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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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Is the server getting DDOS'ed again?
I keep getting disconnected from the matchmaking server. It reconnects pretty quickly but not before dumping me back to the start screen and loosing all progress from the instance that I was in.
Lost about 300K in bounties.


What you did there. I see it.
okay so, the state of my Python:

L: 3E/G Burst Laser
L: 3E/G Burst Laser
L: 3E/G Burst Laser
M: 2F/G Multi-cannon
M: 2F/G Multi-cannon
U: 0A Shield Booster
U: 0A Shield Booster
U: 0I Chaff Launcher
U: 0C Kill Warrant Scanner

BH: 1I Lightweight Alloy
RB: 7C Power Plant
TM: 6A Thrusters
FH: 5A Frame Shift Drive
EC: 4C Life Support
PC: 7A Power Distributor
SS: 6B Sensors
FS: 5C Fuel Tank (Capacity: 32)

6: 6E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 64)
6: 6E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 64)
6: 6D Shield Generator
5: 5A Shield Cell Bank
5: 5A Shield Cell Bank
4: 4A Shield Cell Bank
3: 3A Fuel Scoop
3: 3D Hull Reinforcement Package
2: 2D Hull Reinforcement Package
Shield: 455.67 MJ
Power : 22.58 MW retracted (90%)
29.61 MW deployed (118%)
25.00 MW available
Cargo : 128 T
Fuel : 32 T
Mass : 723.6 T empty
883.6 T full
Range : 16.30 LY unladen
13.94 LY laden
Price : 100,369,094 CR
Re-Buy: 5,018,455 CR @ 95% insurance

My plan right now for purchasing is:

7B Power Plant (17 mill) --> 6A Sheid Genny (16 mill) --> Reinforced Alloy (22 mill)

I don't really need a 50 million power plant. In fact, I'm making due just fine while being 4.61MW over the limit by just micromanaging certain modules; disabling the ones I don't need to make sure everything that I need to have is up when i need it. So IMO, going to the 7B (+2.5MW) will give me enough total power to upgrade to the 6A shield generator and be good to go while doing a little less micromanaging. At which time I can work on upgrading the ship armor.

Seem like a reasonable plan? I have about $3 mill in cash, $5 mill in bonds to redeem, and about 16 mill coming in the next couple of days from community goals, so I think having the 23 mill to cover those 2 upgrades will soon be mine.

Ships is 95% for combat. I was thinking of maybe dumping the chaff for a 3rd shield booster (should be able to cover the power requirement with the 7B power plant) and/or replacing one of the cargo racks with another shield cell since I do very little cargo hauling.

Also, what weapon combinations are other Python owners finding effective for maximum RES/Conflict Zone farming? I really like 2 burst lasers and have since my primary ship was a Vulture, but 3...not feeling as much. I didn't like 2x beam lasers due to the power drain and I can't imagine I'.d like 3. Gimballed is still my preference at the moment because of the NPC killing efficiency. That said, any alternate weapon or equipment recommendations are appreciated.
Imperial Courier details:

Finally, as a sneak peek on one of the two new ships, the base Imperial Courier is a reasonably quick ship (Speed 277) with a modest jump distance of 7.81 light years. It costs just over twice as much as the Lakon Type 6. It has three medium hardpoints with 4 utility hardpoints and as standard 12 tonnes cargo capacity.



okay so, the state of my Python:

L: 3E/G Burst Laser
L: 3E/G Burst Laser
L: 3E/G Burst Laser
M: 2F/G Multi-cannon
M: 2F/G Multi-cannon
U: 0A Shield Booster
U: 0A Shield Booster
U: 0I Chaff Launcher
U: 0C Kill Warrant Scanner

BH: 1I Lightweight Alloy
RB: 7C Power Plant
TM: 6A Thrusters
FH: 5A Frame Shift Drive
EC: 4C Life Support
PC: 7A Power Distributor
SS: 6B Sensors
FS: 5C Fuel Tank (Capacity: 32)

