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EDF Insect Armageddon |OT| There is no magnifying glass big enough


Man, I've got this sitting in a bag behind me at work waiting to be played when I get home. Your list of stuff sounds really disappointing. Unlimited spawns from nowhere? What the hell? Ant hills are a QTE? What the hell?

To be fair, I have two other friends who have this, so multiplayer will hopefully make up for any shortcomings.
Ant hills are not a QTE. You go up to them and hit the action button (always the same button) to plant a charge. There is no timing involved although you do have to have sit there for a few seconds.


Sketchbook Picasso
Brashnir, are you playing the game single player, split screen, or online 3p?

Things like infinite-spawns between waypoints, and the bomb placement to kill ant hills... they really work perfectly fine for multiplayer. I rather like the rush of sneaking my Battle armor in, and using my energy explosion to thin the enemies near an ant hill, followed by relying on the cover of my teammates to give me enough time to plant the explosive.

If everyone could just, say, pick Jets, sit on a building, and kill the thing without ever needing to go near it, that'd be kinda bleh, given the different classes.

They smartly built in functionality that gave their armor class decisions some purpose. This particular EDF isn't just about shooting with yourself and 1 other friend. It's also about skill management, specialization, and teamwork, all with changes to the framework that support the new elements.

Except for stringing multiple old stages into 1 new set area, the mission objectives don't really bother me. There were quite a few times in 2017 where I wondered why I was kicked out of a map, only to go out, switch stuff, and go through more loading, to be in the same basic area. (Like that 3 part underground cave mission to destroy the queen.) I don't think my enjoyment of the game would change, if each of these checkpoints was broken up into a seperate mission, really. It'd just make me stare at more loading screens...

I'm easy to please with controls, so I can't chime in on that too much. I can say I STILL want to reload with the triggers and L/R buttons however. Pushing in the analog stick for running and rolling would have been nice, but I guess having it all on buttons... give you the option to use an arcade stick too? (LoL, like anyone should want to?)

I agree with the "Bullet sponge" UFOs and such, though. While I do think they needed to be adjusted for multiplayer, I'd have prefered there to be more of them, rather than few with stronger armor. Or maybe just making each port destroyable seperately, rather than giving them flat-out more heath.

The auto-save hasn't been a problem for me yet. I've never noticed having to go back through a stage again, when quitting out from splitscreen multi. Sounds like maybe a glitch? I always quite from the results screen, and have not had an issue.

And the only time mission position has bugged me, is when those bomber spiders go outside the stage, and STAY there. Yeah, that's pretty annoying. Never had an issue otherwise, however; I normally just meet the checkpoint, and then pick my own personal position for fighting afterwards. Save for the Big spiders, and items getting stuck outside of the stage barrier (nooo, my wep drop!), which has only happened once or twice in almost 10,000 kills, it's never been an issue.

I wonder if playing the older EDFs would have made me more jaded? Coming off R.A.D and EDF, I feel like I have a good appreciation of sandlots design style (which I enjoy quite a lot), but I don't feel it's so strong that I hate any changes to it. This EDF is missing a lot of what I liked about 2017 (Save for "Ops", the teammates aren't anywhere NEAR as memorable, and the story is REALLY missing a lot of the heart that the old "You'll pay for making me lose my family!" grief that the old soldiers gave off), it makes up for it in ways I wouldn't have expected to work for the franchise.

I'm impressed with how much some moments feel JUST like 2017 (Exploding bugs causing them to fly up-back, while sometimes staying in neutral stance, staring you down, proving their superiority, lol... or pausing the game, to watch as a flaming corpse ROCKETS off both splitscreens, due to a suprising, random impact), as if these different devs knew EXACTLY what they were doing at some points, to where it's creepy.

So yeah, in closing, can't agree with the game being "bad"; it brought back exactly the feeling my brother and I had while playing 2017, or watching each other play through the story of R.A.D. It added some modern day lumps (B.sponges!). but band-aid's them up with some satisfying gameplay changes (class specialization and customization!), that more-or-less equals "More EDF! More EDF!"


