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Dustborn Spent $2500 For A Booth at TGS Just To Draw 4 Players in Japan


Gold Member


This is real? Wtf. I never knew it was to this extreme.

Yeah, had I not heard and read the dev teams own words I would have believed it was biting satire/parody of modern day whack as fuck virtue politics and shit like that.

No... they were sincere and serious which makes it more fucking surreal.

Edit: The main protagonist uses things like bullying, cancel, and other social/emotional manipulations with glee and pride. It's literal gameplay mechanics to use these tactics on people. She even manipulates her own team mate in some cut scenes.

And she's the fucking hero of the story.
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My friend does not appreciate you spreading pictures of his smash dungeon.
Will it look like this?


What do you mean smash dungeon? This is my basement from 2001. Please this is a private matter, people need to stop. I sent this picture to a girl I wanted to impress back then. That backstabbing bitch let it loose on the internet.
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If it's indeed an EU + National funded project, this is another performative thing they need to do to prove that they did something for marketing and promoting the project -- and it didn't have to be on TGS of course, but who would say no to a trip to Japan all expenses paid.


Gold Member
While I do believe in 2.5k for a booth this size in a fringe corner of a less prestigious hall, at an event of this size people would have played this dumpsterfire out of curiosity. On Gamescom there was a Dustborn booth in the Xbox area with easily over a dozen people constantly lined up to play it, and that was after the game was already released with bad press everywhere at its peak.
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