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EA expects PS3 to arrive by mid-2006 - Jenson


Rob Fahey 10:13 08/10/2004

Next generation timescale could see Microsoft and Sony platforms launching together

Electronic Arts' CFO Warren Jenson has told an investment conference in the USA that the company currently expects the Xbox 2 and PS3 to launch within six months of each other, in a window beginning in late 2005.

Speaking at the Goldman Sachs Communacopia XIII Conference earlier this week, Jenson said that EA is expecting to see Microsoft launching Xbox 2 for the holiday season in 2005, with PS3 following no more than six months afterwards.

While Jenson did qualify his statements by saying that EA doesn't have all the information about the launches as yet, and that the information they do have isn't perfect, his comments will be seen as further confirmation of the widely rumoured Xbox 2 launch timescale.

They also place the PlayStation 3 closer on the timeline than some had expected; confusion over Sony's development plans for the console has led some commentators to push their guesses on the date out as far as winter 2006, but Jenson suggested that the firm may even launch as early as late 2005 to avoid giving Microsoft a significant head-start.

Aside from his comments on the next-generation platforms, the bulk of Jenson's presentation focused on Electronic Arts' performance within the games industry and on comparisons with similar market-leading companies in other media and technology industries.

He told the conference that EA has consistently grown the number of titles selling over a million units, from 13 titles in 2001 to 27 titles in 2004, and said that as of August 2004, EA has three franchises which have generated over a billion dollars in cumulative revenue - Madden NFL, FIFA Soccer and The Sims - and seven further titles which have generated over $500 million.

In comparing EA with other companies, Jenson showed that EA has a higher share of international revenue as a percentage of total revenue than News Corp, Disney, Time Warner or Viacom, proving that the firm's franchises have global appeal.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
That sounds good. Truthfully, I'm not even eager to get new consoles just yet. 2006 is good.
Looks like MS is forcing Sony's hand...not that Sony would've launched much later than that, anyway. Now, where does Revolution fit in? It's gonna be bloody, for sure...three new consoles battling for holiday '06.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
DaCocoBrova said:
That sounds good. Truthfully, I'm not even eager to get new consoles just yet. 2006 is good.

That makes two of us... maybe by 2006 I'll have been able to dig myself out of this backlog...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
MightyHedgehog said:
Looks like MS is forcing Sony's hand...not that Sony would've launched much later than that, anyway. Now, where does Revolution fit in? It's gonna be bloody, for sure...three new consoles battling for holiday '06.

Chain reaction. Sony follows to keep up with Microsoft's release, and then Nintendo trys to keep up with Sony. If this really happens we should expect all three consoles by the end of 2006. Nintendo plans on releasing their console at the same time as Sony. o_0

EA just better have SSX 4 or SSX 5 ready for launch...


Why do people think that MS is forcing Sony's hand? What logic is this? Wasn't Sony's timetable pointing to 2006 from the start?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
sohka88 said:
Why do people think that MS is forcing Sony's hand? What logic is this? Wasn't Sony's timetable pointing to 2006 from the start?

Yes and even though you can find articles that have all along reference a late 2005 or 2006 launch for the PS3, folks are gonna believe what they want to.

Do a google search on "Playstation 3 2006" and you'll see a whole slew of articles.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
sohka88 said:
Why do people think that MS is forcing Sony's hand? What logic is this? Wasn't Sony's timetable pointing to 2006 from the start?

Took the words right out of my mouth. Forcing Sony's hand...boy if that isn't a joke I don't know what is. PS3 may launch within 6 months of XBX2 but that will be the japanese launch only. SCEA wouldn't be so stupid as to launch a console in the spring/summer of '06. September 9, 2006 would be the earliest possible date for the US launch IMO.
sohka88 said:
Why do people think that MS is forcing Sony's hand? What logic is this? Wasn't Sony's timetable pointing to 2006 from the start?

It's the Xbox MOMENTUM! Sony is teh running scared! LOL.


I just don't see PSP and PS3 launching within a year of each other in any region. Maybe 18 months but even that's pushing it...


If Microsoft does force Sony's hand, even if slilghtly, it might result in Sony making a mistake or two in features and/or production and could cause long-term negative ramifications. I like Microsoft's aggressive strategy---don't let the market leader dictate the terms and keep them scrambling if you can.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
open_mouth_ said:
If Microsoft does force Sony's hand, even if slilghtly, it might result in Sony making a mistake or two in features and/or production and could cause long-term negative ramifications. I like Microsoft's aggressive strategy---don't let the market leader dictate the terms and keep them scrambling if you can.

Ummm isn't that what Sony did last generation? OMG MS's is doing it so it's some new great strategy! ;)


DarienA said:
Ummm isn't that what Sony did last generation? OMG MS's is doing it so it's some new great strategy! ;)

I'm just saying, it's a possibility. It's just as possible that because Microsoft rushes out the door too soon, they are the ones that are caught without any underwear. Still, rushing often times leads to mistakes.
open_mouth_ said:
I'm just saying, it's a possibility. It's just as possible that because Microsoft rushes out the door too soon, they are the ones that are caught without any underwear. Still, rushing often times leads to mistakes.

Exactly. I'd say Microsoft are the ones rushing. Their system has been out less that 3 years, whereas the development of the Cell & Blu-Ray has been going on much longer. The only people that pushed 2007 as a date for the PS3 are those that thought the Cell wouldn't be ready.

However, I do think Microsoft are doing the right thing. The only concern is how tightly they try to control costs. They, IMO, cannot be significantly underpowered relative to the PS3, or risk losing their core audience. They've got the money to take the hit and I believe that they will in the end. They absolutely need something besided DVD as a medium. They don't have to have the hard drive as they seem to have a flash memory solution in place that should be cost effective. However, they would need to bundle that with the hardware so that developers can be assured that EVERYBODY has it.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I think everybody agrees that the consoles need to launch near each other... then again I don't think any competitor be it the #1 or #2, etc can be allowed to give the other competitor a year all alone.


DarienA said:
I think everybody agrees that the consoles need to launch near each other... then again I don't think any competitor be it the #1 or #2, etc can be allowed to give the other competitor a year all alone.

Well, if some people in Sony's management compare Microsoft to Sega back when they launched the Dreamcast a year earlier than the PS2, they might just say that a year headstart by the competition can be overcome relatively easily... However, in this case, this would be a big mistake, imo, cause Microsoft ain't Sega and I'm sure Sony execs realize this, which is why you're probably right about Sony not allowing more than a 6-month window this time. Along those lines, if Sony was originally planning a Holiday '06 North American launch and have now decided to move it up 5-6 months, that could potentially lead to some unwanted mistakes (as I alluded to before).

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
open_mouth_ said:
Along those lines, if Sony was originally planning a Holiday '06 North American launch and have now decided to move it up 5-6 months, that could potentially lead to some unwanted mistakes (as I alluded to before).

Yeah... the first of those mistakes being a Spring/Summer launch.... which isn't going to happen...so you can stop dreaming.


JC10001 said:
Yeah... the first of those mistakes being a Spring/Summer launch.... which isn't going to happen...so you can stop dreaming.

touched a nerve, I see. Sony's market position is untouchable--Keep telling yourself that

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