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East Bay jogger kills 15-pound pug with a kick

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Dude stop. Your analogies aren't great and you are hung up on semantics. Leash laws are to protect all pets and all people. End of story.
Not end of story, you aren't the one who gets to dictate that. Honestly it's pretty ignorant that you're even trying. If you don't want a conversation opposing yours maybe you should just leave. Since the alternative is you just trying to silence other people.

I also never said that the woman wasn't partially at fault here, just that she's not the only one.
Losing a child is accidental. Taking your dog off its leash is intentional. Your analogy isn't even remotely close to being valid here.
Debatable, the lady who owned the dog said that the dog got away from her while trying to leash another dog. In that case it would be accidental. Either way my analogy makes sense.

So you're saying if a mother left her child at the park intentionally and the kid got abducted and murdered, the guy who murdered the kid would be blame free because the mother left her child at the park? I seriously doubt you believe that.


The autopsy isn't going to come back with anything because one wasn't even done. The dog was instantly cremated.

Not having your dog on a leash, you take the big chance that something terrible like this happens. It's entirely the owner's fault.

Good to know, so we can just go around killing dogs at will as long as they are not leashed? Well, because we are not the owners we bear no fault for our own actions? Man, what a world we live in.

I really love the mental gymnastics some of you are going through here to try and argue the guy truly needed to defend himself by kicking a small animal so hard he killed it and should bear zero responsibility for HIS actions. He COULD have simply moved away from the animal or you know stopped and waited for the owner to get her dog.


aka andydumi
I've kicked a small dog whilst jogging.

Me too, but I think it was trying to be friendly and jump along and it got tangled in my feet and got a kick. I felt bad about it.

I imagine a small dog like that can easily get severe injuries from a kick, whether intentional or not, even a weak kick from a jogger trying to jump around/away.
Aw fucking hell. I love pugs, they are literally the happiest dogs around. Probably just wanted to play with him :(

Hope the jogger gets some sort of charge against him.
That's because it's not a well-known fact.

Most dogs are friendly, but just like any other dogs, pugs can (and do) sometimes attack. Their teeth have no problem breaking skin.

In general, smaller dogs are more likely to attack because they are more likely to feel threatened by a larger human. This is magnified when the human doesn't know how to read a dog's body language and ends up doing something defensive which the dog sees as threatening.

Isn't it known that small dogs usually don't give a fuck about whether dogs are larger than them? I'm sure that's the same when it comes to humans. No, small dogs generally misbehave more often because they get treated like little babies and don't get proper training like bigger dogs.
Good to know, so we can just go around killing dogs at will as long as they are not leashed? Well, because we are not the owners we bear no fault for our own actions? Man, what a world we live in.

I really love the mental gymnastics some of you are going through here to try and argue the guy truly needed to defend himself by kicking a small animal so hard he killed it and should bear zero responsibility for HIS actions. He COULD have simply moved away from the animal or you know stopped and waited for the owner to get her dog.

Or, you know, he didn't intend to hurt the dog and was just shooing it away and it was an unfortunate accident. Which is totally the same thing as killing a dog on purpose out of a hate of dogs without leashes.

You're implying the man maliciously kicked the dog, which there's no evidence that points to that being the case. It seems more likely it was unintended or an accident and the woman is either trying to get compensated or is distressed and doesn't want to blame herself for being careless.
Good to know, so we can just go around killing dogs at will as long as they are not leashed? Well, because we are not the owners we bear no fault for our own actions? Man, what a world we live in.
If a dog attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself.

Someone is at fault here, and it's not the jogger.


could have been worse



A murderer has intent.

This was a dog going up to an unknown human and a human being confronted by an unknown animal.

We teach kids to look both ways before crossing the street, it is not law but it protects the kids and drivers on the road.

Leashes protect the dog and everyone else in the area.
A pug? I could understand if it was some little yappy rat dog, but dumb-ass bug-eyed pugs?

I was walking on a sidewalk in Santa Monica when some couple and their dog (on a leash) are walking in the opposite direction. It's some little yappy rat dog, the kind that always seems to have some sort of inferiority complex or something. Anyway, I'm literally just walking by, and the dog comes over and bites my leg just above the ankle.

It happened so fast that I didn't even realize it until they were several steps behind. Didn't break skin but left a pretty good indentation and bruise.

I actually wanted to kick the owners more than the dog, though.


