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Dusk Golem: Code Veronica Remake is in development


Not sure on this Dusk Golem guy. But I do want a CV remake. I have great memories of getting it at launch, Claire is pretty and cool with a badass intro that even impressed my PC Sim only Dad lol. When I retried the game most recently I soft-locked myself again like many do. I can never prepare for the switch and am left without enough ammo for the end boss which sucks. But the exploration and atmosphere is great.

I could see the plot going either way. They could clean it up and make it more serious rather than funny with the campy VA. Or they could Thousand Year Door the Villain for some "Victory" points which would be a shame. My Sister and I thought the siblings' story was interesting and an look into psychosis at the time.

I get why some people can't stand the old gfx, but I like them. I prefer the prerendered backgrounds certainly, but I also think some lower poly adventures also look good. If this does get a remake I'd love to explore it in 3rd person with improved visuals to really get a new perspective. Plus Claire had my favorite pistol with the 93R. That switch though man, damn.


Man, as a PS2 owner I was so angry at this only releasing on the Dreamcast.

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN

(checks closet, finds my PS2 copy of Code Veronica, stares at it for a good while wondering if it was really there at all through all these years)

Am I Hallucinating Emma Stone GIF by Zombieland 2
It was originally DC exclusive, but the Dreamcast was already struggling and really was on borrowed time, as the PS2 ensured its doom almost immediately.

It was released on PS2 about a year later with additional content to offset what would've been a loss, I think.

Dreamcast had so many things we take for granted now that, arguably, they were the originators of. You could view your health and ammo on the Visual Memory Unit in the controller, not altogether different from how the colors represent your health in the newer RE games on PS4/PS5.


Gold Member
Ugh more resident evil. I don’t know anymore. Probably just me, but these resident evil remakes are getting long in the tooth.


Code: Veronica is desperately in need of a remake.

Zero? Negative. If you *really* want to do that, just remake 0 and 1 simultaneously and combine them into one massive game.

This guy flip flips on RE info all the time, though.

i still remember when he banged on about RE3 being massive and the subway system being like the link between difference city areas.

Then we got RE3 and they cut 90% of the city from the original lol
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i still remember when he banged on about RE3 being massive and the subway system being like the link between difference city areas.

Then we got RE3 and they cut 90% of the city from the original lol

They really disappointed in the RE3Make.

So much material was cut. Entire areas, enemies, items...it wasn't bad, just horribly brief and reeked of being rushed.

I also didn't find Nemesis to be anywhere near as good of a stalker enemy as he was in the original.

I remember there being rumors of a Director's Cut of that. I wouldn't mind it if it was a complete damned product.
Code Veronica is the true end of the original trilogy. It gives us the reunion of Claire and Chris. I’m so glad that we are getting a full remake as I doubt most have actually ever played it.
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Man I’m so out of touch with RE. Here I was thinking I enjoyed CV and it was a good game on DC. It’s widely considered to be trash?
Less trash and more unbalanced. And unless you know about video game logic of running around in a circle for 30 seconds then pressing a button 5 times at a particular boss fight, you could literally be soft locked at a particular boss


Gold Member
Resident Evil 0 and Code Veronica were decent, but ultimately flawed games. Remaking them from a creative standpoint makes sense because this is a situation where the Remakes can easily end up better than the originals.


Less trash and more unbalanced. And unless you know about video game logic of running around in a circle for 30 seconds then pressing a button 5 times at a particular boss fight, you could literally be soft locked at a particular boss
Forget that, that's mainstream complaints.

Ask anyone who hasn't looked at out of game sources what the 3 Anti-B.O.W. gas rounds you get in the entire game do.
Halves enemy health (allegedly). So you could fire all 3 at something, not kill it, and think they're useless. The game never explains this.

They also apparently don't work on any Ashford bosses (Nosferatu/Alexia), so there's no point saving them.

In general, CV and 0 both suffer from the same problem: being much better when you learn how to play around the flaws.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I think it just aged more poorly than the others in the series. I remember loving it on the Dreamcast, but it did have some things that weren't great(Steve as a character) and the difficulty was off the charts.

If I recall, the switches where you move from Claire to Chris wasn't really warned, so if you didn't know about it, you got fucked on your items and weaponry if you didn't put them in the box.

Like..you literally can't fight shit almost. I think you run into Hunters, making the difficulty spike extremely high, if not forcing a restart.

I do remember the difficulty being pretty steep. I was unprepared for the last encounter on the first disc, and that was a bit of a nightmare to get through as a result.

As far as how well the game's aged... it's a little weird for me. I feel like it felt dated fairly quickly, largely due to REmake and RE0 looking so much better and because tastes shifted dramatically once RE4 hit. That said, going back to it now, I don't approach it expecting a modern game and I can appreciate it on its own merits again. It's an odd beast for the series, but a really interesting deviation.


Gold Member
Why not remake the first one in the modern style? I would like to get into the franchise but my OCD by not playing the first one first doesn't let me and I really hate the ink system for saving


Great news if true. There’s a great game under all the layers of frustration. Was the only mainline game I couldn’t be assed finishing. I wanted to like it but it was designed pretty poorly.
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Remaking Zero will allow the story to properly lead into the inevitable reremake of RE1 (and set up the new version of Wesker as the big bad). Remaking Code Veronica will properly set up Chris vs Wesker before remaking RE5 and their showdown.

