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Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara |OT| Wel-Wel-Wel-Welcome to the D&D world!

Or it keeps people from playing them at all.

People who want to get better at a game, will. If they don't, they don't. I know people who have been playing fighting games with me for years. I don't button mash in anything. Many of them do. They never beat me, but they have some fun because they can make cool shit happen with Xiba (or Kilik). They have no desire to learn even though they see me play and know there is a way to be better.

I don't take the stick or pad from them and tell them they're doing it wrong. The ones that want to learn have. The ones that don't, don't. I play with them all and offer advice and help where it's desired and have fun no matter who I play with. It's not for me to tell them they're having fun wrong.

That's fine. Just put in a cheat menu accessible from the start and make infinite lives an option in there. As long as you have to go out of your way to get that option and the game makes it clear that it's not the most proper way to play the game, it's not an issue.

They weren't going to do that either way most likely.

Maybe not, but without an easy mode they at least don't have the option.
I do agree that infinite credits does ruin beat em ups. Why put any skill or focus on it when it's just a mindless button mash? Though in its defense, even without infinite credits, most people will still just mindlessly button mash anyway and not notice or care about how deep the game systems are.

I'm glad that they added Elimination mode in the house rules, but I would have liked for them to enable a 3 life mode or something. Make it more like an old school beat 'em on SNES/Genesis.

What in the world did I just wake up to?

Yes Boss!


What in the world did I just wake up to?


Yeah, I dont' believe one-bit in the one credit rule. No way these games were designed to be beat with 25 or 50 cents/100 yen. They were designed hit you at every level but the player's goal was to go as far as you possibly could with as little money as possible with the makers making it increasingly difficult. Good to great players would master it and get to 3, 4, or higher stages but feeding was a necessity. At the very least to experience the newer levels to learn how to tackle them and save money.

This game throws a double-whammy as it takes quarters form those who die as their friends are sitll living, encouraging more quarters to be put in.

It is about beating shit up, together, and feeding the machine to get to the end. I've never known anybody back in the day who put the 1cc rules on for arcade play.

Makes sense now since we have unlimited quarters so we have to draw our own rule/mastery.

Personally, I never continue. I abide by the 1cc rules.


I am Korean.
Now who are being the condescending elitists? The assumption than when giving "normal" gamers the choice between learning to play or quitting, is going to make them quit, is the entire reason why gaming as a whole is turning into a fucking joke. :mad:
The whole point is you can't really force anyone to learn a game. Either they want to, or they don't. Making the entry barrier stronger doesn't make them want to learn. It makes them walk away.

Besides the fact that I don't know what that does have to do with anything (lenght=depth? huh?), Mystara is 1-2 hours long. No checkpoint in Dark Souls should take more than 30 minutes if you have any clue what you're doing.
If you play Demon's Souls right, it only takes an hour or so. *smirk*

I still can't get my 360 stick with cuthulu installed working with this game, also my 3rd party USB stick is also not detected :/

EDIT - I got it working, thanks to Hikarutilmitt reminding me I had to hold LK, MP and HK while I plugged in my stick


Sketchbook Picasso
So get your lifebar to 0 = GAME OVER would somehow retain them?


This is like arguing that DS isn't being played correctly unless you never die once. Anything less is too much pandering to casuals and wishing that infinite continues weren't allowed since it makes the game too easy since you can never die.

What I'm saying is that SOME limits on accessibility to all a game has too offer is good! Make it too easy, and they think it's trivial junk. Make it too hard, and they think it's unfair and poorly made. So seeking some kind of balance, where gamers will want to get better, but getting better isn't a chore, is preferred.

You mentioned that people would learn to play good in arcades, even with continues... that's because the continues cost them money. They tried a lot harder to keep their quarter as long as they could.

But in these days, people will play, hate, and ridicule within 30 minutes of starting a game, and never give it it's due. Ridicule and Negativity travel further and faster, compared to back upon these arcade games releases.

I'd love to see a "Normal Mode" and "Ranked Play" mode for this game, just to easily separate the "play for fun" and "play to get better" dynamics in obvious, non-insulting / belittling ways, with little explanation. Could be as simple as adding it as a new house rule, with it's own leaderboard. Limited continues, score reset upon death, continues and final stage reach tallied and recorded!
ToD: if you save the merchant's daughter from the manticore,
she will give you a ring of protection if you talk to her a few times in her shop :eek:
Neither is Mystara! The very fact that you think this, demonstrates how bad having unlimited credits is. Good players can solo, 1cc the game nearly every time. That doesn't happen with "unavoidble kills left and right". "Random" in this case is an excuse for "I don't want to be bothered to learn how to play". An excuse that is regularly thrown at Dark Souls!

Oh, I wasn't referring to Mystara specifically with "unavoidable kills L and R"- it's actually pretty reasonable as far as arcade games go. There are some arcade games though that are REALLY bad about this, and I was speaking more of "in general" about how to approach arcade translations. They all suffer from this to one degree or another. "infinite continues" tends to have an impact on challenge (because they were balanced assuming players would want to avoid having to continue), and having none at all or limited continues might be unfair as well.


I am Korean.
What I'm saying is that SOME limits on accessibility to all a game has too offer is good! Make it too easy, and they think it's trivial junk. Make it too hard, and they think it's unfair and poorly made. So seeking some kind of balance, where gamers will want to get better, but getting better isn't a chore, is preferred.
It can't be forced. That flat out does not work.