Isn't it known that small dogs usually don't give a fuck about whether dogs are larger than them? I'm sure that's the same when it comes to humans. No, small dogs generally misbehave more often because they get treated like little babies and don't get proper training like bigger dogs.
Definitely agree with you. Never a bad dog, only bad owners. Of course a huge generalisation but seriously majority of the time it's due to bad owners and people treating small dogs like their babies, not training them properly,ect.
Aw fucking hell. I love pugs, they are literally the happiest dogs around. Probably just wanted to play with him :(

Hope the jogger gets some sort of charge against him.

There's no evidence a crime was even committed. What could they possibly charge him with and what evidence could they possibly use to do so, let alone get a conviction? The same amount of evidence exists that this man brutally kicked a dog to death out of hate as there is that the dog attacked his legs and he was kicking it away. As is to say, nothing.

The owner had the body destroyed without an autopsy. Which I find kind of suspicious, but whatever. There isn't even evidence the dog died from the kick. With the jogger taking all necessary steps after the incident (alerting the police), it'll be next to impossible to do anything criminally against him.
At the end of the day the lady should keep her dogs on leashes of she's knows they're the type to run up to people and she can't really put any blame on the guy who just had a random animal running towards him from his pov. You guys saying he should be charged or something are ridiculous.
That said, the guy does need to grow a pair of he's that threatened by a pug.


Imagine how the surviving dog must feel right now. It's confused as to why its best pup pal is no longer around, and will never see her again :(


Definitely agree with you. Never a bad dog, only bad owners. Of course a huge generalisation but seriously majority of the time it's due to bad owners and people treating small dogs like their babies, not training them properly,ect.

Huge issue with the little dogs. A lot of owners believe the small dogs are just playing because 10 pounds jumping on you is no issue compared to a 75 pound dog. It really reinforces bad behavior.


What a fucking asshole. Why? Why? Why not just ignore the dog. Fucking douche. If that was my dog and I saw that I would have probably end up in prison.


This is the owner's fault. Keep your dog on a leash unless you are certain it's OK.
So say I'm at a park with my dog (she weighs 12 pounds) and I am playing fetch with her. A jogger comes by, and being the people loving dog she is, she runs up to jogger. The jogger becomes startled and then stomps on her back, breaking her spine and killing her.

I'm a shitty dog owner because of that?


Not saying he is innocent but just to put in perspective.

"animal phobias are among the most common of the specific phobias and 36% of patients who seek treatment report being afraid of dogs or cats.[3] Although snakes and spiders are more common animal phobias, cynophobia is especially debilitating because of the high prevalence of dogs (in the United States estimated at over 62 million in 2003)[4] and the general ignorance of dog owners to the phobia. "

This is wikipedia so take it how you will but fear of dogs is not some incredibly rare condition that only 2 people in the world have.


Or, you know, he didn't intend to hurt the dog and was just shooing it away and it was an unfortunate accident. Which is totally the same thing as killing a dog on purpose out of a hate of dogs without leashes.

You're implying the man maliciously kicked the dog, which there's no evidence that points to that being the case. It seems more likely it was unintended or an accident and the woman is either trying to get compensated or is distressed and doesn't want to blame herself for being careless.

I want to know what fucking plane of existence you live in where ANY sane human being could see his actions as "shooing" a dog away. Yes, he totally just brushed the dog away as a soft little love boop and the pug fell over dead. He totally did not rear back and kick the dog hard enough to do enough damage it fell over and died. Use some fucking common sense.

I want this piece of shit to be interviewed and try and explain with a straight face why he was so fearful of his life he had to defend himself in such a manner. I would love to see the severe injuries he sustained from this viscous animal where he had no other choice but to drop the rock bottom on the dog.

If a dog attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself.

Someone is at fault here, and it's not the jogger.
I'm eagerly awaiting your links to injuries the jogger sustained while having to defend himself to the point of killing a 15 pound killing machine.


I almost want to give the shitty dude the benefit of the doubt, because shitty dog owners justify their shit, dumbfuck decisions in every way they can. I'm more willing to believe a guy got startled by a random dog running at him and reacted instinctively than that he went out of his way to kick a pug, which is what the owner claims.

Maybe I've just had way too many experiences with imbecilic dipshits that don't have their dogs on a leash.

Honestly, I feel this way too. Guy was rounding the corner and a loose dog ran up to him. I'd understand if he was startled and kicked out to protect himself. And it didn't have to be a hard kick. Just a couple of weeks ago, my eight year old mini schnauzer fell off the porch and died instantly. We were shocked. She must have broken her neck or something.

