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egm review scores - september 2007 (lair, blue dragon, mario strikers: charged, etc.)

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Teen Ape

So for 360 we all know there's a Blue Dragon demo that people can check out to see if the game appeals to them, but what about Lair? Does Factor 5 have any plans to put out a demo prior to release to hopefully swoon some would be purchasers not willing to put down $60 without playing it first given the EGM scores and other reviews which may not be as beneficial...?


I guess this explains it's conspicuos absence from Sony's E3 Press conference...

Sony doesn't want to be associated with this game :lol


Hail to the KING baby
Teen Ape said:
So for 360 we all know there's a Blue Dragon demo that people can check out to see if the game appeals to them, but what about Lair? Does Factor 5 have any plans to put out a demo prior to release to hopefully swoon some would be purchasers not willing to put down $60 without playing it first given the EGM scores and other reviews which may not be as beneficial...?

No, demo only after release.
professor_t said:
Sony Fanboy: "The underwhelming Lair review was kind of expected, but I didn't think Blue Dragon would fare so poorly (i.e., what a blow to Xbox!)"

MS Fanboy: "The underwhelming Blue Dragon review was kind of expected, but I didn't think Lair would fare so poorly (i.e., what a blow to PS3!)"
hahaha...right on

anyway, I don't really know what to think about lair....I still want it though

Teen Ape

Mifune said:
Well, it's not like the Blue Dragon demo is doing that game any favors.

Better to have no demo than a bad demo.
A couple of my buddies are purchasing Blue Dragon based on how they liked the demo and the battle system and what not. Different strokes for different folks, which is why a Lair demo would probably help the game more sales wise rather than hurt it. (Unless its somehow obnoxiously bad and EGM was being nice with their scores).
Bebpo said:
Meh, Lair probably sucks but considering that they gave it the same score as my GoTY Gundam Musou...I'll take it with a grain of salt.


Oh boy, I guess once again no one in the US like the traditional jrpg, even if it's REALLY GOOD
. @_@

I agree, im loving blue dragon atm im about 20 hours in and still on the first disc. I really really like it and the gfx are cgi quality. The story seems pretty tight and the combat is soo good. Would easy give it 8-8.5 imho.
What did they say about Picross DS? The scores of 8-8.5 are great, though they suggest a couple things could have been better.

Awesome that P3 did so well. I wonder how well Dracula X Chronicles will do next month.

john tv

JD fared pretty well, IMO. Two 8.0's in EGM is nothing to scoff at. Did they not review Brave Story yet? Or was that last issue, maybe?


Teen Ape said:
A couple of my buddies are purchasing Blue Dragon based on how they liked the demo and the battle system and what not. Different strokes for different folks, which is why a Lair demo would probably help the game more sales wise rather than hurt it. (Unless its somehow obnoxiously bad and EGM was being nice with their scores).

Yeah, if it's even decent, a demo would help sales. I guess I was thinking worst case scenario.


Teen Ape said:
Depending on which way the #'s shift, it could be either quite funny or very alarming.

Yeah, you're right. What if it turns out, Lair: 8.5, 8, 8.5, Mario Striker, 6, 7, 7

Hahaha. Gaf will have a meltdown over the reaction to the scores ;)

I mean, one review, and it's gotten 800 posts

Teen Ape

Mifune said:
Yeah, if it's even decent, a demo would help sales. I guess I was thinking worst case scenario.
It could've pulled a Tenchu Z, there's always that possibility. That demo truly showed me what a piece of crap game looked and played like and made me appreciate the games I've purchased.


Teen Ape said:
It could've pulled a Tenchu Z, there's always that possibility. That demo truly showed me what a piece of crap game looked and played like and made me appreciate the games I've purchased.

That was the Sonic 360 demo for me. Gloriously awful.
I dont think the bd demo helped anyone, i was overwhelemd by the options etc on offer and had no idea what the hell i was doing. However in the full game you learn as you play and dont feel overwhelemed at all.


Holy premature ejaculation at Blue Dragon and Lair. That was quite underwhelming. I'm very anxious to see how the big websites review it.