Brashnir said:
-The Autosave. If you quit the game after completing a mission, you have to replay that mission upon returning to the game. What. The. Fuck. This is such a ridiculous issue that it baffles me that it made it anywhere near a commercial product. Bizarrely, it saves your XP, Credits, and weapons, but not the fact that you beat the level. Since I can only stomach about 2 levels of this shitfest in a sitting, it means I've basically had to play every level twice now. I have to play it a second time upon returning, then get through one new level after that, and then I can't stand any more and shut it off. Rinse, repeat.

Press left or right on the dpad when selecting to cycle levels you've completed.


SAB CA said:
Brashnir, are you playing the game single player, split screen, or online 3p?

So far, only single player. I played the previous games in a combo of Splitscreen and co-op, and enjoyed both, though I definitely enjoyed co-op more, especially on Inferno. This game is just a completely unenjoyable slog in single-player.

Phthisis said:
Press left or right on the dpad when selecting to cycle levels you've completed.

I did. The most recently-finished level isn't selectable. Only the previous one.

edit - and on my most recent attempt it appears to work now. I guess I just encountered a bug.


Eiji said:
My thoughts:

EDF2 > EDF2017 > EDF > EDF:IA

EDF2 is still the best. 71 missions, lots of enemy and landscape varieties, the music and the atmosphere.

I still play it from time to time on PCSX2 in 1080p :D

Well that's a huge turnoff considering EDF1 is pretty bad. :\
Bought this game with some credit I had on Amazon. Will play tonight on single player, and over the weekend on splitscreen. I'll post my impressions soon.


Sketchbook Picasso
Brashnir said:
So far, only single player. I played the previous games in a combo of Splitscreen and co-op, and enjoyed both, though I definitely enjoyed co-op more, especially on Inferno. This game is just a completely unenjoyable slog in single-player.

-nod- Yeah, the single player content I've played has all been after playing multiplayer for hours, so I could see that changing the overall feeling. I tried starting campaign remix in multi with fresh characters on hard... and that was hell, lol.

I do wonder if adjusted weapon selections could help in some ways. On hard, in later stages, on Co-Op, the weps have gotten to the point where mini - hectors are dying in 2017-like speed. That REALLY helps the overall game pacing to me, and returns the "fun" to fights that were leaning more towards "chore", previously.


SAB CA said:
I'm impressed with how much some moments feel JUST like 2017 (Exploding bugs causing them to fly up-back, while sometimes staying in neutral stance, staring you down, proving their superiority, lol... or pausing the game, to watch as a flaming corpse ROCKETS off both splitscreens, due to a suprising, random impact), as if these different devs knew EXACTLY what they were doing at some points, to where it's creepy.

to this point, I've certainly had moments that felt just like EDF to me, but they've always been fleeting nostalgia grabs.

For instance - The Last level of chapter one with the
Daddy Long-Legs
. For the first few minutes, it truly did feel like an EDF level, (well, aside from the asinine section at the beginning where you have to mindlessly run to the point where the actual mission starts, rather than just starting there to begin with.)

But then once the big fight gets going, it just drrrrraaaggggssss on forever, and becomes all about attrition rather than excitement. You have to kill a UFO, and then the big boss opens up, and another UFO, and all the while bugs are spawning out of nowhere all around you, despite the fact that there's already monster spawners built into the game. If that level just had 3-5 reasonably-killable UFOs and the big spider, it would have been a lot of fun, as it is, it's 20 seconds of "this could be cool," followed by 10 minutes of "oh, this is boring and should have ended a long long time ago." kill bugs, get health packs, take a couple shots at hatch, repeat x 25.


Sketchbook Picasso
Yup, sounds very pacing-based. The enemy spawn stuff barely feels any different when you're in the swing of things (Pre-existing enemies + Spawnpoints existed in old EDF too), and you barely notice any extras between points, if you're moving with the flow of the game.

I believe ants can also "teleport" by burrowing under ground, and then popping up near you. That's thrown me off a few times.

Anywho, though, I'd agree that something that brings the kill speed to 2017 standards would be much appreciated. I think they could do it, too, with either a 2nd campaign remix, or DLC missions (with 50's-style textures and everything to boot, lol.)

