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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
There's not much else to balance other than combat and its respective rewards in the current game. Solo/private don't hurt the social possibilities. The lack of social game elements hurts the possibilities. The social aspects are bare bones and removing solo and private wont do anything for that.

I'd have to disagree with that, the existence of solo/private most certainly hurts the social possibilities. It segregates the players into two distinct and separate worlds: online and "offline". What would WoW be like if the players could choose between playing on a server with other people or playing on a private server with just npc's? That's Elite right now.

Reducing the grind would be an improvement, but they'd have to do more than that to make worth it for a lot of solo/private players. The game simply doesn't have anything else to do. The social aspects are minimal. The PvE is basic. The PvP... Well you're not going to win over the solo/private crowd with that. Currently the grind is the game.

Agreed, the grind is the game, just like in WoW. But I'm not suggesting removing or lessening the grind, I'm suggesting removing the death penalty and throwing everyone online together. Sure there will be PvP all around and some people will be upset over that, but if they aren't penalized for dying then it greatly lessens the negatives of griefing and player bullying. Just like on a WoW PvP server, death is an inconvenience but not something that makes you lose your hard work with the "grind".

I'm just saying, it would be nice to have one online player base full of people doing their thing. It would also free the handcuffs of solo mode that the developers now have shackled to themselves, opening up new gameplay possibilities.
Removing the death penalty would mean finding a new money sink. Otherwise, everyone would be flying end-game ships within months and the game would die. I do agree, though: most of these sorts of games understand that if you want players to fight other players, there has to be sufficient reward for the victor while not punishing the loser so harshly they don't want to play the game anymore. A death costing 4 hours of work per death in the form of grinding is...well that's quite the price to pay, whether you have the free time to grind it back or not. But then what becomes of the money sink? Storage fees? Maybe modules become more expensive? Perhaps they degrade over time/usage requiring you to replace or repair them regularly? Whatever it is, that needs to be considered too.

Also, consider that many people bought Elite to recapture their Wing Commander/X-Wing/Tie Fighter/Descent:Freespace memories. Memories that did not include interacting with you. They want to have the single player experience they've dreamed of for literally 20 years, and that was promised from the Kickstarter to today. Asking for that to be removed is to misunderstand the intention of the game from launch, the desires of half of the gamers who bought the game, and the developer's commitment to serving both audiences adequately.

At present the game is mostly being held back by poor ship, weapon, and career path balancing as well as small-group instancing. There is next to no reason to retain ships below $4 million once you can afford anything more expensive. There are too many useless weapons. Risky career paths are not worth the risk. Instancing is preventing any medium scale conflicts between groups/clans entirely. Having an Open/Closed option is the least of this game's problems. The death tax is what holds back PvP, not solo. Nobody fights to the death unless they are simply unable run because the cost of dying is measured in hours of play (heavy inconvenience) instead of minutes of play (reasonable inconvenience) and because they've made escaping so easy to do. "Stay and take the chance at losing $8 million credits on the the rebuy or leave and not have to do 4 hours of grinding just to get back to where I am right now" isn't much of a choice, now is it?


I'd have to disagree with that, the existence of solo/private most certainly hurts the social possibilities. It segregates the players into two distinct and separate worlds: online and "offline". What would WoW be like if the players could choose between playing on a server with other people or playing on a private server with just npc's? That's Elite right now.
I meant that more in a gameplay mechanic sense. Sure splitting the user base limits the scale potentials, but as far as pure mechanics go, they're not stopping the evolution of open play.

Agreed, the grind is the game, just like in WoW. But I'm not suggesting removing or lessening the grind, I'm suggesting removing the death penalty and throwing everyone online together. Sure there will be PvP all around and some people will be upset over that, but if they aren't penalized for dying then it greatly lessens the negatives of griefing and player bullying. Just like on a WoW PvP server, death is an inconvenience but not something that makes you lose your hard work with the "grind".
That is in effect lessening the grind. If you don't have to work back money for hours after death, then you're lessening the grind. WoW is also notorious for being able to level to max extremely rapidly. They rely on raids and expansions to keep the player base around. Elite lacks anything like raids. Heck, it more or less lacks anything aside from basic kill x of y, fetch x of y, and kill a specific target quests. Basically it has the bog standard MMO leveling content without any of the hand crafted stuff, or even any really compelling dynamically generated stuff to partake in. Power play is the first baby step into breathing life into the game. It's got a million and one flaws in its current state, but it's something.