You mentioned that people would learn to play good in arcades, even with continues... that's because the continues cost them money. They tried a lot harder to keep their quarter as long as they could.
There is incentive in the D&D games to not die you know.

Also in the arcade I'd generally start out with a game and $5 worth of tokens. That was plenty to get through anything in the room. I never really spent a lot of time worrying about the credits remaining.

Despite that, I could still one eventually shot Final Fight, Double Dragon 2, TMNT, HotD (well not really since I liked to use both guns more of a two shot) etc. I simply got better at the games. It wasn't a goal I had. I wasn't worried about cash. Just a natural progression from wanting to play the games a lot. I certainly wasn't thinking "Hu hu hu. I'm finally playing THE REAL GAME!"

But in these days, people will play, hate, and ridicule within 30 minutes of starting a game, and never give it it's due.
Guess what? That's always been the case. This isn't new or unique to right now.

Oh, I wasn't referring to Mystara specifically with "unavoidable kills L and R"- it's actually pretty reasonable as far as arcade games go. There are some arcade games though that are REALLY bad about this, and I was speaking more of "in general" about how to approach arcade translations. They all suffer from this to one degree or another. "infinite continues" tends to have an impact on challenge (because they were balanced assuming players would want to avoid having to continue), and having none at all or limited continues might be unfair as well.
Growl comes to mind.


Sketchbook Picasso
It can't be forced. That flat out does not work.

Of course it works. There are loads of games which have gotten complex gameplay systems across without scaring off players, passed on attributes and enemy types without forcing a person to read an FAQ, or hinted at rhythms and pacing throught game design, increasingly raising the difficulty of similar task as a game progresses.

Why do you think many modern games do the "start off with a max level character, only to weaken them, for regaining abilities" trend? Or have info-tickers right on the title screens, and helpful info on load screens? It's all part of attempts to ease people into complexity.

Maybe it can't be "forced" (which is debatable), but it can surely be suggested, and the road to getting there can surely be made easier. And yes, there ARE many people who end up liking things they wouldn't, because of better accessibility. I've seen it plenty of times.

There is incentive in the D&D games to not die you know.

Of course, but less than it was before. Most of this thread conversation almost makes it sound like ALMOST none (which I do think is a bit exaggerated), and that's mostly what we're speaking on.

Also in the arcade I'd generally start out with a game and $5 worth of tokens. That was plenty to get through anything in the room. I never really spent a lot of time worrying about the credits remaining.

And that's fine, but we're not really talking about just your case, of course. Arcades machines were not made "just so everyone could throw a few dollars into the machine, and be done with it", they were made to gather fans, to attract people moreso to one machine to the other, and to compete for a majority of ones money.

This is an integral part as to why they thrived back when they were new and exciting. And also why they started to die, when people "could get the same game at home, for cheaper, that looked almost just as good".

Despite that, I could still one eventually shot Final Fight, Double Dragon 2, TMNT, HotD (well not really since I liked to use both guns more of a two shot) etc. I simply got better at the games. It wasn't a goal I had. I wasn't worried about cash. Just a natural progression from wanting to play the games a lot. I certainly wasn't thinking "Hu hu hu. I'm finally playing THE REAL GAME!"

I get the feeling this "Real game!" thing means different extremitiesto each person, but I also don't think it deserves too much hate, overall.

Every creator has a vision of how their games will look and play. Playing videogames in order to recreate that vision it's origin, to see where all those cancel-times, intentional stuns, jump arch ranges, and such were planned for, is great! It's very satisfying to play a game in a way that understands the purpose of all assets and elements.

At the same time, a person who plays for pure fun can also mess around in any way they see fit. Some will make this beautiful, some will make this funny, and some will just... do it to get a cheap laugh. It can lead to the same endpoint (we beat the game!) and (the devs got paid!) but the appreciation is totally different.

But creators, ultimately, want people to experience what they intended to make. Just like movie makers or book writers want to make you think, and see their characters as people, rather than just saying "that was another cheap action flick! LOL!" and forgetting about it.

It's just another level of appreciation, and I don't think it's too bold to say that those who lean closer to the creators intended vision are playing the "REAL" version of something. That's just.. the way it is.

Guess what? That's always been the case. This isn't new or unique to right now.

You... read the rest of the paragraph, right? Having 1 kid in an arcade shun a game, when 3 or 4 kids around him could help him, VS a lone person in their room, making a decision with no other human interaction, is a different thing.

We didn't have review aggregates like Meta-critic back then; reviews didn't have as much sway on sales, and trying to hit high score numbers wasn't as big a deal to the employees, where companies would withhold bonuses due to poor ratings. The industry has gotten a LOT bigger, and things have had to change, to accommodate the wider audience.

None of this is new, or unique to now, but it sure has a different level of effect now, than it did in the past.


Anyway, back to Dungeons & Dragons... so, now I've beat ToD twice, and SoM once. I now miss Mystara's mobility even more in To'Doom.

Having played through King of Dragons recently (On Vita, with CCC2), it's clear how much this game owes to it's concepts. With a solid amount of King Arthur as well. All topped off with a side of Magic Sword, for good measure!

With all those earned vault points, I enjoyed looking through the "Capcom Secret Files" art and advertisements. Like looking at 90s gaming magazines. Old Capcom art is so great. I would have loved to have been able to unlock views of the spritework as well.

