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Elder Scrolls IV Teaser?

So, does it really look amazing, or what?

Thanks, TekunoRobby and especially Duke Juan!!

FUCKING HELL!! Xenon launch title? Sure hope so...'cause I don't want to spend the kind of money I'm probably going to have to on my PC just to have it look like that at a decent resolution and framerate! WOWZA!


Junior Member
TekunoRobby said:
Now let the speculation begin, what third party engine do you think they're using? I'm kinda leaning towards the UE 3.0 myself.

Yeah, I was thinking U3 as well..
Best 3D forest I've ever seen! Christ! This is why next-gen's going to look soooooooooooooooooooo much more impressive in its leap from the last than this gen was from its last...well, if you think of DC being last gen. Amazing!


Redmond's Baby
PM please..thank you guys, you rock :)


oh thanks for the link



Tag of Excellence
Captain Rad said:
There was a reason why we didn't directly post to the link.

Terms of Service said:
D. Copyrighted Material

The posting of full transcriptions of articles and whole or partially-scanned images is not allowed. Users in breach of this rule are subject to banning, although a verbal warning may be administered for a first offense. The posting of review scores (without text), news summaries, rumors, and review paraphrasing is acceptable, as long as credit is given to the original source.


Tag of Excellence
Thanks goes to XVX from GameFaqs for the captions and picture descriptions:

XVX said:
1st pic description - It shows from a close view, a knight (if you will) on a horse with his sword exposed, staring at the mountains in the distance (this shows that this game will have one of the most incredible draw distances ever) and the mountains are to scale with what looks like actual mountains. there are also many trees and what looks like maybe a small part of a pond.

1st pic caption - "Everything in this shot is a real part of the world. You can ride your horse through the forests and up to the very top of the mountains in the distance."

2nd pic description - shows a player character in 3rd person in a prison cell with amazing graphics.

2nd pic caption - "At the beginning of your quest, you can tweak you appearance to you liking."

3rd pic description - shows in first person with an intricate sword being held, showing you hands, and it is once again in the prison cell, with great graphics.

3rd pic caption - "This is a room in the prison you will escape from at the beginning of you quest."

4th description - an amazing looking screen showing a small concrete hut with a straw roof and shows how spectacular the grass will be (the grass is hand done with every single slice moving diff.)

4th caption - no caption

5th description - is a beautiful forest with almost photorealistic trees and shows how beautiful the grass will be (and this is like an actual forest with trees in very close proximity, rather than like morrowind where they are like 10 feet apart.)

5th caption - "This shot demonstrates the incredible forests that can be genreated by the Xbox 2."

6th description - shows a pic demonstrating the facial animation in characters, and shows a dude with sweet looking red and silver armor smiling, then in a side blurb scorning

6th caption - "These two shots illustrate how an NPC can display how he feels about you character."

7th description - shows two pics top and bottom of two very different looking women. the one on top is very young, the one on bottom is very old and wrinkly. look at caption for more info, PS graphics are amazing

7th caption - "These two women are actually the same character. Her age has been tweaked in the CS program to demonstrate the power of the tool"

8th description - it shows a little training ground with a table with9 or so weapons pack on it, armor in the background, and a combat dummy in the middle of this big mat

8th caption - "Each of these weapons is real and can be picked up and tested on the combat dummy in the background."

9th description - Shows a sweet looking goblin up close with its arm raised and ready to attack (he looks graphics-wise straight outta doom 3) with a sweet looking turquose ligthed dungeon in the back ground

9th caption - "Goblins are only one of the many kinds of monsters you will face."

10 description - it shows 4 diff pics of the same place with better graphics each time, look at caption

10th caption - Here is oblivion's jail cell with just a diffuse map applied ------ Here is the same cell with normal mapping and parallax mapping ------- An example of specular highlighting ------- The finished jail cell

11th description - a beautiful (cant describe it any better than beautiful) church esque building in the back, with grave stones and mushrooms, and this pic again shows the spectacular grass

11th caption - QUOTE:"as graphics get more powerful, the artistic nature of things increases."

12th description - shows a shoddy table with 3 books, a plate with food on it a skull and a bunch of other crap (like a BUNCH)

12th caption - "Every itemon this table is fully modeled and interactive. Each piece will move realistically when manipulated (meaning bumped into or touched), thanks to the Havok physics used by the game."

13th description - shows a set of candles against a set of stairs (not all that graphically great)

13th caption - "These candles demonstrate high dynamic range shading, a thenique that results in the most realistic lighting ever."

14th description - shows a player character decked out in gold and red armor with a big round shield, and a sweet sword with light realistically bouncing off of it, with a huge ruin behing him, and a statue chick holding up a swordthe his left, yet another shot that shows the amazing grass

14th caption - "The view can be changed to third-person, so you can appreciate the beauty of the character model."

15th descrption - shows a kick ass and amazing looking daedroth that looks dragon esque (everything but the wings), with huge fangs, spikes that go down his head and back all the way to his tale, massive claws, and bloodshot eyes.

15th caption - "This creature is a Daedrorth, on of hte mosters from Oblivion that invades Tamriel."

Final pic - all it is, is the sweet ruins from the 14th pic at a different angle, with no caption


I predict this game will not feature satisfactory use of capes.


Cmon developers! This is the year 2004! Can't you figure out how to put in flappy but cool bits of cloth on your characters properly?!


Littleberu said:
I can't wait to see the game not looking anything like this when released.
The graphics aren't that good. I dont see why it couldn't look like that on current top of the line computers so next-gen consoles should easily be able to handle a game that looks like those pictures.
Arcticfox said:
The graphics aren't that good. I dont see why it couldn't look like that on current top of the line computers so next-gen consoles should easily be able to handle a game that looks like those pictures.