6: 6E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 64)
6: 6E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 64)
6: 6D Shield Generator
5: 5A Shield Cell Bank
5: 5A Shield Cell Bank
4: 4A Shield Cell Bank
3: 3A Fuel Scoop
3: 3D Hull Reinforcement Package
2: 2D Hull Reinforcement Package
Shield: 455.67 MJ
Power : 22.58 MW retracted (90%)
29.61 MW deployed (118%)
25.00 MW available
Cargo : 128 T
Fuel : 32 T
Mass : 723.6 T empty
883.6 T full
Range : 16.30 LY unladen
13.94 LY laden
Price : 100,369,094 CR
Re-Buy: 5,018,455 CR @ 95% insurance

My plan right now for purchasing is:

7B Power Plant (17 mill) --> 6A Sheid Genny (16 mill) --> Reinforced Alloy (22 mill)

I don't really need a 50 million power plant. In fact, I'm making due just fine while being 4.61MW over the limit by just micromanaging certain modules; disabling the ones I don't need to make sure everything that I need to have is up when i need it. So IMO, going to the 7B (+2.5MW) will give me enough total power to upgrade to the 6A shield generator and be good to go while doing a little less micromanaging. At which time I can work on upgrading the ship armor.

Seem like a reasonable plan? I have about $3 mill in cash, $5 mill in bonds to redeem, and about 16 mill coming in the next couple of days from community goals, so I think having the 23 mill to cover those 2 upgrades will soon be mine.

Ships is 95% for combat. I was thinking of maybe dumping the chaff for a 3rd shield booster (should be able to cover the power requirement with the 7B power plant) and/or replacing one of the cargo racks with another shield cell since I do very little cargo hauling.

Also, what weapon combinations are other Python owners finding effective for maximum RES/Conflict Zone farming? I really like 2 burst lasers and have since my primary ship was a Vulture, but 3...not feeling as much. I didn't like 2x beam lasers due to the power drain and I can't imagine I'.d like 3. Gimballed is still my preference at the moment because of the NPC killing efficiency. That said, any alternate weapon or equipment recommendations are appreciated.

I'd drop the life support & sensors to D's. Less power draw and less weight and you're not sacrificing much.
Doesn't really seem great. Not a lot of offensive punch, and a tiny cargo hold. For 2 million I'd expect something more.
I tend to agree, but the hard point placement, power plant and power distributor will probably dictate my final opinion.

If its upgrades options allow it to be a better Cobra with firepower almost as good as a Vulture but without the power management issues...could be nice. Still, the game makes it hard to be excited about ships below what you can afford. At the moment everything about the game feels like the goal is to keep upgrading until you have a FdL and/Anaconda. Everything else seems like nothing more than a stepping stone. I suppose once I reach the proverbial summit, maybe I'll look to have a fun ship that I won't give a shit about if it gets popped.

Also thanks for the tip shifty. I'll drop those to C/D parts. I feel like I need that 10 minute life support though, as it ensures I'll make it to a star port should my canopy get punctured. I died once a long time ago because I did't have enough air and I swore it wouldn't happen again. The 7:30 option is pushing it and the 5:00 default is unacceptable.


please do report back.

pls compare with 7B powerplant and a heavier shield.

Just tested. It really doesn't make that much of a difference. The ship with ~100 more mass has a 3 m/s lower top speed and strangely enough it had a slightly better pitch turn rate. Acceleration was slightly worse. It took less than +.5 seconds to reach the same speed.

I've got to do more testing with larger differences.
Just tested. It really doesn't make that much of a difference. The ship with ~100 more mass has a 3 m/s lower top speed and strangely enough it had a slightly better pitch turn rate. Acceleration was slightly worse. It took less than +.5 seconds to reach the same speed.