ZealousD said:
You're right. We should write off the mag because of the views of most your writers. Sonic 360 is just a single review in a collection of reviews we can't trust. Like Monster Madness, or Fight Club.

And, guess what? Two of those reviews were by the same person. (No idea who did Fight Club.) So maybe you just don't like one of our reviewers.

Seriously though, I don't want to write off your mag but your review history has lent itself to me not trusting the scores from your publication.

But here's my question/point... are you taking into consideration my review history? Or are you just tossing out any review I may do without even knowing my review history simply because you've decided to write Play off?

Aokage said:
But they gave Sonic 360 a 9.5, dude :lol

Thanks for the support, jerk! You're one of us "they," you jerk! BLARGHGHRGRGHRGH!!!
The pace at which this thread was gorwing while I was reading through it is somewhat frightening and kind of amusing--reviewing the reviewers whose reviews defied expectations, in some cases, by people who have yet to play what was reviewed. Meh. Can't say I'm too interested in Lair myself but as a consolation of sorts...it's just one review from one magazine.

beelzebozo said:
persona 3: 8.5, 9.5, 9.5 game of the month
jeanne d'arc: 8.0, 7.0, 8.0

Not like I need any validation for my Persona 3 pre-order but it's nice to see such high scores for it. Same goes for Jeanne D'Arc. Can't wait to read the text and see what they have to say about both. I may be buying Jeanne D'Arc now given how cheap it is.

- exploration will play a key role, but there will be more shooting. they describe the "lock-on free shooting" that's been covered in many e3 previews. it's allowed developers to make battles more vertically oriented, which egm says works well
- so far, wii controls only add to the experience, not detract.
- the ship plays a big part in the game. acts as a mobile save station you can call to certain parts of a level. aerial combat is hinted at by a few options inside the ship, but nothing confirmed.
- no samus talking, aka confirmation of god's existence

VERY nice to hear, can't wait to read the preview myself. I think I'm going to take advantage of that Trade in 3 get X game free deal EBCanada has going on for Metroid Prime 3.


- squeenix to start remaking dragon quest games starting with dq4 on ds

Squenix re-visiting their past ain't nothing new, what I hope happens is they release thosse DQ remakes OUTSIDE of Japan. I'd f*cking love to be able to buy DQ4-7 on the DS.
I loved Greg's comment, that Lair had potential but didn't live up to it. Sounded like PS3 right there.

And apparently Blue Dragon lacked enough bald space marines. Shame.


Not Banned from OT
The reviews won't stop me from buying blue dragon. I have not played a good old turned base JRPG in a long time. I can't wait to play it.


Bad Art ™
Lair has always been looking meh (except for that first tech demo). I'm happy my instinct didn't prove me wrong.

<- The bad art police strikes again

*Wainting for Julian Eggebrecht to call out EGM on Lair score like he did for Rebel Strike*


john tv said:
JD fared pretty well, IMO. Two 8.0's in EGM is nothing to scoff at. Did they not review Brave Story yet? Or was that last issue, maybe?

According to topic creator..

beelzebozo said:
NEXT MONTH: SILENT HILL 5 cover story, with reviews of heavenly sword, battalion wars 2, eternal sonata, castlevania dracula x chronicles, and i'm presuming bioshock since it's in the wrap-up section, along with madden 2008, brave story, and boogie
he poster at NEOGAF poster no picture and the horrndous reviews have all made people suspicious.

LAIR is one of the most visually impressive games.

There is no way it can get 6 especially when each char in LAIR has like 10x more poly than each char in GEARS


Each model, Worch claimed, contained somewhere between 100,000 and 170,000 triangles. Each had a bunch of other special maps and lighting applied, and the main character was built up with "over ten textures". He compared this to an estimated 10,000 for characters in Gears of War and other recent high-res games. The high-res models, meanwhile, that got dithered down to produce the in-game models, ran up around 5,000,000 triangles.

EGM would lose its credibility completely if it has truely given LAIR a bad score******************

From the 1Up boards.
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