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Dunst to Developer, "Tone Down the Boobs."


From the MND Newswire.
Kirsten Dunst, the 22-year old co-star of Spider Man 2, has told the designer of the new Spider-Man 2 video game to reduce the size of her character's over-stuffed breasts.

Dunst provided the voice talent for her character, "Mary Jane". Fellow Spider-Man 2 actors Tobey Maguire and Alfred Molina also participated in the project.

"I got to approve the video game, the way she looks," Dunst was quoted in Ireland Online. "They made her boobs gigantic. I was like, 'Tone down the boobs, please!' It was a little ridiculous."
Developer to Dunst, "I've got an idea! How about you don't tell us how to make our game, and we won't tell you how to be a horrible actress."


This thread makes me want to see Spider-Man 2 again and gaze at Dunst's nipples. I hope we see more nipples in 3! So far Raimi is 2 for 2!



Alucard said:
This thread makes me want to see Spider-Man 2 again and gaze at Dunst's nipples. I hope we see more nipples in 3! So far Raimi is 2 for 2!

I must not have payed enough attention to her breasts, I don't remember seeing her nipples at all. :(


Ninja Scooter said:
Developer to Dunst, "I've got an idea! How about you don't tell us how to make our game, and we won't tell you how to be a horrible actress."

After struggling to finish that POS, I'm thinking maybe the devs could have used some outside input. I'd say the Spider-Man 2 as a game is much more horrible than Dunst is as an actress... she's always been pretty mediocre to me.
calder said:
After struggling to finish that POS, I'm thinking maybe the devs could have used some outside input. I'd say the Spider-Man 2 as a game is much more horrible than Dunst is as an actress...

I dunno man, have you heard her voice acting in the game? For such a high profile cast they sure did a bad job with the voice acting.


Yeah, but everyone did an awful job in the game which to me means the dev had no clue what to do with them or else the actors all got the "this amateur hour shit don't matter" vibe. Really, Dunst sounded bored, Maguire sounded like he was doing his lines into a cell phone on his way to the bank to cash the cheque and... shit I can't even remember if Molina did his own VO work or not. His might have been the best, if only because I don't specifically remember it being subpar. I do remember thinking that only the actors they had impersonating the ppl who weren't in it seemed to care at all about the quality, and most of them sucked anyway.

With all the 'name' actors and all the random voices (and the sound) being so uniformly bad I'm going to put the blame back on the devs. ;P


At first I thought that said "Durst to Developer, 'Tone Down the Boobs".

And I wondered, what the fuck does Fred Durst want to tone down the boobs for? And what game is he talking about?
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