I'm just saying, it would be nice to have one online player base full of people doing their thing. It would also free the handcuffs of solo mode that the developers now have shackled to themselves, opening up new gameplay possibilities.
I just don't see the shackling aspect. Pretty much any feature they could add to solo can be used in open/private. Any feature of open/private that simply can't be realized in solo mode just gets deactivated.


Also, consider that many people bought Elite to recapture their Wing Commander/X-Wing/Tie Fighter/Descent:Freespace memories. Memories that did not include interacting with you. They want to have the single player experience they've dreamed of for literally 20 years, and that was promised from the Kickstarter to today. Asking for that to be removed is to misunderstand the intention of the game from launch, the desires of half of the gamers who bought the game, and the developer's commitment to serving both audiences adequately.
Pretty much sums up my position. You forgot the original Elite on your list though, which I would think would be the most relevant of those examples.

I do enjoy playing in private groups where I can wing up with others and go do stuff together, it's the asshattery and hacking that occurs in open that I can't stand.


Removing the death penalty would mean finding a new money sink. Otherwise, everyone would be flying end-game ships within months and the game would die. I do agree, though: most of these sorts of games understand that if you want players to fight other players, there has to be sufficient reward for the victor while not punishing the loser so harshly they don't want to play the game anymore. A death costing 4 hours of work per death in the form of grinding is...well that's quite the price to pay, whether you have the free time to grind it back or not. But then what becomes of the money sink? Storage fees? Maybe modules become more expensive? Perhaps they degrade over time/usage requiring you to replace or repair them regularly? Whatever it is, that needs to be considered too.

Also, consider that many people bought Elite to recapture their Wing Commander/X-Wing/Tie Fighter/Descent:Freespace memories. Memories that did not include interacting with you. They want to have the single player experience they've dreamed of for literally 20 years, and that was promised from the Kickstarter to today. Asking for that to be removed is to misunderstand the intention of the game from launch, the desires of half of the gamers who bought the game, and the developer's commitment to serving both audiences adequately.

At present the game is mostly being held back by poor ship, weapon, and career path balancing as well as small-group instancing. There is next to no reason to retain ships below $4 million once you can afford anything more expensive. There are too many useless weapons. Risky career paths are not worth the risk. Instancing is preventing any medium scale conflicts between groups/clans entirely. Having an Open/Closed option is the least of this game's problems. The death tax is what holds back PvP, not solo. Nobody fights to the death unless they are simply unable run because the cost of dying is measured in hours of play (heavy inconvenience) instead of minutes of play (reasonable inconvenience) and because they've made escaping so easy to do. "Stay and take the chance at losing $8 million credits on the the rebuy or leave and not have to do 4 hours of grinding just to get back to where I am right now" isn't much of a choice, now is it?

I think also, it has to be understood that not everyone is willing to lose months of work in one moment. Many people including I do get busy in our lives and don't always have time to play. I'm planning on playing for a few hours tonite and tomorrow just to bounty hunt, but I can't put in a serious amount of hours into this game.

I chose to support this game through premium beta since I had the Oculus DK2 last year, but also of just how amazing an experience they were promising it would be. And it has! I'm happy with my investment. Hopefully, they can get out planetary landings and station landings in a timely manner.

I can say with confidence that once they get even walking around stations into the game that the game population will spike. With what there is to do it is barebones, but I'm pretty sure they're working on it.

In all honesty though, I'm a bit worried with them sparing manpower trying to port this to XB1.


Got all my data sold finally:
Started at 7m exploration profit, so around 105m from this trip.



Damn, great job!

I hope you sold it all at Lembava!