It just won't. The same thing happens every gen. First Generation title won't look as good as this, mark my word. Look at the first pics of Malice or heck, Tekken Tag.

And I don't think you can keep a good gameplay with these kind of graphics. Keep in mind that you still need to put AI, physics, and such, and keep a constant framerate.


While I know the answer, I will refrain from giving it out as I'll lleave that to the mag to dole out (Don't want to steal Steve's thunder). Its not UE3 or Doom3 or HL2 though, that much I'll leave you as a hint :)

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Farcry ? Looks a bit like it, more advanced of course but the base of the engine could be farcry.

If not, then its inhouse


Animator in Waiting
mmmmm those screens look tasty tho i hope that art style will be consitent and won't be Mr Generic.


Outdoor environments look nice. Character and monster art doesn't look very special from what's in the screens.


What they should do with this type of game is make multiple relatively short story/campaigns for multiple different characters, that plunge the players into different aspects of the world...

say in one campaign youre playing a rouge and your goal is to steal something from some corrupt town lord, or something like that.

In another you're the lieutenant of an army during a campaign.

Yes in still another, you might be a merchant travelling the land for rare stuff? :p


Zaptruder said:
What they should do with this type of game is make multiple relatively short story/campaigns for multiple different characters, that plunge the players into different aspects of the world...

say in one campaign youre playing a rouge and your goal is to steal something from some corrupt town lord, or something like that.

In another you're the lieutenant of an army during a campaign.

Yes in still another, you might be a merchant travelling the land for rare stuff? :p

I'd mentioned that to Steve before. That goes against the whole Elder Scrolls thing, and you might end up playing a type of character that you really don't want to play.

However, I find the multi-story format interesting if you're going to have a truly rich and expansive world and you reeally want people to see all of the facets of it. It also justifies having a very expansive world because they you can drive people to see all of it.
i just


Phoenix said:
I'd mentioned that to Steve before. That goes against the whole Elder Scrolls thing, and you might end up playing a type of character that you really don't want to play.

However, I find the multi-story format interesting if you're going to have a truly rich and expansive world and you reeally want people to see all of the facets of it. It also justifies having a very expansive world because they you can drive people to see all of it.

The strength of the elderscrolls series doesn't really lie in its story, which is pretty standard fare, but in the expansiveness of the world.

Maybe an awesome compromise would be having a single main story, along with multiple short stories that all end up interacting with each other, providing the player with a multi threaded story with different perspectives coloring the game...

Say... you start the game with the main story unlocked; you play to a certain point in the game... when you get to that point, when you boot the game back up, you notice you now have an option to start a 'short story campaign'... then that story might serve as a lock to another short story piece or maybe the same short story is segmented into multiple parts, requiring progress in the short stories as well as the main story to unlock, allowing the developers to truly interlace the stories together.


Wow, that looks impressive. This is what I would expect a next-gen RPG to look like. Can't wait to see it in motion with all the Havok-style physics. It'd be awesome if some of the Alteration spells let you levitate and use mind control, Psi-Ops style (probably not, but they both use Havok so who knows).

Hopefully the Construction Set will be available to console users, maybe through a Xenon-PC connection.


Damnit Damnit Damnit!

I'm probably gonna have to buy another computer for this game. Cause by the time it gets out, my P4 3.0ghz\1GB RAM\ATi 256MB Radeon9800XT will be outdated. :(


Too long of a wait :( The world being smaller than Morrowind worries me, but as long as it has the same extreme open endedness and extension character creation I'll be happy.


If by "the world being smaller" means that they cut back on the needless open space that was in Morrowind, then I'm all for that.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
wow, i have a huge hardon. i didnt expect next-gen to look that awesome.

>>> ue3 (the demo anyhow)


Pimpbaa said:
Too long of a wait :( The world being smaller than Morrowind worries me, but as long as it has the same extreme open endedness and extension character creation I'll be happy.

The "smaller than Morrowind" bit is pretty vague. If Oblivion is even 70% of Morrowind's size (in terms of land area) then it would still be freaking huge. Plus there will be the inevitable expansion packs.


Very very impressive. If this is indicative of what most next-gen games will look like, I may never leave the house again :(

I hope they can pull it off with this kind of detail and quality. If the game is even 1/4 the size of Morrowind, with this amount of detail it will require a scarily massive development effort.


Eric-GCA said:
If by "the world being smaller" means that they cut back on the needless open space that was in Morrowind, then I'm all for that.

Well, I'd be all for that too as long as it has just as much things to do in this smaller landmass.


I wouldn't worry too much about the size of the map... smaller than friggin' huge (Morrowind) is still friggin' huge. No one's going to be running out of things to do anytime soon.


MightyHedgehog said:
So, does it really look amazing, or what?

Thanks, TekunoRobby and especially Duke Juan!!

FUCKING HELL!! Xenon launch title? Sure hope so...'cause I don't want to spend the kind of money I'm probably going to have to on my PC just to have it look like that at a decent resolution and framerate! WOWZA!

You aren't playing morrowind if you aren't playing it on the PC and this will hold true with this next game. Mods add too much to the content and gameplay for me not to take advantage.


Eric-GCA said:
If by "the world being smaller" means that they cut back on the needless open space that was in Morrowind, then I'm all for that.

I hope that's what they mean. Kind of hard to make Cyrodiil smaller than Morrowind since their maps shows that the two are just about the same in size.
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