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E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread


GAF's Bob Woodward
My intial thoughts:

+ Seeing what Kojima's next is
+ Crackdown 2
+ Splinter Cell Conviction
+ Milo (a bit creepy maybe, and I'm going to be careful about buying into hype about its AI - after being burned enormously by my excitement for B&W's AI and your pet friend - but I'm interested, and it's different and daring..maybe the first really different thing I've really seen MS do in a long time, so props for that)
+ Very good presentation style

- The rest of the Natal software, the lack of other supporting games shown, the lack of evident finesse in control. Paint would have been a GREAT demo for 'per finger' control demonstration, instead we get a messy 'big movement' demo.
- Alan Wake in 2010 :|
- Bungie's next being ANOTHER halo
- Nothing from Rare
- The biggest minus of all? After months of 'wait til E3' when it came to MS's 09 lineup, they add a single solitary new game to their 2009 lineup (L4D2), excluding the XBLA stuff of course. Maybe more over the show?


what bothers me is the whole 1080p "instant play" "no download" claim Microsoft keeps making. Do they use fairy magic? What kind of smoke and mirrors shit was that?!!



Watched the Milo thing but I missed a bit of the beginning. So this was previously recorded, right? So they're allegedly saying that all of the dialog that Milo has is generated on the fly? So I can do an Ask Jeeves type thing and start asking random questions or starting up conversation and he'll adapt to it? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it, Molyneaux. Very cool tech, but somehow I don't believe that his character is completely unlimited in his responses.
Oh come ON.

All of this technology is a decade old and it STILL has extremely little application in games outside of tech-demo compilations such as Wii Sports/Wii Play. This is the games industry expanding its user base, not its capability.


Well, that was a decent presentation. I was expecting Hulu for XBL, but got Facebook and Twitter instead. My only disappointment is no MGS4 for 360, but I am pretty excited about getting a new MGS game. I didn't know what to think of the game from Epic since I couldn't understand that guy with Cliff.

The evolution of gaming technology won't be matched by Sony or Nintendo, but either of those companies have the ability to win the Games side of E3. However, Sony doesn't beat Nintendo unless they announce a price cut.
~Kinggi~ said:
Tech savvy people in the know, know what they just saw was fuck impressive. Maybe the content that was shown is early and not as impressive, but now we got a huge plate of possibilities. Its a literal first step toward the traditional "virtual reality" everyone envisions.

I mean if they start pumping out digital version of Jessica Alba you know how many fucking units they are gonna sell?

If they can deliver on the AI technology and the camera tech this really is amazing.

I mean the motion capture shit alone from the camera kinda boggles my mind since ive done more than a few mocap rigs.
You can say the exact same thing about the Wii. But it is still in its infancy as well. And it makes more intuitive sense than that thing and costs the same amount of money (according to rumor).


I recall someone saying that Microsoft would have announcements through out the week due to there being to much stuff for Microsoft to fit. Was that bullshit or is it actually true? Considering Mass Effect 2 wasn't shown...


Gary Whitta said:
Molyneux just called it a landmark in computer entertainment... and he's not exaggerating.

This is some serious game-changing shit... I don't know how Sony or Nintendo can follow this. They should just pack up their shit and go home now.

Microsoft didn't just win this E3, they just won this generation.

Okay, relax a little. We don't even know when it's coming out or if it will work that well when we actually use it with real games. :p


Junior Member
45 minutes of that was worth watching.

stop blowing microsoft everyone, its not like you all haven't seen an AI demonstration before, much less a motion detector.


H_Prestige said:
WTH was all of that? Outside of finally seeing what the next MGS game is, that was a complete joke. Where the heck was Perfect Dark 64?

:lol Yes, spend the conference detailing an N64 game.


I gotta say the conference was way better than last year. MS really did step up their game. I wonder if Sony is gonna wow us now given that most of their stuff we know about(or so we think) and given that their conference is 2 hours(right?), they sure seem to know what they are doing.

Overall , MS conference was great. Im really impressed in Natal tech. Frikking Nintendo better take note and so should Sony.


Ok, I'll bite : I was a bit disappointed. The tech is interesting, definitely. But the rest of the show wasn't that exciting. Maybe it was the way people talked on stage ; or teh lack of software surprises...But it's just me though...


gdt5016 said:
Jesus christ, the potential of all that ending stuff is mind boggling.

I honestly cant see how Nintendo/Sony can top that.

Not even Zelda could.

I was thinking the same, is gonna be really hard for Sony and Nintendo to top this conferrence. Tomorrow will see


Graf Nudu said:
I still wonder what that new MGS-game is all about? If it's not some sort of extended edition of MGS4, I am not buying it.

Would you rather have a port of MGS4 or an entire new game set in the MGS universe?


Shadow Complex
Crackdown 2
SC Convcition
Forza 3 60 FPS
Halo oDST CO-OP Mode
Instant 1080p Videos
Live Party
Alan wake
Halo Reach
Metal Gear Solid Rising
Final Fantasy
Modern warfare 2

Nice Conference.


I thought this was a very good conference for MS. Very solid, getting a MGS game is a great pickup for them.

I'm really looking forward to this Epic game and Alan Wake.

However, I was hoping that some of the rumors about ZuneHD and Xbox live were going to be true, too bad, that's my only disappointment.

The motion control thing, while not my thing, looks pretty cool. And frankly I expect Nintendo to go the same route eventually.


Diss the natal all you want, but the tech is impressive.
Not that i'm exactly eager to begin talking with an ugly looking kid on my plasma, but it really makes the wiimote look like...well, exactly what it always was...
Too bad we'll only get stupid half-games for it, but if marketed right MS could steal tons of casuals from Nintendo.
Good overall conference by MS.