In Hard mode ATM, I even think the game is kinda "working itself back" to old EDF levels of pacing. It's just that it's ending up that way, rather than being that way from the get-go. Can't speak for inferno yet, but I expect it to be much the same (a slower paced chug at first, and fittingly strong in the end). I must add that I appreciate how EASY gunships are to kill in this game, however; I HATED Red ships in 2017, as they just seems obnoxiously hard to kill for no reason in Inferno.

Given the fact the game gives you 4 classes to play, I think they could have softened the EXP and damage curves, and made the experience feel smoother overall.

It's all so close, that I'd really love to see a re-tooling based on community feedback (wheither that be through an IA 2, DLC, or just EDF4).
Brashnir said:
For instance - The Last level of chapter one with the
Daddy Long-Legs
. For the first few minutes, it truly did feel like an EDF level, (well, aside from the asinine section at the beginning where you have to mindlessly run to the point where the actual mission starts, rather than just starting there to begin with.)

But then once the big fight gets going, it just drrrrraaaggggssss on forever, and becomes all about attrition rather than excitement. You have to kill a UFO, and then the big boss opens up, and another UFO, and all the while bugs are spawning out of nowhere all around you, despite the fact that there's already monster spawners built into the game. If that level just had 3-5 reasonably-killable UFOs and the big spider, it would have been a lot of fun, as it is, it's 20 seconds of "this could be cool," followed by 10 minutes of "oh, this is boring and should have ended a long long time ago." kill bugs, get health packs, take a couple shots at hatch, repeat x 25.
That's probably the shortest level in the game. If you're paying attention, you can kill the carrier and the daddy the first (or sometimes second) time their hatches open. Are you not using the mech there?
OK, whoever thought that people you co-op randomly with should not appear in the XMB Players Met list as part of the game features is dumb. Also, not being able to tell the difficulty and rank of players when entering an online match is such a glaring oversight.

Just got dropped into an hard playthrough on the last levels of Chapter 3 with my Tier 3 Character, Oh Joy.


Neuromancer said:
Ant hills are not a QTE. You go up to them and hit the action button (always the same button) to plant a charge. There is no timing involved although you do have to have sit there for a few seconds.
I actually like this because if you're getting hit the timer resets, giving your buddy a reason to cover your ass so you get the charge before the hill respawns. The hill also takes a nice long time to respawn, so you don't feel too rushed.

Damn, I love this game, but I wouldn't play it alone. Having no way to tell the difficulty of the online match also pretty well sucks. I also really wanted some underground maps, while my friend wanted more hillsides like 2017 without all the buildings in the way.
A workaround I found was to make a custom match, choose the the difficulty you want, and then whatever level you want. If a game exists on that level and difficulty it'll join you to it. Otherwise, it'll create a game with you as the host. If you don't want to wait around for more players, you can just cancel before it creates the new game and change the level to something else to try to search for another game in progress. It's kind of a shitty way to look for a game, but it's way better than the useless quick match.

there had better be some goddamn DLC or something for this game. second to last level teases something REALLY interesting and then nothing.

it'd be okay if they hadn't done that. but its like they just stopped at 15 levels when they had another 10-15 planned.


Sketchbook Picasso
The ending shows more in Hard, than it did in Normal. Haven't beaten Inferno yet, so can't tell ya there.

I was happy to see that, too... Normal easily gives ya a "WhatheWHA?!?" feeling.

I wish they made the tease obvious though... and I hope Inferno ending REALLY is awesome, but can't say yet :(


Played three missions in single player last night. Waiting for the third friend to get his copy today hopefully, then we spend some of the weekend doing multi.

First three missions don't seem any longer than 2017 missions, and I sort of like how it is forcing you to play a different class each mission to get a feel for each one. Unfortunately you don't get the meat and potatoes of weapon upgrades until after I am expecting. I really like the jet class, though.