Sure did. I think I'll be sitting comfortably in the top 5% for a while, but I just refitted the old girl to head back out and try to earn the last 40m or so needed to hit Elite explorer rank. Profits from this trip allowed me to buy an A7 scoop which should speed things up nicely.

Might as well do it while there's a CG for it.
Edit: Holy crap is this A7 fuel scoop a beast! Guess it should be for 90m or whatever the heck it cost, but still: 1100+/s scoop rate


Got all my data sold finally:
Started at 7m exploration profit, so around 105m from this trip.

Congrats on getting that data sold. Hopefully the next round wont have any of those selling problems. Also, good luck on getting the last bit of exploration to net you the Elite ranking. I can't help but shake my head a bit when I look at the over 1 billion credits that I'll need for that on trading.


I wish they would just come up with a way to "Sell All" for exploration data. The last trip I took (which was only about 4-5m worth) took me about twenty minutes to sell it all because I had to do it page by page, and I had hundreds of systems to go through.

What are the best spots for bounty hunting these days? I tried a couple of RESs last time I was out, and the pickings were rather slim, very few big ships. The combat missions for PowerPlay are worthless, I lost money on those. The cost to refill my ammo was significantly higher than what they were paying me for the combat vouchers.. that's just wrong.

I wonder what's so hard about balancing the cash flow. Seems like you could sort it out on a spreadsheet, so that "X activity for X amount of time yields X amount of money", for the average players in an average ship. If I spend an hour exploring, an hour mining, an hour bounty hunting, an hour trading, or an hour in a combat zone, those should all net me about the same amount of cash. That's the whole point of the game, isn't it? To make your own path? But it doesn't work that way right now... if you want money, you're more or less stuck trading, or maybe bounty hunting if you've got a ship that take on the high-dollar targets.


Okay, this new bounty system needs to go suck a dick.

I got a bounty for attacking a NPC pirate who was attacking me. And, since PowerPlay, you can't pay off bounties on your head, you just have to let them expire, apparently. So I can't go back to my own main hub station for a fucking week without them blasting me out of the sky if they get a scan off. I don't feel like sneaking into every station I visit.

Does the counter keep ticking if I just don't play the game? So I can just not play at all until next weekend and my bounties will be gone?


Okay, this new bounty system needs to go suck a dick.

I got a bounty for attacking a NPC pirate who was attacking me. And, since PowerPlay, you can't pay off bounties on your head, you just have to let them expire, apparently. So I can't go back to my own main hub station for a fucking week without them blasting me out of the sky if they get a scan off. I don't feel like sneaking into every station I visit.

Does the counter keep ticking if I just don't play the game? So I can just not play at all until next weekend and my bounties will be gone?

Yeah. If you die the bounties go dormant but I don't know what that actually means. Do they go active if you re-enter that system or based on scan or based on new crimes? No idea. Think I'm going to take a break until RES is fixed. Refuse to trade and missions seem to be shit for me all of a sudden. No idea what's going on.


Okay, this new bounty system needs to go suck a dick.

I got a bounty for attacking a NPC pirate who was attacking me. And, since PowerPlay, you can't pay off bounties on your head, you just have to let them expire, apparently. So I can't go back to my own main hub station for a fucking week without them blasting me out of the sky if they get a scan off. I don't feel like sneaking into every station I visit.

Does the counter keep ticking if I just don't play the game? So I can just not play at all until next weekend and my bounties will be gone?

Seems you had "report crimes against me" off, so he didn't get a bounty in that system as he attacked you.


Seems you had "report crimes against me" off, so he didn't get a bounty in that system as he attacked you.
No, he definitely did, because I got a bounty claim for killing him.

The problem is the way the mechanic works. If I don't finish the scan to confirm he's wanted before opening fire, I get a fine/bounty/etc, even if he's already wanted. It's the scan requirement that's broken. I feel that any ship that opens fire on you directly should instantly become a valid target, scan no longer required.


No, he definitely did, because I got a bounty claim for killing him.