The "Concept Art" however... Hmm, somehow, I don't think a Wizard of the Coast 2007 work was REALLY Con-Art for this game, haha. It's nice to have such a collection of stuffs, but it clashes so much with Capcom's in-game artwork, that it feels kinda out of place for me.

So many treasures left to find...


I'll say this about infinite continues: They're rather useful in Konami beat'em-ups as I feel those games were designed to eat your coins haha.
My brother likes the idea of infinite continues though....I have no idea why maybe it's because he can finally beat these beat'em-ups.
Not that we needed many to beat AvP on nORMAl setting, I could beat that with 3 coins tops as a kid...I think.

Same thing with games like Powerstone, Spikeout, Secret of Mana, PSO, Phantom Dust, or Gauntlet Legends; There's quite a few nice sub-genres of multiplayer gaming that could be explored much more, but in so many years time, we only have 1 big dev + a handful of indies attempt to make progress with these ideas. It's sad, because instead of seeing a genre grow with the times, we see it sit at the last release of "the big one!", while smaller groups try, not to surpass, but simply to reach the success another team already grasped.
Well a dev. can make a game they want the way they want, if they don't want to make a game to resemble or borrow ideas from MoS then they have the right to that don't they?
Furthermore, a dev./team can only make a game based on their own skillset and ideas and concepts, you can't exactly expect them to automatically be capable of copying the stuff in that game if they are unable, or (gasp!) don't want too =p

The gaming world is pretty "Follow the leader"-like, too; it could be very different, if the right players made a few different steps. Imagine if Final Fantasy XI was a D&D arcade-a-like similar to Dungeon Fighter Online, but made with console gamers in mind? If Squeenix put their resources behind making a Final Fantasy multiplayer ARPG offshoot with online play like this, with well-made playable characters from every Final Fantasy available, we'd have some pretty crazy games + "clones" from other companies by now.
Why would an FF game end up playing like a Capcom beat'em-up why would the people working on that game even look at an arcade beat'em-up, released during the time the PSX and console gaming was starting strong, to make their game?
A D&D mmo-like game is fine, it doesn't have to have Final Fantasy as it's title.

What would a Zelda-Style game, with that trademark Nintendo-polish be like, with this foundation? Smash Bro's-derived Gameplay with Zelda lore, all set as a co-op adventure...
Boy do you even know what a 'Zelda-style' game is? Can you even DESCRIBE what a Zelda game is supposed to play like?

Just an FYI; assuming you watched the reveal trailer for Duck Tales HD, it had a quote from the co-creator of Gears of War saying how the game inspired him to work on gaming.
...and now compare Duck Tales NES to Gears of War.

Oh and wasting a bluray for a couple hundred MBs may work for those wacky Japanese but sit the fuck down and think about how you're wasting 90% of the thing.
Better settle for the artbook, which may unfortunately take a year for UDON to publish (not that I got anything against them, good on them for going to the effort in releasing artbooks for various popular titles).


I am Korean.
Of course it works. There are loads of games which have gotten complex gameplay systems across without scaring off players, passed on attributes and enemy types without forcing a person to read an FAQ, or hinted at rhythms and pacing throught game design, increasingly raising the difficulty of similar task as a game progresses.
That has nothing to do with the suggestions in this thread.

All that has been suggested is to make the game have an annoying entry barrier for the "player's own good".

Maybe it can't be "forced" (which is debatable), but it can surely be suggested, and the road to getting there can surely be made easier. And yes, there ARE many people who end up liking things they wouldn't, because of better accessibility. I've seen it plenty of times.
What's that got to do with removing continues?

And that's fine, but we're not really talking about just your case, of course. Arcades machines were not made "just so everyone could throw a few dollars into the machine, and be done with it", they were made to gather fans, to attract people moreso to one machine to the other, and to compete for a majority of ones money.

They were made to be enjoyed. Not necessarily to be enjoyed in a lockstep robotic way.

I get the feeling this "Real game!" thing means different extremitiesto each person, but I also don't think it deserves too much hate, overall.
It deserves every single scrap of hate possible. It's just a bunch of goons trying to dictate how all games must be played. They should be hard and unpleasant. That somehow translates to satisfaction for all.

Every creator has a vision of how their games will look and play. Playing videogames in order to recreate that vision it's origin, to see where all those cancel-times, intentional stuns, jump arch ranges, and such were planned for, is great! It's very satisfying to play a game in a way that understands the purpose of all assets and elements.

Except in advancing this argument, you're effectively claiming you can read the creator's mind.

At the same time, a person who plays for pure fun can also mess around in any way they see fit. Some will make this beautiful, some will make this funny, and some will just... do it to get a cheap laugh. It can lead to the same endpoint (we beat the game!) and (the devs got paid!) but the appreciation is totally different.
The goals are different as well. Not everyone thinks like you or wants to.

But creators, ultimately, want people to experience what they intended to make. Just like movie makers or book writers want to make you think, and see their characters as people, rather than just saying "that was another cheap action flick! LOL!" and forgetting about it.
Most creators are mature enough to understand that what one intends isn't always what others derive from their effort. They understand that this lends their work even more richness, that they created something more innately complex than they anticipated and they understand THIS IS A GOOD THING.

It's just another level of appreciation, and I don't think it's too bold to say that those who lean closer to the creators intended vision are playing the "REAL" version of something. That's just.. the way it is.
It's elitist hogwash.

