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EA's leak fears - Oh, the irony



Unconfirmed Member
Just had this leaked to me:

Thought I would send out a quick reminder about EA policy on leaking confidential information to the press. Reason to remind everyone is that we are getting too many leaks on our EAUK/Criterion SKU plan and X statements. This information is not known, outside the studio, so for reporters to have it means someone has given them the information.

This information makes it challenging for us to control the timing of our news and our press (as well if we change the plan internally it can create negative press towards your title).

Key points:

There is information being leaked to the press. This information is company confidential and should not be passed outside studio walls. The information hurts the people working on those titles. My philosophy is to be very open to all in the studio. If we can not stop the leaks – I can not be open

I have started an investigation into where this information is coming from.

EA’s policy on releasing information is very clear and strict – you will be terminated if you are purposely passing on confidential information.

If you are unsure if the in information should be private or public – just ask your EP (or me).

If you have any questions – please let me know.



You gotta love EA. This email is from minutes ago. It was leaked by four different people straight away. Why, I wonder, does everyone working there hate it so much?


Unconfirmed Member
Wario64 said:

And this email got leaked too....haha
That would be the afore mentioned irony.
It just seems amazing to me that so many people there take action to damage the company they work for. Never seen anything like it before.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
kaching said:
Desire to gossip <> hate


BTW what's the time left on that RE4 Xbox announcement the initial statement was 2 weeks right?

Folder said:
That would be the afore mentioned irony.
It just seems amazing to me that so many people there take action to damage the company they work for. Never seen anything like it before.

Ouch if you think 4 people is "alot"..... don't spend any time in the corporate world....


Unconfirmed Member
DarienA said:

BTW what's the time left on that RE4 Xbox announcement the initial statement was 2 weeks right?

No one will say anything. Speaking to someone last night, it seems there might be some kind of announcement embargo in place until after the 'Cuber version. I got an email from Capcom's press chap calling me a "Big bastard" and asking who told me. If you want more on this, PM me.

DarienA said:
Ouch if you think 4 people is "alot"..... don't spend any time in the corporate world....

1. EA isn't in the corporate world? Huh? What exactly are you trying to say?
2. If you think that an email about leaks to the press being leaked by four different members of staff in three different offices within 20 mins or so of it being sent isn't *fucking* unusual you are, um... wrong becuase it fully is.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Folder said:
No one will say anything. Speaking to someone last night, it seems there might be some kind of announcement embargo in place until after the 'Cuber version. I got an email from Capcom's press chap calling me a "Big bastard" and asking who told me. If you want more on this, PM me.

But I thought you were due to be banned if we didn't get an announcement in 2 weeks?


Unconfirmed Member
DarienA said:
But I thought you were due to be banned if we didn't get an announcement in 2 weeks?
Number 1. WTF has this got to do with the topic?
Number 2. Why should I be banned? Just because I make GreenGiant cry himself to sleep, he can't decide that I should be banned. Read the original thread.
Me being here = stuff like this, which I think is kinda interesting to read. Perhaps you disagree?
Well done for ignoring my points above too, you discussion gladiator you!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Folder said:
Number 1. WTF has this got to do with the topic?
Number 2. Why should I be banned? Just because I make GreenGiant cry himself to sleep, he can't decide that I should be banned. Read the original thread.
Well done for ignoring my points above too, you discussion gladiator you!

Parry! Thurst!

Nothing at all... I just was curling up and sleeping better at night knowing you'd be gone soon. ;)

Anyway my point was that EA is in the corporate world and you probably shouldn't go in further in... how many employees total in the offices you mentioned btw... and who would you say has worse leaks... EA... or MS?
Folder said:
Number 1. WTF has this got to do with the topic?
Number 2. Why should I be banned? Just because I make GreenGiant cry himself to sleep, he can't decide that I should be banned. Read the original thread.
Me being here = stuff like this, which I think is kinda interesting to read. Perhaps you disagree?
Well done for ignoring my points above too, you discussion gladiator you!

haha.. I am not drunk.. but your source tend to be. :O ooo the intrigue. You're going to get someone in trouble for posting this... but then of course.. they did send it out.


So this email is referring to the 'Black on Xbox 2' leak from gamesindustry.biz right?

Pretty funny how he's saying not to leak anything to the press and then the email gets leaked by 4 different people in a manner of minutes :lol


Unconfirmed Member
DarienA said:

You know it baby. :) My tapforwardlightpunch is a legend in the arcade*
*Am actually shit at SF3 - dammit - one day...

DarienA said:
Nothing at all... I just was curling up and sleeping better at night knowing you'd be gone soon. ;)

Well then you and GreenGiant are *made* for each other. I'm not even joking. Are you in the UK? He is, so here's hoping. Would this be the first GAF lovematch. OMG, I'm totally buying a new hat!

DarienA said:
Anyway my point was that EA is in the corporate world and you probably shouldn't go in further in... how many employees total in the offices you mentioned btw... and who would you say has worse leaks... EA... or MS?

Um, this doesn't make much sense.
As for who suffers more leaking, how on earth would I know? I can tell you that almost every international flight out of Seattle comprises about 50% MS employees, all getting drunk and in a chatty mood.


