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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread


Unconfirmed Member
GQman2121 said:
The first AC still looks amazing today. But that wasn't the games problem. The bottom line is it just wasn't fun. You could see everything the game had to offer in under and hour.

yeah, I'm not fooling for that again. Demo didn't do much for me.


reilo said:
Microsoft shows off MW2 demo: "OMG MEGATON MS WINS E3!!"
Sony shows off AC2 demo (that even fucking UBISOFT didn't show at their own conference): "WTF SONY DROP THE MEGATONS ALREADY"

Seems like you never read the MS thread. Absolutely no one was howling at MW2 footage other than a few people saying it looked good.


This Sony conf sounds more like MS conf with mostly 3rd party stuff

where the hell are all the 1st party titles Sony is known for?????

come on!!! :/
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