I would say it was 70% the owner's fault for not having it leashed.


Huge issue with the little dogs. A lot of owners believe the small dogs are just playing because 10 pounds jumping on you is no issue compared to a 75 pound dog. It really reinforces bad behavior.
Yeah parents have a small Staffy at the moment blue English and they have treated it like their own baby, tried to train it when I come visit but without them actually doing it themselves it now has a bit of a complex. "Ohhhh he's just a baby" really tired of that phrase, taught him sit when be has 8 weeks old dogs should be trained and showed good behavior as early as possible. But comments like "He's just a baby" then treat dogs like they are end up having behaviours you regret or frankly put up with simply because it's your dog.

Back on topic why are people saying "The Dog attacked him" I don't see it anywhere in the article it is just justification for kicking this small do. Even if it wasn't hard I'm amazed some are outright admitting they have kicked dogs before :/


Sad story. I really feel for the dog owner and the dog.

However, if you have your dog unleashed in public, you are the one responsible for what happens to it and what it does to other people. No, it doesn't give license for anybody to attack your pet, but a leashed dog won't get into that sort of trouble.

We don't know the circumstances that well. We had some biased reports of the situation. The only thing we know for certain is that the dog was loose and that it was close enough to the jogger to be kicked. Whether the jogger went after the dog (highly unlikely) or the dog was persistent enough in its pursuit that the jogger felt the need to kick at it, it's all secondary to the fact that the dog was loose.

I imagine that the kick stopped the dog's heart. A sharp blow can do that to small animals. Sad stuff.

Edit: It doesn't take a huge blow to kill a small dog. I know someone who accidentally killed a small dog that came after him and all he had was an empty poster tube. Yeah, a hollow cardboard tube. He didn't even swing with full strength, but he hit the dog on the head and it died right there. He felt awful about it for years.
Not saying he is innocent but just to put in perspective.

"animal phobias are among the most common of the specific phobias and 36% of patients who seek treatment report being afraid of dogs or cats.[3] Although snakes and spiders are more common animal phobias, cynophobia is especially debilitating because of the high prevalence of dogs (in the United States estimated at over 62 million in 2003)[4] and the general ignorance of dog owners to the phobia. "

This is wikipedia so take it how you will but fear of dogs is not some incredibly rare condition that only 2 people in the world have.

Fear is not a good reason to hurt or kill something.


A murderer has intent.

This was a dog going up to an unknown human and a human being confronted by an unknown animal.

We teach kids to look both ways before crossing the street, it is not law but it protects the kids and drivers on the road.

Leashes protect the dog and everyone else in the area.

He was charging at a jogger who just came "quickly" around the corner. "Going up" seems to put things the mild way.


So say I'm at a park with my dog (she weighs 12 pounds) and I am playing fetch with her. A jogger comes by, and being the people loving dog she is, she runs up to jogger. The jogger becomes startled and then stomps on her back, breaking her spine and killing her.

I'm a shitty dog owner because of that?

I see where you are coming from. I guess this one is more difficult because we have no video evidence to define the Tap/Kick the runner did. If he smashed her spine like your situation I am all for having the same thing done to him.


I see where you are coming from. I guess this one is more difficult because we have no video evidence to define the Tap/Kick the runner did. If he smashed her spine like your situation I am all for having the same thing done to him.

And BPoole still broke the law. So yes, a shitty owner.


Nothing like a pet thread to bring out the internet tough guy routine.

The jogger fucked up, the owner fucked up. Of course, that's assuming it wasn't malicious. We'll never know since it's apparently just the two of them disputing the facts.

But you people that are trying to honestly suggest brutal assault on someone for hurting your dog are out of your goddamn minds. Your dog is not a person, and it is not a child. You have every right to be pissed off, file charges, and/or chew someone out for such a thing. You absolutely do not have the right to beat the shit out of them or any of the other nonsense people are writing here, nor would the law be on your side if you did.

Pretty much

LOL at all the tough guys "I would pummle them", "I would end up in prison", "I would end their life" blah, blah, blah... how about if you care so much about your "baby" you keep it on a leash.

I tell you what, have your dog off a leash and let it runs towards me. I'll kick the shit out of it and lets see what you do? See how that tough guy game works.