I've got to do more testing with larger differences.

bro, where did you find a 7B powerplant? I can't find one anywhere and I'm getting a bit frustrated. Been looking for an hour in different high tech systems.

edit: nm, found a spot in the Empire that has all C7 power plants.
How do you guys find the info on which station has what in terms of ship upgrades?

Ports with large/huge population high-tech economies.

To make it super easy, go into your galaxy map, switch from realistic to map view, show stars by economy type, uncheck all but high-tech, then choose to show them by population, move the minimum slider to around 3/4 or so, and the remaining blue dots will always be your best options.
How do you guys find the info on which station has what in terms of ship upgrades?

it's largely just luck or doing google searches for said hard-to-find part to see if other people are talking about it and where they found it. even with high tech, high pop areas, they will often not have what you're looking for. been there, done that.

I keep a notepad document open for places where I see uncommon stuff. if you're looking for something specific, I may be able to point in you the right direction.


Unforutantely, Founder's World requires Elite rank. No easy task unless you were a backer or something.
I didn't think you could get into it at all, it was for backers only, forever and ever? Didn't know you could earn it with Elite.

It still amazes me how many backers assume that everyone has access to Founder's World. It comes up every time someone asks for upgrade.. "Just go to Founder's World", again and again. WE CAN'T.
Rofl I just blew myself up by crashing in-station for the first time. I'm an idiot.

Just lost a ship not realizing i was surrounded by 3 NPC vultures at a CZ that I was using just to test some weapon loadouts. but I got like 35 mill in free money over the last 2 days from Community Goals, so I can be only so mad. Plus I got a weapon loadout on my Python that I think I'm finally happy with.

2x large Cannons, 1x large burst laser, 2x medium pulse lasers.

No heat or power issues, quality damage and bust potential of all targets, large and small.

I'd like to try the gimballed shotgun cannon, but I haven't seen it lately and wasn't interested until now. 4x cannons are just so fucking good against everything but small ships...but there are a lot of small ships you have to deal with along the way. Plus, I found that having just 1 C3 beam laser takes too long to drop shields by itself (and having one laser to kill small and medium ships was more time-consuming than I'd like), so 4 cannons wasn't the most time efficient, though by far the most entertaining.

I *might* go back to a 2x large laser (1 beam + 1 burst/pulse) + 1 large cannon + 2 med cannons at some point, but since the lasers primary job is to drop shields, I thought dedicating 2 large mounts to the task was inefficient considering shields are going to drop in a few seconds regardless.


Rofl I just blew myself up by crashing in-station for the first time. I'm an idiot.
Reminds me of the first time I flew my "runner", a stripped-down Eagle with a Class-A FSD (I use it to move between my other ships, staged at various systems for different purposes). I took off, and I'm all "Yeah, this thing's fast and nimble", so naturally I cranked it up and boosted toward the exit. "Oop.. a little off, coming in fast, hope I... THIS SHIP HAS NO SHIELDS", and thankfully managed to not splatter myself on the exit like a bug on a windshield. But it was close.


Just bought myself a shiny new Asp to go exploring for real. Just need to outfit it a bit more so I'm doing some rare trading at the moment.
hey guys, how do people have hundreds of millions?

is it as simple as, "hundreds of hours"? I think the fastest I've made money to date outside of CGs was...maybe 2.5m/hour at really good RES sites that were spawning nothing but Fed Drop Ships and up-caliber ships. My CZ runs are like...maybe 1.5 mill/hour including trips for repairs.

Would I make more money hollowing out my Python and trading in circles for hours?

I can get it up to 220 tons of cargo space with minimal changes (just swapping cell banks for cargo space). I've just never traded beyond running missions for military rank. Grinding for money via combat is sort of wearing on me and since the Python is quite versatile, I figure maybe it's time to try a new approach.


hey guys, how do people have hundreds of millions?

is it as simple as, "hundreds of hours"? I think the fastest I've made money to date outside of CGs was...maybe 2.5m/hour at really good RES sites that were spawning nothing but Fed Drop Ships and up-caliber ships. My CZ runs are like...maybe 1.5 mill/hour including trips for repairs.

