I can also get behind a l_p lynch due to his inactivity, I just want a little bit more time for him to tells us what he thinks about the game in general and to see if he has any useful remarks to make.
I can also get behind a l_p lynch due to his inactivity, I just want a little bit more time for him to tells us what he thinks about the game in general and to see if he has any useful remarks to make.
Hrrm... I want to say that so far everyone I've ever thought was scum due to low post count actually happened to be town. Do we really have no better options than culling the herd?
How much time is left in the day anyway?
As I said to hyper, I can understand it too, but it just feels weird to me to expect a new player to give you information about something the player he replaced it did, it seems pointless to me.
So my point is that Hyper should be aware of how pointless it is, yet he still decided to go after l_p, that tells me he either is that desperate to find scum following his previous hunch, or knows something we don´t.
You forgot to add "VOTE:"
I can guarantee you my role in this game will have me acting completely differently than I did in NX or AC before. It's not a great indication to just say a person should be acting a certain way, therefore the reason must be mafia. I'm not mafia, so it's not necessarily true that Carrot is either.
NOTE: I have no idea if Carrot is really a Miller or not in the other game; I don't know what his circumstances are and I'm not going to speculate about that before the game ends.
I don't understand what you're trying to say. I'm guessing that launch pad was scum based on his behavior. L_P replaced launch pad and has the same role as him. I apply pressure on L_P, and regardless if he can explain his predecessors actions, placing votes on someone and pursuing them can get them to squirm and squeal. if prodigy is scum, I can get him to talk, and I can then make a read on lone_prodigy himself. If he is scum there may very we'll be something telling in his behavior that town can figure out. I can also get him to say things that, barring a lynch of him today, can be used to figure out his status in the future. And if he's town, then this sort of pressure and how he responds under it can help us verify this in the future
Honestly, I'm starting to have a problem with how you seem to think that we should all forget the way launch was acting yesterday. Because launch was acting scummy yesterday. I dislike when someone keeps defending a player while someone else is trying to get then to talk, without ever trying to make that player himself talk. If lone_prodigy is at this point scum, then you've done an excellent job of giving him an excuse not to talk.
Where should I vote? The player who I don't think is most likely to be scum?
I can't believe you guys are honestly willing to let BSP get away. I honestly can't believe that. Do you really think we have two neutral players? An illegal immigrant and a serial killer? Do you really believe her very convenient win conditions? Cabot even pointed out how it doesn't really make sense flavorwise.
Well, seems like we're stuck until Kalor or nin are able to give us their reads. Anyone else mind telling us who they are suspicious of?
I could get behind a Lone_Prodigy lynch as that would mean that we don't have the lingering question of why Launchpad was acting the way they were on D1.
Sorry, since i am still in the phase of choosing my successor i am doing all by myself atm
VOTE: Lone_Prodigy
So I went back and looked through some of Launchpad's posts. Some are a bit meta, some are fluffy, some are aggressive, and he gets into it with a couple people, but no one votes for him. To be fair the kingkitty bandwagon was happening at this point so the attention was elsewhere.
But I thought this was pretty interesting and kind of explains his behaviour:
I can't believe you guys are honestly willing to let BSP get away. I honestly can't believe that. Do you really think we have two neutral players? An illegal immigrant and a serial killer? Do you really believe her very convenient win conditions? Cabot even pointed out how it doesn't really make sense flavorwise.
So you are claiming your role is the reason he acted that way...
Allright, lets forget about launch, what can you say for yourself? Why we shouldn´t lynch you?
Also, before I forget:
VOTE: Lone_Prodigy
Where did this come from? We're talking about inactives and then suddenly it's like "lynch L_P because Launch was acting scummy"?