You... read the rest of the paragraph, right? Having 1 kid in an arcade shun a game, when 3 or 4 kids around him could help him, VS a lone person in their room, making a decision with no other human interaction, is a different thing.
Uh... What? This is how it went in the arcades I went to:

*Kid loses*
Kid #2: "Wow. You suck." *elbows kid out of the way and plays the game himself*

There was no utopia of mutual aid. There was improve on your own or forever suck.


Sketchbook Picasso
Well a dev. can make a game they want the way they want, if they don't want to make a game to resemble or borrow ideas from MoS then they have the right to that don't they?

Who said they didn't... what was the point of this statement? Not like I said it was the only way, but it would be nice to see someone pull from a larger pool of ideas, than some of the ones which are getting more and more tired now.

Furthermore, a dev./team can only make a game based on their own skillset and ideas and concepts, you can't exactly expect them to automatically be capable of copying the stuff in that game if they are unable, or (gasp!) don't want too =p

Ok, sure... I don't know what about my statement made it sound like I didn't know that, but ok!

Why would an FF game end up playing like a Capcom beat'em-up why would the people working on that game even look at an arcade beat'em-up, released during the time the PSX and console gaming was starting strong, to make their game?
A D&D mmo-like game is fine, it doesn't have to have Final Fantasy as it's title.

SquareEnix made Dissidia, a game which plays more like Virtua On rather than A traditional RPG. They've also made tower defense and rhythm games starring the FF Brand, Strat RPGs, Mana series, etc. The point of the statement, is that it'd be nice to see their talent set mixed with a different bag of tricks, ESPECIALLY with how Square's rep is diminishing with staggered, huge budget, far-spread releases.

Boy do you even know what a 'Zelda-style' game is? Can you even DESCRIBE what a Zelda game is supposed to play like?

I don't think you're looking at my statement in the proper light. Zelda series has used a wide variety of art-styles and even gameplay. We went from a 2D overhead exploration game, to a side-scrolling battler + RPG elements, to 4 player action games, more puzzle-centric ones, and then eventually to 3rd person behind-the-shoulder games. Nintendo isn't afraid to change around the franchise in order to try different approaches.

Maybe the term "Zelda-like" is what threw you off. I'll reiterate "Imagine if Nintendo made something akin to a 4 swords style Zelda, but played with Smash Bro's style 2D perspective Link, and a host of other playable characters?"

Just an FYI; assuming you watched the reveal trailer for Duck Tales HD, it had a quote from the co-creator of Gears of War saying how the game inspired him to work on gaming.
...and now compare Duck Tales NES to Gears of War.
LoL, why do I feel like you're looking to start a fight / prove something with these kind of outburst?

I was responding to your claim that other companies making games with the basis of D&D Arcades "Artion RPG/Beat-em-Up" basis wouldn't change the gaming world.

I presented other companies, full of "lore" to work with, that could make a game similar to this with their properties, that could very well cause quite a huge shift in gaming.

And then your reply is basically "But why would they do that?!? LOL, YOu st-OO-piD!", which... feels a bit out of line. I'm simply exploring the possibilities of what companies have franchises with enough clout and history, to where they could overcome the stigma of "this genre is nothing but mindless fun!", and actually provide a rich, well-developed game, that would blur the lines people use to define the genre.

I think Weltall Zero appreciated my intent, but I'm a bit sad no one else bit on the thoughts; I thought it a fun "What If" scenario, personally.

Oh and wasting a bluray for a couple hundred MBs may work for those wacky Japanese but sit the fuck down and think about how you're wasting 90% of the thing.
Better settle for the artbook, which may unfortunately take a year for UDON to publish (not that I got anything against them, good on them for going to the effort in releasing artbooks for various popular titles).

Your vision of what I'm saying is extremely limited. I explicitly stated that it would be nice to see other companies evolve these concepts in their own style. If Square made something like this, it'd probably have FF XV style graphics (Full 3D models, modern day spell effects, the works), CG openings, endings & cutscenes, and epic real-time, grandiose destruction up the Wazoo. All fully voiced, with a sweeping high quality musical score. One game disk could be almost like 3 or 4 games; FF 6, 7, 13, and 15 could each have their own 8-stage, "length of an arcade game" arcs, with a unique team of 6 playable characters each, that could eventually cross over between games, once you beat them all.

If it helps, think of it as an online-multiplay capable Dissidia-timeline sequel, with a new gameplay style. Those games had a huge cast of FF favorites, a more action-focused combat system, and a ton of different story paths and unique arenas.

I'm not sure what's up with you lately, but you always seem to want to break my post down to ignorant, inflammatory debates, that are pretty far off from my actual intent. I don't really understand why, and it feels a bit insulting, and demeaning. Maybe not your intent, but that's how it comes across!
By the way, the term "1-sissy" reeks of "Some gamers are too hardcore for their own good.
It's a necessary first-step for anyone who hopes to master a game. It doesn't matter how many auto-bombs are used, whether they're using the most overpowered character, or that they didn't trigger the optional super final boss-fight.

Funny how it works. It doesn't take much at all to drive wedges between fans of niche genres.
What the heck is happening in here? Can we talk Mystara instead?

I play without continues to challenge myself. How others play it, is their prerogative

Let's talk alternate colours. I like Alt-fighter, Ori-dwarf, Ori-Elf, Ori-Cleric, Ori-Mage, Ori-Thief.

Functional wise, Alt-Mage > Ori-Mage

One thing that has been weirding me out about subsequent plays.