The goods: Alan Wake, Splinter Cell also looked good, as did Epic's new XBLA, Forza 3 and L4D2. Very impressed by the way they are going with their multimedia. Radio, 1080p movies, streaming technology, better netflix integration, facebook, twitter integration, etc...

Surprised at no mention of Dead Rising 2, Mass Effect 2 and Lost Planet 2.

The bad: Project Natal, Molyneaux and his constant over hyping and undoubtedly under delivering.


LovingSteam said:
Dude, serious! I don't think people are discounting this tech truly appreciate how far ahead Microsoft just pushed the yardstick for its competitors. Honestly, compared to the camera, Wii's wiimote even with M+ looks outdated, BIG TIME! This is, I don't even know what I just saw but my mouth is still dropped!

Exactly. The WII looks (and I'm not talking about its processing power/graphics) outdated and limited in comparison.


Bad Art ™
Leatherface said:
what bothers me is the whole 1080p "instant play" "no download" claim Microsoft keeps making. Do they use fairy magic? What kind of smoke and mirrors shit was that?!!


ultra compression magic with big macro blocks all over your screen


I'm not a fan of technology that makes a virtual kid an entirely intelligent, responsive being. Too freaky for me.

jax (old)

joey_z said:
The people that don't understand how important the Milo demonstration was are crazy. Just imagine the next Elder Scrolls game or the next Fable game. Think of how you could interact with the NPCs. Think how amazing RPGs will be from now on if the technology works the way they pimped it out to be.

you are delusional if you think this will add more depth. It won't. Not immediatedly anyhow. They can only write that many lines of "reactions".. .and stimuli/input. Even at the text level as it is now, its limited.

Maybe in 2020...2030


- Conviction!
- Alan Wake
- Molyneux demo.

Rest of move-control was meh. Technology is very interesting but the games weren't. Go outside and just play football instead of doing this offline multiplayer :p.

And :lol @ Tony Hawk

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Suikoguy said:
Where was Rare?
Not a clue, maybe someone forgot to tell the Twycross lads that they had to get on a plane today.

Either that or they have their own thing going on somewhere and we haven't been told yet, as I refuse to believe that Rare have nothing in development this year.


I was not impressed by this show. I think that it was a solid show but that it lacked what a lot of people were looking to see. I thought the 2008 show was very disappointing as well. I think people only look favorably on it because they showed games that have been a long time coming and very few new games. For instance I'm surprised by the lack of XBLA titles. Not enough new stuff and they spent more time on the Natal/ Milo stuff that I didn't really care for. It also reeked of immaturity in terms of HURR HURR WAGGLE HURR HURR DEFINITIVE RACING GAME HURR HURR CONSOLE COMPLETE. If Nintendo or Sony deliver at all tomorrow then Microsoft looks really stupid for doing that. I'd give this show a C+ if I were rating it.

Rad Agast

Is it wrong for me to want to meet Milo? I want to talk to him at least... It's quite interesting, I don't see how people are not interested in this. The only thing I didn't like was that stupid ad.

Great show over all I would say.

ODST, Halo Reach, Forza 3 (the environments looked good ;-) ) and Splinter Cell are the ones I'm really interested in.

Left 4 Dead 2 will be a PC purchase anyways (and the same is true for Alan Wake most likely). the Kojima reveal reminded me of the FFXIII reveal last year.

Let's see what Nintendo and Sony have tomorrow :D

Cygnus X-1

gdt5016 said:
Jesus christ, the potential of all that ending stuff is mind boggling.

I honestly cant see how Nintendo/Sony can top that.

Maybe Zelda could.

Actually, all big franchises don't support this thing. It is still in a sperimental stage. And I doubt that it will change something in the market in the short period. The potential is here, but only if it will be THE standard in the console and by that I mean that every major game has to use it.

And for now, every announced game doesn't do so.


nods at old men

Accessories will never be a gamechanger.
Pack this Natal stuff in with your next system MS if you want people to use it.
Broadbandito said:
WTF!?! Adam Sessler said the whole MGS franchise is coming to 360. IM so confused now. Just rising? or entire mgs franchise?@?!
He meant the MGS franchise proper, not just a port of an older game. Although how you could consider it anything but a spinoff, I don't know. It's pretty stupid not to bring the whole franchise to 360.


Junior Member
I must say, I'm impressed. They had some games we figured where coming. Now, they dropped the bomb with this bar. I'm mostly excited about the possiblities with this bar. Will it be accurate enough to function in real gameplay areas.

A few things: He said you won't have pre-defined waggle but I don't see how a company could make a game with out predefined waggle, not based on animations. If you don't have animations, this thing better be accurate as hell. Or smooth as hell. We saw that one spot where they linked up for the elephant where the chick was flickering in and out. Talke about slowdown or drop in framerate. Add this to live?

Or you have to come up with a ton of different animations. Would that make it funner? It would be cool to play fighting games with this. Imagine Soul Calibur where you have a free range mode. But without canned animations, how do they determine hits, damage, etc? Or do they base it off of force or speed of waggle? Can it do that from so far away?

Imagine swinging a sword against someone at home? That'll get tiring. I hate that excuse but comparing this to wii: you can greatly exaggerate your waggle or flick your wrist. I'm not sure what is better. If he wants to move away from predefined waggle, will it still identify a flick of the wrist?

There are a ton of questions with this. It's very intriguing. Now after the experience with Wii, I would be hesitant to take their claims at face value until we see more hands on experience.

Either way, Great job, MS. Clearly, they have changed my ideas on them innovating. I guess they are following the leader.

Yrros yons.
As much potential as the camera has I care more about the present. MS showed very little that's coming out at the end of this year so I'm more than a tad worried. Only things that excited me were Conviction and the Epic XBLA title, however the lack of any focus on XBLA games was very worrying given that they usually get their own segment.
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