Forgot. If it is indeed a bluff, I can place a vote. I'm feeling confident in my BSP theory. The only other viable candidate seems to be L_P so sorry dude.
Vote: Lone_Prodigy
This is such a bandwagon move.
UNVOTE: Lone_Prodigy
Only because I don't want to risk potentially losing the rest of this day. I plan to do a longer post tomorrow with my current thoughts.
I actually urge people who want to do this sort of thing to post them during the current day. How exactly are you so certain you'll be alive tomorrow to post those thoughts? It is almost always better to do them sooner rather than later.
Are there any other options exactly? The votes were pretty much split between you and BSP. And I'm fairly confident in my hypothesis about how BSP will play out. Which pretty much leaves only you. Or a no-vote.
Yeah, but we've still got time and you don't vote without reason.
Woah... If I was supposed to get all that from a picture of building blocks then I wasn't ready for this gameAlright, I think it might actually be safe to explain regardless.
Role BLOCKer is one of the more common roles in mafia. I'm working under the assumption one exists in this game.
If BSP is the killer, all the role blocker needs to do if target her tonight. If there is 0-1 kills, that would strongly suggest she is the serial killer.
The issue, and why I didn't want to bring this up earlier, is if scum or the real SK realize this would happen. Then they simply withhold a kill to frame her. However I kind of just realized that that doesn't really matter. BSP is (in my mind) neutral right now. And can't vote. Losing her due to her being framed tomorrow doesn't hurt town. In fact, that means scum/SK traded a kill in order to get a neutral player lynched, and a player who was prime lynch material already. Seems like a shit trade.
Actually I lie, there's another issue and that's if BSP can only kill ever other night. But that has an easy solution.
Woah... If I was supposed to get all that from a picture of building blocks then I wasn't ready for this game
Well yeah I see the link now I know it but like Woah manBlocks = Block = Role Block.
I expected people to work it out from there. But I may just be overgeneralizing my thought process. I just know what I would have done as a role blocker and went from there.
Just wanted to say something else regarding being a replacement. I previously said I'm a day behind, and it's true. I missed out on interactions, initial vote slinging, activity prodding, bandwagons, soft role claims, walls of fluff, metagaming.
So I'm trying to establish myself here, figure out where everyone is at, but all under a cloud of suspicion because of the person I replaced. This means I am forced to play defensively right from the start, with no chance to build any goodwill or have an opinion worth listening to. Am I less active than other people? Sure, but like I said I'm trying to catch up and not step on any toes while trying to contribute at the same time.
Yes, you can call me out for being inactive, but how can I defend myself? I can't say "look at my posts and voting history yesterday" because I wasn't playing. We are all shooting in the dark, down 3 town with little information to go on.
Anyway, that's why I voted BSP, because a potential SK is dangerous to keep alive, roleblock or no roleblock.
Choose right!I will judge you harshly. Choose well.
It feels like I did nothing but defend myself all day so now I will just cover the the things I haven't commented on yet.
First of all. I am not the SK! I already said, that just for the sake of logic, not being able to vote in a game that lives from participation AND the ability to vote puts a huge target on my back right from the beginning. I guess that the characteristics of a SK is to blend in easily and not running around looking suspicious from the start. I am pretty sure the real SK, if there's actually one and it's not just a town aligned cop or somethung, is laughing his ass off right now so don't just put this role on me assuming I am the only one not clearly aligned with one of the parties.
Also someone mentioned I should have RC first thing in the game. I can't find the post right now but it was sometime before El Topos shenanigans.
Looking back at D1 and on how we were running through the dark picking on everything that seemed even the tiniest bit suspicious, I disagree.
It might have given town the first reasonable lynch but I simply did not want to leave the game on my first day. And seeing what happened to KK I guess it was the right decision atm.
Also I got to add that me not being able to vote was out in the open from the moment I placed my first vote, just nobody noticed it. Ouro never counted my first vote on KK and never wrote down my name in any of his lists until D2.
Now to my alliance. My Role PM says I am aligned with no one until my already mentioned conditions are fulfilled. The word "neutral" is never mentioned and I have been wondering if that is just flavor-ism or if there actually is someone else in the game were the actual term, neutral, was used.
As it is for now I can do nothing but wait and see how the day will continue.
It feels like I did nothing but defend myself all day so now I will just cover the the things I haven't commented on yet.
First of all. I am not the SK! I already said, that just for the sake of logic, not being able to vote in a game that lives from participation AND the ability to vote puts a huge target on my back right from the beginning. I guess that the characteristics of a SK is to blend in easily and not running around looking suspicious from the start. I am pretty sure the real SK, if there's actually one and it's not just a town aligned cop or somethung, is laughing his ass off right now so don't just put this role on me assuming I am the only one not clearly aligned with one of the parties.
Also someone mentioned I should have RC first thing in the game. I can't find the post right now but it was sometime before El Topos shenanigans.
Looking back at D1 and on how we were running through the dark picking on everything that seemed even the tiniest bit suspicious, I disagree.
It might have given town the first reasonable lynch but I simply did not want to leave the game on my first day. And seeing what happened to KK I guess it was the right decision atm.
Also I got to add that me not being able to vote was out in the open from the moment I placed my first vote, just nobody noticed it. Ouro never counted my first vote on KK and never wrote down my name in any of his lists until D2.
Now to my alliance. My Role PM says I am aligned with no one until my already mentioned conditions are fulfilled. The word "neutral" is never mentioned and I have been wondering if that is just flavor-ism or if there actually is someone else in the game were the actual term, neutral, was used.
As it is for now I can do nothing but wait and see how the day will continue.
I am inclined to believe you here. I also think that is far more likely we have a Vigilante in our side,
I mean, think about it. GOP, guns, NRA, it makes sense for this flavor to have a gun user in the side of town.