Sometimes I'll start at a game at a specific stage to practice a boss, and my character condition is all over the place. Like every time I pick the magic-user he has maybe a 1/5th of his health and a certain amount of money.
I never really got the elitism about enforcing single continues in arcade ports. Does it cheapen the experience to just continue your way through it all? Well, yeah, but if that's how people want to play I don't see how it should bother anyone else.

Though a middle ground I'd prefer would be making changes to some arcade ports to accommodate it into a more home experience. A mode with unlimited continues, but with continues sending you back to the start of the level.


Sketchbook Picasso
LoL, these replies are getting long, so I'll just send my reply to Freshmaker in PM, rather than glob up the thread.

Alt Fighter has no differences I've heard, but Alt Cleric and Alt Magic U do! I like how one of the Capcom Secret files list SoM as having 12 playable characters, haha; they did a nice job at actually animating different personas. That's some VIP treatment for 2D characters in a BEU, y'know?


Here's a long in-depth review by Alex Lucard on DHGF:

Now it’s time for the actual review – one written by someone that owns the original collection for the Sega Saturn and both arcade cabinets. These two games, along with Captain American & the Avengers, are the only arcade cabinets I’ve ever purchased (although I’d love to get CarnEvil) and my friends and I have played them to the point where I think I’ve memorized everything about them. It’s no wonder, then, that Capcom sent me the game weeks in advance to really test the mettle of it. So are the games arcade perfect? No, there are some noticeable control issues and field detection problems, and I’d even go so far as to say the Saturn version is better. However this new version is only FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($40 for the disc based version in August), whereas the Saturn version will cost upwards of $100, and you’ll need an ST KEY to play them, and the cabinets… well, they’re as cost prohibitive as they are rare, so only someone that had no other choice should go that route (ahem). For the amount you’re spending compared to what I did back in the late 90s, I am MORE than willing to overlook the minor issues in this collection. Plus hey, it’s Iron Galaxy – I guess I’m used to their HD remakes being inferior to the Arcade and Sega system versions of games.

Short Attention Span Summary

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara brings both D&D arcades games to North American consoles for the first time ever. Sure, the collection suffers from some gameplay issues that weren’t present in the actual arcade cabinets OR the Sega Saturn version, but it’s still a lot of fun and a steal at only fifteen dollars. Considering the Saturn version would require importing the game for over $100, purchasing an ST Key and only offered two player co-op, and the arcade cabinets cost hundreds of dollars and take up way too much space, this collection is a bargain unlike any other. The slight gameplay issues can easily be patched, and honestly, whether you are a long time fan of these games or completely new to them, you will thoroughly enjoy these beat ‘em ups. If you really want a physical copy, you can always import the PS3 version that comes out in Japan in August.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Man, it's hilarious when you lock the Flame Salamander boss in a corner and take out his entire lifebar without getting hit. :lol Wonder if the fact that I was using the Sword of Storms had anything to do with it.



Tower of Doom was in my local arcade when I was growing up, and occasionally I would go pump a dollar into it if I had any cash. One year for Christmas someone in my family gave me a box in my stocking containing $12 in tokens for the arcade (if you bought $5 in tokens at once they gave you an extra dollar). I decided I was going to try to beat Tower of Doom and I pumped all $12 into that machine, and I got pretty far but I couldn't finish it. Never touched it again but now it's time to get my revenge.



Tower of Doom was in my local arcade when I was growing up, and occasionally I would go pump a dollar into it if I had any cash. One year for Christmas someone in my family gave me a box in my stocking containing $12 in tokens for the arcade (if you bought $5 in tokens at once they gave you an extra dollar). I decided I was going to try to beat Tower of Doom and I pumped all $12 into that machine, and I got pretty far but I couldn't finish it. Never touched it again but now it's time to get my revenge.

Should have found 2 other friends and shared the tokens. You probably would have beaten it! :p


iF ANYone wants me to add their Steam, PSN or XBL username to the first post please post them and I'll add them in due time.

Who said they didn't... what was the point of this statement? Not like I said it was the only way, but it would be nice to see someone pull from a larger pool of ideas, than some of the ones which are getting more and more tired now.
...but if more games borrowed from MoS wouldn't that become tired too @o@

SquareEnix made Dissidia, a game which plays more like Virtua On rather than A traditional RPG.
You say that as if S-E saw Virtua On and thought 'let's make an FF fighting game like it'!
The similarities are mostly coincidental IMO, unless they flat out say the dev. team wanted it to play resembling VO~

I don't think you're looking at my statement in the proper light. Zelda series has used a wide variety of art-styles and even gameplay. We went from a 2D overhead exploration game, to a side-scrolling battler + RPG elements, to 4 player action games, more puzzle-centric ones, and then eventually to 3rd person behind-the-shoulder games. Nintendo isn't afraid to change around the franchise in order to try different approaches.
The 4-player game is the GBA one right? How many actually played that?

Maybe the term "Zelda-like" is what threw you off. I'll reiterate "Imagine if Nintendo made something akin to a 4 swords style Zelda, but played with Smash Bro's style 2D perspective Link, and a host of other playable characters?"
I'm thinking now either LoZ All-Stars Battle Royale or a reverse Super Smash Bros...Legend of Smash?

