misc deeds and become notorious.
- Victoria resurfaces and asks to apprentice herself to you.
- Basso's got some info for you on whatever you need, but you'll owe him in future. Take 2 intel and owe Basso a favour.

Question: What's this scam you're running with Ein, anyhow?

You feel like shit, but you had a pretty good night. What happened exactly in that bar? Roll +CHA. On a 10+ choose two, on a 7-9 choose 1. On a miss, I choose one and twist it.

- Someone knows someone whose sister's husband's cousin saw someone who might kinda look like your wife. Tell me what you promised to get this info.
- Your 'mirror' got cracked in a bar fight, but now it's acting... kinda weird. Tell me what's weird about it that wasn't apparent at first glance.
- Someone influential noticed your singing and now thinks of him/herself as your number one fan. Tell me about them.

Question: Why don't you tell me about some people you and your wife hung out with back in the day?


You scan the crowd idly, bored out of your mind, when - with a start - you recognise the face of Ganod rak Gharzag, the missing owner of the Braying Mare. He blanches when he sees you have seen him, and disappears into the crowd. Pick 1:

Do you:
- Give chase?
- Ask around?
- Do nothing for now?

If you give chase Roll +DEX; if you ask around roll +CHA. If you do nothing, roll nothing.

Question: Who from your tribe travelled into the outside world before you departed?

One of my cousins, Chunodesh ran Yizmaht, left about a month before I did. I think she went of to try her hand at being a mercenary in the Chuu Kingdoms, hoping to travel to new places and fight interesting people. She was the best wrestler I've ever known. I mean second best, I'm much better. As far as you know.

I had tried to find her when I first came to the city, since she would probably have an interest in helping me. I didn't have much luck.


I had been planning to ask Deken if he could help me find out more about what happened at the Braying Mare after his ceremony, but this is an opportunity I can't pass up. Hoping Deken will forgive me, I leap off the platform and chase after Ganod

(5+3)+1=9, presumably, the new outfit tripped me up a bit.
I swear their oath, and give a short speech about my vision for a more magically secured land. My tone gets aggressive with regards to those who practice magical arts outside the system.
Roll+Cha 6+2+1=9.
- You attract the attention of someone who is already searching for you
- Fears of an inquisition harden attitudes towards the Imperium across the Chuu Kingdoms
Taking these two effects.

Question: What is your relationship with your children?

I correspond with them semi-regularly (every other month or so?), and they come to visit with their families for Nudsh's Bounty (Harvest Time holiday - I make a great sweet potato pie). So good terms generally. They are both wrapped up in their own pursuits, and will usually regard the obscure magical queries or facts I send them with a raised eyebrow and a shake of the head.
You feel like shit, but you had a pretty good night. What happened exactly in that bar? Roll +CHA. On a 10+ choose two, on a 7-9 choose 1. On a miss, I choose one and twist it.

- Someone knows someone whose sister's husband's cousin saw someone who might kinda look like your wife. Tell me what you promised to get this info.
- Your 'mirror' got cracked in a bar fight, but now it's acting... kinda weird. Tell me what's weird about it that wasn't apparent at first glance.
- Someone influential noticed your singing and now thinks of him/herself as your number one fan. Tell me about them.

Question: Why don't you tell me about some people you and your wife hung out with back in the day?
4+1+(2)=7 and I choose - Your 'mirror' got cracked in a bar fight, but now it's acting... kinda weird. Tell me what's weird about it that wasn't apparent at first glance.

Upon closer examination, the mirror reflects some shadows of objects and people, but not all. The unlit candlesticks reflects its shadow, but not the nightstand its on. It reflects my shadow well, but not some men when reflecting on some of the shopkeepers below.

Eisenerz was the town's local blacksmith. A hearty old man who was relentless on trying to beat Rot at arm wrestling. He usually comes into the shop to buy our shipment of ores and miscellaneous scrap metal.

Sister Glauben is a young hot tempered nun of the local church. Loud and aggressively, she raises orphans as her main job at the church. She stops by at the store daily to pick up groceries for them.

Frau is the local unofficial teacher of the town. In comparison to Sister Glauben, she is a calm and cool and looks after the orphans when the church needs Glauben. She is married to an old bard that had influenced me to be one.