Would I make more money hollowing out my Python and trading in circles for hours?

I can get it up to 220 tons of cargo space with minimal changes (just swapping cell banks for cargo space). I've just never traded beyond running missions for military rank. Grinding for money via combat is sort of wearing on me and since the Python is quite versatile, I figure maybe it's time to try a new approach.

I haven't played in a while but I think it's a mix of time investment and some exploitable stuff that was around for a time.
Anyone got any decent setup's for a combat orientated Cobra III?

I've been doing ok at cz's and res's but seem to keep getting power drain issues.

Had one very scary encounter at the sobek cz the other day. Got attacked by two npc's and had my canopy blow. I had just enough left to be able to align with the station and dock with it with about 2 minutes of oxygen remaining!


hey guys, how do people have hundreds of millions?

is it as simple as, "hundreds of hours"? I think the fastest I've made money to date outside of CGs was...maybe 2.5m/hour at really good RES sites that were spawning nothing but Fed Drop Ships and up-caliber ships. My CZ runs are like...maybe 1.5 mill/hour including trips for repairs.

Would I make more money hollowing out my Python and trading in circles for hours?

I can get it up to 220 tons of cargo space with minimal changes (just swapping cell banks for cargo space). I've just never traded beyond running missions for military rank. Grinding for money via combat is sort of wearing on me and since the Python is quite versatile, I figure maybe it's time to try a new approach.

Trade routes until your eyeballs bleed. Should be able to get 284t I think on a python. If you can find a route that nets you 2500 cr/t round trip that's 284 x 2500 = 710,000 per return trip. A good route will take 12 mins or less, so 5 x 710k = ~3.5m/hr. Run that for hours upon hours.

I found I was earning a similar amount from bounty hunting so switched to that instead. Far more enjoyable.
I would say that's about 90% of people's fortunes that have hundreds of millions.
I haven't played in a while but I think it's a mix of time investment and some exploitable stuff that was around for a time.
Zzzzzz. Oh ok.

Trade routes until your eyeballs bleed. Should be able to get 284t I think on a python. If you can find a route that nets you 2500 cr/t round trip that's 284 x 2500 = 710,000 per return trip. A good route will take 12 mins or less, so 5 x 710k = ~3.5m/hr. Run that for hours upon hours.

I found I was earning a similar amount from bounty hunting so switched to that instead. Far more enjoyable.

Yea, bounty hunting is cool when you get a really good instance. You straight up don't want to leave. But...getting those instances are probably less reliable than getting a solid trade route. But I'm not in in this game for trucking, so we'll see. I'll try to get in the top 5% for the current CG, as that looks like it'll have a very nice payout in the end.

Other than that, I guess I'll hunt for some good routes and see what this 220T of space can get me. My goal is...I guess another 30M to finish A-rating my Python. I'm skipping the bulkhead upgrade since it doesn't seem to matter much in this patch (keeping shields up is all that seems to matter). That's the only component that I have that isn't a rated other than sensors and life support.

Where's another big-payout CG when you need one :-(
Kornelieus posted a Vulture review. I've been using it ever since it released, it really is a great combat ship.


in looking back over my last 3 ships (Vulture --> Clipper --> Python), the Vulture was far and away the best fighting ship I had. It's tough as a rock to crack those shields unless you're being swarmed and I remember it being extremely agile. The only thing I hated was trying to travel. It'd take like 20 minutes to go 100 light years because of the small fuel tank and jump range. It was truly awful for that. Going from place to place felt like MOVING. Like I was packing my shit and never coming back.

My Python is decidedly less maneuverable, but I'm satisfied with the damage output and shielding. But I have nothing but good things to say about the Vulture and it makes me think twice on a regular basis about not going FdL instead of Python. But being able to do everything I want to do in one ship has its perks too. to be sure.

