Del Toro would have casted someone Japanese.
To be fair, they did cast a black woman to play Hellboy's love interest, who was white in the comics, so it's not like they're white washing all the characters. This guy is def an odd choice, though, since he always plays kinda the douche character, at least from what I've seen, and that's not really Daimio.
I feel bad for him because he didn't cast himself.
Boneheaded move on the studios part, The BPRD is vast and diverse enough that they didn't have to go this route.
but would this movie get made without the star power of ed skrein
Maybe they had to. When you get the chance to sign the star of the Transporter reboot, you can't really turn that down.
Yeah but still would have to audition and accept the role.
The world basically cast Ed Skrein, hes the person people want to see in this role.You try selling this movie to other countries without Ed Skrein's built in fanbase as a fallback.
Eh, I see where you're coming from and I get that, but to me that's more of an issue on the casting director to begin with. A paycheck is a paycheck for an actor sometimes.
It's weird though, I could see him playing a different role easily, and they could've cast an Asian American actor for the part quite readily.
had to google who ed skrein is
seems too young for daimio's character, isn't daimio a vietnam war veteran? or korean war? or was it gulf war?
It has to be a jungle war if they bring in his power from the comics.It'll be Afghanistan probably. Writers are lucky we keep having wars for when they update their characters.
It has to be a jungle war if they bring in his power from the comics.
I guess they can re-write it since they'll probably not focus on him too much, though.
Last movie came out in 2008.So the new hellboy movie is actually a reboot? For crissakes, I'm tired of all these short term reboots
You know it's funny growing up in a small town that had a large Asian population Asians could be your best friend, Asians could date your sister, Asians would babysit your kids.
But in movies it was always kung fu and noodles.
Yeah but still would have to audition and accept the role.
I couldn't be more out if you paid me to not see it.Bc they couldn't compromise with del Toro and perlman. If that wasn't cynical enough for me, this bs sealed the deal in my non-interest lol
I'm fine with racebending characters in order to achieve a creator's vision, get a different take on the character, or for better representation, being more inclusive, and providing more opportunities, but I don't get race bending an underrepresented minority character to a White character in an overrepresented predominately White cast film.
The easiest way to fix it is to cast another major/supporting White character as an Asian American in this film.
No one can tell me that Ed Skrein was the best they could find. I've seen his movies.
This is him.
This is the character he is portraying.
What? Are you serious? You couldn't find a single Japanese-American? Not one?
I thought I was the only oneI look at this image and the first word that comes to mind is Japan. They nailed it.
Hollywood be like
That's the thing! He can't act! It's perplexing!
Inb4 Emma Stone.
Why? you fumble a lay up.
Watch it be grim dark for no reasonI've been trying to tell people since that Milla casting came out. This movie is on some straight to video tier casting. But not going with an Asian actor is pretty baffling here.