So I'll drop my more detailed thoughts on Hall of Greats, their picks and arguments now.
Still love the format and still wish people had more time either for introducing their game but even more for the questions. I understand very well that there are atleast two reasons why the times are restricted like this, so I guess it's okay. Still a bit bummer sometimes when someone has a lot to say.
Huber's pick: Slow starts can give a bad first impressions about the game, but in the end it's okay if the rest makes up for it. Somebody might drop the game before it gets good, but that doesn't define the game's overall quality. I have no experience what so ever with the franchise so this pick didn't really do anything for me.
Don's pick: This came out of the left field but was most welcomed pick. I loved how Don was getting down to the brass tacks with his presentation, unfortunately the time was so limited. And maybe the expamples and comparisons were bit too deep and complex for the crowd, when they aren't as experienced with similar games as Don seems to be. I guess that led to the Kyle's question "how is this all fun?" which is ofcourse a decent question. But overall, this game didn't have a chance with this group. I also already dropped the series at this point (I'm more of a Tropico guy), so my Sim City introduction would had been the first game.
Brandon's pick: Brandon saying "it only got better" is a bit tricky. While yes the franchise has been overall improving, some aspects of it haven't reached it's heights again. The criticism about the leveling was really odd, it's part of the learning experience. You don't go into the raids to learn basic movement. You learn stuff bit by bit while leveling up. And the possibilty to skip leveling content I feel is more aimed at people who already have gone through that, multiple times. While ofcourse the point about getting to play fast with your friends is also true. Then there are people who are coming back after a long break, it benefits them too. It's a positive not a negative in the game. Also there was the low level content overhaul with Cataclysm where they re-did areas and changed quests, that made it fresher for old players and it was better content for newcomers. Wow being on life support or dying is something we've been hearing for over 10 years now. And it's never been true, the game dies when Blizzard wants to pull the plug not before. It still has millions of active subscripers paying monthly. It's not something other games really can do. Brandon dropped the ball on defending this and I guess that shows in the result of it being banned now. Even Damiani had better arguments for it and it wasn't even his pick. Disgraceful. Legion is the only expansion I haven't played and I'm really not that interested either. But me not being interested anymore has more to do with the unhealthy amount of time I put in it, rather than the game being bad.
Kyle's pick: While I love 2D Zeldas, I never had a Game Boy so no experience with this one. He made compelling arguments and what he talked about story was really convincing.
Brad's / Damiani's pick: First of all it was a bummer that 2 people had accidentally the same game. But atleast it was Mario 64, it's the first one of these games I would include in the Hall of Greats. For 3D platformers or 3rd person 3D it sure was a milestone. But if we are talking about 3D games overall, there already were games that were true 3D and great to play like Quake for example. This is a nitpick to Brad's argument about doing 3D right. I have nothing else since the game is indeed so good.
Blood's pick: So last time I wished games wouldn't appear two times in a row. But I'll allow it since those "visual aids" Blood delivered more than made up for it! I have fond memories of Street Fighter 2 and regard it as a flagship of the genre. I just haven't been so big on fighters since the OG Xbox days. Latest I've bought was Skullgirls. Also the dig by Brad was poorly thought I feel, since as Ben confirmed there was 6 button controller available even on that platform.
Ben's pick: Ben gave truly an excellent speech, I could have listened to it for hours more. You are an inspiration Ben and someone I look up to. If I'd just rate the arguments, Ben would blow everyone out of the water. And the game itself, brilliant indeed. I'm not very into anime aesthetic myself. But as Ben said, it's much more, it looks beautiful. Also the talk about the themes and story was almost moving. This maybe was amplified with my own experience with the game. Which I unfortunately haven't finished. Played it for 25 hours, got frustrated on some mission for it's difficulty and haven't yet gone back to see it through. But hearing Ben talk, made me regret not doing so. I remember the tank battle Kyle mentioned too, it was bit tricky to get through indeed. Besides Don, Ben's segment especially was the one where I wanted there to be more time for sure.
Ian's pick: Another game I have no experience with, only with the earlier entries. But as I said earlier, there really was nothing admirable in Sotn being voice acted. It had been done many times way before and had been done properly. What I agree 100% that sprite art has aged much better and imo even looked way better at the time than early 3D. The player being able to exploit game mechanics is a flaw in a game imo, I understand that some people might like it. There's often be complaints in line of "they don't the game to be fun" when dev fixes something that community has been exploiting.
So nobody read all the way through here, but my points for Hall of Greats nominees would've been: 3 points Mario 64 2 points World of Warcraft 1 point would be either Valkyria Chronicles or Sim City 4. I can't fully endorse 4 without playing it, but as a franchise I feel it deserves a spot more than VC. Ben and Don also had my favorite arguments so it's really hard to choose.
Those are smaller games with much smaller budgets but fair is fair, PC version is announced. I expect it to be PS4/PC but I just wouldn't be surprised if the PC version is canned given how development seems to be moving on it.
The PC version would actually be the first big Sony owned IP on PC and running Sony's first party engine to boot.
Yeah that's all true. It's more about me clutching on the old, and to be honest, vague info than actual clear confirmation. I don't think anyone is surprised why somebody would do that regarding this game. =P Death Stranding is probably one of the most awaited upcoming games in the world right now with Red Dead 2.