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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread


Nothing too surprising aside from FFXI-2. This conference could've been much more interesting.

As it stands, Sony completely failed with the wand and PSPGO. Games are one thing but if they want to be a market leader they're way off course.


PistolGrip said:
wow @ GOWIII!!!!! looks fking fantastic seriously

Flawless victory!!!!

Microsoft still has a better overall conference. By far really.

Although, Sony has been strong so far, GOW3 looks awesome. It's not over yet though.
Fuck this Sony wins, MS wins bullshit.. are you idiots shareholders or something?

Gamers win this E3. MS was amazing, Sony was just as impressive.

You fanboy fucks are absolutly retarted.


Sony and Nintendo Basically followed the same layout for their conferences.

Decent start then Slow as fuck, montages then closed with big games for their respective console. Though sony for some reason felt the need to do the whole Playstation Family sales brag even when the data was not that impressive for way too long.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


Totally not impressed by GOW3, which as has been mentioned is probably because of GOW2.

Probably because of this shitty little video too. Still can't wait to see it on a big screen.


Interesting conferences from Sony & Nintendo. Both had incredible highs and even lower lows. Podcasts should be pure gold tonight. :lol


X26 said:
Well a lot of people seem to think that last video in the forza3 presentation was real time, so I'd say a lot do

you saying the onstage demo was filmed beforehand and Che didn't actually move the camera and flip the car?


let's see the stage demos later today to prove you're wrong.

anyway, god of war lokos like... god of war. the titan in the back is like the colossus in gow2. let's see something new.


Why is it the standout moment of GOW3 is seeing QTE button presses being in places on the screen that correspond to positions on the controller? FINALLY!


how are you, B!TCH? How is your day going, B!ITCH?
Has this conference been going on for over an hour now?

I left to get some lunch expecting it to be over by the time I got back but I'm looking at my computer now and it's still streaming the same conference... wtf?
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