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"Easily Remaster Classic Games with NVIDIA RTX Remix"


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Absolute wizardry.

But still, I don't see myself ever using this. Games should be played (imho) as the devs intended. Messing around with the atmosphere and looks of an old game by injecting RTX into it could really alter the experience, which is not something I want when playing old games, or any games for that matter.

Still amazing to see this kind of stuff. Wonder what will nvidia come up next.

Sometimes, developers are limited by the technology of their time. Who's to say the released games are devs intended, especially if they made compromises and use other technical trickery to make the game perform well on consoles or to rush for deadline
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Crazy realistic
That's some Eldritch horror shit right there.


So sad, so few people will be able to enjoy this, in the light of the baffling outrageous price of the future.
The Future Vintage GIF
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aka IMurRIVAL69
Is this a one button switch or how do we go about doing this. Just saying "X" is possible is fine but doesn't wow me.
Other things are possible, doesn't mean they get done.

Quake 2 rtx - it looks like magic, and just a button press, but further investigation shows that it was built on a modded engine and with new high res textures.
IF you used the existing textures the rtx mod would not look good.
So i guess these will require teams of modders to make anything.
Then we wait and maybe we get something.

So that morrowind demo doesn't actually exist, its just a screen bait for sales....grrr.

I have a 3060ti so I am good, but the actual files need to be made to download.
Let us know when there is something to download, otherwise just pie in the sky for now.

IF i am wrong and this is a simple button press and "add rtx" then color me shocked, but I don't believe it until i see it on my pc.

You could’ve watched the video and got all the answers in the time it took you to make this post


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

In this video, we'll be testing out the RTX Remix on Morrowind, which includes DLSS in-2023.

Morrowind looks gorgeous, and the new graphics improvements really make the game stand out. We'll be playing the game on the PC and see how the new graphics stack up against the older versions of the game.

If you're a fan of the Elder Scrolls series and want to see how the new graphics improvements look in Morrowind, then this is the video for you!

RTX Remix is work on interior only But if you go outside the game will crash
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