Enemies seem to disintegrate instead of staying littered all over the level. Kind of surprised at this. I was hoping for corpses everywhere. Jumping spiders don't seem to make those creepy spring noises now when they jump. I don't like the press Y to blow up the ant hill. I preferred trying to grenade it from a range while hundreds of ants poured out. The artillery / anti-aircraft guns they've plopped down in the second mission seemed pretty useless like in the last game. The item pickup sounds are almost non-existent. I really wish they had used all the same sounds from 2017. The sayings aren't nearly as funny except one of the screams. It cracks me up every time.


It is an EDF game. Can't wait to play multiplayer and see all the new weapons.
Philthy said:

Enemies seem to disintegrate instead of staying littered all over the level. Kind of surprised at this. I was hoping for corpses everywhere.
supposedly this was done to keep the frame rate from shitting the bed (which it still does on occasion) when playing online. it bothered me at first too but i don't really mind now that i've put several hours into the game.


So I've played couch co-op through all of Normal and 2/3 of Hard mode and figured I'd post my impressions. Note that my partner and I both played Jet so I can't really speak for the weapon selection of other armors.

Things I like
-The four armors are awesome. I expected more flight capability, but Jet's speed more than makes up for its inability to stay airborne. I tried Battle a bit and while I can see the appeal, it's just too slow for my tastes.
- Adding sprint and separating the dodge/roll buttons is a definite plus for me. No more rolling sideways to get places and no more rolling into building debris when I meant to jump.
- Spiders are no longer the bastards they once were. While I made it through most of EDF:2017's higher difficulties with relatively low health, spiders always stopped me dead since their webs slowed you, were almost impossible to dodge, dealt tons of damage, and sometimes shot through walls. Thankfully EDF: IA spiders are nothing like them.
- Damage from friendly fire seems to have been reduced, which is great since we tend to blast each other at least 3 times per mission.
- Homing seems to work a lot better. Missiles will actually home in on an enemy's weak point and tend to prioritize the target you actually aimed at. Plus there's less of that pointlessly circling the enemy nonsense.
- Vehicles don't suck anymore. They have enough health to survive on the given difficulty, they pack enough firepower to be an asset, and are maneuverable enough that you don't have to sit there and eat enemy attacks. I'm looking at you 2017 mech.
- The bots are pretty competent and have saved our bacon several times. Sometimes they even roll away from our explosive attacks.
-The revive feature is totally awesome. That is all.

Changes I don't really care about
- Placing charges on anthills. It makes things significantly more difficult since there's usually more than one hole and clearing out enough enemies to place the charge can be a pain. On the other hand I can see how it fosters cooperation so I can deal with it.
- Buying weapons. Don't especially care for it, but since each armor can only use their own set of weapons, leaving everything up to random drops would be unfair.
-Disappearing corpses. I just don't care.

Stuff I don't like
- Drop ships, boomer spiders, etc feel like they have too much HP. Especially since later levels throw tons of them at you at once. It could just be the Jet's weapon selection that causes me to feel like this.
- The bugs just keep coming. Most of the time it isn't an infinite spawn, but rather once one wave is killed another will burrow out of the ground to attack. And when those die more burrow out. Lather, rinse, repeat for about 10 minutes until the spawn dries up and you can actually focus on the ships dropping fighter planes.
- Bugs. As in glitches. I haven't experienced most of the problems others have mentioned, but pretty regularly Elite enemies will get stuck outside those red barriers keeping us from getting their drops.
- This was also a problem in 2017, but a lot of weapons are just better versions of lower tier ones. In reality there's 2-3 weapons in each category with a few wildcards thrown in.
- Normal ending was bull.

All in all I'm totally satisfied with the game. Like someone else already said, I hope Sandlot keeps the different armors for the next EDF (But maybe allow some weapons to be used by multiple armors.) For anyone on the fence, I'd definitely suggest it assuming you have someone to co-op with. I imagine it'd start to feel pretty repetitive pretty fast without another human mixing things up.
I've had something happen twice today that I've never seen before. While playing a level online (the second time more than 15 minutes into 3-4 on hard), my screen goes black and a few seconds later the XMB comes up. No messages, no errors, just the game decided to quit itself.
Finished on Hard. Going from 6 to 7 takes forever. I still feel kind of weak on Inferno, but that's the quickest way to get points.


