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egm review scores - september 2007 (lair, blue dragon, mario strikers: charged, etc.)

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So basically :
Persona 3 is teh surprise (at least for me)
Lair is meh
...so Blue Dragon is
Metroid Prime 3 best metroid ever
Sqeenix definatly loves money
EA know they suck :eek:

Good EGM issue
antiloop said:
The usual meltdown. It will calm down if other sites also give Lair an low/average score.

I'm actually more surprised by what the rant is about.
I mean, he believes the game should get a good score based solely on how many polys it pushes.
I mean, no one is that dense, right?


AceBandage said:
I'm actually more surprised by what the rant is about.
I mean, he believes the game should get a good score based solely on how many polys it pushes.
I mean, no one is that dense, right?

But good looking games usually scores higher than worse looking games this gen. So I guess he has a point. :)
AceBandage said:
I'm actually more surprised by what the rant is about.
I mean, he believes the game should get a good score based solely on how many polys it pushes.
I mean, no one is that dense, right?
It's the other side of "It should be on the wii!!!!!!!!!!!!" or "waggle is fuuuunnnnnnnnn".


AceBandage said:
I'm actually more surprised by what the rant is about.
I mean, he believes the game should get a good score based solely on how many polys it pushes.
I mean, no one is that dense, right?

Can I see your Internet license, please; you do have one, right?

Ganondorfo said:
EGM is wrong about blue dragon (maybe also about LAIR), look at the metacritic reactions of blue dragon


Oh, well that just settles everything! (Besides, look at who those reviews are from)


medrew said:
Can I see your Internet license, please; you do have one, right?

Oh, well that just settles everything! (Besides, look at who those reviews are from)



Ganondorfo said:
No, If you trust egm you will only buy halo 3 and gta 4 the rest of this year...

Okey doke, maintaining hope then.

If it gets reviews like this from GameSpot and IGN though...
Based on my experience with the BD demo, EGM is right on the money (Actually I'd maybe score it even lower!) Gah! and I was so looking forward to it too, what a pile of garbage! It's probably the worst JRPG I've ever played (Even Mystic Quest and Suikoden are better then this tripe!)

That Mario Strikers score is too low though (I've played it already) it's a really really good multiplayer game! 8.5 at least! (IGN UK's score is bang on!) It's fast, frantic, great fun and amazingly well balanced (It's been online for a while now and nobody has found any flaws in the game balance or any glitches at all!)

The Wiimote controls are also very well done, while it isn't the most advanced use of the Wiimote so far, it really does enhance the game and makes it much more fun to play (Tackling a player with a quick jab of the Wiimote feels so incredibly satisfying :D ) and the mega strikes are done really really well (It does actually feel like you're playing as the goalie! Certainty a unique take on the football genre!) Also the online is really fast and smooth (Finding someone to play takes no longer than 5 seconds tops and you're up and starting the game in about 15 seconds max!, lag free too! :D)

I can understand why EGM would rate it low though since it is "Soccer" which isn't exactly the most popular sport in the US, but for those few americans who are interested in it (Or importers like me who can't buy it till monday!) it's well worth it!


Is it really suprising that Lair is getting low scores? I mean, weren't most people kind of expecting it to be just a graphical showpiece and little more?


R&R said:
Is it really suprising that Lair is getting low scores? I mean, weren't most people kind of expecting it to be just a graphical showpiece and little more?

Lair: The Wreckless of the PS3?
Ganondorfo said:
EGM is wrong about blue dragon (maybe also about LAIR), look at the metacritic reactions of blue dragon


Damn, I didn't know all these positive reviews were out already:

90 Computer and Video Games
Blue Dragon finds the perfect balance between linearity and excessive freedom - it doesn't embarrass you by holding your hand, and yet it doesn't just leave you alone crying in the supermarket. Hironobu Sakaguchi (the FF creator and Blue Dragon mastermind) is as good a parent as Shigeru Miyamoto.

360 Gamer Magazine UK
Where so many RPGs deliver dry experiences that adhere too closely to traditional type, Mistwalker delivers an RPG that pushes the genre in all the right directions. With supreme technical qualities and gameplay to match, it’s little wonder that Blue Dragon has revived the 360 in Japan. [JPN Import]

90 Play Magazine
If the market allows giant-budget RPGs in the "Final Fantasy VII" mold to continue to be made(and there is some doubt as to that), they're going to look and feel a lot like this game...and for that reason alone, Blue Dragon is an absolute must-play. [JPN Import; Feb 2007, p.74]

90 games(TM)
It does as much as "Final Fantasy XII" to inspire hope that RPG developers are now beginning to look forward. In this instance, looking ahead results in a slightly more linear experience than some hardened role-playing game fans may appreciate. [Feb 2007, p.116]

90 Games Radar
There you have it - the 360's first legit RPG. It’s long, it’s been very solidly put together, and it can get some serious hooks into you once you’ve settled into its role-playing rhythm, something that won’t be for everyone, but that’s good news, right? [JPN Import]

88 *********
Blue Dragon's light-hearted charm and role-playing goodness fills a lacking aspect of the Xbox 360's lineup. [JPN Import]

85 Official Xbox Magazine
You've seen many games like this one...but you have rarely, we suspect, seen one executed with this amount of dedication and care--and that's what makes it so special. [Feb. 2007, p.70]

Does Mark Macdonald -not- do reviews anymore?

That sucks, he seemed to be a candidate to the review, since he's been playing the game all the way since the JPN version released.