Now my thoughts on Cabot being silenced for the day. Yesterday he was one of the most active players of the game and he was also almost confirmed townie. The silencing coming from a town PR therefore does not make sense imo. So I strongly believe he was silenced by mafia in attempt to put out a very strong town player. Thanks to Meme generator that is not as effective as it was supposed to I guess![]()
I don't understand what you're trying to say. I'm guessing that launch pad was scum based on his behavior. L_P replaced launch pad and has the same role as him. I apply pressure on L_P, and regardless if he can explain his predecessors actions, placing votes on someone and pursuing them can get them to squirm and squeal. if prodigy is scum, I can get him to talk, and I can then make a read on lone_prodigy himself. If he is scum there may very we'll be something telling in his behavior that town can figure out. I can also get him to say things that, barring a lynch of him today, can be used to figure out his status in the future. And if he's town, then this sort of pressure and how he responds under it can help us verify this in the future
Honestly, I'm starting to have a problem with how you seem to think that we should all forget the way launch was acting yesterday. Because launch was acting scummy yesterday. I dislike when someone keeps defending a player while someone else is trying to get then to talk, without ever trying to make that player himself talk. If lone_prodigy is at this point scum, then you've done an excellent job of giving him an excuse not to talk.
Where should I vote? The player who I don't think is most likely to be scum?
Anyway I see that Salva is already distancing himself from me, but someone had to call you out on the tunneling.
We got it el Topo, you don't like it. Thanks but we got it. No need to point it out several times.Letting BSP live? Are you out of your mind? Why? I don't even. Fuck this. I need a minute.
Letting BSP live? Are you out of your mind? Why? I don't even. Fuck this. I need a minute.
If you're going to pressure me based on Launch, that's fine, like I said I don't blame you. But what do you expect me to say besides "that's what Launch did, I can't explain the way he acted"? Is it hiding? Sure, but this is essentially Day 1 for me when you're all on Day 2 already. I'm a day behind on reads and interaction. But asides from tracking voting behaviour (which did reveal a voteless neutral) and who our dearly departed focused on, we seem to be no further to finding scum.
Anyway I see that Salva is already distancing himself from me, but someone had to call you out on the tunneling.
My problem is not because you went after l_p, is how you did it. It seems to me that you are set in the idea that he is scum, when several games have proved quite a few times that this is a very dangerous stance to take. Following hunches is a dumb dumb dumb way to get people evicted.
If anything, right now I am far more worried about the fact that l_p has yet to say anything. He said anything about your attacks other than a few non-committing comments, and he has said anything about me coming in an defending him from you, when I really don´t have any reason to do so other than my slight suspicion that this is a strange decision by you, hyper.
I think you attacking launch and then l_p with so much obsession is dangerous, pretty much ignoring any other leads that did present itselfs, like bsp claim or cabbot´s role effect and even me, myself, still here defending l_p, again, for no reason other than been a contrarian.
But right now, again, I find l_p silence far more powerful. I have no reason no to vote for him, I just hope he is still around to say something, because I feel like a fool standing up to you when he is hidden who knows were.
And if he couldn't
Cabot, just say first if you can specify more, and then if you know any more
I doubt ouro made anyone voteless. It's like the 2nd worst thing after jesters in mafia. Either someone had a role they could use during the day or cabot's role left him voteless that day
His word I guess. I trust cabot for now, but you'd be right to say that we'll only ever know if cabot dies
Idk, two neutrals is IMO on the high side for the number of neutrals for a smaller game. If bsp is indeed voteless, than there's probably some other thing she's hiding from us
Btw bsp, will you say whether you're neutral or not?
Fucking lol! Thanks you put my thoughts down perfectly.Ok I'll try and express my thoughts a bit more.
I think nin does. Unless we reached the same conclusion with different reasons.
If you're going to pressure me based on Launch, that's fine, like I said I don't blame you. But what do you expect me to say besides "that's what Launch did, I can't explain the way he acted"? Is it hiding? Sure, but this is essentially Day 1 for me when you're all on Day 2 already. I'm a day behind on reads and interaction. But asides from tracking voting behaviour (which did reveal a voteless neutral) and who our dearly departed focused on, we seem to be no further to finding scum.
Anyway I see that Salva is already distancing himself from me, but someone had to call you out on the tunneling.
Asides from my first post voting for Lone_Prodigy, most of my posts regarding him and my vote have been in response to you salva. Now, especially given that we seem to have spotlight right now, that may make it tough for you to notice my other posts, but I haven't just ignored the other people that have come up
I'm not tunneling, and have made it clear that I will vote for someone else if I find someone more fishy and that I'd mostly leave L_P alone so that he can get accustomed to the game for a bit.