Neuromancer said:
Beat the campaign on normal tonight. Hell of a game, hell of a game.

Did this with two friends last night.

This game is fucking amazing with co-op. I would call it game of the year if it hadn't been so short. Three hours to play through it all was seriously short. 2017 had something like 60+ missions and took 10 hours or longer with local co-op. I would say the level length on IA and 2017 are about the same, and in fact I think quite a few in 2017 took longer than even the longest in IA.

If they release another 20 levels for $10 or something, I'll buy it no questions asked.

The game was amazing.


Fishious said:
Things I like

- Damage from friendly fire seems to have been reduced, which is great since we tend to blast each other at least 3 times per mission.
I don't recall that there was any friendly-fire damage in 2017. Explosive weapons could "bounce" your buddy around, and force them to waste time getting back to their feet, but no damage was accrued directly. (You could certainly damage yourself with your own weapon, however.)


Brashnir said:
Still playing, still not liking.

Things I hate about this game thus far:

Wow. Based on your impressions, I probably should stay away from this game. CoD crap and a control scheme that is more trouble than it's worth sounds like the kind of thing I don't want in my EDF games.
FWIW I don't think it's anything like CoD and I have no problems with the control scheme.

Yes you do move from one way point to another but you can engage enemies, or not, on your own time. They're really just excuses to move from A to B so you're not hanging around the same place. Also it's not like CoD which is very linear, even with waypoints you have to go to they give you pretty free reign as to how to get there. It's not like you're stuck on a single path or anything.


Neuromancer said:
FWIW I don't think it's anything like CoD and I have no problems with the control scheme.

Yes you do move from one way point to another but you can engage enemies, or not, on your own time. They're really just excuses to move from A to B so you're not hanging around the same place. Also it's not like CoD which is very linear, even with waypoints you have to go to they give you pretty free reign as to how to get there. It's not like you're stuck on a single path or anything.

I hear you. But even so, Brashnir and other's nitpicks sound like just the kind of things I would likely find fault with the game myself, and thus, be unable to enjoy it.

So, with that said, I think it will just be for the best to hold my horses and at least wait for the game to drop in price.


TreIII said:
Wow. Based on your impressions, I probably should stay away from this game. CoD crap and a control scheme that is more trouble than it's worth sounds like the kind of thing I don't want in my EDF games.
It's not really a single player game. If you play it alone like Brashir did you probably won't enjoy it. It's an evolution of the EDF series, constrained by its budget. It looks and plays better than any other game in the series, but it's a little lacking when it comes to things like variety of environments.


Ding said:
I don't recall that there was any friendly-fire damage in 2017. Explosive weapons could "bounce" your buddy around, and force them to waste time getting back to their feet, but no damage was accrued directly. (You could certainly damage yourself with your own weapon, however.)

Nope. I just checked to be sure and exploded my coop partner for full damage with the Goliath. There may be some weapons in 2017 that don't cause damage to allies, but explosives certainly do.

Just FYI for anyone grinding xp in IA, I've been using a method I read somewhere in which play the first level to the point where one of the anthills shows up, then get really far away and bombard them with missiles. Assuming your missiles are strong enough you can just hold down the button with something and come back an hour later to reap the xp. Just make sure none of the ants are evading your fire before you leave it unattended. I almost lost half an hour's time due to my negligence.
My problems with this game stem from someone going "We're going to make levels longer!" and then someone else, several minutes later, went "Wait, how?"

So a lot of things feel drawn out for no real reason.

Some enemies (wasps, Hectors) are huge bullet sponges. Sometimes you're tasked with defending an area for ten minutes because ravagers take so long to come to the area, sometimes ant hills take forever to spawn and you can't finish until they're done, sometimes drop ships just refuse to open up until an arbitrary number of enemies are killed and then they close up quickly.

