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Elder Scrolls IV Teaser?


The Elder Scrolls homepage has up a teaser of somesort.. maybe an announcement coming soon?



When the Dragon dies the Empire dies.



God, I hope there is annoncement soon. I want a new game in the series so bad. Although if there is an announcement, I hope they don't also say it'll be out in 3 or more years.


Wasn't the Emporer referred to as the Dragon in Morrowind? There was some talk from NPC's about how bad things were going in the Empire capital with infighting among the sons who would inherit the throne.
The Elder Scrolls series have been some of the most immersive games ever made. I put over eighty hours into Morrowind before even starting the first plot quest.

Get Dark10x in here to talk about his sister. Her Morrowind obsession is seriously scary.


Good news. Hope it doesn't take too long for Bethesda to announce more details. :)

Also, I hope this new game is developed simultaneously for Xenon (or some other next-gen console) and PC. Morrowind seems to have done pretty well on Xbox.


Sysgen said:
I hope it's more like Daggerfall (minus the atrocious bugs) than Morrowind.

Give me Daggerfall's combat and huge, free roaming cities, with Morrowind's excellent dungeon design and I will be a very happy man.


Buggy Loop said:
Does not compute...

I loved MW's dungeons, especially the Daedra and Dwarf ruins. After spending hours in Daggerfall's randomly generated dungeons that looked exactly alike with the slightest variations, MW's dungeon design was a godsend. What was so awful about the dungeons? Considering the scope of the game, I think they did a pretty good job, especially the main quest's dungeons.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Pleas please please be true!!! One of my favorite RPGs of all time... the first one was mind blowing... the second one was very vast! And the third one was a step into the right direction for the series... if they can make everything a little less bland... (NPCS!!!! WEAPONS!!!) So number 4 should better!


First tragedy, then farce.

Damn.. I really dont even care if they fix anything.. I just want more to do.

I've been through Morrowind about 8 times now.. Im sure Im close to 1000 hours on it (if not more)

I hope a Xenon port happens.. I much prefered Morrowind sitting in my living room. Until the game locked up.


And for the love of god, license a decent engine this time and don't use textures that make the world look like it belongs in Quake.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
The name for the next Elder Scrolls game is Oblivion, I assume that symbol at the top is a stylized 'O'.


With a significant upgrade in the combat engine and a better data-streaming engine then I'll be interested. I really think those two criticisms need to be addressed (particularly the combat) for me to enjoy another release in the series. This comes from someone who played through Morrowind, Bloodmoon, and Tribunal.


Tag of Excellence
Limedust said:
With a significant upgrade in the combat engine and a better data-streaming engine then I'll be interested. I really think those two criticisms need to be addressed (particularly the combat) for me to enjoy another release in the series. This comes from someone who played through Morrowind, Bloodmoon, and Tribunal.
Without a doubt combat was the most significant feature lacking in the series. Sure you can complain about how the landscape was all "samey" and the other niggling bugs and features but the most important aspect that needed work on was the combat.

I'd like to say Bethesda knows this and are genuinly working on it but it's in the air right now. I'm atleast pretty sure that a lot of top devs there are aware of the fanbase not enjoying combat through the official forums.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
wasnt the next elder scrolls game rumored to be on xenon? :D


Some launch games would seriously be affected by a Xenon Elder Scrolls title at launch given the number of hours that people put into Elder Scrolls games. Once you start there's not much time for anything else. This is the perfect title to release early in year or during summer when there isn't much going on. My Morrowind hourly count stands at about 350.

Also bring back the naked temple babes from Daggerfall :)
One of the dudes from Bethesda already said they're fixing this, but I want to reiterate:


I hated walking anywhere in the game because a cliff racer would see you from a mile away and always attack. They were easy but such a pain in the ass.


First tragedy, then farce.
Asskicker064 said:
One of the dudes from Bethesda already said they're fixing this, but I want to reiterate:


I hated walking anywhere in the game because a cliff racer would see you from a mile away and always attack. They were easy but such a pain in the ass.

yeah, they were especially annoying EARLY in the game... when they were next to impossible to kill. I spent at least an hour trying to run away from one because I wasnt powerfull enough to kill it. Luckily they dont follow you into bogs.

Things I want fixed:

- more map varieity
- slightly better battle system (honestly, I dont mind that much)
- better journal system that 'threads' updates on different quests seperatly. Similar to what was done in KOTOR. Instead of the massive mess that exists now, I cant tell you how many sub-quests I aborted because I had stopped working on them, and forgot where I was in it.
- textures. please.
-animation. The modeling was all pretty decent (some of the natural environmental features were bad), but the animation really sucked... fix it.
-better seperation of items you carry... WAY too much stuff was thrown in Misc.. and for some reason whenever you picked up a second of an item you allready had it would list them seperatly instead of putting them together and adding a number qualifier... made it preally messy. You only got the number qualifier for certain items, and generally only when you picked them up or bought them this way.

- WHEN YOU CAN SEE A SELLER HAS 2000 GOLD ON THEM.. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO KILL THEM AND TAKE IT. Its really annoying when you are trying to be an evil charachter, and someone who tells you they have alot of money isnt actually carrying it. Sure you can sell them something, kill them and take your item back.. but its annoying.
StoOgE said:

That's minor. How about having some shopkeepers in the game capable of actually purchasing anything more expensive than mid-game items from you? That damn talking mudcrab became my common-law wife, I swear.
As the game progresses things do get interesting, but still I want this game to be fun all the time which would mean NO RATS and at least program the cliff racers to be fun to fight or design more visually stimulating enemies. The animations and enemy designs were sad.
If the combat had been a bit more popping then the exploration would have been a heck of a lot more fun.


Giant enemies, better combat, BETTER COMBAT, better combat, smarter enemies, BETTER LEVELLING SYSTEM OH MY GOD.

Better combat because I've played Riddick and aquired the MAF-like syndrome of stabbing people in the face while Morrowind is stuck in stat-land. I don't care what anyone says; if I'm THAT close to a paralyzed rat, I should always be hitting it with whatever weapon I have regardless of the proficiency level. If my arrows PASS THROUGH YOUR BODY, you take damage, that's it, none of this "oh you have a 38% chance of hitting so we'll just say you didn't hit him mmkay?". Make the damn crosshairs jiggle more if you want me to experience 38%, make my arm strength wane faster so that I can't hold the bow properly if you want me to experience 38%; just don't fucking stat me off the bat!

Other than that, a thumbs up title and can't wait (better combat) for more.


Tag of Excellence

1-Find him... and close shut the marble jaws of Oblivion

2-For LordDagon forever reborn in blood and fire From The Waters of Oblivion

3-For once the portals are opened, who shall shut them upon the rising tide?

4-His heart's blood bleeds in darkness.

5-So long as the blood of the Dragon Prince runs strong in her rulers, the glory of the Empire shall extend in unbroken years.

6-And from the womb of the Void, who shall stem the blood tide?

7-Where is the lost Dragon's blood, the Empire's sire?

8-When the Dragon dies, the Empire dies.

EDIT: Thanks SteveMeister, for some reason it completely skipped my mind to add that part in.
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