Edge Magazine Review Scores: Issue #408 — Avowed, Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, Civilization VII & More

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

  • Civilization VII - 9
  • Lonely Mountains Snow Riders - 9
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - 8
  • Keep Driving - 8
  • Afterlove EP - 8
  • Rift of the Necrodancer - 7
  • Urban Myth Dissolution Center - 7
  • Avowed - 6
  • Tales of Iron 2 - 6
  • Sniper Elite Resistance - 5
Source - https://www.rllmukforum.com/index.php?/topic/338111-edge-408-hope-your-postie-doesn’t-rip-and-tear-this-one/
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That Civ 7 score surprises me, because all I've heard about it has been a step down vs other entries.


There was some controversy around the reviewer of Civ 7 at the Norwegian site Gamer.no - maybe worth keeping in mind with Civ scores that there may be something going on between publisher and reviewers directly. As in the case with gamer.no site and they pulled their review of the game.

«This is why we are pulling our review of Civ 7»


«Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed today that Gamer.no's review of Civilization VII is no longer available. As acting editor-in-chief, I made the decision on Friday to remove it – after we were made aware of a possible conflict of interest.

After our own evaluation, it became clear that our reviewer had – without our knowledge – entered into a separate cooperation agreement with the publisher of Civilization VII. The agreement, which went through a third party, concerned the production of sponsored content outside the website Gamer.no.

There is nothing to indicate that this separate agreement – and the content that was produced in connection with it – was connected to, or in any way influenced, the review that was published on Gamer.no. We also do not believe that the agreement was deliberately kept secret, but believe that the incident is instead about negligence.

Nevertheless, we recognize that the situation potentially violates three points of the Be Careful poster (2.2, 2.3 and 2.4).

2.2. The editor and the individual editorial staff must protect their independence, integrity and credibility. Avoid dual roles, positions, assignments or ties that may create conflicts of interest or lead to speculation about disqualification.

2.3. Show openness about underlying circumstances that may be relevant to the public's perception of the journalistic content.

2.4. Editorial staff must not exploit their position to obtain private benefits, including receiving money, goods or services, which may be perceived as compensation from outsiders for editorial services.

Our review was in no way included in the third-party agreement. The fact that it could potentially be perceived as such is the reason why we are removing it anyway. Trust from our readers and credibility remain very important to Gamer.no. That is also why we have chosen to be open about this process.

Again, I would like to emphasize that our writer has, by all accounts, only been careless here. To avoid suspicions of foul play, both now and in the future, we choose to be extra cautious.

We will also review our procedures to ensure that this does not happen again.»

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Darn, I don't subscribe.
Thanks for the confirmation though.
Shops cover is here you can just see it.



Lonely Mountains Snow Riders a 9? higher than KCD2 and Avowed?

Did we play the same game? It felt infinitely shittier than Steep, and Steep came out like 10 years ago
I think LMSR is super misunderstood. I don’t think you should compare it to Steep or SSX because it’s a different kind of beast. It asks you not just ski downhill butvthrough trial and error find the best, fastest way to get there. It is almost like a puzzle game.


A 9 for Civ 7?

As a Civ 7 aficionado i'm ok with this score
even if it may be too high
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I used to love reading Edge because they seemed to have no real bias, other than maybe for Nintendo. But after the merging with Games(tm) theyve become insufferable to read. Its nowhere near the same quality of writing, and they have grown a bad case of abjectly poor taste in videogames. They also still havent published a review of Hogwarts, unforgivable.

If they could just do that, and lay off the hate campaign against Xbox. Maybe Id start actually buying the piece of shit rag again.


Gold Member
Tails of Iron II (not Tales of Iron) got a 6? That’s BS if you ask me. It’s a good game. I’m glad I never read into their reviews.


Civ copping a 9 surprises me considering the reception it’s gotten so far.

Edge scoring Civ VII a 9 is really surprising considering all the problems it has

That Avowed score is pretty harsh too

Switch out Civ7 and KCD2 score and we can talk

Actually 8 would still be too generous for Civ7

I've been playing a lot of Civ. I think its much better at this stage than 5 or 6 were at their releases.

9 by edge? Personally I'd go for more like an 8 at the moment but its not far off the extra point. I'd take that point off for missing some obvious major powers, but I get that it's stale with the same Civ line-up every time round so kudos to them for trying to change the tune.

Sounds like by the end of March they'll be aiming for more or less the usual suspects again so that problem will go away. Probably the first Civ since 3 where the only DLC I want is to add Civs but don't feel the need for changing mechanics or adding features.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
It's so interesting when you see some publications that don't care this is a Microsoft game and others who mention it as part of their reviews "Coming hot on the heels of Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, Microsoft’s software revival is well underway."


Civilization VII - 9
Wait... Isn't it a broken piece of shit?

Uh... nope. It's great already. I'd say a return to the fun and quicker pace of earlier Civs like 2 and 3. At this point anyway - DLC may mess it up.

The noise is mostly more racism and misogyny. However I will say Harriett Tubman - I had to google her too - seems to be the main cause. All those Civ fans who don't want history thrown in their face in a game I guess...

But it is a game - not a history lesson - so whatever. Its a change from the usual line up at least which had become very stale.


Uh... nope. It's great already. I'd say a return to the fun and quicker pace of earlier Civs like 2 and 3. At this point anyway - DLC may mess it up.

The noise is mostly more racism and misogyny. However I will say Harriett Tubman - I had to google her too - seems to be the main cause. All those Civ fans who don't want history thrown in their face in a game I guess...

But it is a game - not a history lesson - so whatever. Its a change from the usual line up at least which had become very stale.

The noise is mostly the UI and the fact that you're forced to change civilization every new age, from what I can see. Probably also the racism, though.
The noise is mostly more racism and misogyny. However I will say Harriett Tubman - I had to google her too - seems to be the main cause.

lol not American I take it? Over here Harriet Tubman is as well known as Washington, Lincoln, or Franklin. She's probably the most notable woman in American history.

Maybe a toss-up with Rosa Parks.


The noise is mostly more racism and misogyny. However I will say Harriett Tubman - I had to google her too - seems to be the main cause. All those Civ fans who don't want history thrown in their face in a game I guess...
I havent seen any complaints about about that.

I've seen plenty of complaints about the terrible UI, bugs, lack of information/tutorials and consensus that the Age Transitions just kind of suck.
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