What's maddening is that it feels like these changes were done arbitrarily, for the sake of being different from 2017 while providing no basis for why they are better. On a fundamental level, I understand why they wanted to do longer levels. It's for more cohesive online, rather than just being kicked out to a lobby every few minutes. On the other hand, my friend and I were halfway through a level yesterday when his Live disconnected and we had to restart the entire stage, which would have been 2-3 missions in 2017.

They didn't think about things like this and they should have.

Also, not inverting the aim in flight segments even though I totally chose inverted Y-axis in the options? Super, super fucking sloppy. What kind of developer does that these days?


Wiggum2007 said:
Is there still another EDF game in development by the original team or did I make that up in my head?
I think it was mentioned along with some news of the EDF PSP port. I hope it's true.. I need me some Sandlot EDF!


I found the levels, at least on Normal, were not any longer than those in 2017. I also found that the "bullet sponges" were really quick to kill. Pretty much everything on Normal was quick because the weapons they give you scaled too quickly.

Hard, however... Wow. It took as long to get through chapter 1 in Hard than it took to beat the entire game on Normal. This is where stuff takes an enormous amounts of damage to kill. Your weapons stop to scale as much as they did in Normal, and you're kind of stuck with lower damage output than you'd like. Swarms will kill you, even taking out an ant hill will kill you if you're not smart about it.

The remix mode is pretty amazing, and is a LOT of fun for replaying levels.

This game is a lot like Chromehounds in that single player is pretty pointless and boring, and all the action and fun is Co-Op.

Amazing game.
I'm at the point, almost to rank 7 with one of my armors, that hard is getting as easy as normal, but Inferno is still a dangerous and long grind, and only doable on the first couple levels. It's soooo much fast for leveling though. A single run with bots on the first Inferno level earned me 26k exp.

The main bullet sponges are the Hectors. If they'd just cut their health in half, it'd fit the pacing of the rest of the game much better.


I got to play a bit more over the weekend on a friends console after my 360 starting going bad, and I just don't get the same excitement with this that I did with 2017. It's just kinda...boring, at least on Normal. This is not a game I would grind, at all, the way I did 2017. I did recently get the PSP version, so going to switch over to that for a while, I think.
Shiv47 said:
I got to play a bit more over the weekend on a friends console after my 360 starting going bad, and I just don't get the same excitement with this that I did with 2017. It's just kinda...boring, at least on Normal. This is not a game I would grind, at all, the way I did 2017. I did recently get the PSP version, so going to switch over to that for a while, I think.
How's the PSP game? Seems like the controls have to be gimped on a PSP.


AndyMoogle said:
How's the PSP game? Seems like the controls have to be gimped on a PSP.

It takes a little getting used to, to be honest. There are at least a couple different control schemes, and the one I use maps the aiming to the face buttons. Right shoulder button fires the weapon.


TelemachusD said:
The main bullet sponges are the Hectors. If they'd just cut their health in half, it'd fit the pacing of the rest of the game much better.
Is there any chance that the Hectors are particularly susceptible to a particular weapon type? (Plasma, or something?) Maybe the developers were trying to encourage specialization within a squad, but didn't communicate the benefits very clearly.
Ding said:
Is there any chance that the Hectors are particularly susceptible to a particular weapon type? (Plasma, or something?) Maybe the developers were trying to encourage specialization within a squad, but didn't communicate the benefits very clearly.
Well the plasma turrets definitely work best against them or so they say.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Got this from GameFly today. It's...better than I thought it would be, admittedly. Yeah, there's some changes from EDF2 (never played 2017) that I'm not a huge fan of, but I'm really impressed with just how much better it plays than the Sandlot games. Sure, the ridiculous framerate drops were part of the charm of the older EDF games, but once you've played it without them...I dunno, it's just nice.

Of course, the Sandlot style of EDF still holds a special place in my heart, and I'll be there day one for EDF4 if it gets a PS3 release, and if it gets a US release. But for now I really am enjoying EDF:IA.
I wanted to like this game, after loving the old EDFs, but it is definitely not as fun as them. After playing single player up to level 1, mission 5 and it freezing up on me, and then playing some levels co-op over the weekend, I'm about to sell it and get some money back.

