Bloodworth has disagreed with that multiple times with the stats he sees on YouTube.
I was on the fence about Rime and it just convinced me that I need it so it worked for me? And what Budi said, it's still got its Nintendo release coming up
I don't know if I'll do PS4 or switch tho. I would like to wait and see if switch has any porting problems
Also Jones has mentioned multiple times he likes to have a library of reviews for the people that don't go out and buy games day one, which is a category I certainly fall into and many others do too. When I first found Gametrailers I was two years late to the Wii and watched all of their Wii reviews to find out what I wanted to buy
You understand that a lot of people don't play games on day one right? A lot of people are buying games in sales.
I don't see a problem with them publishing reviews after the game came out. People are searching for reviews of older games all the time. Also I like to hear what EZA thinks about the game.
I was going to get Rime day one from when it was first announced, but after Sony dropping them and because it take so long before the game came out, I was afraid it would be a mediocre game. So I didn't pre-order it (with 10% or 20% off on PSN). Now I am waiting until they have a sale (I am sure it is worth full price, but I am not going to pay more then what I should have payed for it in pre-order). But it looks fantastic (like I hoped it would, I just didn't want to be burned by it).
What? lol
I haven't played or seen anything Rime but when I do, I want it to be EZA's review.
Their review literally made me want to go buy the game this weekend.
I disagree with you. Other fans disagree with you. EZA themselves disagree with you. The Rime review didn't take the place of another review or anything else. So what's the point in complaining?
It isn't "wasting time." More content is better than less content. Always.
I think their time would be better spent in other places than reviewing a 2 month old game.
Ben has also said in this very thread that it's something they've been trying to work on. Clearly not so much.