In October 2004, Farscape wrapped up modestly well from its fourth-season cancellation with "Peacekeeper Wars", a miniseries dear to my heart because I did my tiny little part to help it happen. Everyone who participated in the ol' Save Farscape campaign has a positive bond, a real, everlasting bond, and I wouldn't trade those months for the world. My first real internet experience, that. <3
But that's not why I made this thread, of course. I made it to ask fellow Scapers what their thoughts are on this crazy, wild, uneven, utterly-Aussie, Henson-approved, frelling crazy train a decade-and-change past its finale? How have the adventures of John Crichton, an astronaut, held up through the looking glass?
I think the first season (up until around two-thirds in) gets worse and worse every time I try to get through it again and while I adored every second of it when I was 15 once I hit my 20s I realized there was a bit too much of the romance in the last year. I think it's a very up-and-down production and some of the humor goes too far. The acting takes some time to get its... er, act together, too.
But hot diggity damn, when Farscape was good it was on fire. It had such great cast chemistry, such fantastic character growth, some real menacing foes, and an atmosphere all its own. It was Firefly on drugs with aliens and an even wilder showrunner. It was Farscape. And it kept me all night on oh so many occasions back in the early 2000s, manically typing up my thoughts on the latest episodes, and I'll never forget the chat I had with Ben and Claudia all those years ago at a convention. The conversation changed my life.
So I'm of a slightly mixed opinion on the show these days, and I think it hasn't aged as well as stuff like Stargate SG-1. But it is so funny and dramatic and riveting and pretty when it's on all cylinders, and Moya is the coolest frelling starship.