The problem is the way the mechanic works. If I don't finish the scan to confirm he's wanted before opening fire, I get a fine/bounty/etc, even if he's already wanted. It's the scan requirement that's broken. I feel that any ship that opens fire on you directly should instantly become a valid target, scan no longer required.

Oh,yeah of course that. but then,why would you not finish the scan?
Also,bounties are pretty meaningless with NPCs honestly.
I've been flying around these systems where i have like 60k-100k bounties and no one gives a shit. I just dock and do whatever i want.


Oh,yeah of course that. but then,why would you not finish the scan?
Because the motherfucker was shooting at me. Flashing red icon on the radar, automatically selected when I clicked "Target Hostile", audible "Under Attack" warning. But apparently that's not enough for the game to "authorize" me to shoot at him. Fuck that.


Because the motherfucker was shooting at me. Flashing red icon on the radar, automatically selected when I clicked "Target Hostile", audible "Under Attack" warning. But apparently that's not enough for the game to "authorize" me to shoot at him. Fuck that.


anyway man, bounties really mean nothing. just go where you want to go and such, the AI/NPCs in this game don't really matter.
Seems you had "report crimes against me" off, so he didn't get a bounty in that system as he attacked you.

nah it happened to me too. I got interdicted by a bounty hunter in a system running a delivery mission and as soon as the interdiction ended he opened up fire on me. I turned to return fire and got a fine.

But I was in enemy space, so that's probably working as intended. I can't recall if he was "wanted" but I know you can be clean and open up on someone who is "hostile" whether they are clean or not.


Well, I ended up trading in the T9 for the Anaconda. To salvage the continued reduction in imperial slave profit, I needed to make use of a route that the T9 just didn't make practical. It's a pity that FD castrated that thing's jump distance so badly.

Also, the docking computer is priceless for landing the 'Conda. Landing that sucker is annoying as hell. Between the obscured view, the inertia, and the fact that the landing tolerances are the tightest of any ship I've flown along the length of the ship, it's just not worth the extra 4 cargo to land manually. Much more effective to just pilot it in the slot manually and then let the computer seamlessly take over and land it perfectly every time. Or if I'm feeling particularly lazy, just let it bring me in from a distance and chill to the music.

Late edit because it's not worthy of a new post: Finally got my damned Baron rank. Only took three ascension quests to finally properly get it though. Had a smuggle mission, completed it and no go - still a Lord. Picked up another smuggle ascension mission and completed that. Still a fucking Lord. Picked up a messenger boy mission from that station and completed it. Finally the game decides to honor its own missions and give me the new rank. Pity I have no real use for the Clipper now.

And I must say, the 'Conda felt downright agile after getting used to the T9. Then I got in the Courier for the smuggling missions and remembered what agile really was... I forgot ships could handle like that lol. When you're flying lumbering behemoths with tons of inertia every day, it feel downright strange when you get in the small ships again and they just go where you point them at extremely high speeds.


Seek victory, not fairness
I was looking ahead to what the rank 5 endgame looks like and it looks like it's a lot easier to sustain once you hit rank 5. The 50 million you receive is enough to pay to fast-track the commodities required to get your merits to hit rank 5 within a few hours each week, rather than the dozens of hours it would take with combat or waiting for your commodity allocations.

From this thread:
to sustain a given rank, you need to gather about 53% of that rank's merits each week. 5334 for the 10000 at rank 5.

Via combat, that means about 350 interdiction kills at 15 points each, so at an optimistic rate of one kill per 5 minutes (180 merits per hour), that's 29 hours every week.

However, once you hit rank 5, the 50 million you get is enough to sustain rank 5 with about 2 hours of fast-tracked trading, breaking even since that fast-tracking winds up costing 50 million.

From the reddit thread,
"using a Type-9 with 496 cargo, I'd only need to do 12 round trips of 450 power commodities each, which could be as short as a single jump route depending on what action you're going for"

The cost could be offset a bit by running a macro to pick up your allocation each half-hour while you AFK (overnight).

TL:DR - if you can front the 100 million required to fast-track your way to rank 5 with full-cargo power commodity runs, you can easily sustain it afterward with only a few hours of effort each week by re-investing your weekly 50 million.