LoL, why do I feel like you're looking to start a fight / prove something with these kind of outburst?
Apologies, that wasn't my intention ^^;

I was responding to your claim that other companies making games with the basis of D&D Arcades "Artion RPG/Beat-em-Up" basis wouldn't change the gaming world.
Ah but I corrected my post, my intention was really that were there more such games the end result would just be...more games of that type.

And then your reply is basically "But why would they do that?!? LOL, YOu st-OO-piD!", which... feels a bit out of line. I'm simply exploring the possibilities of what companies have franchises with enough clout and history, to where they could overcome the stigma of "this genre is nothing but mindless fun!", and actually provide a rich, well-developed game, that would blur the lines people use to define the genre.
Hmm a 2D beat'em-up SEGA All-Stars...one of these days I'm actually gonna try out that SoR fangame, and get a good idea about that.

Your vision of what I'm saying is extremely limited.
It was more about just D&D games being released in a bluray disc.
Now a disc release for PS3 with a wide array of Capcom classics? Well I got SEGA Classics Collection,I can get that sucker.
If Square made something like this, it'd probably have FF XV style graphics (Full 3D models, modern day spell effects, the works), CG openings, endings & cutscenes, and epic real-time, grandiose destruction up the Wazoo. All fully voiced, with a sweeping high quality musical score. One game disk could be almost like 3 or 4 games; FF 6, 7, 13, and 15 could each have their own 8-stage, "length of an arcade game" arcs, with a unique team of 6 playable characters each, that could eventually cross over between games, once you beat them all.
I am sadly unable to grasp this idea, though it sounds like S-E's old planned idea of remaking the Classic FF games on PS2.


So does Alt-fighter have different moves or modded moves versus Original?

I think Cleric and Magic User are the only ones with actual differences between versions.

Standard Cleric gets Insect Plague and Earthquake. Alternate gets Sticks to Snakes and Holy Word.

Standard Magic User gets Conjure Elemental and Meteor Swarm. Alternate gets Cloud Kill and Power Word, Kill.
so is the jump button and dash officially borked? it's been kinda random for me so far. most of the time it will work, but every once in a while.....
The whole point is you can't really force anyone to learn a game. Either they want to, or they don't. Making the entry barrier stronger doesn't make them want to learn. It makes them walk away.

Make a hard game, and you'll have people that stick with it, learn and improve, and people who will walk away.
Make an easy game, and nobody will learn anything.
It's tht simple. People who would have mastered a well-balanced game, instead waltz through an absurdly easy, mindless experience. And subsequently get bored.

That has nothing to do with the suggestions in this thread.

All that has been suggested is to make the game have an annoying entry barrier for the "player's own good".

Sorry, but no; you're construing it as such to serve your strawman. There is no "barrier" to anything, you can play and improve no matter what skill level you are. If anything, infinite continues IS the biggest barrier, preventing players from any improvement.

Is the concept of difficulty and game balance truly so alien to you? What is to be gained from removing every single shred of challenge from a game?

It deserves every single scrap of hate possible. It's just a bunch of goons trying to dictate how all games must be played. They should be hard and unpleasant. That somehow translates to satisfaction for all.

I'm sorry, but that stance is simply hypocritical. We are discussing how we believe the game should be. You are discussing how you believe the game should be. There can only be one default way to play a game, only one "normal mode" experience; you want to impose yours upon us exactly as much as we want to impose ours to you. In the end, the game either has infinite credits or doesn't, and that fundamentally changes the game. You simply have construed a high horse for your position, saying that it doesn't affect those who want to 1cc the game.

Most creators are mature enough to understand that what one intends isn't always what others derive from their effort. They understand that this lends their work even more richness, that they created something more innately complex than they anticipated and they understand THIS IS A GOOD THING.

Trivializing the entirety of a game can't result in "richness" nor "complexity". Making Mario able to fly doesn't make the game "richer" nor "more complex", nor does allowing for infinite lives, and you'd be rightfully laughed out if you suggested it.

In any case, I guess this is leading nowhere, as none of us is going to change each other's position. It just rubs me the wrong way how you're positing your stance as the only valid one.

I think Cleric and Magic User are the only ones with actual differences between versions.

Standard Cleric gets Insect Plague and Earthquake. Alternate gets Sticks to Snakes and Holy Word.

Standard Magic User gets Conjure Elemental and Meteor Swarm. Alternate gets Cloud Kill and Power Word, Kill.

I believe you got Magic User right but Cleric backwards, I think Sticks and Stones and Holy Word are main Cleric. By the way, Holy Word seems like one of the most useless spells ever, it doesn't work in most bosses, right? (Cleric is my least played class in general).

1cc is a little too masochistic for me, but I wouldn't mind playing in 3cc mode.

Even 5cc would be good. It would give meaning to all the healing items in the game, all the finesse in avoiding damage, all the secrets buried within. I was playing this with a friend that bought it himself today and was pretty new to it, and at first he was excited, but as the game went on and the credits kept rolling, he simply stopped caring, not even bothering to buy potions at the shop. When you've continued ten times, any further credit matters little. It simply feels backwards to finish the game first, then learning to play it.


I am Korean.
Make a hard game, and you'll have people that stick with it, learn and improve, and people who will walk away.
Make an easy game, and nobody will learn anything.
It's tht simple. People who would have mastered a well-balanced game, instead waltz through an absurdly easy, mindless experience. And subsequently get bored.
THe people who waltz through the game aren't going to do anything else. They'll play, lose and leave otherwise.

