What if Battleborn is the new Dota?
Only if Randy discovers real magic.
What if Battleborn is the new Dota?
This stream makes me so happy. Feels like home
If you already have a GT logo and want it replaced, I need the original avatar, so please chance it back.
Can i get the logo too? Thx
Same. Can't remember the last time I smiled and laughed so much while watching TV on my own.
And real news from the stream yet?
Damn I'm gonna have to miss most of the stream now. Will be able to catch the end though luckily.
and the next ones:
and the next ones:
They said archiving is on.This is being archived right?
hey Philippo! I miss the FFXV threads
Is that ok for avatar badges?
I used their logo from youtube as base and cut out the black parts. Or should it with the black background?
edit: cleaned it up a bit
The monopoly music fits the stream too perfectly.
Thanks Bittercup, you a real Beauty Boi!
They comin' back brother, BELIEVE!
Got busy and the latest XV news were meh but i'm sure things will ramp up in the next few days
Some more:
If you already have a GT logo and want it replaced, I need the original avatar, so please chance it back. I have some still saved but not all of them.
That's why I skipped some requests. Or please state if you want it in addition to the GT logo.
Sophie is Ben's new Best Girl.
Dat OP!