Pretty cold here in Calgary...-30 last time I was in the car (around 2 hours ago).
I found -45 in Red Deer more bearable than -25 here...because in RD we didn't get much wind. It's pretty windy here...which is good and bad. Of course, a cold wind is bad...but we often get Chinooks that totally warm up the place.
As much as I complain about cold Canadian winters, I love them.
I can't imagine being in a place where it's warm all year round. It just wouldn't feel the same. Winter generally sucks, but Spring is awesome, Summers are really nice and appreciated, and Falls are beautiful. Change is good =)
No it is'nt! Stepping into 7-11 for a slurpee for year round +20 degree temperatures are what I want! I'm tired of breaking my back shoveling snow. I am so out of Edmonton when i'm done schooling!
You people bitching about Winnipeg's weather, come visit Thompson and see how I have it. -40 is the normal wake up weather almost everyday for us here, although we have next to no windchill ever thanks to being surronded by forest. So really it doesnt feel that bad.
Yo man, I used to live in Thompson, for 17 years. I moved down here for University, the winters are basically the same except that Winnipeg's is a little windier and doesn't last quite as long.
In UK at the mo its quite warm about 10c but the past week has seen some extreme weather as far as wind speed is concerned with gusts of wind well in excess of 100mph in the north (the second fastest windspeed in the UK ever was recorded at 134mph with a mean wind speed of 108 mph (easily a cat 2 hurricane strength)). Seems the weathers a bit mad everywhere at the moment.
You know what though ? there are a few things I don't mind about having this frigid death freeze this time of year, if it didn't get this cold and stayed above zero all year round we'd just have 10 times as many bugs to deal with. Most digustingly cockroaches. I saw some of those things in japan.. man are they gross.