You've been meditating in the garden for some time, and think you may have achieved a... deeper connection with Xingchu's natural spirits. Roll +WIS. On a 10+, pick two; on a 7-9, pick one; on a miss, I choose one and twist.

- The merfolk are created beings, but even they have spirits: you can attempt to open communication with them in future
- Spirits of alley and brick reveal themselves to you. You may ask boons in urban environments.
- Haven demands sanctuary, and promises you a boon if you can find a way to ensure that it is protected in future.

Question: What enemies did your father make before you were born?

(3+3) + 2 = 8
I pick communication with merfolk

Noshee's farmlands are calm, it's such a friendly country that our worst offenders are small thieves. Unfortunately, this contrasts with foreigners or Chuu's officials.
One of them harassed my pa since he got his land; Levi Lutz's the name. In peaceful times he'd order him to give rooms and food to all his men every time he passed by. In times of war, he'd take part of our land for his squad, stealing our crops and ruining the soil with huge camps and those big machines.

He continued doing this after I was born, and the last time I saw him was three years ago when he tried to take advantage of ma. I was big enough to stop him, but luckily nothing happened; he was too drunk to even walk straight and just took his leave angrily.


The Guild is no more and you're the hotshit name in town again - somehow. Roll +INT. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose 1.

- You're the go-to guy for break-ins and thievery. Take another 50 gold from misc deeds and become notorious.
- Victoria resurfaces and asks to apprentice herself to you.
- Basso's got some info for you on whatever you need, but you'll owe him in future. Take 2 intel and owe Basso a favour.

Question: What's this scam you're running with Ein, anyhow?

2d6+INT: (3+6)-1=8

I'll take the first one. Seems the most fitting with Waymore's character and drive.

Ein and I had a pretty basic gig going for a while. A talented bard is also a talented distraction. He'd put on some rags, smudge up his instrument a bit and knock on doors, playing and singing his heart out at the front while I snuck in back. The mark would think they've discovered a diamond in the rough, a prodigy to back now for more riches later. I'd clean out the bedrooms and purses of coin while he talked a few out of them himself, promising that after he nails his big audition, he'd tell the whole city of his gracious patrons that supported him. Afterwards we'd meet, and split our respective earnings with the other. Eventually, it became that whoever snagged less would have to buy drinks, as well.

It was a pretty simple con, as most good ones are, but it always works.

I'm not good with spreadsheets, how do I add more rows to my ledger?


I didn't say anything either way but I'm going to pretend that I stabled my horse before meeting Deken so I paid the fee for today.

And Jim, you can always just start your ledger over at the top with your current funds as the starting funds.



You chase the fleeing Ganod through the crowd, shoving aside officials here and there and raising shouts of mayhem; at the edge of the crowd, two Imperial guards - not knowing what you're doing - manage to bar your way, but they also stop Ganod long enough for you to grab him - but he slips out of his cloak and escapes. Damn. Still, some fast talking and some commands from the new but grumpy Imperial Inquisitor and you're free to go, with the cloak. Maybe someone will recognise it?

(You gain: Cloak worn by Ganod? A weathered thing, though thankfully not patchwork. The material is unfamiliar to your eyes.)



After rescuing Thrakdur from some minor mishap with the guards - some old friend he saw or something, he'll tell you more later - you mingle casually with the crowd, hoping to get a lay of the land. It doesn't seem that the locals are too happy with the Imperium's decision: no-one says anything to your face, but you hear mutterings and whispers of this being another power play, an insult to the Chuunian Kingdoms. Still, the Collegiate delegation in attendence is cordial enough; perhaps you'll have an opportunity to demonstrate publically the benefits of regulation?



Was the mirror like this before you started drinking? You're not entirely certain. Still, it doesn't seem harmful... at present. Better keep an eye on it.



A river passes through Haven, carefully tendered, vaguely unnatural, bridged and dammed and crafted to appear natural - but a river, nonetheless. The animals that live within it whisper bubbly secrets in your ear, and you think you might have some idea of how to speak if you ever have the opportunity to meet some Merfolk.

By the way, Serrick, I just noticed I've completely forgotten about a core part of the druid: Druid shape forms always have a 'tell' of sorts so that they can always be identified. For instance, a distinctive pattern, or always having ram horns, or bright blue eyes with no pupils, or something. What's yours?



