Yeah the idiot fanbase might have pushed it, but I think most of us now that is Bosman's shtick. The SIFTD one had me rolling though.
Anyone who takes this stuff that seriously has a problem with themselves, not Bosman.
Yeah the idiot fanbase might have pushed it, but I think most of us now that is Bosman's shtick. The SIFTD one had me rolling though.
Anyone who takes this stuff that seriously has a problem with themselves, not Bosman.
Anyone who takes this stuff that seriously has a problem with themselves, not Bosman.
Finally getting around to the podcast. Glad they were wrong about Neo being at E3, with House's comments today.
Kyle's right though. They need to talk about Neo very soon. They're just making the mistake of not mentioning the elephant in the room.
Yeah I get that. Maybe it is farther away than anyone thinks though.
Yeah it sounds like it now. Also, if the leaks hadn't happened then sure, they're right to not talk about it until it's closer to the date.
But right now, I think they need to clear the air a bit. They don't need a full revel but maybe something similar to what Reggie said last year about the NX. "It's real but we're not ready to talk about it"
Okay, Brandon Jones comments on Siege was just objectively wrong. Has he played a second of that game?
It's one of the best shooters of the generation and easily the most unique and wouldn't work as episodic as it's essentially a Hero shooter. It's like saying launch Overwatch with just Genji and Bastion and then release the other characters episodically. Just no. Also, there's a very strong cult following of the game, just because the wider spectrum isn't talking about it, doesn't mean nobody is.
This is sort of what I mean by I wish if the guys aren't massively interested in a game or don't know a lot about it, just don't really talk about it.
God fucking dammit!!!!
That SIFTD line. Ooft!
These bets have inspired me to do something similar with my brother during the Euros.
If Giroud scores tonight I have to log into his PSN account and play a PES2016 game online every day for the rest of the month to bump up his MyClub points. If Giroud fails to score he has to finish Dark Souls 3 by the end of the month.
so, after the E3 hype of that last Frame Trap and the anticipation of the E3 bet specials, my friends and I got our own little betting game too over here.
got an image for you guys about our bets:
some of them are in spanish because in my free-writting I tend to mix a lot bot languages since I find that funny. I will have to write a review of Super Meat Boy if I lose these bets
God fucking dammit!!!!
Kyle's right though. They need to talk about Neo very soon. They're just making the mistake of not mentioning the elephant in the room.
I took it as him not wanting them to devalue the existing PS4 that everyone has in their home already... Tell us what it is but don't make it seem like it's an essential upgrade and that we'll be totally missing out by not spending the hundreds of dollars to, well, keep up with the JonesesWhile we're on the subject, Brandon's point that Sony shouldn't try to sell us on the Neo was weird. It seemed like he was suggesting they pull a Xbone DRM style announcement, by rushing through it and hoping people don't get pissed. Sounds like the worst possible way to announce it, especially for people like me in the middle who aren't upset it's coming out but need a reason to actually buy it. I'm not in the habit of buying consoles just for the sake of having them.
I am curious what their 5pm show on Tuesday is about.
Also, we don't know which allies are at which conference discussion do we?
I took it as him not wanting them to devalue the existing PS4 that everyone has in their home already... Tell us what it is but don't make it seem like it's an essential upgrade and that we'll be totally missing out by not spending the hundreds of dollars to, well, keep up with the Joneses
(unfortunate colloquialism and subject matter overlap)
While we're on the subject, Brandon's point that Sony shouldn't try to sell us on the Neo was weird. It seemed like he was suggesting they pull a Xbone DRM style announcement, by rushing through it and hoping people don't get pissed. Sounds like the worst possible way to announce it, especially for people like me in the middle who aren't upset it's coming out but need a reason to actually buy it. I'm not in the habit of buying consoles just for the sake of having them.
I took it as him not wanting them to devalue the existing PS4 that everyone has in their home already... Tell us what it is but don't make it seem like it's an essential upgrade and that we'll be totally missing out by not spending the hundreds of dollars to, well, keep up with the Joneses
(unfortunate colloquialism and subject matter overlap)
did the bets thread on GAF get deleted ?? can't find it anymore
Funny, I had trouble finding it the other day too. Link:
I've fallen a bit behind on the thread due to exams this week. Anything interesting happen over the past few pages?
Also, super excited about Bosman on Keighleys show!
WEbsite is up. Bets. New Huber Syndrome episode.
I like the new site. Simple and clean.
Thanks for the info, man!
I saw the bets, couldn't resist when Patreon told me on my phone, so took a little study break for that![]()
They really should do a youtube video.
It worked out really well for promoting their eza plays channel.
Honestly, without gaf, I would have no idea they even have a site.
lol, Shawn Layden just dropped into the stream chat.
He is always on their streams pretending to be shawn Layden, usually people ignore him and pay attention only when some of the EZA guys notice him, lol.
They really should do a youtube video.
It worked out really well for promoting their eza plays channel.
Honestly, without gaf, I would have no idea they even have a site.
Giant Bomb conversation on the stream is getting a bit heated, lol.
I felt like Ben was responding more to the people here on GAF and elsewhere that manage to take offense to Huber (et al)'s excitement about games.It's silly. Giant Bomb isn't a group of video-game hating cynics, and the chat parroting out-of-context Gerstmann quotes to rile up EZA is just frustrating.
It's silly. Giant Bomb isn't a group of video-game hating cynics, and the chat parroting out-of-context Gerstmann quotes to rile up EZA is just frustrating.
I felt like Ben was responding more to the people here on GAF and elsewhere that manage to take offense to Huber (et al)'s excitement about games.