Hello everyone, welcome to the NeoGAF E3 2017 Summary Thread!
I've noticed that AmirOx hasn't made a thread the past few years, but like him I love to summarize information – it removes the chaos of E3. So I'm going to copy his style from his previous threads, so immediate thanks to his hard work. I'm going to include announcements made the week before E3 and the immediate lead-in to E3. As such, this is very much a community effort, so if I fail to include something or you think any news is worth of this list, please feel free to let me know. It's very easy to miss information during E3.
How does it work?
In short, there will be two terms used for every bulletpoint. Wherever you see the word "Link" you'll get a direct link to an article, video or some other informative bit of news about the bulletpoint. Wherever you see the word "Thread", you'll get a link to an ongoing neoGAF discussion about that bit of news. This way, this thread is integrally linked to the community as well as E3 as a show. I hope this process makes things easy for you guys to follow!
How will the updating process work?
There will be four main posts, each segmented into themes. One is for Microsoft, one is for Nintendo and one is for Sony. The fourth is for Miscellaneous items and Multiplatform titles. Each day you can check my OP, and you'll see the latest bulletpoints with a timestamp. This is how it will look
June 6, 5:52PM(EST)
● Tom and Jerry has been announced for the 3DS, Vita and iPhones! (Link, Thread)
June 6, 7:00PM(EST)
● Remember that other shit? That was nothing. Kingdom Hearts III is not vaporware! (Link, Thread)
The latest update will always be at the most bottom of the page. This way, you'll always be able to see what news you might have missed. My schedule is going to be irregular, but in general you'll always see an update around 5:00PM(EST), and then continually until around 8:30PM(EST) as far as I can do. Keep checking to see if anything is new!
How can you help?
You probably didn't ask this. But I'm going to pretend you did anyway! I am one single person, who also has to hold down a job. The industry is now a massive, daunting place with news falling out of every orifice every second around the hour. What this means is that it is literally going to be impossible for me to get every single bit of news everywhere. I'm bound to miss something.
I fully encourage you to post news articles - using the format I have for my topic bulletpoints - in this thread or in PM to me, and I will also update them into the post. At the end of my posts, I will regularly be updating a "thank you" list to everyone who has contributed.
Thanks you to the following members for their contributions:
Rosti (I used his images), ChazGW7, hanspampel, megarockexe, Zhao_Yun

June 11, 3:00AM(EST)
• Pokken Tournament Deluxe has been announced for the Switch! It is a Deluxe edition with all fighters unlocked from the Wii U version plus new fighters and new modes. Launches September 22. (Link, Thread)
• Pokémon Gold and Silver have been announced for the 3DS Virtual Console. Launches September 22. (Link, Thread)
• Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are making a powered up return this November 17 for the 3DS. Many mysteries remain...? (Link, Thread)
• Atlus announced that Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth will launch this Fall on 3DS. Also Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux and Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology will be coming to the Nintendo 3DS in early 2018. Atlus fans rejoice! (Link, Thread)
• Microids announced their Nintendo Switch lineup. Includes Syberia 1 in Q3 2017, Syberia 2 in Q4 2017, Syberia 3 in Q1 2018, Gear Club in Q4 2017, Flashback Remastered in Q4 2017, and BLACKSAD in Q4 2018. (Link, Thread)
• FIFA 18 is making its way to the Nintendo Switch. With the full announcement it seems EA is actually trying? Includes Ultimate Team but missing The Journey. Available September 26. (Link, Thread)
June 12, 1:30AM(EST)
• The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is officially announced for the Nintendo Switch. Go anywhere, do anything! New features include motion controls and items from the Legend of Zelda series. Includes all official add-ons as well. Amiibo support. 2017. (Link, Thread)
June 12, 5:30PM(EST)
• Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is officially announced for the Switch. It really is a Mario Xcom game. Mushroom kingdom looks great imo. Available August 29. (Link, Thread)
• Nyko has announced affordable Nintendo Switch accessories. This includes a dock, controller, etc. (Link, Thread)
June 13, 8:00PM(EST)
• Super Mario Odyssey will take off this October 27. Visit unique worlds and go on a magical adventure to save peach from marriage? Oh and the hat lets you possess/become enemies and objects. And dinosaurs. Did I mention dinosaurs? (Link, Thread)
• Xenoblade Chronicles 2 takes you along with Pyra and Rex in search of Elysium. Best of all it will arrive this holiday season for the Switch. I like the graphical change. (Link, Thread)
• Metroid Prime 4 was teased as being in development by a new development team. (wtf is Retro). Everyone was happy and peace was restored to the gaming world. (Link, Thread)
• Metroid: Samus Returns was announced at TreeHouse live. I guess Nintendo knew we couldn't wait that much longer for Samus. 2.5D graphics, based on Metroid 2, developed by Mercury Steam. September 15. (Link, Thread)
• The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC was showcased. DLC Pack 1 – Master Trials will release on June 30. DLC Pack 2 – The Champions Ballard will drop this fall. Playable champions? Just more please. (Link, Thread)
• Rocket League was announced for the Switch. It will arrive later this year with all available content and exclusive Battle-Cares and Customized items like Mario and Luigi hat Toppers. (Link, Thread)
• Kirby has been announced for the Switch and will arrive in 2018. Includes ability mixing and recruiting helpers. Join forces with three friend for team action. (Link, Thread)
• Yoshi was also announced for the Switch and will arrive in 2018. Developed by Good Feel, take Yoshi and visit a diorama world and view things from both perspectives. (Link, Thread)
• Fire Emblem Warriors was confirmed to launch this Fall 2017. Help confront the evil dragon that killed your mom with help from heroes across worlds. (Link, Thread)
• Core RPG Pokemon game was announced for the Switch. This screamed that the next Pokemon games are coming to the Switch, probably Diamond and Pearl remakes. (Link, Thread)
• Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minionsis a remake using the 3DS Mario and Luigi engine for animations and remade pixel art. Journey to restore Princess Peach's voice. Oh and grow an army of minions. October 6 for 3DS. (Link, Thread)
• Amiibo: Mario Odyssey and Legend of Zelda and Metroid and Fire Emblem additions were announced. Mario, Peach, and Bowser are all dressed to impress for the games debut on October 27. (Thread) Metroid series Amiibos, will debut with the game, of Samus Aran and Metroid. I will declare that Amiibos are not dead. Tiki and Chrom were also unveiled for Fire Emblem. The 4 Champions are getting Amiibos for the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Dat Urbosa. Visit the Amiibo Community Thread for more general information.
June 15, 1:00AM(EST)
• Pikmin 4 was confirmed to still be in development and more importantly Hey! Pikmin isn't considered the 4th Pikmin. So yay, even more Pikmin in the future! (Link, Thread)
• Splatoon 2 was confirmed to be 60fps and 1080p on TreeHouse Live. That's nice, that's damn nice. (Link, Thread)
• Sushi Striker: Way of Sushido was announced on TreeHouse Live today for the 3DS. It is a puzzle action title from indieszero who developed NES Remix and Theatrhythm. Due out in 2018. (Link, Thread)