Hyper sat in his bedroom on the floor, facing the wall. He had been caught watching Harry Potter at a friend's house, and his mother screamed at the top of her lungs, "HYPE R. ACTIVITY, YOU GO TO YOUR ROOM AND YOU READ YOUR BIBLE!"
So he sat. And read. He read stories of old, of Jesus and Moses, and of all the things you were and weren't supposed to do. He even read that really really boring part of Genesis which is really just one long family tree. He could recite them all, now. He hoped to one day grow old enough to be Methuselah. Over 900 years old? That would be great.
As he grew up, he was homeschooled, went to church and sunday school, was confirmed with the church...everything a good Lutheran would do. He was on track to graduate from high school with top honors, having spent all of his time after school either reading his Bible or doing homework (in that order).
Then he met Steve. Steve was the captain of the football team and popular with everyone. Hyper was intimidated by him, yet also intrigued. Steve was one of the nicest guys he'd ever met, but everyone knew his secret - he was a homosexual.
Ever since Hyper figured out Steve's secret, he would toss and turn the idea over his head, trying to reconcile why he should judge and hate him. But he couldn't. The two ideas didn't mesh together.
Steve was in a car crash coming home from a party just before graduation. He had hit another vehicle head-on, and was moving fast enough that he and his boyfriend Philip had been flung through the windshield, cutting them to ribbons.
Hyper was shattered, and he didn't know why.
"Mom, did Steve go to heaven?"
"Of course not, Hyper. He's a homosexual, he's burning in the fiery pit of hell right now."
That was it. Hyper refused to believe that a loving God would curse such a kind young man to an eternity of brimstone and despair.
The morning after graduation, Hyper packed up his belongings and caught a bus to Berkeley, California and pleaded for an acceptance, as he did not want to attend Liberty.
After much negotiating, he was able to attend.
He received a full-ride scholarship courtesy of George Soros.
He graduated summa cum laude with a degree in astrophysics.
As he walked down the aisle carrying his diploma, he was confronted by several members of the GOP.
"Why are you oppressing us?" They asked.
"Why can't we impose our religion on you like we want? That's oppression!"
Hyper was bewildered. He put his hands up in defense, not knowing what else to do.
"Get him!" They shouted, and begun to fling heavy rocks at him.
They stung at first, but one well-placed missile hit Hyper in the ribs, cracking them. He crumpled to the floor.
Hyper cried, fearing for his life. He raised a hand, "Please...no more..."
The members of the GOP nodded to each other. They each raised another stone, and they all brought their charges down with full force, crushing Hyper's head where he lay.
Hyperactivity has been eliminated from the game!
Hyperactivity said:
You are
an Atheist.
You are aligned with the
Your head explodes when presented with cases of “religious persecution” masqueraded as bouts of “holy shit, we’re losing our influence.” So you’ve decided to mess with them. Each night, you may send a message, in the name of God, to a player of your choosing. PM me with the command FSM: <player> <message> during the night.
You win when the Electorate outnumbers or equals the GOP numbers.
The public game thread is