Well, it's good to see we cleared up the votes issue. I doubt mafia would go after BSP anytime soon, since killing her doesn't actually work in favor of their win condition... in fact, lynching her is more useful for us, since it doesn't decrease our "voting power". I still would like to lynch scum today though, of course. We're down 2 PRs and Burb, whose contributions were good but sadly very limited.
All I can find on Burb that could be of use to us now are some thoughts on Hyper being suspicious. We already have some people following up on that thought so I don't think there's much to do there. Sorian on the other hand went after palmer_v1 for a bit.
Palmer's spent most of today talking about cabot's silence and the vote thing. Obviously that's of interest to us, but it would also be a good way for scum to score some safe contributing posts without exposing themselves or engaging with the conversation in a way that could be of use to us later. Still... that's probably not enough to discredit him in any way.
I was also very suspicious yesterday of the way Salva decided to defend Lone_Prodigy from Hyper.
what I can do is tell you that I have played a few times with launch by now and there has been situations where I have either saved him for been lynched when I defend his playstyle, while he defends me because of my playstyle.
This seems very dangerous. In that case, if one of you turned out to be mafia, then the other would effectively be defending mafia even if he was town because "that's just their playstyle". The fact is Launch was acting odd yesterday.
In the case of lone_prodigy, I don´t think launch´s actions are a good lead into his role, since he has clearly been played different than launch do.
I have no reason to defend lone_prodigy, but he still hasn´t made something that would make me suspicious of him.
Lone_Prodigy has barely posted. If we consider him a new player then we might as well lynch him
because he has said close to nothing. And we *should* read Launch's post to get an insight into L_P's role. It sucks as I've already said but I'm not about to ignore my doubts on Launch just because he now has a new personality.
But I do find your choice of following a lead into a player that has been replaced to be, well, iffy. l_p is at a clear disadvantage here, and targeting him right now seems like an easy out for a mafia player to get a town role killed, since the new player is more likely to contradict himself with what the player he replaced could have said.
Lynching him seems like a dick move, so I won´t vote for him right now.
More of the same. I agree that going after Lone_Prodigy seems like a dick move, and I sure don't want to turbo him, but that doesn't prevent me from having to follow up on my suspicions from yesterday.
I'd also like to hear from Kalor, who has one vote on him and has barely posted today. Day 2 seems a bit late to be throwing suspicion on people based on inactivity, specially with 3 GOPers down, but I don't really feel strongly about anyone right now, other than nin, cabot, bsp and myself.
I expect to not be able to post much today but I'll be checking the thread regularly.