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E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread


Yes Boss! said:
Hmm, solid but not great. Sony and Nintendo should be better.

What's nitnendo going to do? part games and grpahs, and maybe a new mario and zelda

best case scenario, they still lose


Want Splinter Cell, FFXIII (but that on the PS3), and WHERE IS MASS EFFECT 2?!?!?! The rest was stupid... I have an Iphone and PC, no need for any of that crap on my 360.

Though it is about time with Netflix


ToastyBanana said:
Can't tell if I'm late with the 500s but rets dance!


I vote for this over last year Nintendo's Cammie or drums


Black Canada Mafia
Now that I've calmed down a bit and the rush is over, my comments!

1. Some of those games seem pretty interesting... but not TOO interesting, or at least, nothing unexpected. I was sincerely hoping for some serious shock value in the software department. I might give MG-Raiden a try though, although (gasp) Metal Gear isn't really that important to me, I know it is important to a LOT of people, so I can appreciate the weight of that.

2. Ugh... Facebook and Twitter is not really that cool. A browser would have probably sufficed for that sort of thing. The Radio is kind of kewl... but even then. I don't want my 360 to do the same exact thing I can do on my PC, only with more problems. If they want to bring social networking to the 360, just beef up XBL in a really new and interesting way next time.

3. HOLY SHIT, SHARED MEDIA. Goddamn, that was what I wanted Home for. That was my number 1 desire out of home and they were beaten to the punch. Sony you better 1up that shit if you want to make it up to me. I don't know if I can play my own video content shared with XBL, that is very important to me so we'll see what happens with that.

4. Where are my RPG's :( You kept talking about how the 360 was the definitive console this generation for RPG's.... but where were they? There weren't even really action games (well unless you think of Shooters as action games).

5. o_O The camera seems pretty cool. But I am jaded. Too many times have I been burned by getting to excited over this stuff. I know as soon as I use it (or at least I think) I will be tired of it within one 3 hour session. If it can do things as quickly and as easily as I could with my controller. Kudos. If not... gah. I am not going to bother.

BUT, someone mentioned mixing the camera with different games - and that seems cool. An RPG where I can actually hold a bow and arrow and all that jazz would be cool - elder scrolls talking to an NPC like they did with Mylo (PEDO BAIT, PEDO BAIT), would definately be something new and exciting. But what it comes down to is - if I feel like I am going out of my way to do something that wears off in novelty very quickly, I don't know how important its going to be for me. But knowing me I am going to buy it anyway.

Overall... an okay conference, if only for the possibilities that might be achievable with the new camera. But I don't think Sony needs to do much more than show a new RPG or two to win me over. So the bar is low Sony, don't fail and run into it.


I would imagine we are years away from that Milo AI to be practical from a time and cost perspective in games that are not tech demos.


Junior Member
Left 4 Dead 2. Wow! Louisiana. It should be, like post Katrina. That would be cool. haha

And if that one guy was correct about Nadal being $200, then that can be MS' left 4 dead 3. It better not be anymore than $20-30 bucks. People won't pick it up unless it's bundled with Halo 4.

BTW, this won't hit anytime before 2010. They are just leading into the next gen. He said dev kits are shipping today. We would be lucky to have major 3rd party support for this by Christmas 2010.
Really impressive conference, but I'm not convinced by Natal yet. I want to know price, whether or not it's a pack-in, and it working in real games. Let's not get fooled like with the Wii people; remember all the marketing trailers for it showing families perfectly controlling games and stuff?


aka funkky
Instead of the towel trick I will show a feed of Milo off another TV,
Milo: Hello, what's your name?
Milo2: Milo, and what's your name?
Milo: Milo, and what's your name...

instant RROD.


The conference had everything. Beatles guys, Speilberg for the star power, actual exclusive games that looked awesome. Im super hyped for Alan Wake and Splinter Cell now. New Halo game. New MGS game. New Peter M "im gonna change the world" hyperbole/ maybe real that they will demo at E3 and not just talk about. New interface upgrades and practical features that are useful.

Anyone disappointed by that sucks.
Wow did you rike it?.

Great job Microsoft, Project Natal sound insane, like something from the future but I'm not sure about his gaming aplication.