Folder said:
No one will say anything. Speaking to someone last night, it seems there might be some kind of announcement embargo in place until after the 'Cuber version.

Ain't that convenient?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Folder said:
Well then you and GreenGiant are *made* for each other. I'm not even joking. Are you in the UK? He is, so here's hoping. Would this be the first GAF lovematch. OMG, I'm totally buying a new hat!

Um, this doesn't make much sense.
As for who suffers more leaking, how on earth would I know? I can tell you that almost every international flight out of Seattle comprises about 50% MS employees, all getting drunk and in a chatty mood.

I'm curious to know the sizes of the EA offices... if it's a few offices with only like 10-20 people in each office then those are offices composed of REALLY chatty people... but if it's a few offices composed of a few hundred folk... then no... that's simply some chatty people. ;)

*tick* *tick* *tick*


Unconfirmed Member
xsarien said:
Ain't that convenient?
There's two threads about this already. As I said before, PM me.
And actually no it's not convenient, it's fucking annoying.


Unconfirmed Member
DarienA said:
I'm curious to know the sizes of the EA offices... if it's a few offices with only like 10-20 people in each office then those are offices composed of REALLY chatty people... but if it's a few offices composed of a few hundred folk... then no... that's simply some chatty people. ;)

*tick* *tick* *tick*

Look. I'm sure you're a big mover and shaker in the world of high finance but the rest of us are just normal Joes. Where do you get your quantification levels for info leaks?
And that's really not the point. The key point is that employees are aggressively leaking information for no reason than to cause trouble. The want to cause trouble for no reason other than the simple fact they hate the company they are employed by. This is somewhat unique in the games industry and seems a specific problem faced by EA management.


I support the employees. They have reasons, why they hate EA.

I want to know, what EA will do. Maybe the management will cut off their heads. :D


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Folder said:
Look. I'm sure you're a big mover and shaker in the world of high finance but the rest of us are just normal Joes. Where do you get your quantification levels for info leaks?
And that's really not the point. The key point is that employees are aggressively leaking information for no reason than to cause trouble. The want to cause trouble for no reason other than the simple fact they hate the company they are employed by. This is somewhat unique in the games industry and seems a specific problem faced by EA management.

I asked a question a bit earlier though. I'm curious to know where the connection is coming from that hate a company = leak info on the company. Leaks are pretty normal and they aren't always done because someone hates the company they work for. Are you working from prior knowledge that these specific people hate EA and THAT's why they are leaking or are you simply making the associate with leak=hate yourself?

Actually checking back I didn't type the question, my stupid browser blew up and when I retyped my post I forgot to put that question back in... which was really the only serious part of any of my posts in this thread... sorry. :(
This happens all over corporate America, it's not unique to EA. Hell, even we had a confidential FTC document leaked a year or two ago.


Unconfirmed Member
DJ Demon J said:
This happens all over corporate America, it's not unique to EA. Hell, even we had a confidential FTC document leaked a year or two ago.
It happens all over the corporate world.I t doesn't happen so much in the games industry. Most employees, especially as dev level, are as loyal to the cause as it's possible to find. EA, especially at dev level, has a shitload of people looking out for any chance to cause trouble. It was this key point I thought interesting...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Folder, this thread is more insightful into the tendency of game journalists to jump to conclusions than it is about any possible internal turmoil occurring at EA.
NOT at ALL unique to EA. EVen at companies LOVED by their employees, leaks happen. People love to play the expert and be the person with the exclusive information -- and they love credit for it, even if only a select few people know. They feel like they can influence the company by controlling the flow of what little exclusive information they possess. It's a power thing common to most folks, sorry; it's not because EA is hell (it might or might not be, but the fact here is that EA is big and notorious and little people like to play at being a big part of it).

Sorry, Folder, you've never worked in the game/software industry obviously -- this is the same industry that regularly LEAKS GOLD MASTERS of just about EVERY TITLE MADE to pirate groups. When you're the holder of knowledge geeks might covet, you're really inclined to gossip with it.


Gold Member
:lol :lol :lol

ahahaha this is hilarious.

Seriously though, what this tells me instantly is that the employees have no respect to the company and actually hate the company enough to leak harmful stuff on purpose. Not a good place to send a CV to, then! When the fighting spirit in where I work was lost at one point of time, we saw a lot of leaks - not such open hostility as in this case, however. Now that the spirit is high, no leaks at all, what so ever.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Sorry, Folder, you've never worked in the game/software industry obviously -- this is the same industry that regularly LEAKS GOLD MASTERS of just about EVERY TITLE MADE to pirate groups. When you're the holder of knowledge geeks might covet, you're really inclined to gossip with it.
Game, set and match.