Sorry, but no; you're construing it as such to serve your strawman. There is no "barrier" to anything, you can play and improve no matter what skill level you are. If anything, infinite continues IS the biggest barrier, preventing players from any improvement.

Is the concept of difficulty and game balance truly so alien to you? What is to be gained from removing every single shred of challenge from a game?
Nobody who uses strawmen should call them out the paragraph before.

Infinite continues don't prevent skillful play. This is a fact, not a strawman. Your comment OTOH, is.

*nonargument snipped* We are discussing how we believe the game should be. You are discussing how you believe the game should be. There can only be one default way to play a game, only one "normal mode" experience; you want to impose yours upon us exactly as much as we want to impose ours to you. In the end, the game either has infinite credits or doesn't, and that fundamentally changes the game. You simply have construed a high horse for your position, saying that it doesn't affect those who want to 1cc the game.
Nothing stopping you from not continuing. Forcing everyone to 1cc the game OTH, is stopping people from playing the game any other way. Your way is infinitely more restrictive and ultimately harmful as people just don't operate like you think they do.

Trivializing the entirety of a game can't result in "richness" nor "complexity". Making Mario able to fly doesn't make the game "richer" nor "more complex", nor does allowing for infinite lives, and you'd be rightfully laughed out if you suggested it.
Nintendo was laughed out of court for arguing the opposite.

In any case, I guess this is leading nowhere, as none of us is going to change each other's position. It just rubs me the wrong way how you're positing your stance as the only valid one.
My way allows people to play however they like. Your way forces them to play the game your way or else they gotta go.

Your way is not valid.
This news makes me very happy, I have been wishing for this for years. I's crazy that I am just now finding out about it, after it's already out. The LE is nice, but I couldn't spend $120 on it Anyone want to buy the Saturn version of this game I no longer need? I think I will get this for the 360.


A Good Citizen
This news makes me very happy, I have been wishing for this for years. I's crazy that I am just now finding out about it, after it's already out. The LE is nice, but I couldn't spend $120 on it Anyone want to buy the Saturn version of this game I no longer need? I think I will get this for the 360.
You might want to wait for the retail JP PS3 release.


This news makes me very happy, I have been wishing for this for years. I's crazy that I am just now finding out about it, after it's already out. The LE is nice, but I couldn't spend $120 on it Anyone want to buy the Saturn version of this game I no longer need? I think I will get this for the 360.

I'd definitely be interested, but I'll be honest, I wouldn't pay triple digits for it, especially with the digital release.


Sketchbook Picasso
Another run through Tower of Doom, and half way through another in Mystara... Ok, Magic Users are cooler than I though, I actually didn't know of their elemental staffs. Kinda sucks hey're limited, but they're nice!

Sticks to Snakes is better than I remembered on bosses in ToD! One item left to find in that game (Ring of Protection +1, I believe) and I'll be treasure complete! Not so lucky with Mystara's!

Anyway, hey, everyone's doing their long reply chain, I might as well finish mine, too! (-_-;)

...but if more games borrowed from MoS wouldn't that become tired too @o@

I don't think we'd be in a bad way, with 2 ~ 5 over a 17 hear gap! Just like I still yearn for a good Tetris Attack-a-like, even though Poker Smash came out years ago on XBLA.

You say that as if S-E saw Virtua On and thought 'let's make an FF fighting game like it'!
The similarities are mostly coincidental IMO, unless they flat out say the dev. team wanted it to play resembling VO~

No, I say that to say "Square made a FF series game that plays nothing like FF combat." We could probably also cite Dirge of Cerberus... I think it's cool when companies branch out and try different things, and I'm happy to see such divergence.

I wasn't implying they ripped it off or anything of that sort, just using the example as one that support that any dev can make anything, if they're interested. Oh, and don't retort with a "But why would the be interested in making a side scroller?!?", lol.

The 4-player game is the GBA one right? How many actually played that?
It also was cross-play with the Gamecube. And enough played it, I'm sure.. not to mention it was offered for 3DS owners not too long ago, as well.

I'm thinking now either LoZ All-Stars Battle Royale or a reverse Super Smash Bros...Legend of Smash?

Surely, they could have their own VS fighter, but I just mention smash to note the well-made, 2D-gameplay centric version of Link (and Zelda/Sheik, and Gannon, and Toon Link) that already exist.

Apologies, that wasn't my intention ^^;

Apology accepted...for now...

Ah but I corrected my post, my intention was really that were there more such games the end result would just be...more games of that type.

But that's never really the case. I mean, we can consider Mana, NES Zelda, Ys, and Early Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest to all be overhead 2D scrolling RPGs... but each company has taken them in VERY different directions, and they all have branched off in many ways, right?

I mean, think about Super Mario RPG. It's button-timing based gameplay is almost 100% unique to itself & spinoffs, even to this day. The game, conceptually, might have been "Mario Meets Final Fantasy, with Donkey Kong Country style graphics!", but it turned into so much more, under that Nintendo-assisted lore and guidance.

Hmm a 2D beat'em-up SEGA All-Stars...one of these days I'm actually gonna try out that SoR fangame, and get a good idea about that.

It's basically 1 game with 4+ games worth of content, not even counting all the remade secret characters and the like. Kinda like Sonic Generations, if that game was to remake the entirety of every game it came from, and make each form of Sonic into Old-style and New-Style designs and gameplay, and make them all playable... Plus throwing in the Knothole gang as playable, just because they could.