Ok I'll try and express my thoughts a bit more.
I think nin does. Unless we reached the same conclusion with different reasons.
Well, you could help me out in questioning him now, I am interested in what he has to say about his role, since his last post was pretty much "thrust me guys, everything will be revealed in time" that is not that comforting.
Fucking lol! Thanks you put my thoughts down perfectly.
not really
use words please
Sorry, I don't entirely follow
Something about building blocks I'm sure, but I might need text for this one
Alright, I think it might actually be safe to explain regardless.
Role BLOCKer is one of the more common roles in mafia. I'm working under the assumption one exists in this game.
If BSP is the killer, all the role blocker needs to do if target her tonight. If there is 0-1 kills, that would strongly suggest she is the serial killer.
The issue, and why I didn't want to bring this up earlier, is if scum or the real SK realize this would happen. Then they simply withhold a kill to frame her. However I kind of just realized that that doesn't really matter. BSP is (in my mind) neutral right now. And can't vote. Losing her due to her being framed tomorrow doesn't hurt town. In fact, that means scum/SK traded a kill in order to get a neutral player lynched, and a player who was prime lynch material already. Seems like a shit trade.
Actually I lie, there's another issue and that's if BSP can only kill ever other night. But that has an easy solution.
Alright, I think it might actually be safe to explain regardless.
Role BLOCKer is one of the more common roles in mafia. I'm working under the assumption one exists in this game.
If BSP is the killer, all the role blocker needs to do if target her tonight. If there is 0-1 kills, that would strongly suggest she is the serial killer.
The issue, and why I didn't want to bring this up earlier, is if scum or the real SK realize this would happen. Then they simply withhold a kill to frame her. However I kind of just realized that that doesn't really matter. BSP is (in my mind) neutral right now. And can't vote. Losing her due to her being framed tomorrow doesn't hurt town. In fact, that means scum/SK traded a kill in order to get a neutral player lynched, and a player who was prime lynch material already. Seems like a shit trade.
Actually I lie, there's another issue and that's if BSP can only kill ever other night. But that has an easy solution.
Well, you could help me out in questioning him now, I am interested in what he has to say about his role, since his last post was pretty much "thrust me guys, everything will be revealed in time" that is not that comforting.
If they are a serial killer, some games have it where roleblocking a sk can result in the roleblocker being killed. I doubt that is in effect but then Kingkittys role seemed crazy so all bets are off.
Interesting. It relies on more assumptions than I'd like, but I guess it's worth a shot... if the blocker doesn't cooperate however, we're pretty much screwed. Still, I guess I'm willing to go along with it. We're bleeding out if whoever performed the second kill gets NK again today though, that's worrying. Maybe since we're approaching the end of this season Ouro designed a game that would finish quickly.
Also, BSP hasn't actually voted, right? I'd like her to just to see the number above a player's vote and the list below it mismatching when Ouro posts his update. Just to make sure the most basic fact in her story isn't a lie and we're not making a huge mistake.
Alright, I think it might actually be safe to explain regardless.
Role BLOCKer is one of the more common roles in mafia. I'm working under the assumption one exists in this game.
If BSP is the killer, all the role blocker needs to do if target her tonight. If there is 0-1 kills, that would strongly suggest she is the serial killer.
The issue, and why I didn't want to bring this up earlier, is if scum or the real SK realize this would happen. Then they simply withhold a kill to frame her. However I kind of just realized that that doesn't really matter. BSP is (in my mind) neutral right now. And can't vote. Losing her due to her being framed tomorrow doesn't hurt town. In fact, that means scum/SK traded a kill in order to get a neutral player lynched, and a player who was prime lynch material already. Seems like a shit trade.
Actually I lie, there's another issue and that's if BSP can only kill ever other night. But that has an easy solution.
If they are a serial killer, some games have it where roleblocking a sk can result in the roleblocker being killed. I doubt that is in effect but then Kingkittys role seemed crazy so all bets are off.
VOTE: bananaspaceprincess
Goodbye, BSP.