Unconfirmed Member
kaching said:
Folder, this thread is more insightful into the tendency of game journalists to jump to conclusions than it is about any possible internal turmoil occurring at EA.
There have been two instances coming to light in *the past week* with employees going fucking crazy after working at EA. Remember the one where the woman is breaking down on the Internet explaining how the company had destroyed their lives. Then there was another, the details of which escape me right now. In. The. Past. Week.
Do you know anyone working at EA, especially in the lower regions of development? It's a fucking zoo.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Folder said:
There have been two instances coming to light in *the past week* with employees going fucking crazy after working at EA. Remember the one where the woman is breaking down on the Internet explaining how the company had destroyed their lives. Then there was another, the details of which escape me right now. In. The. Past. Week.
Do you know anyone working at EA, especially in the lower regions of development? It's a fucking zoo.

Wasn't one of those instances the wife of an employee? I didn't follow the thread only saw the title... oh ... and what DRINKY said....

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
If the guy who sent this email was smart, he would have sent a slightly different version of the email to each employee working at the studio that received this email... then he would know exactly who the person leaking the information was if the email was leaked (which it was). Who knows, maybe he did just that... but chances are he never even thought of it.


Unconfirmed Member
Drinky Crow said:
Sorry, Folder, you've never worked in the game/software industry obviously -- this is the same industry that regularly LEAKS GOLD MASTERS of just about EVERY TITLE MADE to pirate groups. When you're the holder of knowledge geeks might covet, you're really inclined to gossip with it.

Utter crap. The vast majority leaks of gold masters come after the master has left the studio/publisher sign off and is being pressed. Come on, you know this as well as I do.
Folder said:
Utter crap. The vast majority leaks of gold masters come after the master has left the studio/publisher sign off and is being pressed. Come on, you know this as well as I do.

This is correct. Not to say that leaks have never come from inside a game studio, but that's much more rare.


Unconfirmed Member
kaching said:
Game, set and match.
Please. Await the end of proceedings before announcing the 'winner'.
I know it's the American way of doing things but still...
Folder said:
Utter crap. The vast majority leaks of gold masters come after the master has left the studio/publisher sign off and is being pressed. Come on, you know this as well as I do.

IAWTP. scarily enough. Truth


Folder said:
Please. Await the end of proceedings before announcing the 'winner'.
I know it's the American way of doing things but still...

You're the one who first said "two weeks," and is now telling us to wait until RE4 for the Cube is released. We may be quick to judge, but you're the one constantly moving the "deadline."


Unconfirmed Member
xsarien said:
You're the one who first said "two weeks," and is now telling us to wait until RE4 for the Cube is released. We may be quick to judge, but you're the one constantly moving the "deadline."
There's two whole threads about this.
I said you could PM me and we could chat about it. Now I'm not so sure.
Did I mention there's two whole threads about this?
The game is being made and will be announced. The announcement date we were told may have been wrong/been moved whatever. Please again, read the other threads.
And stop crying

In other news my *fucking massive* Animal Crossing playset just landed. Screw you guys, I don't give two shits about EA and it's leaky pipes. Say what you like! I can now hold Tom Nook in the palm of my hand. OMG, OMG, there's wallpaper and everything.



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
IM Conversation from a minute ago.

Me: EA recently sent out a memo asking it's employees to cease with the leaks... from your view have they had more of a problem with leaks than other VG company's?

Friend at VG company: nope...people just give more of a shit, cuz it's EA


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Folder said:
There have been two instances coming to light in *the past week* with employees going fucking crazy after working at EA. Remember the one where the woman is breaking down on the Internet explaining how the company had destroyed their lives. Then there was another, the details of which escape me right now. In. The. Past. Week.
Do you know anyone working at EA, especially in the lower regions of development? It's a fucking zoo.
Yeah, and I remember that thread opening floodgates for others who relayed similar experiences from other game companies. It didn't turn out to be particularly unique to EA in any way.

Please. Await the end of proceedings before announcing the 'winner'.
I know it's the American way of doing things but still...
It's not the American way, its the Folder way. This thread is about irony, after all :)


Unconfirmed Member
DarienA said:
IM Conversation from a minute ago.

Me: EA recently sent out a memo asking it's employees to cease with the leaks... from your view have they had more of a problem with leaks than other VG company's?

Friend at VG company: nope...people just give more of a shit, cuz it's EA

Conclusive proof.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Folder said:
Conclusive proof.

Pretty much... people at Sony know everything going on in the entire VG world!!! It's like having one of those Eyes of Sauron with you!



I do think leaks are pretty common in this industry, but I think the leaks at EA are of a different nature than most. Most leaks happen because employees can't keep their mouths shut about something exciting in the pipeline. However, in the case of EA, I think it's just people not giving a shit, or in some cases, wanting to piss on the company in an act of civil disobedience.

So yes, why many leaks do happen, I think few happen with intent to harm or anger -- and I think that's what it happening at EA. (Evidenced by the fact that four different employees leaked a memo condemning that act itself...it's a big "fuck you.")

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
I came into this thread expecting ironing and feel cheated.
Folder said:
The game is being made and will be announced. The announcement date we were told may have been wrong/been moved whatever. Please again, read the other threads.
And stop crying\

so you are confirming RE4 Xbox again? I don't see why they'll announce PS2 but not xbox.. and leave it for a later date. Might as well tell their shareholders.. we'll port it to all consoles to maximise profits. Sounds dodgy; like you just made it up. Nbot hive minds. Attack and kill.
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