Really a gem of a product.

It was more about just D&D games being released in a bluray disc.
Now a disc release for PS3 with a wide array of Capcom classics? Well I got SEGA Classics Collection,I can get that sucker.

Even if it was just 2D (art and gameplay) style, modern day takes of this formula, by different companies, it'd still be worth a disk. Just like Rayman Legends and Dragon's Crown are worth a Disk. Weither it takes 30 megs or 6.5 gigs, a retail-quality game is worth a retail disk and packaging...

I am sadly unable to grasp this idea, though it sounds like S-E's old planned idea of remaking the Classic FF games on PS2.

For some reason, a playable Final Fantasy Beat 'em-Up with modern graphics... looks like FF7: Advent Children, on a 2D plane. Tifa would be right at home in a BEU...

People kept saying "Racers show off new tech on next-gen consoles best!" at E3, but I always got my best impressions from Fighting Games and RPGs, personally. Mystara's almost a mix of both! So I'd love to see some companies branch off, and make a "quick to create and profit from" game like this, for disk base or download, to test the waters on Next-Gen. Would be a nice parallel to how the TMNT arcade game was a hit on original Xbox, near it's release...

(We now return you to your regularly schedueled D&D Praises, Concerns, and Complaints, already in progress)
I agree with SAB CA that exploring a genre and particularly genre mashups leads to an amazingly wide range of new gameplay styles. Sure, many will prove to be a bad idea and die, but how many perfectly welded Sidescrolling Beat'em up + XXX genres are we missing just because they pretty much fell from grace after then 90's? I don't really want to be too optimistic about Dragon's Crown (VanillaWare games tend to not make a lot of splash in the grand scheme of things), but damn if it wouldn't be awesome if it causes a new golden age of SSBEU's.

I mean, think about Super Mario RPG. It's button-timing based gameplay is almost 100% unique to itself & spinoffs, even to this day. The game, conceptually, might have been "Mario Meets Final Fantasy, with Donkey Kong Country style graphics!", but it turned into so much more, under that Nintendo-assisted lore and guidance.

I wanted to add to this, specifically, that Super Mario RPG is an awesome example because it itself branched out to at least two different series of games; it gave us both the Paper Mario games (which eventually lead us to Super Paper Mario, which was almost as removed from the original Super Mario RPG as it gets), and the awesome Mario and Luigi games.

It's basically 1 game with 4+ games worth of content, not even counting all the remade secret characters and the like. Kinda like Sonic Generations, if that game was to remake the entirety of every game it came from, and make each form of Sonic into Old-style and New-Style designs and gameplay, and make them all playable... Plus throwing in the Knothole gang as playable, just because they could.

Really a gem of a product.

Streets of Rage Remake was an amazing game indeed. I think Sega killed it via Cease and Desist, but this being the internet, I have no doubt there'll be ways to acquire it still. I should redownload it and play some of it now that I'm on a BEU frenzy. :D


You say that as if S-E saw Virtua On and thought 'let's make an FF fighting game like it'!
The similarities are mostly coincidental IMO, unless they flat out say the dev. team wanted it to play resembling VO~{/quote]

No, I say that to say "Square made a FF series game that plays nothing like FF combat." We could probably also cite Dirge of Cerberus... I think it's cool when companies branch out and try different things, and I'm happy to see such divergence.
Well OK if you word it that way, though the last time an FF game was made into a beat'em-up it was called The Bouncer (of which I wouldn't mind a remake or successor).

I wasn't implying they ripped it off or anything of that sort, just using the example as one that support that any dev can make anything, if they're interested. Oh, and don't retort with a "But why would the be interested in making a side scroller?!?", lol.
I don't believe I meant to say that they were ripping off, but rather that having a game resembling another may not be what the dev. team intended.
...but a 2D beat'em-up Bouncer with 2.5D graphics? Yum, but sadly S-E is kinda narrow visioned in their game goals @_@.

It also was cross-play with the Gamecube. And enough played it, I'm sure.. not to mention it was offered for 3DS owners not too long ago, as well.
Cool, as I don't recall ever reading about how that game played lol.

Even if it was just 2D (art and gameplay) style, modern day takes of this formula, by different companies, it'd still be worth a disk. Just like Rayman Legends and Dragon's Crown are worth a Disk. Weither it takes 30 megs or 6.5 gigs, a retail-quality game is worth a retail disk and packaging...
Fair enough, but I still feel like it's an odd choice to go with (heck I'm still surprised Rayman Origins is such a small size [1.something GB])

For some reason, a playable Final Fantasy Beat 'em-Up with modern graphics... looks like FF7: Advent Children, on a 2D plane. Tifa would be right at home in a BEU...
I was more thinking Bouncer really.

People kept saying "Racers show off new tech on next-gen consoles best!" at E3, but I always got my best impressions from Fighting Games and RPGs, personally. Mystara's almost a mix of both! So I'd love to see some companies branch off, and make a "quick to create and profit from" game like this, for disk base or download, to test the waters on Next-Gen. Would be a nice parallel to how the TMNT arcade game was a hit on original Xbox, near it's release...
Fighting game visual/graphical presentation tends to be hindered or ignored by players over time though.

...but yeah releases akin to Gunslinger or Blood Dragon (which IMO are predated by how Capcom made Megaman 9 and 10) is something devs should've really considered.

(We now return you to your regularly schedueled D&D Praises, Concerns, and Complaints, already in progress)


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