What conditions?
Honestly, don't buy this. There's something you have other than voteless, whether it be the conditions for your alignment, a special night action, etc. No game runner is going to give out a voteless role with nothing else to it
I am inclined to believe you here. I also think that is far more likely we have a Vigilante in our side,
I mean, think about it. GOP, guns, NRA, it makes sense for this flavor to have a gun user in the side of town.
Like I said earlier , he Ouro gave kingkitty the 50/50 thing. What is there not to believe? I trust her for the moment.
I am an immigrant waiting for my visa to get approved. For now I am voiceless. But if I help GOP find and lynch scum during the day there is a chance that my visa will get approved and I can finally be a full member of the team.
I don't know how many Electorates we would need to lynch in order to get my visa
Also a night kills of a Mafia member from whoever does that won't help with my issue either.
I think she even stated her conditions, will quote as soon as I am at work.I'm pretty sure there's more to her role, but for now I'll trust yours and cornburrito's plan for the night.
Idk, king kitty's role still had something to it. It was essentially a weak cop, which is a thing.
Plain voteless crosses a boundary for me, to jester like evels, and Im sure BSP is hiding something, namely the conditions she says are necessary for her to become town.
I am an immigrant waiting for my visa to get approved. For now I am voiceless. But if I help GOP find and lynch scum during the day there is a chance that my visa will get approved and I can finally be a full member of the team.
I don't know how many Electorates we would need to lynch in order to get my visa
Also a night kills of a Mafia member from whoever does that won't help with my issue either.
There it is, almost 24 hours ago. Come on Hyper i expect some more attention from your side.
13 hours to go everyone , would love to hear some voices again
I don't know why he thinks that you are neutral. What matters though Is that I believe you are town
I don't know why he thinks that you are neutral. What matters though Is that I believe you are town![]()
It feels like I did nothing but defend myself all day so now I will just cover the the things I haven't commented on yet.
First of all. I am not the SK! I already said, that just for the sake of logic, not being able to vote in a game that lives from participation AND the ability to vote puts a huge target on my back right from the beginning. I guess that the characteristics of a SK is to blend in easily and not running around looking suspicious from the start. I am pretty sure the real SK, if there's actually one and it's not just a town aligned cop or somethung, is laughing his ass off right now so don't just put this role on me assuming I am the only one not clearly aligned with one of the parties.
Also someone mentioned I should have RC first thing in the game. I can't find the post right now but it was sometime before El Topos shenanigans.
Looking back at D1 and on how we were running through the dark picking on everything that seemed even the tiniest bit suspicious, I disagree.
It might have given town the first reasonable lynch but I simply did not want to leave the game on my first day. And seeing what happened to KK I guess it was the right decision atm.
Also I got to add that me not being able to vote was out in the open from the moment I placed my first vote, just nobody noticed it. Ouro never counted my first vote on KK and never wrote down my name in any of his lists until D2.
Now to my alliance. My Role PM says I am aligned with no one until my already mentioned conditions are fulfilled. The word "neutral" is never mentioned and I have been wondering if that is just flavor-ism or if there actually is someone else in the game were the actual term, neutral, was used.
As it is for now I can do nothing but wait and see how the day will continue.
As I said, if you are SK all should be known within a day or two.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
12ish hours left and no better target. Sorry L_P. I couldn't think of anyone else.
Vote: Lone_Prodigy
I dont know but something about the smeir campaign against BSP saying that she is "definitely" the SK just rubs me the wrong way. Of course the possibility is there , but it could have also have been a vigilante on the loose. Just wanted to remind everyone to keep an open mind and well if BSP really turns out to be who she claims to be i will go after those that are screaming the loudest to lynch her.
That message was more towards Palmer and hyper who just want her dead by all means.In my defense, in DR mafia I screamed the same thing about Crab being Despair during Day 2. I was wrong then, and am willing to admit I might be wrong here. But like all the puzzle pieces fit together.
On the one hand, it seems like a weird and powerless role, the flavor doesn't fit, her win condition is not fully explained or seems weird. It reminds me too much of my Cate Archer claim from the Archer thread. Come up with a role that seems weirdly believable, add a win condition that is in-line with town, in this case even claim to have no power, so you seem like you're absolutely no threat, try to survive long enough to win. It all sounds too nice. Heck, maybe she is actually not the voteless player, but simply tries to survive long enough.
On the other hand, this is Ouro we're talking about. Lone_Prodigy has also been, not weird, but....I don't know, I don't think he is actually mafia, but he still behaves weird, which....would be in line with Launchpad's talk.
That message was more towards Palmer and hyper who just want her dead by all means.
Ok I give you the flavor of my role if you think it helps to better understand my win conditions.
If scum is killed during the night, I did nothing to help GOP -> I don't benefit my country -> they don't approve my visa -> I will not be able to win the game since I have no power and no alignment.
Fair PointI don't want her dead, like I said, I'm willing to go with the plan you and cornburrito have for one night and then work with the results
I guess a paranoid part of me thinks there might be conditions for turning scum, and I'd like to get those conditions out the way so that we know when that's happened
But the thing is that the two night kills on N1 feel a lot more like SK. Wouldn't it be very risky for a Vigilante to use its bullets in N1? I am very confused about that.
I agree that a vig should generally not start killing immediately, but in practice, most vigs can't resist using the power.
I'm still inclined to think SK though. There's probably only 3 scum, so a lucky vig could shorten this game drastically, while a SK is invested in killing both sides.
I am inclined to believe you here. I also think that is far more likely we have a Vigilante in our side,
I mean, think about it. GOP, guns, NRA, it makes sense for this flavor to have a gun user in the side of town.