I expected the Lair score - especially with the lack of talk about it and visibility at E3. I expect it will get the 7/10 score in general. Lair will still sell well though, due to dragons and epic graphics :)

BD doesn't surprise me, as the EGM crew really know their games, Shane in particular has played tons of RPGs, so they know if it's not up to it. I still think BD will sell reasonably well though, and expand the userbase somewhat. I just hope Lost Odyssey is much better, especially as the story and concept are excellent, I just hope the execution matches.
Nuclear Muffin said:
Based on my experience with the BD demo, EGM is right on the money (Actually I'd maybe score it even lower!) Gah! and I was so looking forward to it too, what a pile of garbage! It's probably the worst JRPG I've ever played (Even Mystic Quest and Suikoden are better then this tripe!)


Let's put aside the EGM score for the moment, which may or may not be dead on. Don't you think it's a bit odd to make such bold statements about an RPG when all you've played of it are two dungeons that let you do little more than preview the battle system of the game?
KachoMakura said:
85 Official Xbox Magazine
You've seen many games like this one...but you have rarely, we suspect, seen one executed with this amount of dedication and care--and that's what makes it so special. [Feb. 2007, p.70]
Many games like that on Xbox/Xbox360? :lol

And Lair scoring low didnt really surprise me, but have to wait for another view on that one.


Ezenzer said:
Let's put aside the EGM score for the moment, which may or may not be dead on. Don't you think it's a bit odd to make such bold statements about an RPG when all you've played of it are two dungeons that let you do little more than preview the battle system of the game?

True. If all I had played of FFXII was giruvegan (sp?) I would have called it one of the worst Rpg's iv'e played.


Well.. as I thought. LAIR looks great, but to me the gameplay felt pretty meh (just from watching the videos). Thats why I wanted a demo before the game is released.

I guess they'll hold the demo now. :/
832 replies within 5 hours. My god, what a thread to wake up to. I haven't had chance to read it all, but I would I be correct in saying that EGMs credibility, honesty and professionalism have been called into question multiple times?

I can't say that I'm surprised, the emphasis was always on features such as "7.1 uncompressed sound, full SIXAXIS control, stuff that only Cell can do" etc. Journalists who saw the game never sounded overly enthusiastic for the title, and the lack of presence at E3 should have really had people putting 2+2 together.


sionyboy said:
I can't say that I'm surprised, the emphasis was always on features such as "7.1 uncompressed sound, full SIXAXIS control, stuff that only Cell can do" etc. Journalists who saw the game never sounded overly enthusiastic for the title, and the lack of presence at E3 should have really had people putting 2+2 together.
The impressions from previous gameshows were qutie positive, even about the controls IIRC.
And it was playable at E3.

But yeah, this EGM score is quite low, let's wait for more reviews.


sionyboy said:
832 replies within 5 hours. My god, what a thread to wake up to. I haven't had chance to read it all, but I would I be correct in saying that EGMs credibility, honesty and professionalism have been called into question multiple times?


Not really. It's more of a, "Lair 5.5 lollol, gameplay sucks" topic.

GamePro gave it a 7.5/10.


The Inside Track
Karma Kramer said:
how did u know?
I didn't know the scores of course, but I said this:
Btw I heard from friends working in the "old" gaming press (paper press) that Blue Dragon is going to get scores ranging from really bad to really great, at least here in France. It seems that some reviewers where totally turned off by the poo monsters and other Toriyama funny antics. Some went as far as boycotting Sakaguchi's interviews a few weeks ago because the game was so bad in their opinion. Sakaguchi, for ****s sake! How many people would sell their family for a chance to talk with him?
I pretty much expect it to be the same in other countries, it seems like some people have completely lost their sense of humor or something.

And that:
Unfortunately I don't think this will be limited to France. Between the reviewers who are more used to play action/fps games that will destroy the game, and the others who won't appreciate the game's tone for what it is, I'm starting to think this game will be one of the most polarizing of the 360 in term of review score.
I don't usually give scores, but I'd give BD a 95% for a jRPG n00b, and 90% for true jRPGs fans because the game is really easy. It's really my favorite 360 game so far.


90 games(TM)
It does as much as "Final Fantasy XII" to inspire hope that RPG developers are now beginning to look forward. In this instance, looking ahead results in a slightly more linear experience than some hardened role-playing game fans may appreciate. [Feb 2007, p.116]

What does that part mean? I must have missed something. :p


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
This is what happens when an outlets bases its level of pre-release exposure for each title purely on exposure.

I mean, if it is so obviously not particulary good, why do we have to get hyped in the first place.


What were EGM's previous impressions on Lair?
Were they positive, did they always had problems with the motion-controls?


EGM said:
blue dragon: 6.5, 7.5, 6.5

Bebpo said:
Oh boy, I guess once again no one in the US like the traditional jrpg, even if it's REALLY GOOD. @_@

C'mon Bebpo, EGM != US, EDGE != Europe, etc. We, the real players, have better taste ;) Reviews are only a point of view. Don't take it too seriously :D
lol at scores, weak rumors if Level 5 one isn't true, which I doubt it could be because:

2005 - Rogue Galaxy
2006 - Jeanne D'Arc
2007 - Layton 1 released, Dragon Quest IX and Layton 2 to be released
2008 - Layton 3, White Knight Story

So they are making 4 more new RPGs? And reading 1up it said that not all would be for consoles, DS and PSP would also get HP and MP love. Unless they are going to spill the beans for every project until 2010, I found 4 new RPGs rather unlikely.

Main point for me to come out of this thread is that even though there is no review, it's looking like Bioshock is the real deal!

Bioshock GOTY bitches! (At least until Mass Effect wants to argue):D


Junior Member
I fear for eternal sonata scores from egm in the next month, if they are so harsch on blue dragon.

Is it me or doesn't egm like jrpgs (besides ff and dragon quest).


And even i am moderately surprised
I`m confused why people are surprised by the Lair score.

The theme with all Factor 5 games have been the same : Graphically and technically amazing, but let down by poor game play.
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