How about this scenario
Lady taking doofy pugs out for morning walk on a trail, cuts through elementary school. One doofy pug starts running across the yard. She is completely in the wrong for not having her doofy pugs leashed.
Doofy pug runs at jogger, who has just come around a corner and is looking to cut through the same elementary school. Is startled by doofy animal running in its direction. Is mad because animals are not supposed to be unleashed, has been bitten by a little animal before, and kicks at the dog in an attempt to both shoo and vent frustration at being startled by something as stupid as a pug.
Kicks pug in head. Pug falls over dead. Woman who knows she shouldn't have had pug off the leash begins reacting, then overreacting, then spinning. Man who knows he shouldn't have kicked pug in the head calls police, and waits to explain it was off of a leash and scared him and also, he'd been bitten by a small dog before so there was precedent (or something like that)
Again, in this scenario - the question that seems to be hanging EVERYBODY up isn't that the woman had the pugs off the leash, because everyone agrees it's not only illegal, it's unsafe, and in this SPECIFIC case, it's unsafe FOR THE PUGS. The question that has everyone going rounds and throwing 'bows is "Is it justified and fair to kick a pug in the head to get it away from you while you're jogging."
That's the question.