Gary Whitta said:
I wonder how many of the people calling Natal lame/retarded etc are those same people who predicted that the Wii and motion control would be the beginning of the end for Nintendo...

When are you starting on the script for Denzel Washington The Game for Natal?

Day 1!


Duderz said:
Anyone that doesn't see the potential in this needs to get their eyes examined.

Like someone earlier said, this is a lot more promising that Motion+.
Fucking this. People rolling out mehs in response to Natal are out of their fucking minds.

jax (old)

lawblob said:
The lack of broad functionality on the PS3 is now at pure embarrassing levels after this conference. I mean, Jesus...

I'm sorry but I can't take you seriously anymore at all.

:lol :lol :lol

you forgot the assraping


Man, extremely solid effort by MS!!
Wow that camera thing was certainly great! what the PSEYE should have been!!

Nintendo and Sony, your turn, but I would be incredibly surprised if they top this!!


GAF's Bob Woodward
Gary Whitta said:
I wonder how many of the people calling Natal lame/retarded etc are those same people who predicted that the Wii and motion control would be the beginning of the end for Nintendo...

There's probably decent overlap. 360 fans who shat on waggle before can't turn on this overnight though.

In fairness though, I don't think it was the ideal first showing of the technology. It still looks really early on the software front, and there was no 'bridging' software for 'hardcore' people..a lot of people need to see really tangible things to see potential.


Souldriver said:
Has lawbob always been like this?
He never struck me as bat-shit insane before so this is either an eleborate prank or he has found new employment. Or maybe I'm just "beyond myopic" :lol


needs 2 extra inches
gofreak said:
- The biggest minus of all? After months of 'wait til E3' when it came to MS's 09 lineup, they add a single solitary new game to their 2009 lineup (L4D2), excluding the XBLA stuff of course. Maybe more over the show?

I don't understand. Going by the last few E3's, when did any company announce a NEW game and reveal the release date to be on the same year?

You guys are just ridiculous.
MS totally fucked up starting. Beatles, MW2, Tony Hawk.. what a waste of time? I would have preferred new XBLA games than these usual shit.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Where the hell was Mistwalker??? Real disappointing conference for me, that's all I really cared to see out of the MS stable... a new BD, LO or original IP.
Gary Whitta said:
Lots of hardcore butthurt in this thread. This motion camera is going to take the fight to Nintendo big-time and take the 360 to the next level. Wait and see.

Microsoft already won E3 and it's only just begun!

Is practically an Eye toy rip off.:lol
Thanks Microsoft I have always wanted to raise a little British boy???

Oh god I'm in tears. I think this is cool as fuck but Reaction-GAF makes E3 once again. I wonder how long before "Hey Milo, do you know what this is?"


Bish loves my games!
The trolls are really coming out of the woodwork. Nice try guys but that was an absolutely fantastic conference.

And now MS has Metal Gear too...
Zen said:
Slight hyperbole, but Natal has the potential to be a game changer. It's really Nintendos concept taken to a much higher level (on the tech/application side).

Taken to a higher level on the technology side and completely missing the gameplay point. Very typical Microsoft - they have no clue about why Nintendo is successful and how their games work so they came up with this version of Eyetoy. Seriously, there was not one original idea or game in the whole conference, just franchises they got for the 360, sequels, and so on. We've seen (and Gaf predicted) everything already. Oh and some lameass Eliza AI demo without any imagination from the Fable hype guy.
It was a good conf. the motion stuff is not for me, I think the games that will be developed for it will just be the crap that was shown, Alan Wake looks awesome, GOTY!


Gary Whitta said:
I wonder how many of the people calling Natal lame/retarded etc are those same people who predicted that the Wii and motion control would be the beginning of the end for Nintendo...

Which appears to be the intuitive comparison?

"The Wii will never catch on. Goodbye, Nintendo!" "The Wii will usher in a revolution in game design!"

The one that matches your statement more closely has, unfortunately, yet to develop.


I cant wait to see some more of Crackdown 2 I've played a bit of Infamous but haven't gone back to it. So I wonder how far away this game will be. In anycase I'm tempted to go and play the original again now, crackdown!.


dskillzhtown said:
The facebook/360 integration could work wonders for online leagues and such.

The Executive Producer of Madden 10's hint about online for Madden was "Facebook is awesome."

This was a few weeks ago
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