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Dunkin' Donuts returns to the UK.

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Dunkin' Donuts is to make a second attempt to crack the UK market - 20 years after shutting down its business in the country.

The American firm - with a British boss at the helm - has signed franchise agreements to open 50 restaurants in London over the next five years, creating 500 jobs.

Nigel Travis said he was in "advanced talks" with other partners to open a further 150 around the rest of the country.

He told Sky News: "We're very excited about returning to the UK. We're a different company.

"In the US we have gone from strength to strength."

He continued: "We think we have a broader range. Clearly coffee is booming, looking at the competition, the sandwich segment is growing, the bakery segment is growing and we believe we have the right model with our franchisees to develop very quickly in the UK."

[We rate the two new American burger chains open in the UK]

Dunkin’ Donuts, which claims to be number one in the world in terms of actual doughnut sales, currently has more than 10,500 restaurants globally.

The brand said it would also offer regional menu items specific to the UK to cater to local tastes.

The company made its announcement just days after a report on the state of the country's retail market identified strong growth in cafes and restaurants on high streets.

The Local Data Company suggested that leisure firms and other service providers such as bookmakers were taking space left vacant by retail casualties of the consumer spending squeeze and earlier recession.


Good news?

I used to love having Krispy Kreme's every so often from my local Tesco Metro, but they've lost their appeal of late...they don't seem to taste as good.


Knows the Score
Dunkin' Donuts in Glasgow had a bouncer. I don't think there was one anywhere else in the world with this dubious honour.


Dunkin' Donuts in Glasgow had a bouncer. I don't think there was one anywhere else in the world with this dubious honour.

This isn't related to the bouncer thing but the Glasgow one closed less than 20 years ago, right? Reading that they left the UK market 20 years ago surprised me.
Hope they try and compete with Krispy Kreme, some of the most overpriced overrated shit I've ever tasted.

Not sure about there, but in the States they're direct competitors, and where I live, DD constantly puts KK out of business. Then again, I'm from New England where DD is pretty much a way of life.


yorktown ass whooping, never forget. enjoy our freedom donuts, redcoat scum.

Hope they try and compete with Krispy Kreme, some of the most overpriced overrated shit I've ever tasted.

Indeed. Don't get me wrong, I'd eat one any day of the week. But they're not like real doughnuts. You know, where you get that irresistible smell and they taste incredible even without any toppings or fillings.

Also all the toppings and fillings taste the same, even if they look different. It's never actual chocolate melted on top of a KK doughnut, it's just chocolate flavoured icing with a few chocolate bits sprinkled on. Also the custard inside the custard doughnut doesn't taste a bit like actual custard.

Bit lame really, I'd much rather have a Greggs jam doughnut.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
DD is so average it isn't even funny. One opened up by my house after not having any Dunkin for years in Omaha. I waited in line for 15 minutes for what tasted like a grocery store donut...
DD is so average it isn't even funny. One opened up by my house after not having any Dunkin for years in Omaha. I waited in line for 15 minutes for what tasted like a grocery store donut...

As a New Englander their doughnuts suck, nobody goes there for doughnuts. We go for the coffee, especially the pumpkin coffee. That stuff is crack in coffee form, all it takes is one sip and you're hooked for life.
This isn't related to the bouncer thing but the Glasgow one closed less than 20 years ago, right? Reading that they left the UK market 20 years ago surprised me.
I think it was still there in Glasgow 7ish years ago.

I'm not sure where the got the 20 year figure from.


I'd go for the novelty but i have eaten at Krispy Kremes once or twice in my life. Truly horrid. Tasted like diabetes.


Not sure about there, but in the States they're direct competitors, and where I live, DD constantly puts KK out of business. Then again, I'm from New England where DD is pretty much a way of life.

I dont even know how that is possible. DD sells shit with a whole in the middle. KK sells sweet angel flesh.


Greggs? Are you serious? Don't get me wrong, I love a good steak bake or sausage roll from Greggs, but their donuts have fuck all on Krispy Kremes or Dunkin' Donuts.

Oh, for sure. Always go for the local bakers over chains but I'm talking from a marketshare perspective.

Miles X

Greggs? Are you serious? Don't get me wrong, I love a good steak bake or sausage roll from Greggs, but their donuts have fuck all on Krispy Kremes or Dunkin' Donuts.

It's funny you say that, Greggs use to be amazing at everything but over the years they've cheapened ingredients and raised prices and are pretty naff now. The only product in recent years (apart from sausage and bean bake) I've though is any good is their Toffee (Caramel?) filled doughnuts.

Oh, for sure. Always go for the local bakers over chains but I'm talking from a marketshare perspective.

There are so few these days, and you'll never find one in a large city :(


Maturity, bitches.
For 65p I can get five jam doughnuts from Tesco. If they are more than that I won't bother.


It's funny you say that, Greggs use to be amazing at everything but over the years they've cheapened ingredients and raised prices and are pretty naff now. The only product in recent years (apart from sausage and bean bake) I've though is any good is their Toffee (Caramel?) filled doughnuts.

There are so few these days, and you'll never find one in a large city :(

Yep, it's a shame. There is one in the town centre that seems to be as or more popular than Greggs though and that's been there for 50 years.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
When DD really started to move outward in the early 90's they went from in store baked/fried daily doughnuts to the less than great product they have today. I do like their breakfast sandwiches though and some of their coffee can be good and at a very reasonable price.

Miles X

Yep, it's a shame. There is one in the town centre that seems to be as or more popular than Greggs though and that's been there for 50 years.

Treasure it! I don't think I have one in a 10 mile radius and I live in a built up area :(

For 65p I can get five jam doughnuts from Tesco. If they are more than that I won't bother.

Damn, they're a £1 down here, they're by far the best jam doughnuts in the UK though.
Greggs has an extremely strong hold on the budget side of the market here. And the issue with coffee shops in this country is that we also drink loads of tea. So the market is limited.

Plus, this country really prefers pies and pasties to doughnuts.
20 fucking years ago? fuck me.

Nah that cant be right, there was a dunkin donuts right by my secondary school. Im not that old.

And they have no chance now btw. The market has become way more competitive since they left.

20 years ago you couldn't get donuts in your local saniburys/tesco/asda for around 60p. Krispy kremes control the high end market, Greggs and local bakerys handle everything else. As for Costa and starbucks, there are already a million alternatives. That market is saturated too.

For 65p I can get five jam doughnuts from Tesco. If they are more than that I won't bother.

I regularly get them for 16p from my tesco express, simply because they have to be sold before the end of the day and I come in quite late.


Maturity, bitches.
Damn, they're a £1 down here, they're by far the best jam doughnuts in the UK though.
Well I just checked their website for a price since I haven't bought them in a while so I couldn't think of the price on top of my head.

But yeah, the price difference between one KK doughnut and five Tesco doughnuts is so not worth it.


Enjoy your meh donuts and okay coffee. I used to love them when I was a kid here in the US and I've discovered the joy that are real donuts from a real baker.


I don't drink coffee - but I get the impression that those who do would be much more likely to go somewhere like Starbucks, Costa... rather than a store like that.

Places like Greggs (and then LOADS more regional/independent bakeries) sell things like doughnuts, and other sweet stuff - but I get the impression that their main attraction are sandwiches, sausage rolls, pasties etc... and people might get a YumYum and a Coffee with that.

I do think that Krispy Kreme does well, so what do I know? But I feel like people see it as a bit of novelty, the type of 'typical American' thing that they see on TV show, a box of doughnuts. Not sure how many places you can open up - because most people are going to prefer a sausage roll and a cup of tea.
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