Basso grins and places the purse in your hand. "Jonathan might not like you, but I don't think he liked Bleakwood much either," he says. "Thanks for the help. I'd lie low were I you, though; seems too many know your name these days."

(Gain 50 coin and you are now notorious in the Xingchu Underworld.)



Five days later, you find yourselves all summoned to the Admiral's chambers. Arthur's lictors greet you all and hustle you within, where Arthur is pacing back and forth, the Admiral watching the harbour.

"I have been recalled," says Arthur curtly. "Well, I was always to be recalled, but this is somewhat earlier than I had imagined..."

"Magister," the Admiral says, inclining her head towards Deken. "I hate to distract you from your... task so early, but this is an urgent matter. Magister Rykert here was to act on our behalf, but bereft of his magical expertise, we can turn only to you and your companions."

The situation is thus: An contested Imperial Outpost to the North, in a only recently pacified area, has been experiencing strange weather phenomenon; ice storms in summer, weeks of rain, sunlight concentrated in particular spots for days at a time. The area (Thrakdur, what is its name? It's close to the Steppes, but much more heavily forested) is, if not on the verge of revolt, rather close; the weather is not only inconveniencing local roads, but ruining harvests and fouling milk and all that other stuff. To add to all of this, a mysterious figure - some folk hero or the other - is attacking Imperial tax collectors and other less-well guarded figures of Imperium alike.

"It's a charged situation and one I would not send freelancers on," says the Admiral, "But an Imperial agent... if not Inquisitor... is a different matter. Though, to be honest," she sighs, "I'm not certain if you would address or inflame the situation at present."

What do you do?


The Imperial outpost is on the edge of the Kazhgai Forest, famous for its Fire Cats, bright red arboreal cats about the size of a panther. They leap from tree to tree, never touching the ground making the trees appear to be constantly ablaze.

I'll let Deken answer as he is the Imperial Agent. I am interested I if we'll be paid for this of course.

Also I'm assuming that during the five days, I asked my companions if they recognized the cloak or what it's made out of. If they didn't have much information, I'd also like to ask the Admiral or the Lieutenant if they recognize the cloak or who would be wearing it after we finish discussing the job.


Ein knows the material. Nobody else does.

It doesn't cast a shadow in his mirror, by the way.

(Neither does Deken, come to think of it)


By the way, Serrick, I just noticed I've completely forgotten about a core part of the druid: Druid shape forms always have a 'tell' of sorts so that they can always be identified. For instance, a distinctive pattern, or always having ram horns, or bright blue eyes with no pupils, or something. What's yours?

You asked me that before, Jintor; do you want me to change my answer? I answered that I didn't have any markings on my body, but I can change if it's really a core part of a druid.

And maybe restoring a bit of Haven would be more in line with my drive, but Serrick still yearns for someone like him (those things I wrote before the game started), and he hopes there could be friendship between him and merfolk.


Deken knows I got his back. If he's willing, so am I.
Deken, you know about shape-shifting - can you do so without some kind of mark of your true self remaining?

How about this - no visible marks, but if you are another druid or are detecting magic - you can just tell if it's a shape-shifter. Further if you look (magically/spiritually) close enough you can identify an individual from one form to another - so Serrick could spot another Druid in animal form, then later see the same person in human form and put together they were that shifter they saw before (maybe it only works in that direction and not vice-versa).
"I have been recalled," says Arthur curtly. "Well, I was always to be recalled, but this is somewhat earlier than I had imagined..."

"Magister," the Admiral says, inclining her head towards Deken. "I hate to distract you from your... task so early, but this is an urgent matter. Magister Rykert here was to act on our behalf, but bereft of his magical expertise, we can turn only to you and your companions."

The situation is thus: An contested Imperial Outpost to the North, in a only recently pacified area, has been experiencing strange weather phenomenon; ice storms in summer, weeks of rain, sunlight concentrated in particular spots for days at a time. The area (Thrakdur, what is its name? It's close to the Steppes, but much more heavily forested) is, if not on the verge of revolt, rather close; the weather is not only inconveniencing local roads, but ruining harvests and fouling milk and all that other stuff. To add to all of this, a mysterious figure - some folk hero or the other - is attacking Imperial tax collectors and other less-well guarded figures of Imperium alike.