RE9 will drop between the 2 sets of remakes. That's how it's going down through the rest of the 20s. When leakers start announcing this shit remember where you heard it from first.


I'm just hoping they find some way to improve the story of RE0. I've always hated how Wesker and Birkin were downgraded to being a couple of jerks who basically just murdered someone much smarter so they could steal his homework and copy it.

The worst RE game. It's so broken it can hardlock the player in multiple instances.

Stop parroting this nonsense. Game's fine.

I remember there being rumors of a Director's Cut of that. I wouldn't mind it if it was a complete damned product.

Same, I'd honestly be willing to pay for the game again if they actually finished it.

Is Capcom king of remakes? Talking about quantity not quality.

In terms of quantity and quality, yes they are. Their RE remakes are extremely well-received and sell incredibly well, so I don't see them stopping anytime soon.

Astral Dog

Watch them change Alfred.
I asked Dusk once if they would skip Code Veronica entirely because of Alfred and "modern audiences", he pretty much said he wasn't worried that would be a problem since Capcom considers carefully what to change in the modern reimaginings and so far they done a good job(except maybe Nemesis 🤭)


Code Veronica has potential to be remade well, but I just don't see how Zero can become good. It's a mess. Real-time zapping was an interesting mechanic, but the story of Zero is terrible and does not lead into RE1 well at all.

The Zero 'remake' better be a full rethink and rewrite of what happened before RE1 because it's garbage in its current state.

I'd sooner see a remake of Dead Aim at this point. It goes without saying that Outbreak 1&2 deserve a revival.


Yes!!!!!! Absolutely loved CV. Zero is one of the weak links in the series so maybe that’s an opportunity to make it take its place as a better game in the series.
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I hope some of the CV stuff stays in. Like that cutscene sequence of the chopper shooting at the building windows and Claire running away from it.


I like Zero :messenger_crying:

For me, it’s got its ups and downs.


-the academy is just a lesser version of the Spencer Mansion, and the lab was just meh
-most of the animal enemies are lame ideas
-making James Marcus look like a Final Fantasy villain, even with the explanation, was dumb
-the second half of the game barely has any cutscenes robbing Rebecca and Billy of needed development
-the “elevator” you access near the end of the game that lets you quickly go back to prior areas defies all geographical logic
-having infected appear THAT close to Raccoon City in 0 when you go through a few areas that were in Resident Evil 2 makes no sense as it would then not have taken two months for the infection to spread into the city of that were the case
-the partner system has some nice elements, but the shared inventory that appears larger is arguably even more limited due to certain weapons/items now taking two slots (and that hookshot can go fuck itself)


-Rebecca and Billy are great
-the train area is one of my favorite RE areas, the enemies are great, pacing is solid
-music is really good
-the graphics look fantastic for the time

Overall, it’s good, I just wouldn’t put it on the level of 1-3 in terms of the tank controls era of RE.

Honestly, a remake could be fantastic, fix a few of the continuity errors and just have Marcus look like a mad scientist, remove most of the animal enemies with something more threatening-looking, make the partner system more like the Revelations 2 partner system where each character felt truly unique from each other in what they could do, etc.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
It was originally DC exclusive, but the Dreamcast was already struggling and really was on borrowed time, as the PS2 ensured its doom almost immediately.

It was released on PS2 about a year later with additional content to offset what would've been a loss, I think.

Dreamcast had so many things we take for granted now that, arguably, they were the originators of. You could view your health and ammo on the Visual Memory Unit in the controller, not altogether different from how the colors represent your health in the newer RE games on PS4/PS5.
What's funny is the game was Developed by Nextech with help from Capcom which at the time was own by Sega.
They also ported it to Playstation 2 in the form of Code Veronica X.
Obviously some deny Nextech involvement because it suggests the game wasn't actually a mainline game and the whole "it's the true RE3"
which it wasn't, it was always a spin-off title
The budget was lower then previous RE's too
Even the voice acting was poor for RE standards back then and it was the first and last of them as Capcom had plans for other platforms to receive their own RE Spinoff by smaller teams and help from the platform holder while the mainlines release first on Playstation per exclusivity deal
This... didn't work, Only Sega made the deal and the sales didn't show promise and it was later ported by Nextech to PS2 & GCN.
Now you could argue that Resident Evil 3 was just made to finish off the exclusivity deal and Code Veronica was the true Sequel.
But RE3 was handled by majority of RE team while Code Veronica was not and even outsourced to Nextech.

Shinji Mikami wasn't happy about this as he wanted an Exclusive RE on all systems and blamed Sony because it failed.
He would later come up with some other reason to hate Playstation but this was what did.
Obviously he would make a deal with Nintendo shortly after as he believed gamers would follow the games and removing the mainline games from the PS2 would be some sort of lesson to Sony which again didn't end well.
I hope some of the CV stuff stays in. Like that cutscene sequence of the chopper shooting at the building windows and Claire running away from it.
If anything will stay and probably be made even better, it will be the cool setpiece moments and action scenes. Capcom loves that stuff.

It's part of that Capcom flair that they're known for.
i still remember when he banged on about RE3 being massive and the subway system being like the link between difference city areas.

Then we got RE3 and they cut 90% of the city from the original lol
Given how fragmented and barebones RE3 Remake turned out I can somewhat see Dusk being right there. No way this game was planned to be like this. More like that they cut a lot of what was made late in dev because it wasn't coming together.
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