Edit: I'm thinking about it. I would have to cannibalize a bunch of my equipment to pull it off, and then I'd be locked in to do that maintenance every week or that value is lost. Hmm.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
TL:DR - if you can front the 100 million required to fast-track your way to rank 5 with full-cargo power commodity runs, you can easily sustain it afterward with only a few hours of effort each week by re-investing your weekly 50 million..

The question you need to ask is whether or not the rank 5 rewards are worth that 100 million credit investment? And for explorers it's still not possible, making that rank 5 reward of Li Yong's completely unsustainable and worthless.

Still, for rich players who need something to spend credits on, it can be a fun challenge.


The question you need to ask is whether or not the rank 5 rewards are worth that 100 million credit investment? And for explorers it's still not possible, making that rank 5 reward of Li Yong's completely unsustainable and worthless.

Still, for rich players who need something to spend credits on, it can be a fun challenge.

The bigger problem I see for explorers is not the investment, but the maintaining it. Assuming the explorer has enough credits to swap to a decent trading ship, they can shift gears for a bit and the 100 million can be had in 25 hours at the most. Not an insignificant time investment, but not the end of the world for a one time thing. When it comes to maintaining it though, they're screwed. So what if it's only two hours a week. Explorers are out in the black for longer than a week, so that's two hours too many. By the time the explorer gets back to civilization to sell, their rank is down and they can't benefit from it any more. No idea how they'd fix that.

As a completely off the top of my head idea, they could make it so other players (say dedicated traders) could patronize an explorer - allowing them keep their ranking while they're out there doing their thing. In return they'd get a return on investment on the data sales much like how escorts make money in trade wings. As a further incentive, they could make the cut count towards the patron's exploration rank.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
As a completely off the top of my head idea, they could make it so other players (say dedicated traders) could patronize an explorer - allowing them keep their ranking while they're out there doing their thing. In return they'd get a return on investment on the data sales much like how escorts make money in trade wings. As a further incentive, they could make the cut count towards the patron's exploration rank.

The easier solution is to simply cascade the explorer perk down amongst all of the ranks. Break it up like:

Rank 1: 40%
Rank 2: 80%
Rank 3: 120%
Rank 4: 160%
Rank 5: 200%

This way rank decay doesn't hurt as much, plus it also give the lower ranks actual meaning to explorers as well.


The easier solution is to simply cascade the explorer perk down amongst all of the ranks. Break it up like:

Rank 1: 40%
Rank 2: 80%
Rank 3: 120%
Rank 4: 160%
Rank 5: 200%

This way rank decay doesn't hurt as much, plus it also give the lower ranks actual meaning to explorers as well.

True, but at the same time, that rank 5 remains virtually impossible for an explorer to maintain and thus benefit from. At least not without essentially living in the game.

The whole concept of power play runs counter to exploration. Exploration, unlike every other task in the game, is time spent away from civilization. Power play focuses on giving people goals within the populated areas. So long as the two concepts are at odds, there's not going to be a really good solution. Ideally, exploration needs an entirely different way to earn and maintain ranks.


Made it to the core again, well, close enough to get to the outskirts of the neutron fields anyway. Amazing how much quicker it goes when you can scoop up to 1245/s - no more waiting while refueling.

Should really have taken an Asp or diamondback explorer, but the old girl has served me well so I figured she deserved one last hurrah. Stripped down she has a 25 LY jump range, and I stuck an extra fuel tank in too which has come in very handy.

Current target is to scan 600 neutrons before heading for home again. That should get me to Elite and it should be doable within the remaining two weeks worth of the exploration CG.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Made it to the core again, well, close enough to get to the outskirts of the neutron fields anyway. Amazing how much quicker it goes when you can scoop up to 1245/s - no more waiting while refueling.

Should really have taken an Asp or diamondback explorer, but the old girl has served me well so I figured she deserved one last hurrah. Stripped down she has a 25 LY jump range, and I stuck an extra fuel tank in too which has come in very handy.