"It's a charged situation and one I would not send freelancers on," says the Admiral, "But an Imperial agent... if not Inquisitor... is a different matter. Though, to be honest," she sighs, "I'm not certain if you would address or inflame the situation at present."

What do you do?
"We don't know the reach of the Patchwork Cabal, but these anomalies have their marks all over it. What can you tell me about the Outpost and the villages it neighbors? Perhaps one or some of their populace have come under the power of these dark mages. Either way the climate aberrations seem a severe affliction, one that requires close examination. This matter seems well within my purview, and I believe my associates will find the job manageable for the correct price."

"Arthur, I'm sorry to see you go, I was hoping to have your support in the upcoming investigations."
Side Question: How much territory has the Empire taken/ruling on this continent? I was under the impression that they mainly ran Xingchu. Just wondering about their reach and involvement with the local rulers and populations.


I raise my head up from the corner I'm slinked into and pointedly ask The Admiral, "So the long and short of all this is that we're to investigate the strange weather as well as this mysterious figure? A reconnaissance job?"


Side Question: How much territory has the Empire taken/ruling on this continent? I was under the impression that they mainly ran Xingchu. Just wondering about their reach and involvement with the local rulers and populations.

Good question. Serrick, what is the Empire's influence on the squabbling inland States of the Chuunian Kingdoms?

"We don't know the reach of the Patchwork Cabal, but these anomalies have their marks all over it. What can you tell me about the Outpost and the villages it neighbors? Perhaps one or some of their populace have come under the power of these dark mages. Either way the climate aberrations seem a severe affliction, one that requires close examination. This matter seems well within my purview, and I believe my associates will find the job manageable for the correct price."

"Arthur, I'm sorry to see you go, I was hoping to have your support in the upcoming investigations."

Arthur traces lines in the air with one fingertip, creating a crude map. "Yes, well, events are unavoidable. I looked forward to working together, but..."

"Outpost Theta is here, on the edge of the Kazhgai." he says, indicating. "A tributary river runs alongside, which joins with the River Laoji here... a number of elven hives inhabit the Kazhgai. They're not exactly friendly, but nor are they warlike - at least so far.

"There's two major villages here and here, with a few minor ones scattered around" he says, touching a finger to the map. "Fairly populous. Fangchuu and Ryouto. If I recall correctly, there are a few hedge mages here and there, but no-one of sufficient power to affect the weather, at least who studied with the college.

It seems the weather phenomena have only begun recently, within the last two or three months or so, at least according to reports. It wasn't noticed at first because, hell, it was just an unusually long summer, right? And now plants aren't growing, wilting in their fields, the animals aren't producing, and it's a long winter ahead...

"As for this figure robbing tax-collectors and the like, it seems to be some storybook hero come to life - that is to say, some brigand taking up the mantle of a local legend to disguise their activities. As yet nothing magical about them, according to reports, but it's another headache on top of more headaches."

(GM Note: I need to look over this thread and create a map, because I think we've made some geography here.)

I raise my head up from the corner I'm slinked into and pointedly ask The Admiral, "So the long and short of all this is that we're to investigate the strange weather as well as this mysterious figure? A reconnaissance job?"

She nods to you. "No, not mere reconnaissance. Deal with the matter as you see fit, though remember - through Deken - you are imbued with imperium, and your actions will reflect on the Imperium itself. I am taking a risk here, but I have no other agents I can deploy at present."
Good question. Serrick, what is the Empire's influence on the squabbling inland States of the Chuunian Kingdoms?
"There's two major villages here and here, with a few minor ones scattered around" he says, touching a finger to the map. "Fairly populous. Fangchuu and Ryouto. If I recall correctly, there are a few hedge mages here and there, but no-one of sufficient power to affect the weather, at least who studied with the college.

She nods to you. "No, not mere reconnaissance. Deal with the matter as you see fit, though remember - through Deken - you are imbued with imperium, and your actions will reflect on the Imperium itself. I am taking a risk here, but I have no other agents I can deploy at present."

"We don't anticipate disgracing the Empire," said with an easy smile, "As long as we are put in touch with your people at the outpost and locals that could help we should be able to get ourselves a handle on the situation and proceed from there. If nothing remains I suggest we begin our preparations for the journey."
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