Trying to add Gears of War style modern shooter elements into EDF ruined it. There's too much things that I didn't like about the game -annoyances and things changed for the worse.

I want EDF4 to be like the old ones, only bigger and better looking. I'll just pretend this one never existed.

I'll try to finish single player on hard or inferno until it sells, and I'll see if my impressions changes for the better.


If you loved the previous EDF games...don't buy this one. It has none of the charm of the previous games, scale doesn't seem huge, sound effects are weak, it takes it self too seriously, reloading to just too annoying.

And I can't stand the ugly orange sunset lighting. Got the game free and I wish I hadn't. Disappointment of the year. Did the developers not play the game as they were making it?


Junior Member
Ding said:
I don't recall that there was any friendly-fire damage in 2017. Explosive weapons could "bounce" your buddy around, and force them to waste time getting back to their feet, but no damage was accrued directly. (You could certainly damage yourself with your own weapon, however.)

No way there was definitely friendly fire my friend would always accidentally kill me 30 seconds into a level with that fucking air tortoise.


Running off of Custom Firmware
2017 definitely had FF, though it may have been toggleable in the options.
My brother and I one-shotted each other quite a few times with some crazy rocket launchers. Haha.

I'm conflicted about this game.
I'm OK with the more realistic graphics.
I'm OK with the new class system, and the ability to purchase some equipment, but still find tons more!
I'm NOT OK with only 15 fucking stages all basically set in the same location.
I'm NOT OK with a seemingly diminished enemy variety count and a total fucking bullshit teaser ending. The game literally ends in what feels like an extended prologue.

My brother and I couch-cooped all of chapter 1, then I solo'ed chapters 2 and 3 the next day, in a single sitting. I sat there stunned and flabbergasted that the game could end so quickly and so lamely.

Yeah, I understand that there's a bit more on the higher difficulties, but even if those do make a true "final battle" playable, it'll still be a stupidly short and narrow experience. Honestly, with the way they were going, it felt like there should have been at least another 6 chapters... preferably in varied locations.

Just finding new ways this game is amazing. Maxed out my Tactical class (still a ton of weapons left to buy) and started Jet. Crazy fun and totally different play style. Weapons are awesome energy based and it just shows how much the devs loved the previous games (Pale Wings weapons in EDF2 were energy based as well). When I flew on top of a building and got killed I spectated my AI buddies for lols and then a button popped up so that I could relocate my corpse nearby to them. Amazing. You don't see that forethought in most AAA $60 games.

Seeing a lot of hate on the levels. I played the last 2 and all the way and felt they were largely tossed together. I like that hodgepodge approach, almost as if the game came together by awesome fluke but never felt a level in itself amazed me. I like the streamlined campaign. I like the flow of the levels and the variety of scenarios. I've played the game with 3 different friends now and none of them have commentated on that. Also it seems lots of people haven't even tried Hard of Inferno...it gets way better. EDF fans should know that, though.


I'm just going to say that I'm surprised some of you can enjoy games at all.

Just unlocked tier 5 weapons with my battle. Going to crush through hard with a friend, and maybe do an assault on remix. That's much tougher than I expected, especially when you roll a field of ticks or metal spiders instead of normal ants.

Also, the AI in this game is amazing. Both me and my friend were down with three praying mantis guys and a shit ton of ants on the field. Even though we were several blocks away from each other, Kicker brought us both back up and took down two of the mantis besides.


I saw a video review of this game on Youtube via Classic Game Room and it pretty much sold me on this game. Not to mention, alerted me to it's actual existence. I bought it yesterday afternoon, and while I did not play it until a few hours ago, it's exactly the type of game I feel like playing right now. I've never played any of the earlier games, but I understand this is made by a new developer aka not Sandlot. I've only played a few shots at the first levels, but it's just plain fun to me. It's a video game that feels like one. No pre-conceived ambitions to be anything more. The perfect summer game, in my eyes. I want to try the online co-op but I will likely wait until I have completed some of the solo parts and have leveled up the armours and weapons and stuff. I really like that aspect.

Looks like I may stick with this for a while.
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