I think after I finish A-spec'ing this Python, I'll be going back to buy and kit out an FdL. Or whatever the hot new pure fighting ship above 20 million is a couple of months from now when I have that kind of coin.


in looking back over my last 3 ships (Vulture --> Clipper --> Python), the Vulture was far and away the best fighting ship I had. It's tough as a rock to crack those shields unless you're being swarmed and I remember it being extremely agile. The only thing I hated was trying to travel. It'd take like 20 minutes to go 100 light years because of the small fuel tank and jump range. It was truly awful for that. Going from place to place felt like MOVING. Like I was packing my shit and never coming back.

My Python is decidedly less maneuverable, but I'm satisfied with the damage output and shielding. But I have nothing but good things to say about the Vulture and it makes me think twice on a regular basis about not going FdL instead of Python. But being able to do everything I want to do in one ship has its perks too. to be sure.

I think after I finish A-spec'ing this Python, I'll be going back to buy and kit out an FdL. Or whatever the hot new pure fighting ship above 20 million is a couple of months from now when I have that kind of coin.

FDL is fantastic. Love mine.

In other news I'm back from my vacation in the UK and am scanning neutron clusters before making the trip back home to sell the data. ~3500 systems scanned this trip so far. Will scan another 100 or so neutrons then head back as my canopy cracked a bit further when I jumped into a system and immediately started taking heat damage.

Turns out I jumped in just 0.12 LS from a neutron and there was also a K class within 5 LS and a white dwarf within 50 LS. Luckily I managed to get out of there but it cost me 3 heat sinks to do so.

A little scared now so going to finish up these last scans then turn around for home.


Why do I seem to have trouble finding pirate lords lately when I take Pirate Lord Assassination missions?

I look in the systems it tells me for almost an hour and the only thing I find is right off the bat someone giving the typical "If you know what's good for you you'll stop hunting (pirate lord) and hunt (someone else) instead." Then I never find anyone telling which system the pirate lord is in, the pirate lord, or even the other guy they tell me to hunt instead.
Why do I seem to have trouble finding pirate lords lately when I take Pirate Lord Assassination missions?

I look in the systems it tells me for almost an hour and the only thing I find is right off the bat someone giving the typical "If you know what's good for you you'll stop hunting (pirate lord) and hunt (someone else) instead." Then I never find anyone telling which system the pirate lord is in, the pirate lord, or even the other guy they tell me to hunt instead.

pro tip: ignore all assassination missions that aren't part of a rank up mission. specifically, the missions where the target can be in one of 3 different systems. they take too long to find.

only do assassination missions when it's a Naval Ascension opportunity. You're just wasting lifetime.

In other news, Python officially fully A-spec'd. Also top 5% in both new community goals at the moment. If I can stay there, that'll probably be enough to fund a base-level FdL and Diamondback.


Why do I seem to have trouble finding pirate lords lately when I take Pirate Lord Assassination missions?

I look in the systems it tells me for almost an hour and the only thing I find is right off the bat someone giving the typical "If you know what's good for you you'll stop hunting (pirate lord) and hunt (someone else) instead." Then I never find anyone telling which system the pirate lord is in, the pirate lord, or even the other guy they tell me to hunt instead.

They've been bugged since 1.1 or 1.2 patch. THere's a theory that if you attack the alternate mission giver before he gives you the alternative mission it won't bug out but I tried that on half a dozen different missions and it didn't work once. Only assassination missions I'm able to complete are the kill General <randomname> ones.

In oher news, here's a handy little chart for explorers listing terraforming candidate likely locations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...KtJomNtQlLNg8vg7ydLULMGVe4/edit#gid=529416250



I loved the freedom to change ship loadouts at will without penalty. :(

Wow, that's a stupid change. They won't allow you to keep components in storage and often you have to search around for a station which sells the component you want (which is boring and dumb). And now you will lose a percentage everytime you change your loadout? Wtf, seriously.
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