Current target is to scan 600 neutrons before heading for home again. That should get me to Elite and it should be doable within the remaining two weeks worth of the exploration CG.

Man, weren't you just selling data at Lembava a few days ago? I really need to discipline myself to travel faster, when I'm exploring I stop to scan anything that doesn't have an explored tag on it by someone else. Horn and jump is so difficult for me....


I would expect to hear at least something about the console port this E3. Probably even a release window. If Frontier were to wait another year before mentioning the port again, the game might be too much of an old hat.

Unreasonable personal expectation: News on a planetary landing expansion. :3

That would probably also fit Microsofts agenda: An Xbone release of the game including the "leaving vehicle"-aspect, to provide the their space-affine gamers with something they can play, while PS4 users will get No Man's Sky (and hopefully, eventually, Elite as well).


Man, weren't you just selling data at Lembava a few days ago? I really need to discipline myself to travel faster, when I'm exploring I stop to scan anything that doesn't have an explored tag on it by someone else. Horn and jump is so difficult for me....

Yep. Didn't get as distracted this time as I just wanted to get there. Plus didn't run into anywhere near as many interesting systems. Scanned around 80 neutrons so far, so 520 to go.


Yep. Didn't get as distracted this time as I just wanted to get there. Plus didn't run into anywhere near as many interesting systems. Scanned around 80 neutrons so far, so 520 to go.

The big question is what do you plan on doing after those 520? Continue exploring, or hang up the explorer hat for good?


Hang up the explorer hat. Assuming I hit elite rank anyway.

I take it you'll be funneling your exploration funds into a combat ship then. Seems like trading would be a bit too similar after exploring for so long.

I know after I finish getting to elite trading rank, I'll be investing about 700 million in a combat 'Conda (what the hell else am I to do with over a billion credits). Actually, let me rephrase that. IF I get to elite trading rank, I'll do so. I should be Tycoon by the end of this coming weekend, but I'm not sure if I can last to Elite.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So apparently hacking is a thing in Elite, and I never even knew it:


If you see a CMDR Ariane out and about in the galaxy swing a wide berth, he's running lots of hacks. There are others too, and FDev doesn't seem to have done anything against any of them, even after being reported dozens of times. :(


I take it you'll be funneling your exploration funds into a combat ship then. Seems like trading would be a bit too similar after exploring for so long.

I know after I finish getting to elite trading rank, I'll be investing about 700 million in a combat 'Conda (what the hell else am I to do with over a billion credits). Actually, let me rephrase that. IF I get to elite trading rank, I'll do so. I should be Tycoon by the end of this coming weekend, but I'm not sure if I can last to Elite.

Nah. Already have a 100m combat fitted FDL waiting for me. I did buy a python at Lembava just in case FD decided that ships should not be included in the outfitting discount though. Too bad they don't sell anacondas there else I would have bought one of them instead.

Python will eventually be kitted out as a mining ship with strong defences that I will use to fund an anaconda purchase.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
"Close quarter combat" => arena dogfights. Small Imperial fighter ship is controllable apparently.

First on XboxOne.

Woah, woah, WOAH. FDev has said all along, ever since the mere hint of an Xbox version was mentioned, that the PC version was going to remain the primary focus and lead platform for Elite. Lead Platform.

???!!!!! o_O

That's not going to go over very well, not well at all.


Woah, woah, WOAH. FDev has said all along, ever since the mere hint of an Xbox version was mentioned, that the PC version was going to remain the primary focus and lead platform for Elite. Lead Platform.

???!!!!! o_O

That's not going to go over very well, not well at all.
That's probably a one time thing with some money/free advertising into the deal, and if I understand it well, it's only for the beta of the CQC mode. In itself I don't really care much since I'm not really interested in CQC as presented ( but I would like to see that kind of gameplay in the open world, fignting around/inside stations and all ).
But I do find that kind of choice/deal shity when your game was kickstarted like this one.


If it's a one-time thing only for the release of the XBox version I'm really not bothered.
If it happens more than once, fuck Frontier... I can't imagine it will though.
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