And then we have people who are comparing children to dogs. *smh*


I want to know what fucking plane of existence you live in where ANY sane human being could see his actions as "shooing" a dog away. Yes, he totally just brushed the dog away as a soft little love boop and the pug fell over dead. He totally did not rear back and kick the dog hard enough to do enough damage it fell over and died. Use some fucking common sense.

Given that there was no autopsy on the dog, it could have been anything. The owner had the dog cremated before an autopsy could be done to determine cause of death.

Honestly, I feel this way too. Guy was rounding the corner and a loose dog ran up to him. I'd understand if he was startled and kicked out to protect himself. And it didn't have to be a hard kick. Just a couple of weeks ago, my eight year old mini schnauzer fell off the porch and died instantly. We were shocked. She must have broken her neck or something.

I would say it was 70% the owner's fault for not having it leashed.


Sad to hear. Grew up with two mini Schnauzers. They're like little tanks.

When we changed homes in high school, the new one didn't have a back deck when we moved in (so there was a good half-story drop out the back door to the ground). One day my sister's dog saw my Dad feeding birds and darted out the back door without looking.

She hung in he air for a second before falling to the ground. We were all worried that she had broken something, but nope. Dog got up, looked at us like we were insane, and proceeded to chase away the birds and eat the bread Dad had thrown out.
Good reason to defend yourself, though which, from his story is what was his intention.

lol defense from a 15 pound dog.

Pretty much

LOL at all the tough guys "I would pummle them", "I would end up in prison", "I would end their life" blah, blah, blah... how about if you care so much about your "baby" you keep it on a leash.

I tell you what, have your dog off a leash and let it runs towards me. I'll kick the shit out of it and lets see what you do? See how that tough guy game works.

And then we have people who are comparing children to dogs. *smh*

lol speaking of tough guys.


So say I'm at a park with my dog (she weighs 12 pounds) and I am playing fetch with her. A jogger comes by, and being the people loving dog she is, she runs up to jogger. The jogger becomes startled and then stomps on her back, breaking her spine and killing her.

I'm a shitty dog owner because of that?

If you can't call her back she shouldn't be off leash. If it's not a dog park she probably shouldn't be off leash either. If it is a dog park and events go as you described then it would be the jogger's fault because it's not reasonable to be surprised by a dog off leash at a dog park. But really you've changed the circumstances a bit from the OP.


Pretty much

LOL at all the tough guys "I would pummle them", "I would end up in prison", "I would end their life" blah, blah, blah... how about if you care so much about your "baby" you keep it on a leash.

I tell you what, have your dog off a leash and let it runs towards me. I'll kick the shit out of it and lets see what you do? See how that tough guy game works.

And then we have people who are comparing children to dogs. *smh*

I love your internet tough guy routine yourself. Maybe you should read up on your local animal cruelty laws.
Yeah he should have just probably let the dog bite him next time.

Falling over and scrapping his knee probably would have hurt more than being bit by a small pug.

See if you're willing to get bit by one.

I'm a HUGE dog lover, but for some people the fear of being bit by a dog, of any size, is overpowering. I've met plenty of people who are terrified of even the most tame dog.

Again: Fear is not a good reason to kick the shit out of something.
Pretty much

LOL at all the tough guys "I would pummle them", "I would end up in prison", "I would end their life" blah, blah, blah... how about if you care so much about your "baby" you keep it on a leash.

I tell you what, have your dog off a leash and let it runs towards me. I'll kick the shit out of it and lets see what you do? See how that tough guy game works.

And then we have people who are comparing children to dogs. *smh*
I love how people keep slyly trying to imply that comparing dogs to children is bad with this passive aggressiveness, but no one has pointed out why it's such a bad comparison.

Also, it's hilarious that you're talking about other people being tough guys and then sit and brag on the internet about how you would kick the shit out of a 15lb dog. You might as well be bragging that you're not afraid to punch an orphan.


lol defense from a 15 pound dog.

lol speaking of tough guys.

It's called phobia for a reason. An unreasonable fear of something.

Not everyone has undying love for dogs.

Some people here really have to broaden their perspectives a bit and try to understand the joggers reasoning before crucifying him.


Pretty much

LOL at all the tough guys "I would pummle them", "I would end up in prison", "I would end their life" blah, blah, blah... how about if you care so much about your "baby" you keep it on a leash.

I tell you what, have your dog off a leash and let it runs towards me. I'll kick the shit out of it and lets see what you do? See how that tough guy game works.

And then we have people who are comparing children to dogs. *smh*

Pretty much.

1st your dog attacks me then you try? Good luck internet tough guy.
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